House of Commons Journal Volume 1: 04 May 1626

Pages 854-855

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 1, 1547-1629. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Jovis, 4 Maii


COMMITTEE for the Voyage of Count Mansfeild, - Two Clock this Afternoon.

Committee for Repeal of Statutes,- - Saturday in the Afternoon.

Feltwell Manors.

L. 1a. An Act for Confirmation of certain Articles of Agreement, and a Decree thereupon made in the Court of Chancery, by the Consent of the Lords, Tenants, and Inhabitants, of several Manors, in Feltwell, in the County of Norfolke.

Cleare's Estate.

L. 2a. - Cleare - Committed to Sir A. Temple, Sir Tho. Denton, Knights and Burgesses of Norfolke and Suffolke, Sir A. Denton, Sir H. Poole, Mr. Lowther, Mr. Mason, Sir G. Gerrard, Mr. A. Goodwynn, Sir Ro. Pye, Sir Geor. More, Mr. Jo. Drake, Mr. Cholmeley, Sir Edw. Thelluall, Sir Jo. Stradling, Sir Tho. Grantham, Sir Edw. Peyton, Sir Cl. Throckmorton, Sir Jo. Hare: - Monday, Two Clock, Court of Wards.


Mr. Bisse reporteth the Bill of Attorneys, with Amendments; which twice read. - Engrossetur.

Defence of the King, &c.

Mr. Francis Drake moveth, a Committee, to consider of further Means for Defence of King and Kingdom as, by looking into the King's Estates; Forfeitures of Recusants Lands ; renute Forests and Parks; exhorbitant Pensions, extremely increased, viz. from 15,000 l. per Annum, to 120,000 l.


Bill of Bribery, - To-morrow Afternoon, Exchequer Court.


Mr. Selden moveth, that the Day of the last of February, may be altered; because, by the Prorogations, he had Privilege 1 Febr.

The last of February, by Order, made the 1st of February, 1622.

Prisoner discharged.

The Debate concerning the High Sheriff of Leycestershyre, renewed.

The Sheriff called in, and upon his Knees, at the Bar, his Offence declared him by Mr. Speaker, of his great Contempt against the Election. He submitteth himself; acknowleging his Error, and craving the Pardon of the House. The House thereupon, by Mr. Speaker, pronounced his Discharge, paying Sir H. Hastings' Charges, and the Officers Fees of this House.

Petition to the King - Revenue, &c.

Mr. Bisse to the Motion of Mr. Drake (now renewed) addeth the Consideration of the Court of Wards. - Moveth, a Message to his Majesty, for his Consent to treat about this.

Moved, a select Committee, to consider of the Propositions, which, have been made; and of a fit Address to his Majesty, to desire his Consent to treat of those Things, they shall think fit, for the Good of King and Kingdom; and to prepare a Petition.

Upon Question, a select Committee to be named, to consider of the Way of a Petition to be presented to his Majesty; wherein the Desire of the House may be intimated to his Majesty, for the Rectifying and Augmenting his Revenue. -

Mr. Chancellor Chequer, Mr. Vice-chamberlain, Sir J. Fullerton, Sir Ro. Pye, Sir D. Digges, Chancellor Duchy, Sir A. Ingram, Sir Ro. North, Sir Ro. Crane, Sir B. Rudyard, Sir Wm. Spencer, Sir Jo. Ellyott, Sir Jo. Strangwayes, Sir Nath. Rich, Sir P. Hayman, Sir J. Perrott, Sir Edw. Peyton, Mr. Spencer, Mr. Bisse, Sir Edm. Spencer, Sir Jo. Savyle, Sir H. Poole, Mr. Pymme, Sir Tho. Fanshaw, Sir Tho. Hobby, Mr. Francis Drake, Sir A. Forest, Lord St. John, Sir Geor. More, Mr. Coryton:- - This Afternoon, Two Clock, in the Exchequer Chamber.

Ward's Estate.

Mr. Pelham reporteth Ward's Bill, with Amendments; which twice read. - Engrossetur.

Charge against Duke of Buckingham.

Motion made, to debate the Business left undecided, viz. whether the Duke a Cause of the Increase and Countenancing of Papists; and that thereupon every Man may deliver what he knoweth, or hath heard, to prove this against the Duke.

Hereupon Sir Lewys Dyve proposed that he had heard by one Mr. Everard, that the Duke, in Spayne, did adore the Host; and that he was ready without, to prove it.

Upon Question, Mr Speaker to leave the Chair, that the Grand Committee for Evils, &c. may sit.

Mr. Speaker took his Chair.

Mr. Wandesford reporteth, that Mr. Everard produced, a Witness before them.

Sir Jo. Strangwayes: - That he shall be here again To-morrow.

Wire Drawers, &c.

Counsel for the Wire Drawers, &c. to be heard To-morrow Eight Clock.