House of Commons Journal Volume 1: 31 May 1604

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Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 1, 1547-1629. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Jovis, 31o Maii, 1604

Jernegan's Estate.

L. 1. B. FOR Henry Jernegan the younger, for the Sale of the Manors of Dages in Raveningham, &c.

King's Household.

L. 2. B. For the Assignment of certain Sums of Money Household, for the Defraying of the Charges of the King's most honourable Houshold: - Committed to the Lord Buckhurst, Sir Edw. Hobby, Sir Rob. Oxenbridge, Sir Roland Litton, Sir Tho. Freak, Sir Herbert Crofts, Sir Jerome Bowes, the Burgesses of Bristowe, the Burgesses of Newcastle, Mr. James of the Isle of Wight, Sir John Bennett, Sir Thomas Ridgeway, Sir Wm. Skipwith, Sir Rob. Miller, Mr. Hyde, Mr. Nath. Bacon, Sir Wm. Strode, Mr. Fuller, Mr. Winch, Sir John Savill, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Alford, Mr. Bromley, Sir Tho. Biggs, Sir Henry Beamount: - To meet on Wednesday, in the Exchequer Chamber.

Infants Marriages.

L. 1. B. To make void the Marriage or Contracts of Infants, &c.

Sir Edw. Mountague presenteth Two Bills to the House, drawn (as he said) by the Committees for Matters of Religion; viz.

Pluralities, &c.

1. B. For Redressing of certain Inconvenencies in the Statute made 21o H. VIII. cap. 13o, intituled, An Act against Pluralities of Benefices for taking of Farms by spiritual Men, and for Residence.


2. B. For the Providing of a godly and learned Ministry.

Small Debts.

L. 3. An Act concerning small Debts, and relieving poor Debtors in London: - Upon the Question, passed.


L. 3. An Act for Costs in a Prohibition : - Upon this third Reading, spoken unto, and argued, pro et contra, by Sir John Bennett, Mr. Serjeant Snig, Mr. D. James, Mr. Fuller.

The Bill, after Argument, put to Question; and, upon the Question, the House divided:

With the Yea, 99.

Noe, 118.

Difference, 19.

So the Bill dashed.

Bad Omen.

During the Argument of this Bill, a young Jackdaw flew into the House called Malum Omen to the Bill.


L. 3. An Act for better Execution of former Laws for Maintenance of the Navy, &c. - Upon a third Reading, and the Question, dashed.

Ecclesiastical Affairs.

Sir John Crook and Sir Matthewe Carewe come with Message from the Lords ;

That whereas this Day his Majesty's Houshold removeth, Tomorrow is a Convocation Day, upon Saturday a Conference is appointed [a], touching the Book published by the Bishop of Bristowe; therefore the Lords desire, that the Sub-committees, selected for Matters ecclesiastical, may meet on Monday, at the usual Time and Place [b],

Free Trade.

L. 3. An Act for free Liberty of Trade into all Countries: - Before the Question, much disputed by Mr. Gore, Mr. Francis Moore, Sir Walter Cope, Sir Tho. Ridgeway, Mr. Fuller, Mr. Secretary Herbert, Mr. Brook, Mr. Recorder of London.

The Time being far spent, the further Dispute, and Question, for the Passage, was deferred till To-morrow.

Union with Scotland.

The Bill of Union, appointed to be secondly read at Eight a Clock Tomorrow Morning.