House of Commons Journal Volume 1: 17 March 1581

Pages 134-135

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 1, 1547-1629. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Veneris, 17o Martii, 1580

Mariners, &c.

LL. 3. The Bill for Maintenance of Mariners, and of the Navigation. - The third Reading.

Rumours against the Queen.

The Bill against seditious Words and Rumours uttered against the Queen's most excellent Majesty, which passed in this House Yesterday, is sent up to the Lords, by Mr. Treasurer, and all the Residue of the Privy Council being of this House and then present, with others;


and also the Bill for the Borders, wherein their Lordships are to be moved for the Perfecting only of the Sense in some Parts of their Amendments, that this House may proceed to their further dealing in the said Bill accordingly.

Mariners, &c.

Mr. Serjeant Anderson and Mr. Dr. Gibbon do bring from the Lords again, the said Bill for the Borders, amended, according to the Request of this House; with Commendation also from her Majesty, from the Lords, of the Bill for Maintenance of Mariners, and of the Navigation: Whereupon, the Amendments finished, and Three times read, and passed, upon the Question, the said Bill was remanded unto their Lordships, by Mr. Comptroller, and others;


together with the Bill against deceitful Stuff used in Dying of Cloths; wherein their Lordships are to be moved for the Perfecting of some Part of their Lordships Amendments, sent by them to this House, viz. the Mistaking of a Line in the Bill; to the end that, the same being done, this

House may proceed in Perfecting of the said Bill accordingly, in the said Amendments.

Mariners, &c.

Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sir Henry Ratclyff, Sir Thomas Sampole, Mr. Aldersea, Mr. Wrothe, Mr. Crumwell, Mr. Norton, Mr. Alforde, and Mr. Gryce, are appointed to consider, presently, in the Committee-chamber, of the Bill for Maintenance of Mariners, and of the Navigation.

Ld. Zowche.

3. The Bill for the Lord Zowche. - The third Reading.

Rumours against the Queen.

Mr. Comptroller, returning from the Lords, bringeth Word from their Lordships, that they do add some Amendments to the Bill against seditious Words and Rumours uttered against her Majesty; and do pray, that when their Lordships shall now forthwith send down the same Bill and Amendments to this House, it may then have speedy Expedition ;

Mariners, &c.

and do, eftsoons, recommend unto this House the Bill for Maintenance of Mariners, and of the Navigation.

Rumours against the Queen.

Mr. Dr. Lewes and Mr. Dr. Clark do bring Word from the Lords, that their Lordships do pray present Conference with half a Score of this House, touching the Bill against Seditious Words and Rumours uttered against her Majesty :

And thereupon are Mr. Treasurer, Mr. Comptroller, Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Vicechamberlain, Sir Thomas Sampole, Mr. D. Dale Master of Requests, Mr. Recorder of London, Mr. Crumwell, Mr. Cowper, and Mr. Alforde, appointed accordingly.


Mr. Dr. Lewes and Mr. Dr. Gibbon do bring again from the Lords the Bill for Abolishing of certain deceitful Stuff, used in the Dying of Cloths, with the Reformation in their Lordships said Amendments, done and made according unto the Request of this House to their Lordships in that Behalf.

Ld. Zowche.

It is Ordered, upon the Question, That the Bill for the Lord Zowche be committed to be reformed by Mr. Treasurer, Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Crumwell, Mr. Wentworth, Mr. Snagge, Mr. Diggs, Mr. St. Leger, Mr. Lewknor, Mr. Carleton, and Mr. Ameredith: To meet in the Chequer-chamber this Afternoon.

Rumours against the Queen.

Mr. Treasurer and others, coming from Conference with the Lords, Mr. Treasurer declareth, that their Lordships have [a] unto them certain Notes in Writing to move unto this House, touching the Bill against seditious Words and Rumours uttered against her Majesty : Which Note in Writing was, by Mr. Vicechamberlain, declared ; that their Lordships would feel the Opinion of this House, whether this House could be content to leave in Force, unrepealed, so much of the Statute of the first and second of King Philip and Queen Mary, as concerneth such Matter as in this said Bill is not provided for, or met with, as partly touching slanderous Words against Noblemen, and the Lords of the Clergy; and further, whether this House can like to have the Words " directly or indirectly " added to the said Bill, in such Parts thereof, as do make mention of tending to her Majesty's Death: It was, upon the Question of these Motions to the House, in these Points, Resolved, That the Repeal of the said Statute of the first and second of King Philip and Queen Mary, should stand, in sort as it is already passed by this House, in the said Bill; for that her Majesty may, at any time, by her Commission, renew or revive, thereof repealed at her Highness's Pleasure; and also, that these Words, viz. " or any Words directly to that Effect," shall be put in and inserted in their Lordships said Notes to be added to the said Bill, in that Part thereof, which maketh mention of any Person, willing, wishing, or desiring, her Majesty's Death.