House of Commons Journal Volume 1: 02 May 1606

Pages 303-304

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 1, 1547-1629. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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In this section

Veneris, 2o Die Maii, 1606

Days for Committees.

ELECTION of Burgesses : - Tomorrow.

Bastards: - To-morrow.

Copies : - Monday Afternoon.

Draining of Fens : - Counsel: - Monday.

Union with Scotland.

1. Reading : - The Bill declaratory, explaining a Branch of an Act made in the first Session of this Parliament, intituled, An Act authorizing certain Commis-

sioners of the Realm of England to treat with the Commissioners of Scotland, for the Weal of both Kingdoms.


2. Reading: - Bill for the Restraint of Arrests on the Sabbaoth Day, or Sunday : - Committed to the former Committee: - Tuesday.


2. Reading: - LL. The Bill for prohibiting all such from Brewing of Beer and Ale, as sell the same again by retail; and, that all common Brewers keep the lawful Assise of Beer and Ale. -


Sir Edw. Mountague's Motion relating to the Bill of Hunting. -

Reading Bills from Lords.

Enter the Precedent: - Not to read a Bill thirdly, coming from the Lords, when it is misliked in the Body, and thought, upon the Question, not fit to be committed. -

The Bill, upon the Question of committing, denied; upon another Question of Rejection, dashed.


2. Reading: - The Bill for the Relief of such as lawfully use the Trade and Handicraft of Skinners : - Secondly read, and committed to Sir Roger Wilbraham, Sir Edw. Mountague, Mr. Recorder, Sir Geo. St. Poll, Mr. Attorney of the Wards, Sir Rob. Johnson, Mr. Whytson, Mr. Prowse, Mr. Hoskins, Mr. Fuller, Mr. Hackwell, Mr. D. James, Mr. Briers, Mr. Pettus, Sir Tho. Smyth, Sir Herbert Crofts, Sir Wm. Stroud, Sir Rich. Bulkley, Sir Wm. Killigrew, Sir Chro. Perkins, Citizens of all Cities, Sir H. Poole, Mr. Alford, Mr. Antropos, Mr. Wymark, Sir Tho. Holcroft, Sir Nath. Bacon.

Tomorrow in the Afternoon.


The Bill for the Preservation of Sea-fish, brought in from the Committee, upon the Re-commitment in the Committee Chamber, by Sir Barnard Whitston, with a Proviso and Amendments; which being upon the Passing, must be amended at the Table, and not without the Door; and therefore the Clerk's Man admitted to come in, and to write the Proviso, and amend the Bill [a]. - Passed, upon the Question.

Roger's Relief.

Sir H. Hubbard bringeth in, from the Committee, the Bill for the Relief of John Roger, Gentleman, against Robert Taylor, Paule Taylor, and William Taylor, for Defrauding of a Trust reposed in Tho. Taylor, their Father, and decreed against them in the high Court of Chancery.

This Bill thirdly read; and, upon the Question, after some Dispute, passed.

Free Trade.

Sir Edwyn Sandys reporteth the Conference touching the Bill of free Trade into Spayne. -

Sir H. Mountague gave good Satisfaction in Matter of Law. -

Spanish Merchants heard there. -

One of the Merchants laid an Imputation upon the House, that they could not be heard. -

Required, that this House should answer the Merchants. Denied ; for then this House Paintiff, and the Lords Judges. -

Devised, that Merchants should answer Merchants.

A Charter in H. VIII. Time; but no Restraint in that Charter.

40,000l. lost the last Year, for want of Skill.

Ans. The Fault of the Spanish Company. They take in for, 10 l. The second Year,

20 l. -

The general Resolution, that the Charter was not thought good. -

The Bill well liked of.


The Bill for the Sea-fish, with Amendments and Proviso, put to Question, and passed.


The Bill, and Salt-peter, To-morrow.


And the Committee for Attainders, to hold this Afternoon.