House of Commons Journal Volume 1: 12-17 November 1554

Page 37

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 1, 1547-1629. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Page 37

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The Parliament of the High and Mighty Prince and Princess PHILIP and MARY, by the Grace of God, King and Queen of England, France, Naples, Jerusalem, and Ireland, Princess of Spain and Sicily, Archdukes of Austria, Dukes of Millain, Burgundy, and Brabant, Earls of Haspurg, Flanders and Tiroll, begun at Westminster the Twelfth Day of November, in the First and Second Year of their most happy Reign; where the Reverend Father, Bishop of Wynchester, declared this Parliament to be called for Confirmation of true Religion, and other weighty Affairs.

Mr. Higham chosen Speaker.

AND after the Oration ended, the Worshipful Knights, Citizens, and Burgesses, went to the Common House, and there did elect and choose the Right Worshipful Mr. Clement Higham, Esq; One of the Privy Council, to be their Mouth and Speaker; who was brought to the Chair by Mr. Treasurer, and Mr. Comptroller.

Mr. Speaker presented.

Mr. Speaker presented. And on Thursday next, being the Fifteenth Day of November, about Two of the Clock Afternoon, Mr. Speaker made an excellent Oration, comparing a Body Politick to a Body Natural; and in the End made Three Petitions, viz. For free Speech in the House, Privilege from Arrest and Troubles for the Common House, and their Servants, and to have Access to the King and Queen, for the Cases of the House: Which being granted, the Lord Chancellor prorogued the Court until Saturday following.

Sabbati, 17o Novembris

Letters Patents, &c.

1. The Bill to make good divers Patents made sithence the Marriage, and to repeal a Branch of the last Act made for the Queen's Sign Manual.

Seditious Words.

1. The Bill for Punishment of seditious Words spoken against the King, the Queen, or their Privy Council.

Call of the House.

This Day the House was called.