House of Commons Journal Volume 1: 31 January 1581

Pages 120-121

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 1, 1547-1629. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Martis, 31 Januarii, 1580


The Bill for speedy Recovery of Debts, which passed this House Yesterday, is, upon Motion made to this House, by Mr. Speaker, upon the Mistaking of this House of some Part of the said Bill, is amended, upon the Question, with interlining of these Words, viz. "such," and "of Debts;" the whole Sentence, wherein those interlined Words are contained, being thrice read;

and the Bill again, passed upon the Question accordingly.

Slanders against the Queen.

LL. 1. The Bill against slanderous Speeches and Rumours, and seditious Practices against the Queen's Majesty. - The first Reading.

Libelling, &c.

LL. 1. The Bill againt seditious Libelling. - The first Reading.

The Two Bills last passed are sent up to the Lords by Mr. Vicechamberlain, Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, and others.

Armour, &c.

1. The Bill for Furniture of Armour and Weapons. - The first Reading.


Upon Motions made Yesterday to this House by Mr. Digges, for Maintenance of the Navy and Mariners; and also for a Supply of Soldiers ; the setting idle Persons on Work, as by Fishing; to procure an Increase of Gain and Wealth to the whole State of this Realm; it is Ordered, that the Considerations thereof be committed unto all the Privy Council being of this House : And that as many of this House, as are acquainted with that Matter of Plot and Device, may attend them at their Pleasure. To meet upon Friday next, at Two of the Clock in the Afternoon, in the Chequer-chamber.

Unlawful Marriages.

The Bill for Punishment of unlawful Marriages. - The second Reading; and committed unto Mr. Dr. Dale, Master of the Requests, Sir Thomas Browne, Mr. Recorder of London, Mr. Layton, Mr. Alderseae, Mr. Grymesdiche, Mr. Newdigate, Mr. Snagge, Mr. Thomas Boyer, and Mr. Grenefield: To meet at Two of the Clock in the Afternoon upon Saturday next, in the Chequer-chamber.