House of Commons Journal Volume 1: 21 February 1576

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 1, 1547-1629. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Martis, vicesimo primo Februarii, 1575

Dean, &c. of Norwiche.

1. The Bill for Perfecting of Grants made by the Dean and Chapter of Norwiche. - The first Reading.


1. The Bill touching certain Prisoners in Execution, escaped out of the King's Bench. - The first Reading.

Treatment of Foreigners.

1. The Bill, that the Queen's Majesty entreat the Subjects of foreign Princes in like sort, as the same foreign Princes shall entreat her Majesty's Subjects. - The first Reading.


1. The Bill for the Goldsmiths. - The first Reading.

Aliens Children.

1. The Bill touching Children being born in England, their Parents being Strangers. - The first Reading.

Letters Patents.

LL 1. The Bill for Confirmation ot Letters Patents. - The first Reading.


3. The Bill for Mr. Hatton. - The third Reading. - Jud'm.


3. The Bill for Woodstocke. - The third Reading, - Jud'm.

London Freemen.

3. The Bill for the Freemen of the City of London. - The third Reading. - Jud'm

Monasteries, &c.

3. The Bill for the Explanation of the Statute of 319 of Henry the VIII. - The third Reading. - Jud'm.

The Four Bills last passed are sent to the Lords by Mr. Treasurer and others.


The Master of the Requests, Mr. Recorder, Mr. Attorney of the Duchy, Mr. Sampole, and Mr. Snagge, to meet at the Rolls Chapel, between Two and Three of the Clock this Day at Afternoon, touching the Manner of Delivery of Mr. Halle's Servant.

Fines, &c.

3. The Bill for Reformation of Errors in Fines and common Recoveries. - The third Reading. - Jud'm.


1. 2. 3. Another Proviso to the same Bill, thrice read.

To meet for the Jeofailes To-morrow at Afternoon, in Serjeants Inn in Chancery-lane, at Two of the Clock.

Isley's Debts.

1. 2. Two Provisoes to the Bill for the true Payment of the Debts of Wittm. Isley Esquire, twice read; and ordered with the Bill to be ingrossed.


Q. 1. The Bill for Denizens, &c. - The first Reading.


2. The Bill for Butlerage and Prizage of Wines. - The second Reading; and committed unto Mr. Treasurer, Mr. Secretary Smyth, Mr. Chancellor of the Duchy, Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, My Lord Russel, Mr. Captain of the Guard, Sir Rowland Hayward, Sir Henry Gates, Mr. Captain of the Wight, Sir Henry Radclyff, Sir Henry Wallopp, Mr. Lieutenant of the Tower, Mr. Serjeant Lovelace, Mr. Recorder of London, Mr. Chester, Mr. Atkyns, Mr. Sampole, Mr. Snagge, Mr. Edward Popham, Mr. Dalton of Hull, John Caplyn, Mr. Honywood, and Mr. Langley; to meet upon Friday next in the Afternoon, in the Chequer-chamber, at Two of the Clock.