House of Commons Journal Volume 1: 25 May 1571

Pages 92-93

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 1, 1547-1629. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Veneris, vicesimo quinto Maii, 1571

Conference - Fugitives.

Mr. Treasurer, Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sir Thomas Scotte, Sir Henry Norrice, Mr. Servient Manwood, Mr. Mounson, Mr. Norton, Mr. Allforde, Mr. Crumwell, Mr. Thomas Snagge, Mr. Bedell, Mr. Nicholas St. Leger, and Mr. Sands, are appointed to have Conference with the Lords touching the Bill against Fugitives.


LL. 3. The Bill against Taking of any Grain or Victual within Five Miles Compass of the Universities of Oxford or Cambridge. - The third Reading. - Jud'm.

Bills from Lords, &c.

Mr. Attorney General, and Mr. Doctor Vaughan, brought from the Lords Three Bills; One for the Incorporation of both the Universities ; another for the Incorporation of Waymowthe and Melcombe Regis, in the County of Dorset; and another for the Increase of Tillage, and Maintenance of the Navy; with Recommendation from the Lords of the Bill against Taking of any Grain or Victual within Five Miles Compass of the Universities of Oxforde or Cambridge, like as their Lordships had done, for their Parts, upon like Request of this House in the said Bill touching Tillage and the Navy.

Lords desire a Conference, &c.

Mr. Attorney General and Mr. Dr. Huycke do bring Word, that the Lords pray Conference with some of this House at Two of the Clock this Afternoon, touching the Bill for the Twelve Shires of Wales, and also present Report of the Committees of this House touching the Bill against Bankrupts.

Conference - Wales.

My Lord Deputy of Ireland, Mr. Comptroller, Sir Nicholas Arnolde, Mr. Attorney of the Duchy, Sir Henry Jones, Sir George Blount, Mr. William Gerrard, and Mr. Basset, are appointed to attend upon the Lords, touching the Bill of the Twelve Shires of Wales.


The Bill against the Taking of any Grain or Victual, within Five Miles Compass of the University of Oxford or Cambridge, being a Bill sent from the Lords and specially recommended from them, having at the third Reading thereof, an Addition or Amendment in Paper, upon the Question, affiled unto it; the said Addition or Amendment then having been but once read; the Bill was put to the Question;

and the House thereupon divided : And afterwards the Error aforesaid being found; it was, after sundry Motions, ordered, upon another Question, That the said Addition or Amendment being three times read, the Bill should go to the Question again: Which being so done, the Bill afterwards passed upon the Division of the House, accordingly.

Post Meridiem.

Plymowthe. &c. Havens.

3. The Bill for the Maintenance of the Havens of Plymowthe, Dartmowth, &c. - The third Reading. - Jud'm.

Conference - Corrupt Presentations.

Sir Thomas Smythe, Sir William Pawlet, Sir Francis Hastings, Mr. Heneage, Mr. Recorder of London, Mr. Stokes, Mr. Thomas Browne, Mr. Hussey, Mr. John Hastings, Mr. Thom. Snagge, Mr. Robert Snagg, Mr. Strikland, and Mr. St. John, are appointed to have Conference with the Lords, touching the Bill against corrupt Presentations.

Waymowthe - &c.

LL. 1. 2. The Bill for the Incorporation of the Towns of Waymowthe and Melcombe Regis, twice read.

Tillage, &c.

1. 2. The Bill for Increase of Tillage, and Maintenance of the Navy, twice read.

Committee appointed.

Mr. Comptroller, Sir Christopher Haydon, Sir Thom. Russell, Sir William Pawlett, Sir Nicholas Arnolde, Sir Henry Gate, Mr. Boynton, Mr. Gryce, Mr. Striklande, Mr. Seckerson, Mr. Cleere, Mr. John Horsey, Mr. Stanhopp, Mr. Hassett, Mr. Edgecombe, and Mr. Layton, are appointed to * * *