House of Commons Journal Volume 1: 28 February 1626

Pages 825-826

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 1, 1547-1629. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Martis, 28o Februarii

Vizes Writ.

ORDERED, a Writ shall issue, for a new Choice of a Burgess for the Borough of Vizes, in the Room of Sir H. Ley, called by Writ to the Higher House, sithence his Return hither.

Jermys' Decree.

L. 1a. An Act to made void a Decree in Chancery, and Assurances thereupon made by Sir Tho. Jermy, and Dame Jone his Wife, unto Sir Mark Steward, Knight, of certain Manors, Lands, and Tenements, in the Isle of Ely, and County of Cambridge.

Blayney's Estate.

L. 1a. An Act to enable John Blayney, Esquire, to make Sale of certain Lands, for Payment of his Debts.

Welch Butter.

L. 1a. An Act concerning the Transportation of Butter, made, and to be made, in the Dominion of Wales, and County of Monmouth.

Earyth, &c. Marshes.

L. 2a. An Act for the Dividing and Settling of certain Marsh Lands, in Earyth and Plomsteade, within the County of Kent: - Committed to Sir H. Poole, Sir Ew. Thelluall, Knights and Burgesses of Kent and Essex, Sir Tho. Middleton, Sir Jo. Stradling, Sir Edw. Hales, Sir A. Temple, Mr. Jo. Drake, Sir P. Hayman, Sir H. Whyteheade, Sir D. Digges: - Saturday next, Two Clock, Exchequer Chamber : And Notice to the Owners.


Bill of Concealments, - Wednesday next, Two Clock, in the former Place.


L. 2a. An Act for Restraint of Abuses, in Levying of Debts for common Persons, in the Name and under the Prerogative, of the King: - Committed to Mr. Newbery, Mr. Langstone, Sir H. Whyteheade, Sir H. Spiller, Sir Ew. Thelluall, Serjeant Hitcham, Mr. Moore, Sir Ro. Pye, Sir M. Fleetwood, Mr. Shervyle, Sir H. Poole, Sir Francis Barrington, Mr. Brooke, Sir Geor. More, Mr. Francis Finch, Mr. Mason, Mr. Ersfeild, Sir Tho. Grantham, Sir H. Anderson : All the Lawyers, that will come, to have Voice : - Friday, Two Clock, Court of Wards.

Shipping, &c.

L. 2a. An Act for the Maintenance and Increase of Shipping and Navigation,and for the freer Liberty of Fishing, and Fishing Voyages, in Newfoundland, &c. - Committed to Sir H. Whyteheade, Mr. Mathewes, Sir H. Anderson, Mr. More, Mr. Rolles, Mr. Delbridge, Mr. Drake, Sir A. Temple, Sir H. Poole: And all, that will come, to have Voice : - Thursday, Two Clock, Exchequer Chamber.

Wool, &c.

Wool, and Wool-fells: - To-morrow-Afternoon, Two.


L. 1a. An Act concerning the Keeping of the Lord's Day, commonly called Sunday.

Gregge's Patent.

Mr. Whitby reporteth from the Committee for Grievances, Gregge's Patent, for Examination of Witnesses within the County Palatyne of Chester, not only in the Court, but in all Commissions in that County : To be of the Quorum ; to be both Examiner and Clerk, to keep the Depositions, and deliver out Copies. This granted to him, for his Life ; and after, in Reversion, to his Son. A Fee of 2s. a-piece, for every Witnesses; 10s. for . . with his Riding Charges, for himself, and his Men, and Horses. All Gentlemen, in Commission with him, must attend his Time and Leisure. -

This formerly questioned here; but nothing done, by the Dissolution of the Parliament: - Yet, at his Return, bragged, that his Patent not disallowed in Parliament.

Ordered, Edw. Gregg, and his Son Ro. Gregg, shall be sent for ; and to bring their Patent with them; and, in their default, the House to proceed upon the Body of the Patent. They to be here within 15 Days ; and to bring with them the Orders of the Exchequer there, by which he claimeth the particular Fees.

Black-fryers Playhouse.

He also reporteth the Petition of the Inhabitants of the Black-fryers, against the Playhouse there : - Of the great Inconveniences the Inhabitants receive thereby : - Disturbance of Trade there; Hindrance of bringing in their Goods, and Victuals; Quarrels and Bloodsheds; Desertion of chief Dwellings by Noblemen and Gentlemen; Hinderance of carrying their Children to be christened, or dead Bodies to be buried ; Danger of Infection. - The Committee thinketh fit, the Consideration and Redress hereof be recommended to the Lord Chamberlain.

This ordered : And to be done by Sir B. Rudyard, and Sir Wm. Herberte, Sir Tho. Hobby, and Sir Nath. Rich.

Council of War.

The House turned into a grand Committee.

Upon Report by Mr. Wandesford, from the grand Committee;

Ordered, A Warrant shall issue, under Mr. Speaker's Hand, to the Council of War, to appear here upon Friday next, Nine Clock in the Forenoon, to give Satisfaction to the House in the several Questions, which shall be demanded of them, according to the Act of Subsidies granted 21o Jac.

A select Committee, to consider of the Questions, to be asked the Council of War, at their coming ; and of their Manner of coming; and of the Warrant to be made under Mr. Speaker's Hand : - Sir Edw. Sands, Sir D. Digges, Sir Tho. Hobby, Sir Nat. Rich, Sir Jo. Strangwayes, Mr. Pymme, Mr. Selden, Mr. Wandesford, Mr. Littleton. Mr. Coryton, Sir Jo. Ellyott, Sir G. More .- - This Afternoon, Committee Chamber, Two Clock.