House of Commons Journal Volume 1: 28 January 1581

Page 120

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 1, 1547-1629. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Sabbati, 28o Januarii, 1580


1. The Bill touching Wrecks upon the Sea. - The first Reading.

Unlawful Marriages.

1. The Bill against the unlawful Having of more Wives than One, at One time. - The first Reading.


2. The Bill for the Preservation of Woods. - The second Reading; and committed unto Mr. Lieutenant of the Tower, Sir Thomas Scott, Sir Rowland Haywarde, Sir Thomas Browne, Sir Thomas Sampole, Sir Thomas Shurley, Sir Henry Cocke, Sir William Moore, Mr. Crooke, Mr. Robert Wrothe, Mr. Coverte, Mr. Cardinall, Mr. Crumwell, Mr. Boyes, Mr. Norton, Mr. St. John, Mr. Richard Lewkenor, Mr. William Clarke, Mr. Cure, Mr. Colebrande, Mr. Cowper, and Mr. Ashe; to meet at the Temple Church, upon Monday next, at Two of the Clock in the Afternoon.

Iron Mills.

2. The Bill against the Erecting of Iron Mills near the City of London, and the River of Thames. - The second Reading; and committed to the former Committees for the Bill of Woods.


2. The Bill for the speedy Recovery of Debts. - The second Reading; and ordered to be ingrossed, upon the Question.

Call of the House.

It is Ordered, That the House be called upon Wednesday next, in the Afternoon.


The Bill touching the Defeazances of Statutes of the Staple. - The second Reading; and committed to Mr. Vicechamberlain, Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sir Humfrey Jilbert, Mr. Sands, Mr. Yelverton, Mr. Serjeant Flowrdewe, Mr. Serjeant Fenner, Sir Thomas Sampole, Mr. Gent, Mr. Alforde, Mr. Hanam, Mr. Norton, and Mr. Boyes; to meet upon Monday next, at Three of the Clock in the Afternoon, at the Chequer-chamber.


The Bill for the Assize of Fewel. - The second Reading ; and committed unto the same former Committees, for the Bill of Woods, at the said Time and Place.