House of Commons Journal Volume 1: 04 July 1604

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Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 1, 1547-1629. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Mercurii, 4o Julii, 1604

Conference reported.

Mr. Francis Moore reporteth the Quest, and Arguments at the Conference Yesterday, in the Bill of Continuance. -

The Statute of Apparel,

of Tanners,

of Wines:

With the Point of the King's Prerogative handled.

Lovell's Relief.

B. For the Relief of Tho. Lovell, reported by Mr. Irby, with Amendments; which were twice read; and the Bill, upon Question, ordered to be ingrossed.


Motions, touching the Contribution, by Mr. Tolderby, Sir Tho. Ridgeway, &c.

Such as were absent, to pay double: If any Friend will answer for them, to be excused.

The Clerk and Serjeant to be liberally dealt withal.

Sir Edw. Stanhope and Sir Matthewe Carewe, bring from the Lords Two Bills (which passed this House) with Amendments:

Nevill's Estate.

An Act concerning Sir Henry Nevill, of Byrling, &c.


An Act against Brokers.

Crown Lands.

Mr. Attorney General, Sir Edw. Stanhope, and Sir Matthewe Carewe, bring from the Lords a Bill, intituled, An Act, proceeding from the King's Majesty's princely Wisdom, and Care of his royal Progeny, for the perpetual and indissoluble Annexing of certain of his Majesty's Possessions inseparably to him and his royal Posterity, Kings and Queens of England.


L. 1. 2. B. Of Annexation, &c. - Twice read, and committed to Mr. Solicitor, Mr. Hyde, Mr. Yelverton, Sir Francis Bacon, Sir Rich. Molineux, Sir Geo. Moore, Sir Herbert Crofts, Sir John Hobart, Sir Walter Cope, Sir Wm. Strode, Sir Vincent Skynner, Sir Maurice Berkley, Mr. Clifford, Mr. Martin, Sir Edw. Stafford, Mr. Serjeant Snig, Mr. Crewe, Mr. Jones, Sir Francis Fane, Sir Rich. Bulkley, Sir Tho. Ridgeway, Mr. Pulleston, Sir John Savill, Sir Tho. Freak, Sir Tho. Hesketh, Mr. Fuller, Sir Henry Belingsley, Sir Roland Litton, Sir John Scott, Sir John Thynne, Mr. Nath. Bacon, Sir John Hollis, Sir Rob. Oxenbridge, Sir Wm. Morrice, Sir Edwyn Sandys, Sir Tho. Holcroft, Mr. Carleton, Mr. Toby Matthewe, Sir Francis Hastings, Sir Francis Barrington, Mr. Johnson, Sir Rob. Harley, Sir Tho. Strickland, Sir Rich. Haughton, Mr. Francis Moore, Sir Edw. Mountague, Mr. Brook, Mr. Alford, Sir Edw. Grevill, Mr. Tey, Sir Henry Beamount, Mr. Bacchus: - To meet this Afternoon, in the Star-chamber.


The Proviso and Amendments in the Bill of Continuance of Statutes (coming from the Lords) thrice read, and, upon the Question, passed; and the Bill amended.

Jesuits, &c.

The Amendments in the Bill against Jesuits, Seminaries, &c. thrice read; and, upon Question, the Bill to be amended.

Lovell's Relief.

Amendments in the Bill concerning Tho. Lovell Esquire, thrice read; and the Bill, upon Question, to be amended.


Amendments in the Bill against Brokers, thrice read ; and the Bill, with the Amendments, upon Question, passed.


B. For Redress of sundry Abuses in making of Starch, &c. returned into the House by Mr. Brook; with Report, that the Committees had no convenient Time to meet, and therefore desired the Bill might sleep until the next Session.

Coppices, &c.

B. Touching Coppices and Underwoods, &c. returned by Mr. Wyld, with the like Motion.