House of Commons Journal Volume 1: 24 February 1606

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Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 1, 1547-1629. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Lunae, 24o Februarii, 1605

Avon Navigation.

1. Reading: - B. FOR the Making the River of Avon navigable.

Rous' Estate.

Sir John Heigham bringeth in Sir John Rous his Bill from the Committee, with Amendments: - And to be ingrossed.


2. Reading: - B. Touching Spinsters and Weavers: - Burgesses of Clothing Towns, Sir H. Poole, Mr. Hyde, Mr. Gyles Tucker, Mr. John Hungerford, Mr. Oldsworth, Sir Fr. Popham, Sir Warwick Heale, Mr. Overberry, Mr. Chock, Mr. Gawyn, Mr. Throckmorton, Sir John Savill, Sir Tho. Strickland: Monday, Chequer Chamber.

Cloth Trade.

2. Reading: - The Bill against Transportation of undressed Cloth: - To the same Committee.

Ld. Spencer's Estate.

B. Touching Estates made by the Lord Spencer, brought in by Sir Robert Nappier,

Several Days for committees.

The Committees ordered their several Days:

Monday: - Cottages; Grys; Allowances in Customs for York, Hull, &c. Confirmation of Leases; Clerks Fees : - Exchequer Chamber.

Tuesday: - Parson of Radipoll; Ognell; Wales; Smyth,


Wednesday: - Traders for Butter and Cheese; Alms-house in Thetford; Downes his Bill.

Thursday: - Misnamer of Corporations; Ministers of Norwich; Assurance of Copyhold Lands; Offices of petty Constables.

Friday: - Clothing, Two Bills; Inmates; New River.

Saturday: - Naturalizing; Grievances general.

Committees amongst themselves may appoint a Day, without making known to the House.


Bill for the Establishing of true Religion : - The Amendments this Day read, and excepted against, in some Things, by Sir Edwyn Sandys. -

Bills, touching Religion, ever handled in this House : - In King Edw. Time, Queen Eliz. Time.

Mr. Wentworth : - In mirabiliter fact. ratio facti est potentia faciendi.

Mr. Yelverton: - The Papists slander, that we hold our Religion by Parliament.

Sir Henry Hubbard - The Bill may be re-committed.

Sir Fr. Bacon, Sir H. Hubbard, to be added to the Committee for Establishment of Religion.

Conduct of a Member at Conference.

Mr. Yelverton reports the Committee for the Message to the Lords, touching Mr. Hare, and Reprehensions in Conference; that it might be to the Conference about Purveyors. -

Justification in the first Entrance to the Cause, as the Lords did in Reprehension. -

To be mildly tempered : - But only a Preservation of the Privilege.

Mr. Yelverton to be employed in the Message.

To be done at the next Conference about Purveyors.

Purveyors, &c.

Mr. Hyde: - That the Bill may go on, and pass ; and then a Conference to be desired. Sir Nath. Bacon * * *

Sir Tho. Ridgeway: - To enter into Consideration of a Composition.

Sir Rowland Litton: - That there may be Some Act here entered, that this Law shall bind the Prerogative.

Sir Rob. Wingfield * * *

Mr. May moveth for a Committee for the Composition.

Mr. Hadley: - That the Jurisdiction of the Green-cloth may be taken away by Law.

That the King's Prerogative may be provided for.

Mr. Speaker : - That an Answer must be given to the Lords, whether Composition, or no. -

Answers to the Articles first to be considered on, and all Objections to a Composition, to be propounded, and set down in Writing.

Sir H. Poole - That a Bill may proceed, and yet give Answer to the Lords; -

The Resolutions of the Committee, being set down in Writing by themselves, to be here inserted. -

To be added to the Message to be sent touching Mr. Hare.

That it may not be taken for an Expostulation, but a Desire to keep the Houses intire and free in their. Liberties.

Reasons: - It will discourage any to take upon them Employment. -

It will make them diffident in praying, or yielding to, Conferences.