House of Commons Journal Volume 1: 30 June 1604

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Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 1, 1547-1629. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Saturni, 30o Junii, 1604

Tanners, &c.

B. TOUCH ING Tanners, Curriers, Shoemakers, and others, occupying Cutting of Leather reported by Sir John Savill, with Amendments; the Amendments twice read ; and the Bill, upon Question, ordered to be ingrossed.


B. Touching surrounded Grounds, &c. reported from the Committee by Sir John Heigham, with Amendments and Provisoes ; which being twice read, the Bill, upon Question, ordered to sleep till the next Session.

Swearing, &c.

B. Against Swearing, &c. reported by Mr. Fuller, with Amendments; which were twice read; and the Bill, upon Question, ingrossetur.

Lovell's Relief.

L. 2. B. For the Relief of Thomas Lovell Esquire : - Secondly read; and moved on the Behalf of the Commoners of the Fen Grounds in the County of Lincolne, that their Counsel might be heard at the Bar.

Whereupon it was ordered, that the Counsel on both Parts shall be publickly heard on Monday next, in the Morning.

Nevill's Estate.

L. 3. An Act touching Sir Henry Nevill, of Byrling, &c. - Thirdly read; and Counsel heard at the Bar.

Against the Bill, for the Lady de Lespencer,

Mr. Richison,

For the Bill - - Mr. Bridgeman.

After the Argument of the Counsel, much disputed in the House; and the Bill, upon Question, passed.

Sir John Crook and Mr. D. Swale bring from the Lords Two Bills :

Letters Pat.

1. An Act for Confirmation of fetters Patents.


2. An Act for the charitable Relief of Persons infected with the Plague (which both passed this House) with several Amendments and Provisoes.

Inmates, &c.

L. 1. Nova B. For Reforming of great Mischiefs and Inconveniences, that daily grow and increase, by Pestering of Houses with divers Families, Harbouring of Inmates, and Converting of great Houses into several Tenements, and Erecting of small new Buildings, in and near the Cities and Towns corporate within this Realm of England.


L. 3. B. To encourage the Seamen of England to take Fish, thereby to increase the Navy of England: - Thirdly read, and, upon the Question, passed.

Bills sent to Lords.

Sent up to the Lords Five Bills:

1. An Act against Brokers.

2. An Act to encourage the Seamen of England, &c.

3. An Act to enable John Tebolds Esquire, &c. with the Proviso from the Lords.

4. An Act for the Naturalizing of Adam Newton Esquire.

5. An Act touching Sir Henry Nevill, of Byrling, &c.


B. For Reformation of Abuses in the Exchequer against Accountants :


B. For Avoiding of unjust Suits against Incumbents: Both reported from the Committee by Mr. Tate, as thought fit to sleep: And so ordered.