House of Commons Journal Volume 1: 16 April 1606

Page 299

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 1, 1547-1629. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Mercurii, 16o Aprilis, 1606

Thames Navigation.

1. Reading: - B. FOR clearing the Passage, by Water, from London, to and beyond the City of Oxford.

Foulys' Nat.

1. Reading: - Bill for the Naturalizing of Sir David Foulys Knight, and for Confirmation of certain Letters Patents by his most excellent Majesty to him made.


Mr. Hitchcock, for the Defence of the Grievance touching the Duke of Leneux his Patent for new Draperies; and Mr. Hadsor, for the Excuse of it, on the Duke's Part, as Counsel, come to the Bar.

Mr. Hitchcock: - Five Grievances within the Patent.

Tacita conditio in all the King's Grants, " So it be ad bonum reipublicae, ad bonum principis." -

Matters of Fact, of Abuse, proved at other Times.

Never any Subsidy granted for the Relief of a Subject.

Salus populi suprema lex.

Mr. Hadsor: - The Patent made. - Things compounded by the Advice of the Barons of the Exchequer, And by the Parties Complainants Consent.

Mr. Hitchcock: - Stockings, Waistcoats, knit Caps, not measurable by the Yard. -

Difference between a Measurer of Cloth, and a Weigher of Wool.

Mr. Speaker moveth, that the Committees may peruse former Statutes, and view the Patent.

Q. Whether a Grievance ? - Resolved.

Q. Upon the Grievance, touching York : - Resolved, No Grievance.

Grievance touching Muster-masters. -

Sir Henry Poole, urgeth it, with a long Speech; and confesseth, to have put in himself.

Lord Lieutenant of his Country hath made his Secretary Muster-master, and taxeth the Country for his Maintenance.

Complaineth of the Threats of the Earl of Hartford,

Q. upon that Grievance : - Resolved.

The Grievance of Sir Edw. Hobbye's Patent of Wools. -

A Certificate of the Clothiers and Spinsters. -

This Day Fortnight Counsel to be heard for Sir Edw. Hobby, and the Parties defending this Grievance.


Bill of Attainders: - The Petitioners to be heard this Day Fortnight.


The Grievance, touching Salt-petre: -

Q. Whether it shall stand ? -

Mr. Twynhoes Counsel to be heard on this Day Fortnight.

The Grievance touching Mr. Typper, read in the House.

Mr. Typper desirous to be heard : - Mr. Hoskins.

Monday come-sennight, in the Afternoon, all Three to be heard.


Purveyors Commissions: - Monday come-sennight: -

The Bill in Sir Rob. Johnson's Hands.

Ecclesiastical Causes.

This Afternoon the Sub-committees, for ecclesiastical Causes, to meet, and to consider touching the Conference To-morrow.


Sir H. Mountague reporteth the Conference Yesterday. -

Commendation of those that undertook it. -

Two Expostulations.

Ten Objections.

Exp. - Unkindness : - Voluntary Compositions : - Green Cloth.

Many Reasons set down in Paper by the Reporter. -

(Qu. for his Papers.) -

Mr. Attorney called by Writ, ad tractandum & colloquium habendum cum proceribus: - The Words of his Writ of Assistance. -

Compositions began at Northamptonshire. -

Mr. Attorney: - Norat reserare oracula legis. -

Stat. Word, Prises: - 36 E. III. -

Mr. Bowyer's Order for Searches. -

The Lords did confidently affirm, that the Subjects of England should be glad of this Day; and that they should think themselves happy in employing their Services.

Mercurii, 16o Aprilis. Post meridiem.


2. Reading; - THE Bill for the Grant of Three intire Subsidies and Six Fifteens, granted by the Temporalty : - Committed to the former Committee; with Addition of Mr. William Jones.

Proviso for the Mises in Wales, - by Sir Rich. Bulkley :

Which was also referred to the said Committee.

Leave of Absence.

Mr. Gyles Brook, Burgess for Leverpoole, in Lancashire, is licensed by the House to depart; and commanded to return before the End of this Session [a].