House of Commons Journal Volume 1: 10 December 1606

Page 329

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 1, 1547-1629. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Mercurii, 10o Die Decembris, 1606

Evelyn's Estate.

AN Act for the better Enabling of John Evelin, Esquire, to make Sale of certain Lands, for the Payment of his Debts:

Free Trade.

An Act to explain a former Act, made the last Session of this Parliament, intituled, An Act to enable all his Majesty's loving Subjects of England and Wales, to trade freely intothe Dominions of Spaine,Portugall, and France:

Ecclesiastical Courts.

An Act to direct some Proceedings in ecclesiastical Courts and Causes :

Bills sent to Lords.

These Three Bills, having passed this House, were sent up to the Lords by Sir Francis Hastings; with this Message, touching Mr. Evelin's Bill; that as much Land is given in Recompence to his Children, as is intended by this Bill to be sold.

Marshalsea Court.

L. 2a. B. For Reformation of the Abuses in the Court of Marshalsea, and for the Limitation of the same: - Secondly read, and committed to Sir Geo. Moore, Mr. Fuller, Sir James Perrott, Sir Walter Cope, Mr. Crewe, Sir Jerome Bowes, Sir Roland Litton, Sir Francis Goodwyn, Sir Roger Dallyson, Sir Jerome Horsey, Sir Robert Wingfield, Sir William Burlacy, Mr. Hackwill, Mr. Bacchus, Sir Nath. Bacon, Sir William Strowd, Sir Francis Knollys, Sir Roger Aston, Mr. Brook, Sir Antho. Rowse, Sir Antho. Cope, Mr. Chock, Sir William Fleetwood, Mr. Tate, Sir Robert Johnson, Mr. Upton, Mr. Parkinson, Mr. Overbury, Mr. Irby, Mr. Herbert Pelham, Mr. Hungerford, Sir Edmund Bowyer, Sir William Herrick, Mr. Wentworth, Mr. Hyde, Mr. Alford, Mr. Hugh Middleton, Sir Geo. Rivers , Mr. Shelley, the Burgesses of London and Southwark: - To meet on Monday next, at Two a Clock in the Afternoon, in the Middle Temple Hall.

Union with Scotland.

Sir John Crook and Sir John Tyndall bring a Message from the Lords :

That their Lordships had entered into Consideration of the Time had been spent in this great Matter of the Union, the only Motive of this Meeting: And whereas it had Three Branches; viz. Hostile Laws, Commerce, and Naturalizing; that great Travel hath been taken in the Two first, and that in the Matter of Commerce great Difficulties appeared: That sithence the Feast of Christenmas doth necessarily require a Recess of this Session, and that so great Pains hath been taken in the first Two; for the better Speed of the Business, their Lordships do propound, that they might have a Conference so soon as may be, sithence there is not like to be any Conclusion.

The Answer was, that they would send by Messengers of their own.

The House immediately sent Answer by Sir Edward Hobby, that they had appointed the Merchants to attend the Committee Tomorrow, in the Point of Commerce ; and that Relation being made to the House on Friday, they would be ready on Saturday to attend their Lordships.

Sir Edw. returneth Answer from the Lords, that they would be ready, with the former Committee, to meet the Committee of this House, on Saturday.

Mr. Alford moveth, that some Collection might be made of such Reasons as the Committee may proceed upon.

Baro's Nat.

Sir Henry Poole maketh Report of the Bill for the Naturalizing of Mr. D. Baro, &c. and moveth, that a Proviso might be added, that he shall not be capable of Place in Parliament.

Upon this Motion, the Bill was re-committed, to be further considered of; and the Committees appointed to meet this Afternoon, in the same Place.