House of Commons Journal Volume 1: 19 May 1604 (2nd scribe)

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 1, 1547-1629. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Saturni, 19o Die Maii, 1604

Tebold's Estate.

THE Bill to enable John Tebold. Gentleman, to make his Wife a Jointure of certain of his Lands, and to sell some Part for Preferment of his younger Children: - First Reading.

Hats, &c.

The new Bill, for the better Making of Hats and Felts, and for avoiding Deceits therein, &c. - The first Reading.

Ecclesiastical Possessions.

The Bill against the Diminution of the Possessions of Archbishops and Bishops, and against Dilapidations, &c.

The second Reading, and committed to Mr. Nath. Bacon, Mr. Cole of Winchester, Sir Geo. Moore, Sir Antho. Rowse, Sir John Boys, Sir Timothie Whyttingham, Sir Rob. Wingfield, Sir John Thynne, Mr. D. James, Mr. Fra. Moore, Sir Charles Cornwallys, Mr. Wyseman, Sir Fr. Barrington, Sir Henry Beamount, Sir Fr. Hastings, Mr. Tate: - Tuesday, Chequer Chamber.

Melcombe Regis Church.

The Bill for the Erecting and Building of a Church in Melcombe Regis, &c. a new Bill. - The first Reading.


The Bill for the Relief of such, as use the Handicraft of Skinners. - The second Reading, and committed - Sir H. Beamount, Sir John Williams, Mr. James, Mr. Pettus, Sir John Jeffreyes, Sir Fr. Barrington, Mr. Wymark, Mr. Fuller, Mr. Winch, Mr. Hoskins, Mr. Pigott, Sir Edw. Hobby, Sir Wm. Morrice: - Thursday, Court of Wards,


Poll-davies : - Adjourned to the Temple Hall, this Day, upon the Motion of Sir Tho. Hobby.


Mr. Holt bringeth in the Bill for the Registering of Judgments, &c. from the Committee, with Amendments: And, upon the Question, ordered to be ingrossed.


Mr. Winch: - That a Message might be sent to the Lords, for a Conference to be had, according to his Majesty's Direction.


Sir Wm. Paddy offering to speak in the Matters of Religion, de mera fide, de sola fide; a Question was offered to be made, touching his speaking, or not speaking; considering the Order his was peremptory, for that Time, for Reading of ingrossed Bills half an Hour after Eight.

Speaking in Order.

If any Man speak not to the Matter in Question, the Speaker is to moderate.

Aston's Nat.

The Bill for the Naturalizing of the Lady Mary Aston, Wife to Sir Roger Aston Knight, and their Children: - The third Reading, and passed, upon the Question.

Rogues, &c.

The Act for the Continuance, Explanation, and Enlarging of the Statute of Rogues, Vagabonds, and sturdy Beggars : - Third Reading, passed, and upon the Question.


The Bill against Shooting in Guns: - The third Reading, and dashed.

Sir Wm. Fleetwood, Sir Rob. Wingfield, Mr. Bond, against the Bill. -

No Proportion between the Punishment and Fault. - Non bis poena in idem. Omnia peccata non sunt aequalia.

Mr. Martin, Sir Geo. Moore, Sir H. Beamount, Sir Tho. Ridgeway, with the Bill.

Sir Rob. Wroth: - Regard it because the King desires it.

Bills from Lords.

Sir John Crook and D. Hone bring from the Lords Two Bills : Assignment from [a] the King's Houshold : Apparel. -


Touching the Sub-committee for Religion; a Meeting, on Monday in the Afternoon, at the Court: - Nine from the Lords: The Number Twenty, of ours.

To be named on Monday.


Sir Rob. Needham, with the Bill: - Sir John Hollice, Sir Rol. Litton, Sir Edw. Mountague -

Double Question.

No double Question, upon the Passing of the Bill; though, upon the Committing, sometimes a Question is put double, if it be not well understood.


The Bill for taking away of Clergy for some Kind of Homicide: - The third Reading, and dashed.

Courts Leet, &c.

An Act to prevent the Overcharge of the People, by Stewards of Court Leets, and Court Barons : - Third Reading, and passed.


The Bill, concerning the Wherry men, or Watermen: - The third Reading, and stayed till Monday.

Sent up to the Lords, by Sir Edw. Sandys.

Rogues, &c.

An Act for the Continuance, Explanation, and Enlarging, of the Statute of Rogues, Vagabonds, and sturdy Beggars: - Third Reading; and passed, upon the Question.


Ordered, That Sir Edwyn Sandys shall report the Bills of Liberty of Trade, on Monday.

Wardship, &c.

Sir Edwyn Sandys:-. - To have, together with the Bills, a Motion made, touching the Matter of Wardship: To have a Joining with the Lords, in Petition to the King, that we might treat with his Majesty, touching Composition for Wardship.

Q. Whether the Lords shall be moved, for Framing of a Petition.

Sir Edwyn Sandys to be sent up with the Bills, and the Message, touching the Wardship, and Respite of Homage.

The Warden discharged.

Mr. Warden of the Fleet, being called in, kneeling, confessed his Error unfeignedly, to have offended this honourable House: - That he was sorry he had offended.

- And thereupon was pardoned, and discharged by the House, paying his Fees.


Watkin to be brought hither, and delivered on Monday.

Utlaries, &c.

Tuesday, Chequer Chamber, - Utlaries; Recusants convict.


The great Committee for Religion, to name a Subcommittee for the Matter of Religion, being the King's Desire, intimated unto them : Between One and Two a Clock, in the Exchequer Chamber, to meet for that naming.


Sir Edw. Sandys: - That the Lords would send Answer by some of their own, on Monday, since the Matters were of great Importance, and the Time far spent, touching the Wards.

Records of the House.

A Motion made this Day, that there might be a Place appointed, for the Keeping of the Registers and Records in the Clerk's Hands, &c.

That a Warrant might be petitioned, from the Lord Treasurer, for the Building of such a Room.