House of Commons Journal Volume 1: 29 June 1604

Pages 248-250

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 1, 1547-1629. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Veneris, 29o Junii, 1604

Newton's Nat.

L. 1. 2. 3. B. FOR the Naturalizing of Adam Newton Newton Esquire: - Thrice read, and, upon the Question, passed.


L. 2. B. To reform the Abuses of Mariners that take imprest Money, &c. - Secondly read, and committed to Sir Rob. Wroth, Mr. Lieutenant of the Tower, Mr. Nath. Bacon, Sir Geo. Somers, the Burgesses of all Port Towns, the Barons of the Cinque Ports, Sir Rob. Maunsell, Sir John Trevor, Sir Tho. Ridgeway, Mr. Serjeant Snig, Mr. Noy, Mr. Serjeant Shirley, Sir Francis Fane, Sir Tho. Waller: - To meet this Afternoon, in the Middle Temple Hall.

Cancelling feigned Records.

L. 2. B. For cancelling, defacing, and making void of the Records of Corbett's Case, &c. - Upon this second Reading, argued, pro et contra, by Mr. Noy, Mr. Wentworth, Sir Rob. Wingfield; and, upon the Quest, usual, rejected.

Lovell's Relief.

B. For the Relief of Thomas Lovell Esquire.


Moved by Sir Wm. Strode, that the Frame of Satisfaction, touching the Proceedings of the House, penned by the Committee, and by them reported, and read in the House, might be re-committed, and some more Committees added; and such of the first Committee, or others, as found any Cause of Exception, or were not present at the former several Meetings, might be commanded to attend; that they might receive Satisfaction from the rest, or otherwise yield their Reasons of Difference; so as, upon Report to the House, some Resolution may be taken for further Proceeding, or Surceasing, in the said Business: And, according to the Motion, ordered; and the Committees appointed to meet on Monday next, in the Court of Wards.


B. Against Brokers, &c. reported by Mr. Johnson, with Amendments; which were twice read; and the Bill, upon Question, ingrossetur.


A Committee to be named for Conference with the Lords, according to the Message Yesterday.

And the Committee for the Bill of Continuance, &c. appointed to that Service; with some more added ; viz. Mr. Yelverton, Sir John Bennett, Sir John Savill, Sir Barnard Whytston, Sir Wm. Morrice, Mr. Tate, Mr. Duncombe, Mr. Carleton.

Matters of the Conference :

1. Bill of Continuance, &c.

2 B. Against Jesuits, Seminaries, &c.

3. Submission, or Recognition of the Bishop.

4. Quest. of the Authority of this House, and of the Convocation-house, in Matters ecclesiastical.

The Committees to meet this Afternoon, in the Middle Temple Hall, to debate and consider of the Particulars of the said intended Conference.


Moved by Mr. Hyde, that, since it is resolved, that the Bill of Purveyors shall sleep till the next Session, some Order might be conceived, set down, and published by the House, that Justices of Peace, in their several Limits, should put the Laws, already made, in Execution; and that the Order should contain the Reason, why the fore-said Bill slept.

Hatton's Estate.

L. 2. B. To enable Sir Chro. Hatton Knight, to dispose of certain Lands, &c. - Committed to Mr. Vice-chamberlain, Mr. Solicitor, Sir Geo. Moore, Sir John Scott, Mr. Rich. Cecyll, Sir John Hobart, Mr. Fanshawe, Mr. Jones, Sir Walter Cope, Sir Oliver Cromwell, the Queen's Attorney, Sir Henry Poole, Sir Rob. Wroth, Sir Edw. Grevill, Sir Edw. Hobby, Mr. Francis Moore, Sir Tho. Holcroft, Sir Rob. Wingfield, Sir Edw. Mountague, Mr. Martin, Mr. Crewe, Sir Edw. Denny, Sir Roland Litton, Sir Rob. Drury, Mr. Trevor, Mr. Yelverton, Mr. Tate, Mr. Mercer, Mr. Allen Percye, Sir John Smyth, Sir Michael Stanhope, Sir John Hungerford: - To meet on Monday in the Exchequer Chamber.

