House of Commons Journal Volume 1: 21 March 1606

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Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 1, 1547-1629. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Veneris, 21o Die Martii, 1603

Ld. Wyndsor's Estate.

2. Reading: - BILL for the better Sale of certain Lands of Henry late Lord Wyndsor, deceased, for Payment of his Debts, and better Performance of his last Will and Testament: - Sir Fr. Goodwyn, Sir Jo. Heigham, Sir Herbert Crofts, Sir Wm. Wray, Sir Antho. Cope, Mr. Preston, Sir H. Hubbard, Sir Wm. Liggon, Sir Geo. St. Poll, Sir Henry Poole, Sir Rob. Hitcham, Sir Valentyne Knightley, Sir Henry Poole, Mr. Talbott Bowes, Mr. Tate, Sir Fr. Hastings, Mr. Yelverton, Mr. Crewe, Mr. Winch, Mr. Unton, Mr. Fuller, Mr. Percyvall, Sir John Scott, Sir Rob. Needham, Mr. Doyley, Sir Wm. Burlacy, Sir John Bennett, Sir Wm. Fleetwood, Sir Geo. Fleetwood, Sir John Dormer, Mr. D. James: - Thursday, Court of Wards.

Nonsuch, &c. Roads.

1. Reading: - Bill for the Repairing of the Highway from Nonsuch to Talworth, in the Parishes of Ewell and Long Ditton, in the County of Surrey.


Bill of Appeal of Ministers, re-committed : - Monday, Chequer Chamber.


1. Reading: - Bill to ease the Country for conveying Malefactors and Offenders to the Gaol, with some Provision for the Charge thereof.

Transporting Beer.

1. Reading: - -B. For the Transporting of Beer over the Seas.

Leave of Absence.

Henry Cosin, Burgess for Truro, - Sickness of his Wife, - Mayor of the Town, - hath Leave to depart.


1. Reading : - Bill for the Chusing of Knights and Burgesses to serve in Parliament.

Learned Ministry.

2. Reading: - B. For the Providing of a learned and godly Ministry: - Committed to the former Committee for a learned Ministry; adding Sir Francis Goodwyn, Sir Wm. Wray, Sir Hugh Beeston, Mr. D. James, Sir Henry Nevill, Sir Geo. St. Poll: - To meet on Monday next, in the Exchequer Chamber.

Le Grys' Decree.

3. Reading: - The Act for the Execution and Performance of a Decree in the Chancery, made between Wm. Le Grys Plaintiff, and Robert Cottrell Defendant: - Much disputed: - Upon the Question, passed.

Weares, &c.

3. Reading: - Act for the Abating, and to reform the new Erection of, Weares, Stanks, Kiddles, Stanks, or other Obstructions upon navigable Rivers : - Upon the Question passed.

Walsh's Estate.

3. Reading: - Bill for the Assurance of the Lands of Walter Walsh Esquire: - Upon the Question, passed.

Leave of Absence.

Sir Chro. Pigott, Knight for Buckinghamshire, being sick, upon Mr. Speaker's Motion, hath Leave to depart.

Marshalsea Court.

Added, upon Mr. Perkinson's Motion, to the Committee for the Marshalsea, Mr. Alexander Chock, Sir Rich. Mullineux, Sir Rich. Leigh, Mr. James Kyrton, Sir Lewys Lewknor, Sir Wm. Godolphin, Sir James Scudamore, Sir Maurice Berkley, Sir John Bennett, Sir Rob. Maunsell, Sir Wm. Paddy, Sir Tho. Knevett, Sir Roger Dallyson, Sir Fr. Popham, Mr. Hoskins, Mr. Bond: - Saturday, Exchequer Chamber.