House of Commons Journal Volume 1: 08 February 1581

Pages 123-124

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 1, 1547-1629. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Mercurii, 8o Februarii, 1580


1. The Bill for re-edifying the Town of Cryngleforde, near unto the City of Norwiche. - The first Reading.

Cardyf Bridge.

1. The Bill for re-edifying of the Bridge of Cardyf. - The first Reading.

Kerseys, &c.

2. The Bill touching Kerseys, Defaults of Weavers, and the Abuses of Searchers and Aulnagers. - The second Reading; and committed to the former Committees : And Sir John St. Leger,and Sir Arthur Bassett, are added to the same former Committees.

Obedience to the Queen

1. The Bill for Obedience to the Queen's Majesty against the See of Rome. - The first Reading: And then, upon a Motion made by Mr. Vicechamberlain, that the Lords have a Bill once read amongst them in the Higher House, much tending to many of the Things contained in this Bill; and that therefore he thought good, (if the House should so like of it) that a Committee of this House were appointed to have Conference with the Lords in those Matters; which Course, he thought, would much expedite and further the good Proceedings and Meanings both of their Lordships, and also of this House in that Behalf: It is agreed, upon the Question, by the whole House, that all the former Committees, which travailed in the Drawing of the said Bill last read in this House, should likewise be appointed for the said Conference ; and that all the Privy Council being of this House, with a convenient Number of others, should now presently repair unto the Lords to pray the said Conference in the Name of this whole House. Whereupon Mr. Treasurer, Mr. Vicechamberlain, Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, and Mr. Secretary Wilson, with divers others of this House, went up to the Lords; and brought Answer again, that they had delivered unto their Lordships the Message from this House, which they had in Charge; and that their Lordships answered, they would consider of the Request of this House therein, and then make further Answer.


Mr. Comptroller declareth. That he, and divers other of the Committees appointed to have Conference with the Lords Yesterday in the Afternoon, at the Court, touching the Bill before passed in this House for Avoiding

of certain Incumbrances against Purchasers, were there present with their Lordships; and that their Lordships, upon the Conference, liked well of the Intent and Meaning of this House in the said Bill; but that their Lordships were of Opinion, that it were meet to have some other Words added to the said Bill, the better to explain and carry the Effect of the Intent of the said Bill, as (said he) those of the said Committees towards the Law could better declare. Whereupon, after some further Speeches thereof used by Mr. Serjeant Flowredewe, and Mr. Serjeant Fenner, the said Serjeants were further required, that, as of themselves, and not by Appointment of the House, they should offer some such Course of Amendment thereof to their Lordships, as might give good Furtherance to the Passing of the said Bill.

Statute of Limitation.

The Bill for Explanation of the Statute of Limitation of 32 H. VIII. - The first Reading.

Formedon in Descendre.

The Bill for Limitation of Formedon in Descendre. - The first Reading.


The Bill against Examination of Witnesses in Towns Corporate. - The first Reading.

Conference on Religion.

Mr. Serjeant Anderson, and Mr. Dr. Clarcke do bring Word from the Lords, that their Lordships, upon the Request made unto them by this House, have appointed Eighteen of themselves to meet at the Court this Afternoon, in the Council-chamber, immediately after Dinner, to have Conference with such of this House, as it shall please this House to appoint for that Purpose to meet there with them, touching Matters of Religion. Whereupon all the said former Committees of this House were commanded to give their Attendance this Afternoon, at the Court, for that Purpose, accordingly.

Privilege - Mr. Hall.

And it is Ordered, That Mr. Halle's Matter be examined by the Committees To-morrow at Afternoon ; for that the same cannot be dealt in this Day, by reason of the Conference to be had with the Lords this Afternoon at the Court, touching Matters of Religion.


The Bill for Ratifying of an Award for certain Copyholders in the County of Worcester;

Ld. Latymer.

and the Bill for Partition of Land between the Coheirs of the late Lord Latymer; are appointed to be considered of by the Committees upon Friday next, at Two of the Clock in the Afternoon, in the Chequer-chamber.

Cloth Trade.

It is Ordered, That the Three Bills touching Cloths, which are before committed, all to One Committee, be deferred until To-morrow next at Two of the Clock in the Afternoon, in the Chequer chamber.


Further Day is given to the Committees in the Bill against Libelling, till Friday next, at Two of the Clock in the Afternoon, in the Chequer-chamber.

Outlawry against a Member.

Upon Declaration this Day made by Mr. Speaker, unto this House, touching the Case of Mr. Walter Vaughan, Knight for the County of Carmarthen, supposed to be outlawed, that, upon Examination had, by the Order and Appointment of this House, of the Actions brought against him in the same Suits, it appeareth, that they were all grown by reason of Suretyship for other Persons, and not for his own Debt or Causes; and withal, that yet nevertheless, he had, to his own great Charge and Hindrance, very honestly compounded, and taken Order for, all or the most Part of them already; it was then agreed by the whole House, that he should stand and continue, as in his former Estate of the good Opinion of this whole House, sufficiently purged and discharged of the said Suspicions before in Question.