House of Commons Journal Volume 1: 08 March 1581

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Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 1, 1547-1629. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Mercurii, 8o Martii, 1580

Eyreth, &c. Marshes.

LL. 1. The Bill for Inning of Eyreth and Plumsted Marshes. - The first Reading; and committed unto Sir Thomas Scott, Sir Wm. Moore, Sir Thomas Browne, Sir Rowland Haywarde, Mr. Boyer, Mr. Gent, Mr. Grymesdiche, Mr. Cabell, Mr. Shurley, and Mr. Irelande: To meet this Afternoon, in the Temple Hall, at Two of the Clock, - Delivered to Mr. Grimesdiche.

Bishop of Coventry, &c.

LL. 1. The Bill for Assurance of a Rent-charge, of Eighty-two Pounds Ten Shillings, to the Bishop of Coventry and Lychefeld, and his Successors. - The first Reading; and committed to the last former Committees; To meet at the said Time and Place, last before mentioned. - Delivered to Sir Ro. Haywarde.

Fines, &c.

LL. 1. The Bill for Reformation of Errors in Fines and common Recoveries. - The first Reading.

Fortifying the Borders.

3. nova. The Bill for Fortifying of the Borders against Scotlande. - The third Reading; and passed, upon the Question.

The Two Bills last passed are sent up to the Lords by Mr. Chancellor of the Duchy, Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, and others.

Iron Mills.

2. The Bill against Erecting of Iron Mills near unto the City of London, or River of Thames. - The second Reading ; and ordered to be ingrossed.

Slandering the Queen.

Mr. Attorney General and Mr. Serjeant Anderson do bring from the Lords, the Bill against slanderous Rumours, and other seditious Practices, against the Queen's Majesty; which first passed the Higher House; and being brought down into this House, was afterwards sent from hence, thither again, with a certain Schedule of Amendments ; and also with an Addition thereunto, of this House, ingrossed in Parchment, but not indorsed with Soit baile aux Seigneurs; for want whereof their Lordships had no Warrant to deal therewith any further; and therefore willed, that this House would either withdraw the said Addition ingrossed, and so to pass the Bill, or else cause the same to be indorsed, that their Lordships might further proceed therein accordingly: Whereupon immediately after the Departing of the said Mr. Attorney and Mr. Serjeant Anderson, the said Addition was indorsed, and sent up by Mr. Treasurer and others.

Greseham's Creditors.

1. nova. The Bill for Relief of the Creditors of Sir Thomas Gressham, Knight, deceased. - The first Reading.

Letter from Halle.

Mr. Lieutenant of the Tower, Sir Thomas Scott, Mr. Crumwell, Mr. Atkyns, and Mr. Norton, are appointed to confer together, touching the Answering and Satisfying of the Contents of a Letter written by Mr. Halle to Mr. Speaker; which was here read in the House by the Clerk, and delivered to Mr. Crumwell, One of the Committees; to be considered by him, and the Residue of the said Committees accordingly.