House of Commons Journal Volume 1: 15 May 1604 (2nd scribe)

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 1, 1547-1629. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Martis, 15 Die Maii, 1604

Le Grys' Estate.

THE Bill to assure the Manors, Lands, and Tenements, late Christofer le Grys his, according to the true Intent and Meaning of the last Will and Testament of the said Christofer: - The second Reading, and committed to Sir John Heigham, Sir Charles Cornwallys, Sir John Peyton, Mr. Nath. Bacon, Serjeant Hubbard, Sir Wm. Cornwallys, Mr. Brook, Mr. Fr. Moore, Mr. Oxborough, Mr. Dannett, Mr. Pettus, Mr. Yelverton, Mr. Holt, Mr. Parkinson, Mr. Hare, Sir Bassingborne Gawdie : - Saturday, Chequer Court.

D. of Somerset's Estate.

The Bill for the Establishment of divers Manors and Lands of Edw. late Duke of Somerset; - The second Reading, and Counsel heard. -

The Earl of Hertford and my Lord Henry Seymor had Leave to sit, and be covered, within the Bar. -

Warden desires to be liberated.

Mr. Speaker reporteth, that Mr. Lieutenant of the Tower writ unto him, concerning the Warden of the Fleet ; and Two Letters inclosed, from the Warden; the One dated in the Morning, the other after Mr. Lieutenant had spoken with him; both shewing his Penitency for his former Obstinacy, and his Willingness to deliver Sir Tho. Shirley; and withal, that he might be spared from the Dungeon until this Morning; and that he might lie in the Fleet the last Night for providing some Money, which he had to pay the next Day.

Privilege-The Member released, &c.

Mr. Speaker answered the Lieutenant, by writing, that, if he would yield Sir Tho. Shirley's Body presently, he would undertake to spare him from the Dungeon till this Morning. Upon that, he caused the Delivery of Sir Tho. Shirley. And Sir Tho. came this Morning, and had his Oath given him by Sir Edw. Hobby; and admitted into the House.

Ascension Day.

Being put to Question, whether we should sit on Ascension Day, Thursday.

137 Yea: 128 Noe. - Resolved, To sit.

Proceedings concerning Jones.

Mr. Speaker publisheth to the House, that he had a Bill, and Articles, delivered him by one Wm. Jones, a Printer. - One Arbury, a Minister, drew it.

Jones committed to the Serjeant; with Commandment, that none should confer with him.

The Bill not read, until it were examined.

The Bill, for Treason, practised by the Bishop of London.

D. of Somerset's Estate.

Mr. Serjeant Nicholls, of Counsel with Mr. Seymor. -

John Seymor, Edw. Seymor, by Katherine; Earl, and Lord Henry by Anne. -

Mr. Seymor's Father disinherited. -

Act in 5o, procured by Practice, and by sinister Means. -

Lands sold, without Katherine's Consent, which were intended for Recompence.

Answ. John, the first Son, lived till 7 E. VI. This John begotten, when the Duke was in France. -

Letters Patents, for his creating Viscount Bcauchamp, to his Heirs Males, from thenceforth to be begotten; secluding the Issue of Katherine. -

All his Letters Patents after, from the King, barred the Issue of Katherine. -

5 E. VI. suffered Death, 22o Januarii.

32 H. VIII. left my Lord at Liberty to cut off the Intail. -

No Cause of Recompence to Edw. It was taken from John. -

Commissioners, to assign Recompence to John. 7 E. VI. an Act to confirm the Recompence unto him. The Remainder no Recompence. -

Seisin 50 Years. Made divers Bargains and Sales,&c. -

The Gentlemen, named for Commissioners, Sixteen.

Bills from Lords.

Sir John Crook, Sir Edw. Stanhope, bring from the Lords Four Bills: 1. An-Act concerning Process and Pleadings in the Exchequer; with Amendments :

An Act for the Naturalizing of Tho. Glover, Margarett Mordant, Francis Collymore, Alexander Daniel, Nicholas Gylpin, and Mary Copcoat.

An Act against unlawful Hunting and Taking of Deer and Conies.

An Act for an Exchange to be made between the Masters, Fellows, and Scholars, of the College of the holy and undivided Trinity, within the Town and University of Cambridge, and Sir Tho. Mounson Knight, &c.

Privilege- Bribery.

Sir H. Beamount: - That Mr. Typper hath played the Knave honestly, - A Condition of a Bond, for procuring a Corporation, shewed by Mr. Typper, with a Note on the Side, written, misliking it, but newly written. The Bond taken, before the Bill in the Lower House preferred

No Order in this Matter, because Mr. Typper not there.

D. of Norfolk.

The Act for Restitution in Blood of the Lord William Howard, youngest Son to the late Duke of Norfolk, and of the Children, &c. of the Lady Sackvile: - Sir Geo. Moore, Sir Jo. Heigham, Sir Tho. Lake, Sir Nich. Saunders, Sir Wm. Skipwith, Sir Tho. Mounson, Sir Rich. Mullineux, Sir John Hollice, Sir Rob. Mansfield, Sir Jo. Trevor, Sir Rich. Spencer, Sir John Scott, Sir Fr. Hastings, Sir Tho. Challoner. Sir Herbert Crofts, Mr. Ryvers, Sir Charles Cornwallys, Sir Bassingborne Gawdy, Sir John Dormer, Mr. Parkinson, Sir Tho. Holcroft, Mr. Pettus, Sir Hugh Beeston, Sir Robert Cotton, Sir Fra. Bacon, Mr. Phillip Gawdy, Sir H. Beamount, Mr. Trevor, Sir Robert Wingfield, Mr. Antrobus, Mr. Staughton, Sir Tho. Preston: - To-morrow, at Eight a Clock in the Morning, in the Committee Chamber.


The Bill of Tythes for London, and Committees, - Mr. Alford.


Costs in a Prohibition, - to Mr. D. James. - This Day both.

Calthrop's Jointure.

The Bill for the Jointure of the Wife of Martin Calthrop, Gentleman, passed, upon the Question.

Union with Scotland.

This Day, in the Afternoon, the Clerk attended with the Names of the Commissioners for the Union, and the Copy of the Act, at the Conference with the Lords.