House of Commons Journal Volume 1: 24 March 1628

Pages 874-875

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 1, 1547-1629. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Lunae, 24o Martii

Morgan's Estate.

L. 1a. AN Act for re-estating certain Manors, Lands, and Tenements, in the County of Somersett, late of Wm. Morgann, of Penrose in the County of Monmowth, Esquire, upon the said Wm. Morgann, and his Heirs, and discharging the Trust concerning them.

Shipping &c.

L. 1a. An Act for the Maintenance and Increase of Shipping and Navigation, and for the freer Liberty of Fishing, and Fishing Voyages, to be made and performed in and upon Seas, Sea Coasts, and Places, of New-found-land, Virginia, New England, and other the Seas, Sea Coasts, and Parts, of America.

Suspicion of Members.

L. 1a. An Act to avoid Suspicion of Injustice in any Member of the Commons House of Parliament.

Arms, &c.

Upon Question, a special Committee, to frame a Bill -

All the Privy Council, Sir Edw. Coke, Sir P. Hayman, Sir Ro. Hopton, Sir Ro. Maunsell, Sir Jo. Jephson, Capt. Waller, Sir W. Devereux, Sir Tho. Grantham, Sir Guy Palmes, Sir Francis Barnam, Sir Jo. Wentworth, Sir Francis Barrington, Sir D. Digges, Mr. Coriton, Sir Edw. Rodney, Sir Francis Seymor, Mr. Selden, Sir Ro. Phillippes, Sir Tho. Jermyn, Sir Rich. Greenevyle, Sir Francis Steward, Sir Dud. North, Sir Na. Rich, Mr. Cha. Price: And all, that will come, to have . .

This Committee is to frame a Bill, for the Finding of Arms, and for Regulating the Power of Lieutenants, and Deputy Lieutenants, concerning charging Men with Arms, Raising of Money, Pressing of Soldiers, and all other like Incidents to ... - To-morrow, Two Clock, in the Exchequer Chamber.

General Fast.

Sir Jo. Coke reported from his Majesty, concerning the Petition for the Fast, presented by the Committee of both Houses; That his Majesty granted the Petition, only respited his Answer, for the Time, until this Morning ; and that then he will send his Answer, to be communicated to both Houses.


A Message from the Lords, by Mr. Attorney and Mr. Serjeant Davenport; That his Majesty hath sent an Answer to their House, which they desire to communicate to this House; Desire the former Committee, for preferring the Petition, may meet with theirs presently in the Painted Chamber.

Answer returned by the same Messengers: This [Committee] shall give Meeting to the Committee of the Lords, as is desired.

Mr. Secretary Coke to make the Report.

Coventry Election.

A Petition from Coventry, read; disavowing the Case put in under the Hands of the former Competitors.

Resolved, To refer, this Question, about the Election, back to the Committee for Privileges; to be further examined by them, concerning the Matter in Fact of the Number of Electors.

Suspicion of Members.

Sir Francis Nethersall tendereth another Bill, concerning an Oath to be taken by every Member of the Commons House of Parliament.

L. 1a. An Act to avoid the Suspicion of Misdemeanor in any Member of the Commons House of Parliament.

General Fast.

Report made by Mr. Secretary Coke, from the Conference with the Committee of the Lords; that his Majesty hath sent his Answer, for the Time of the Fast, in Writing.

Preachers appointed.

Sir Wm. Bulstrode moveth, for Preachers to be appointed, to preach at the Fast: Nameth Mr. Dyke, of Epping in Essex, and Mr. Harrys, of Hanwell in Oxfordshire.

Sir Ro. Phillippes moveth, there may be One Englishman, and One Scottishman.

Agreed, Mr. Belcanquo and Mr. Dyke to be intreated to preach.

Mr. Alderman Molson to move the Lord Mayor, that the Shops may that Day be shut in.

Thanks to the King.

The Privy Council to give humble Thanks to the King, for his gracious Answer to our Petition for the Fast.

Mistake in entering an Order.

Upon Reading of the Order, made upon Saturday last, for a Committee of the whole House this Morning. Question grew, whether the Order, as entered, were mistaken, or not.

Upon Question, Resolved, That the Order, lately read, as the Order of Saturday last, was mistaken in the Entry.

Liberty of the Subject.

Upon a second Question, Resolved, That the House, being resolved into a Committee this Morning, should take Consideration of all Things which concern the Liberty [of the] Subjects, in their Persons and Goods, and all Things [incident] thereunto.

This Committee to have Power to send for any Persons, Records, or Witnesses.