Norwich, &c. Ministers.

B. For the Relieving the Preachers and Ministers in Norwich and Glocester, secondly read, and, upon the Question, committed. - No Committees named; but the Bill ordered to sleep till the next Session.

Nevill's Estate.

B. For Explanation of a Statute in 43o Eliz. concerning Sir Henry Nevill, of Byrling in the County of Kent, &c, reported by Mr. Serjeant Snigg, with Amendments, and Two Provisoes; the Amendments, and Provisoes (the One for Mr. Sydley, the other for the Lady Fane) twice read ; the Bill, together with Mr. Sydleye's Proviso, upon Question, ordered to be ingrossed ; the other Proviso, concerning the Lady Fane, upon another Question, rejected.

Popish Books.

Moved, that the Printers might be heard Tomorrow, by their Counsel; or that the Bill might be read without calling them : Which was so ordered.

Maimed Soldiers, &c.

Sir Rob. Wroth tendereth to the House an Account of the Distribution of the Benevolence of the House at the last Parliament, 43o Eliz. which was read as followeth :

The Account of Sir Robert Wrothe Knight, and Thomas Fetiplace of London, Iremonger, of the Benevolence collected in the Lower House, at the Parliament holden at Westminster in the 43d Year of the Reign of Queen Elizabethe, of the Knights and Burgesses of the said Parliament, for and towardsthe Relief of sick and maimed Soldiers, and Prisoners, in and about London, and to the Serjeant and Minister of the said House, for their Attendance and Service there done; with certain [other Money also received] of the reverent Father in God the Bishop of Chitchester, and of the Right honourable the Lord Riche.

INPRIMIS, received of the Knights and Burgesses of the Lower House, One hundred Thirty-two Pounds Nine Shillings and Sixpence: I say £132 9s 6d

Received more of the Bishop of Chitchester and Mr. Copine, Twelve Pounds Sixteen Shillings and Three-pence £12 16s 3d

Received more, of the Lord Riche, Three Pounds: I say, £3

So the total Sum of the whole Receipt amounteth unto the Sum of One hundreth Forty-eight Pound Five Shillings Nine-pence £148 5s 9d

Whereof disbursed, as followeth, by Order and Privity of Sir William Wade, Sir Walter Cope, appointed by the said House to see the same orderly distributed :

Inprimis, Paid unto a Hundred and Sixty poor Soldiers, whose Names are herewith to be shewed, to the Sum of Fourscore Twelve Pounds Fifteen Shillings Ten-pence: I say, £ 92 15s 10d

Item, To the Gaol of Nugate £2 10s

Item, To Ludgate £1 10s

Item, To the Cownters £5

Item, To the King's Bench £2

Item, To the Marshallsea £2

Item, To the White Lion £1 10s

Item, To the Gatehouse at Westminster £1

Item, To the Fleete £1

Item, To the Serjeant at Arms £30

Item, To the Minister £10

Sum total of the Payments amounteth unto the Sum of £149 5s 10d

So disbursed more than was received, the Sum of Twenty Shillings and a Peny: I say £1 0s 1d

Robert Wrothe, Tho. Fettiplace.

The Names of all the Soldiers, that had Contribution:

