House of Commons Journal Volume 1: 24 January 1606

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Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 1, 1547-1629. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Veneris, 24o Die Januarii, 1605

Lake's Estate.

1. Reading: - THE Bill to assure and confirm the Sale of certain Lands, lying within the County of Middlesex, to Thomas Lake Knight, and Dame Mary his Wife.


1. Reading: - The Bill for the better Assurance of Copyhold Lands.

Married Men in Colleges.

1. Reading: - The Bill prohibiting the Resiance of married Men with their ives and Families in Colleges, Cathedral Churches, Collegiate Houses, and Halls of the Universities of Cambridge and Oxford.

Butter, &c. Trade.

1. Reading : - The Bill for the Traders of Butter and Cheese within the City of London.


1. Reading: - The Bill for the Repealing of One Branch of a Statute made 1o Jacobi, intituled. An Act concerning Wherrymen and Watermen.

Oath of Supremacy.

2. Reading: - The Bill, that divers Persons, born within the Realm of England, above the Age of Fourteen Years, shall take the Oath of Supremacy before their going beyond the Sea: - Committed to the Committees for the Proceeding against Recusants, 21 Jan. fol. 1 [*]. Sir Henry Poole added.


Mr. Hare remembereth what was done the last Session, touching the Purveyors.

Moved [a], whether to have a Conference with the Lords, or to proceed by Bill.

Resolved, To proceed by Bill.

Yearly Thanksgiving on 5 Nov.

Mr. Solicitor reporteth from the Committees for the Bill of publick Thanksgiving, that they had amended the Bill, not only in Circumstance, but in Substance: The Amendments twice read ; and the Bill, with the Amendments, upon the Question, ordered to be ingrossed.


Gunpowder Plot.

Sir Thomas Holcroft moveth, touching the late great Accident. -

R. II. made a wooden House; and there the King and the Parliament sat, and Offenders were judged.

The Motion tended to this, that the Miners might receive a Trial in this House. - Not without Precedent. -

Petition to the King.

Sir Robert Wingfield moveth for a Form of Punishment, answerable to the Greatness of the Fact. -

The Scripture hath Examples of Extraordinary Punishments for extraordinary Offences. -

Moved, that a short Act might be made for a Punishment of the Miners : - Some extraordinary Punishment to be set down. -

No Petition to the King: He is so compounded of Mercy, and Pity, that he will deny it.

Contra. - Sir Rob. Hitcham, contra: - That the Common Law should have his Proceeding first; and then this Court to add a Confirmation to it.

Mr. Fuller: - That all the House might be present, and hear the Arraignment; and that afterwards a Law might be made for the Punishment; and the Judgment there respited.

Mr. Speaker: - That for those that be dead, are to be attainted by the House, and Evidence given at the Bar; for the rest, a Confirmation of their Attainders.

Mr. Wyseman : - That the House may be present, and Place provided. - Judgment to be respited. -

That afterwards they may think of a Judgment in the House, their Consciences being informed by the Hearing.

Mr. Solicitor: - That no Petition for the Stay of Judgment: - After one Commission and Court have heard the Allegations, another to interpose themselves for Judgment, never any Precedent.

Sir Roland Litton: - That the Interest of the Parliament makes them not competent Judges.

Q. Whether to make Petition to the King, that the Judgment should be stayed after Trial ?

Resolved in the Negative.

Tonage and Poundage.

1. Reading: - The Bill for the Repealing of a Branch of a Statute, made in the Parliament holden at Westminster the Nineteenth Day of March ; in the first Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord King James, concerning Tonage and Poundage.

Inmates, &c.

The Bill to reform Multitudes of unnecessary and inconvenient Buildings in or near the City of London, and to avoid the Numbers of dangerous Inmates and Lodgers within the same: - Committed to Mr. Solicitor, Sir Geo. Moore, Sir Walter Cope, Sir John Hollys, Sir Fr. Knolles, Mr. Wyseman, Sir Tho. Smyth, Sir Henry Billingsley, Sir Vincent Skynner, Sir Nich. Saunders, Sir Oliver St. John, Sir Edm. Bowyer, Mr. Recorder of London, Mr. Fr. Moore, Sir Geo. Rivers, Mr. Fuller, Mr. Tolderby, Sir Wm. Herrick, Mr. Gore, Mr. Alford, Sir Rob. Moore, Mr. Sam. Bacchus, Sir Tho. Gresham, Sir Hugh Beeston, Sir Tho. Knevett, Burgesses of Southwark, Mr. Martin, Sir Mich. Hicks, Mr. Yelverton, Sir John Swynerton, Serjeant Shirley: - Wednesday, Chequer Chamber.

Privilege- Pages committed by Judges.

Information was given by Mr. Yelverton, that the Pages upon the Stairs had much abused the Passengers, and had beat down Two Clerks of the King's Bench; so as the Judges there had taken Knowledge, and committed them.

Whereupon this House sent the Serjeant to clear the Stairs, and to demand the Prisoners to be taken into his Custody, and to bring them into the House Tomorrow in the Morning [b].