House of Commons Journal Volume 10: 7 December 1691

Pages 574-575

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 10, 1688-1693. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Dunæ, 7 die Decembris; 3° Gulielmi et Mariæ.


Royal Mines.

A BILL to explain a Proviso touching Royal Mines in the Statute made in the First Year of their Majesties Reign, intituled, An Act for Repeal of the Statute of 5 Henr. IVti, against multiplying Gold and Silver, was read the Second time.

Resolved, That the Bill be committed to Captain Bickerstaffe, Lord Norreis, Mr. Christie, Sir John Knight, Mr. Baile, Mr. Cary, Mr. Price, Sir Jon. Jennings, Mr. Buscawen, Sir Tho. Darcy, Mr. Biddolph, Mr. Vincent, Mr. Lutterell, Mr. Sandford, Sir Bowchier Wray, Sir Roger Puleston, Sir Rob. Cotton, Sir John Key, Sir Wm. Cooke, Mr. Cooke, Sir Jos. Tredenham, Sir Edw. Phillipps, Sir Christopher Musgrave, Lord Wm. Pawlet, Mr. Burdet, Mr. Blowfeild, Sir Hen. Ashurst, Mr. Leving, Sir John Dorrell, Mr. Willmot, Mr. Kendall, Mr. Clerke, Mr. Papillion, Mr. Bromley, Mr. Arnold, Mr. Waller, and all the Members that serve for the Counties of Cornwall, Devon, and Derby, York and Wales: And they are to meet at Four of the Clock this Afternoon in the Speaker's Chambers.

Defaulter at Call excused.

The House being acquainted, That Henry Nortleigh, Esquire, a Member of this House, who was ordered to be committed to the Serjeant at Arms for not attending the Service of the House, is very ill, and so has been for some time; and that the same is so certified by his Physician;

The which Certificate was read.

Ordered, That the said Mr. Nortleigh have Six Weeks time given him to come up to attend the Service of the House.

Election Returns.

Ordered, That the ingrossed Bill to prevent false and double Returns of Members to serve in Parliament, be read the Third time on Thursday next, at Eleven a Clock.

Brewers not to be Maltsters.

A Bill to prevent Brewers from being Maltsters, was read the Second time.

Resolved, That the Bill be committed, upon the Debate of the House, to Mr. Christie, Mr. Bromly, Sir Tho. Darcy, Mr. Burdet, Mr. Arnold, Mr. Vincent, Mr. Clarke, Mr. Leving, Mr. Thornhaugh, Mr. Cooke, Sir John Dorrell, Sir Wm. Cooper, Sir Hen. Johnson, Mr. Colt, Sir Ralph Dutton, Mr. Ramsden, Colonel Sackvile, Mr. Blowfeild, Mr. Wallpoole, Sir Ralph Carre, Mr. Henley, Sir John Bancks, Sir Robert Cotton, Mr. Palmes, Sir John Knight: And it is to be an Instruction to the said Committee, That they prepare a Clause, That no Brewer be a Justice of the Peace: And they are to meet this Afternoon at Four of the Clock, in the Speaker's Chambers.

Tythes of Hemp and Flax.

An ingrossed Bill for the better ascertaining the Tythes of Hemp and Flax, was read the Third time.

Resolved, That the Bill do pass: And that the Title be, An Act for the better ascertaining the Tythes of Hemp and Flax.

Ordered, That Sir John Dorrell do carry the Bill to the Lords; and desire their Concurrence thereunto.

Judges Commissions, &c.

Ordered, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill to ascertain the Commissions and Salaries of the Judges.

Supply Bill; Excise.

Then the House, according to the Order of the Day, resolved itself into a Committee of the whole House, to consider of the Bill for granting to their Majesties certain Impositions upon Beer, Ale, and other Liquors, for One Year.

Mr. Speaker left the Chair.

Mr. Solicitor General took the Chair of the Committee.

Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair.

Mr. Solicitor General reported from the said Committee, That they had gone through the Bill; and made several Amendments; and had directed him to report the same to the House.

Ordered, That the Report of the said Bill, with the Amendments, be made To-morrow Morning at Eleven a Clock.

East India Company.

Resolved, That this House will, upon Thursday Morning next, at Ten a Clock, resolve itself into a Committee of the whole House, to consider further of the Petitions concerning the East India Trade.

Debate on Conference with Lords.

Ordered, That the adjourned Debate of Saturday last, upon the Report of the Conference with the Lords, be resumed To-morrow Morning at Ten a Clock.

Transport Service.

The House being informed, That the Commissioners for the Transportations attended, according to Order;

They were brought in to the Bar; where they delivered in Estimates of the Charges of the Hire of the Transport Ships, and other Charges of Transportation, for the Service of the Year 1692.

And being withdrawn; the said Estimates were read; and are as follow;

A Computation of the Charge of transporting Forces from Ireland to England, and from England and Scotland beyond Sea.

£. s. d.
Provisions for Twenty-two thousand Men and Four thousand Horses from Ireland to England; and for Twenty-six thousand Men and Five thousand Horses from England and Scotland beyond Sea for Thirty Days, amounts to 30,000 - -
Tonage of Shipping for Three Months for Transport the aforesaid Number of Men and Horses, comes to 72,000 - -
The Total is 102,000 - -

If the Expedition shall require the further Service of the Transport Ships, the Increase of Charge will be, for every Month,

£. s. d.
For Tonnage 24,000 - -
For every Ten Days Provision 10,000 - -
Total per mensem£. 34,000 - -

No Computation is made here for the Train of Artillery, or Provision for Accidents.

The Charge of transporting the Train of Artillery, according to the Computation of Tonage which we have received from the Office of Ordnance, of Stores, Horses, and Men;

Shipping for Stores and One thousand Six hundred Horses belonging to the said Train, computed to be Eight thousand Ton, for Three Months, amounts to 16,800 - -
Provisions of Hay, Oats, Water Cask, and all other Necessaries, for One Month, amounts 2,500 - -
Stabling for the Horse 400 - -
Provisions for dieting Nine hundred Gunners, Matrosses, Waggonners, Carters, Drivers, and several Artificers in their Passage belonging to the said Train, for One Month 675 - -
Total £. 20,375 - -
P. Rich, John Ellis.

Ordered, That the Examination and Consideration of the said Estimates be referred to the Committee to whom the Consideration of the List of the Forces for the Year 1692, and the List of the General Officers and Estimates of the Ordnance, and Abstract of the Establishment of the Garisons, is referred.

Tavistock, &c. Elections

Ordered, That the Reports from the Committee of Privileges and Elections, touching the Elections for the Borough of Tavistock and Dunwich, be made To-morrow Morning, after the other Reports of Elections.

And then the House adjourned till To-morrow Morning, Eight of the Clock.