Steven Oater 10s

John Broune £1

Clement Sadburne 5s

James Jonnes £1

Henry Caher 10s

John Cecill 10s

John Reynolds 5s

John Atkynes 5s

Gregory Marton £1

Edward Nicoles 5s

James Davidson 10s

Godfrey Brickland £1

Richard Rickhard £1

John Smythe 10s

Henry Prise 5s

Thomas Kelton 2s 6d

Richard Walker 5s

Henry Rysunge 2s 6d

Edward Varnam 10s

Edward Lavington £1

Thomas Procter 10s

Robert Brett 10s

John Goslinge £3

John Ive 2s 6d

Thomas Bartlet 2s 6d

John Cooke £1

Morris Willimes 5s

Henrye Evanes 5s

Peter Odborne £1

John Hills 5s

John Allin 10s

John Bromfeld £1

Thomas Draper 10s

Edward Willmes £1

Richard Arnold £1

John Jackson 5s

John Pratte £1

George Cooper £1

Andrew Arnold £1

John Lovelace 10s

Thomas Wilshire 5s

Thomas Hewes 5s

John Chitingdon 5s

Robert Cover 5s

Thomas Evanes £1 10s

Richard Stringer £1

John Jobson 10s

John Haris £1

William Renoldes 10s

James Payne £1

Oliver Clarke £1

John Morton 10s

Raphe Master 10s

William Farmer 10s

Thomas Brande £3

William Price 10s

John Jackson £1

Adrian Mason 10s

Wm. Coles £2

Christofer Ducket 10s

Adrion Mason 10s

Wm. Measurs £1

John Watson 5s

William Bagnall 5s

* * Skudamore 10s

Richard Bachiler 10s

Pawle Whitheade 5s

Robert Skarrett 10s

Richard Mathewe 5s

Thomas Jackson 10s

John Rogers £1

John Miles 10s

Henry Baker 10s

William Draper 5s

William Stronge £1

John Milles 10s

Wm. Holcoate 10s

Raphe Kirkhoke 10s

Mr. Thomas Pinner £2

John Hayes 10s

Brian Bevis £1

David Evance £1

William Sheright 10s

Richard Smythe £1

George Clarke 10s

George Hewes 5s

Edward Tomson 5s

Richard Danyell £5

Nicholas Hooke £1

Evan Thomas 10s

Edward Smythe 10s

Thomas Norfolke 10s

John Hearne 10s

Valentine Sorsbe 5s

George Pattison 5s

William Todkin 5s

John Freman 5s

John Turner 10s

Robert Browne 10s

Lawrence Smythe 10s

John Lewis £1

John Smythe 10s

John Hunt 5s

Thomas Evanes 6s 8d

Thomas Bickarstaf 6s 8d

Wm. Jones 6s 8d

John Arundell 5s

Thomas Eliot 5s

Richard Corbet 5s

Thomas Thrower 5s

Henry Buttrell 10s

Henry Smithurst 13s 4d

John Edwardes 10s

Thomas Budd 5s

David Fludd 10s

Alexander Milington 10s

Larawnce Kightley £1

John White £1

Thomas Salter 10s

William Allin 5s

William Hollis 10s

William Tayler 5s

William B** 5s

John Courte 10s

John Pearse 5s

Roger Barker 5s

Andrew Simes 5s

John Brett 5s

Edward Morgane 10s

Thomas Bikerstafe 5s

William Joanes 5s

William Tayler 5s

Roger Bethell 5s

Wm. Sherman 10s

Alexander Hewes 5s

Robert Griffin 10s

William Smythe 10s

JohnWillson 5s

John Hichcoke 5s

John James 10s

Thomas Evance 5s

Richard Meridethe 10s

Peter Land 10s

John Evance £1 10s

John Whitacre 10s

Edward Keniston 5s

Wm. Secome 10s

Wm. Standly 5s

Anthonye Vincent 5s

Richard Baker 5s

Thomas Lewis 5s

Alexander Garrett 8s

Robert Bennet 5s

George Morfin 8s

John Robinson 5s

John Underwood 8s

Thomas Joanes 8s

Henry Buttin 8s

John Whittacars 5s

Hewgebert Basquill 2s 6d

Sir Tho. Holcroft moveth, touching a present Gratuity, with Ten Shillings, for his Part, in his Hand : The Motion seconded by Mr. Martin; and that some might be named for Collectors and Treasurers, according to former Custom.

To this Service were presently named. Sir Vincent Skynner, Sir Henry Billingsley, Sir Edm. Bowyer.

Ordered, That such as be absent, shall, at the Beginning of the next Session, pay double the Proportion of others.