House of Commons Journal Volume 1: 11 May 1604 (2nd scribe)

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 1, 1547-1629. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Veneris, 11o Maii, 1604

Privilege -

THE Serjeant to be presently sent for Sir Tho. Shirley, with his Mace.

Prisoner in the Tower.

Mr. Lieutenant of the Tower excuseth himself. - Crimen laesae majestatis, and Contempts, and Misdemeanors. -

For the One, the Prisoner is kept, with his Diet, in his Chamber ; for the other, he cometh down to Meals, to the Lieutenant. The Warden's Lodging is beyond the King's Garden: There he was met by Mr. Johnson, coming down from Supper.

Blyndlie Church.

The Bill for the Erecting of a Parish-church for the Two Boroughs, called Blyndlie Boroughs, in the County of Surrey, and for the Making of them a Parish, committed - Sir Geo. Moore, Knights of Surrey and Sussex, Mr. Ryvers, Sir Nicho. Saunders, Mr. Staughton, Mr. Fr. Moore, Sir John Shirley, D. James, Sir Edm. Bowyer, D. Steward, Sir Dan. Dun: - Tuesday, Chequer Chamber.

House to sit.

To sit in the Afternoon, for the first Reading of Bills.

Marriage of Clergy.

The Bill declaring the Marriage of the Ministers of the Gospel of Christ to be lawful: - The second Reading, and committed to Mr. D. James, Sir Edw. Hobby, Mr. D. Bennett, Mr. Nich. Hyde, Sir Geo. Moore, Sir Edw. Lewknor, Sir Edw. Grevill, Sir Tho. Freake, Mr. Fuller, Sir Rob. Wingfield, Sir Edwyn Sandys, Sir Fr. Hastings, Mr. Hitcham, Sir John Heigham, Sir Edw. Mountague, Mr. Toby Matthewe, Sir Edw. Littleton: - Chequer Chamber, To-morrow, - D. James.

Foreign Wools.

The Bill to restrain the Bringing in of all foreign Wools into this Kingdom, secondly read, and dashed, upon the Question.


The Bill for Hats and Felts, put to Question, and dashed.

Privilege - Bribery.

Mr. Typper to be examined, touching the 100l. received for this Bill. - Sir Edw. Hobby, Sir Edw. Mountague, Sir Rob. Wingfield, Sir Charles Cornwallys, Sir Rob. Wroth, Sir H. Beamount, Sir John Thynne, Sir Rob. Oxenbridge, Sir Geo. Moore: - To-morrow Afternoon, Court of Wards.

Lucas' Estate.

Mr. Hoskins bringeth in the Bill for the Repealing of another Act, made Anno 43 Eliz. (intituled, An Act to make the Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments, of Edw. Lucas, Gentleman, deceased, liable) with Amendments; and, upon the Question, dashed.

Privilege- Refusal to Release a Member.

Mr. Serjeant returneth from the Fleet, and reporteth that he dealt by fair Means with the Wife of the Warden, and beyond his Commission; for which he craved Pardon : Told her of the Favour of this House, and of his Majesty's gracious Message; Demanded the Body of Sir Tho. Shirley. She said, she would not deliver him ; but if she might hear such Word from Mr. Trench, she would deliver him. He called Sir Tho. down: She said, if he carried Sir Tho. he should carry her dead. He offered to take her by the Hand, and she fell down, and began to cry, " Sir Tho. Shirley." But he, having no Commission to use Violence, desisted,

Sir Herbert Crofts: - That the Warden might be sent for, and more terrified with Little Ease; and, if he would not reform himself, that then -

Quest. Whether the Warden shall be presently sent for.

Mr. Lieutenant's Man, his Keeper, sent for him, sedente Curia.

Purveyors, &c.

Mr. Hare, - touching the Purveyors. - Would have 20,000l. given to the King, and an intire Subsidy presently.

Sir Rich. Browne: - That the King's Part, and the Subject's, may be indifferently considered.

Mr. Hyde: - Utterly against any Imposition upon the Subject, of any yearly Sum; and, that we could make no Law to extirpate Purveyors, &c. nor to bind the King. - That the Bill might go on, which is now in the House.

Sir Geo. Moore : - That a Proviso might be brought in to the Bill, which provideth against Purveyance, if the Money, limited, be paid.

Quest. Whether a Committee: - Resolved: - To-morrow in the Afternoon.

Authority : - Whether any Cause of Composition.

Sir Rich. Browne added to the Committees: To bring in a Note of all the Compositions; to inform, touching the King's Demaynes, and Pastures; and who hath them in Occupation.

Sir Tho. Freak added to the Committee: To-morrow, in the Parliament-house.

Sir Edwyn Sandys, - touching the Buying of Justice ; touching Matters of Wardship. - These to be referred to the Committee for Purveyors.

Warden of the Fleet committed to Little Ease.

The Warden, being called, put in mind of the favourable Course held with him, and of his Contempt; terrified with more Punishment.

The Course of this House, in favour of the Warden, to be intimated to him by the House. - Not agreed. The Speaker's Opinion required ; which he delivered, not to be derogatory, to let the Warden know first the Judgment.

Quest, 1. Whether Mr. Speaker should ask, if he knew the Proceeding of the House, and his Majesty's Grace and Favour: - Resolved.

2. Whether he will deliver the Prisoner.

3. Whether make known the Proceeding, and the King's Grace: - Resolved.

4. Whether then his Judgment to be, to go to Little Ease: - Resolved.


The Judgment of the House, that, as he doth increase his Contempt, his Punishment increased : - To be committed to Little Ease.

Leave of Absence.

Sir Rich. Musgrave, Knight, One of the honourable Society of the Bath, and One of the Knights returned for the County of Westmorland, is this Day licensed by the House to depart into his own Country; with Commandment to return, to attend this Service again, before the End of this Session of Parliament.

Veneris, 11o Die Maii - post meridiem

THE first Reading. -

Mich. Term.

An Act for the Abbreviation of Michaelmas Term.

Berwick Charter.

An Act for Confirmation of the King's Majesty's Charter, and Letters Patents, granted to the Mayor, Bailiffs, and Burgesses, of the Borough of Berwick upon Tweede, and their Successors, and of the Franchises, Liberties, &c.


An Act for the charitable Relief of Parishes infected with the Plague.

Inns, &c.

An Act for Reformation of Abuses in Inns, Taverns, Alehouses, Tipling-houses, and the Haunters and Frequenters of them.


An Act against Haunting of Alehouses.

Conjuration, &c.

An Act against Conjuration, Witchcrafts, and Dealing with evil and wicked Spirits.

Ramsey's Nat.

An Act for the Naturalizingof Sir John Ramsey, Knight.

D. of Norfolk.

An Act for Restitution in Blood of Wm. Howard, youngest Son of Thomas late Duke of Norfolke, and of the Children of the Lady Margaret Sackvile, Daughter of the said Duke.

Innovations in the Church.

An Act for the Suppressing of Innovations in the Church of England.