House of Commons Journal Volume 1: 06 February 1581

Pages 122-123

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 1, 1547-1629. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Lunae, sexto Februarii, 1580


2. The Bill for Ratifying of an Award for certain Copyholders in the County of Woorcester. - The second Reading; and committed unto Mr. Recorder of London, Mr. Serjeant Fenner, Mr. Sands, Mr. Grevill, Mr. Christmas, Mr. Boyes, Mr. Crumwell, and Mr. Newdigate.

Ld. Latymer.

2. The Bill for Partition of Lands amongbt the Coheirs of the late Lord Latymer, - The second Reading; and committed to the last former Committees.

Outlawry against a Member.

Mr. Henry Knolles, the younger, and Mr. Townesende, are appointed to be with Mr. Speaker, at his House, at Two of the Clock this Afternoon; to examine the Matter of Outlawry, pretended against Walter Vaughan Esquire. Knight for the County of Carmarthen: And that the said Mr. Vaughan be then there present, to answer therein for himself, as well as he can: And the said Committees to make Report unto this House of the State of the Cause; to the end this House may thereupon proceed to order accordingly.

Privilege - Libellous publication by Mr Hall, a Member.

Mr. Secretary Wilson, declaring the Travail of the Committees, in Examining of the Printer that did print Mr. Hall's Book, signified unto this House, that the said Printer (whose Name is Henry Bynnyman) upon his Examination before the Committees, said, that one John Welles, a Scrivener in Fleete-street, did deliver the written Copy to him ; and when the Book was printed, he delivered One Book to Henry Shurlande in Friday-street, Linen-draper, to be sent to Mr. Hall; and that afterwards, about a Year past, he delivered to Mr. Halle Six of the said Books; and at Michaelmas Term last, Six other of the said Books: and One more to Mr. Halle's Man shortly after : And said, that Mr. Halle promised to get him a Privilege; whereupon he adventured (he sayeth) to print the Book: And sayeth, that the Copy was written by Welles the Scrivener, and that he received of the said Shurlande Linen Cloth, to the Value of Six Pounds Thirteen Shillings and Four Pence, for Printing of the Book; and that he stayed, of his own Accord, the Publishing of the said Books till he were paid; where Mr. Halle was contented they should have been put to Sale presently. Which Report so made by Mr. Secretary; and, withal, that Mr. Halle, and the Printer, were both then at the Door; the said Mr. Halle was thereupon brought to the Bar; and, being charged by Mr. Speaker, in the Behalf of the whole House, with the Setting forth of the said Book, containing very lewd and slanderous Reproach, not only against some particular Members of this House, but also against the general State and Authority of this whole House, denied not the setting forth of the said Book, protesting the same to be done by him without any malicious Intent or Meaning, either against the State of this House, or against any Member of the same; praying

this whole House, (if he had offended in so doing) they would remit and pardon him ; affirming withal very earnestly, that he never had any more than One of the said Books; and, upon due Consideration had of his own Rashness and Folly therein, willed that all the said Books should be suppressed. And then was Mr. Halle sequestered; and Henry Bynneman the Printer brought to the Bar: Who, affirmed, in all things as Mr. Secretary Wilson before reported; and further, that he had printed Fourscore or a Hundred of the said Books. And was thereupon sequestered; and the said Henry Shurlande brought to the Bar: Who there confessed, that Mr. Halle did write a Letter unto him, and sent the said Book unto him, willing him to get it printed ; and that thereupon he delivered the Book to the said Bynneman, to have it printed; Welles the Scrivener then being present with him: And said further, that Mr. Halle had paid him again the Twenty Nobles, which he before had paid the Printer. And so he was then sequestered.

And the said Welles, brought to the Bar, upon his Examination, saith, that when he was Apprentice with one Mr. Dalton, a Scrivener in Fleet-street, the said Mr. Halle, then lying about Powles Wharf, sent unto his said Master to send One of his Men unto him; and that thereupon his said Master sent him unto the said Mr. Halle; who, when he came, delivered to him a Book in written Hand, willing him to carry it home with him, and copy it out: And said, that, when he had shewed it to his Master, his Master commanded him to write Part of it, and his Fellows some other Part of it; and his said Master, as he remembereth, did write the rest of it; but what his Master had for the Writing of it, he knoweth not. And, being further examined, saith, that Yesterday, last past, he delivered One of the said Books to Sir Rondell Bryerton Knight, by the Appointment of the said Mr. Halle; and received the same Book of One Mr. Halle's Men, to be delivered to the said Sir Rondell Brereton, from the said Mr. Halle. And then, the said John Welles was sequestered.

And afterwards, all the Privy Council being of this House, Mr. Knight Marshal, Mr. Recorder of London, Mr. Serjeant Flowredewe, Mr. St. Leger, Mr. Crumwell, Mr. Atkyns, the Master of the Jewel-house, Sir Thom. Browne, Sir Thom. Scott, Mr. Nathaneell Bacon, Mr. Beale, Mr. Norton, and Mr. Alforde, are added to the former Committees; for the further proceeding to the Examination of the Matter touching Mr. Halle, the Printer, the Scrivener, and all other Persons, Parties or Privies to the Publishing of the said Book set forth in Print by the Means and Procurement of the said Mr. Halle: To meet upon Wednesday next, at Two of the Clock in the Afternoon, in the Chequer-chamber.

Which done, Mr. Hall being brought in again to the Bar, Mr. Speaker declareth unto him, that this House mindeth further to examine the Particularities of the Matter, wherewith they have charged him; and do therefore commit him to the Custody of the Serjeant; with this Liberty, that upon Wednesday next, in the Afternoon, being accompanied with the Serjeant, he may attend at the Chequer-chamber upon the Committees in the Cause. And was thereupon had out of the House.

Henry Bynneman the Printer, John Welles the Scrivener, and Henry Shurlande Linen-draper, being brought, all Three together, to the Bar, were by Mr. Speaker enjoined, in the Name of the whole House, to give their Attendance upon the said Committees at the Time and Place aforesaid ; and also at all Times in the mean Season thereof, if they shall happen to be called by them, or any of them. And so were had out of the House.

And further it is Ordered by this House, That Mr. Speaker do send the Serjeant for John Dalton, late Master of the said John Welles ; and to charge him also to attend upon the said Committees, at the said Time and Place, in like manner.