House of Commons Journal Volume 1: 11 June 1604 (2nd scribe)

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 1, 1547-1629. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Lunae, 11 Die Junii, 1604

Ecclesiastical Leases.

THE Bill for the Avoiding of Multiplicity of Leases, made by Archbishops and Bishops, of such Lands and Possessions, as are belonging to their Archbishopricks and Bishopricks : - First Reading.

Ecclesiastical Courts.

The Bill for Reformation of certain Abuses in ecclesiastical Courts and Causes : - First Reading.

Littleton's Restitution.

The Bill of Restitution in Blood of Thomas, John, and Edw. the Three Sons, and Bridgett, Anne, and Jane, Three Daughters, of John Littleton, of Frankley in the County of Wigorn, Esquire, deceased: - Second Reading, and committed to Sir John Thynne, Sir H. Bromley, Mr. Hitcham, Sir Charles Cornwallys, Mr. Ed. Bromley, Burgesses of Worcester, Sir Tho. Biggs, Sir John Peyton, Mr. Overberry, Mr. Nath. Bacon, Sir Jo. Heigham, Burgesses of Salisbury, Mr. Hyde, Mr. D. James, Mr. Pulliston, Sir Edw. Grevill: - Temple Hall, Wednesday.

Gordon's Nat.

The Bill for the Naturalizing of John Gordon, Dean of Sarum, his Wife and Children : - Second Reading, and committed to the aforesaid Committees,

E. of Marre's Nat.

The Bill for the Naturalizing of John Earl of Marre, and for Confirmation of Letters Patents made unto him: - Second Reading, and committed to Sir Jo. Heigham, Sir H. Beamount, Sir Geo. Fleetwood, Mr. Parkinson, Mr. Moore, Sir Geo. Moore, Mr. Lawrence Hyde, Sir Vincent Skynner, Sir Tho. Hobby, Sir Rob. Wingfield, Mr. Brock, Sir Jo. Thynne, Mr. Hedley, Sir Jerome Horsey, Sir Herbert Crofts, Mr. Overberry, Mr. Noye, Sir Tho. Horsman, Sir Jo. Peyton, Sir Edw. Stafford, Sir Fr. Barrington, Mr. Yelverton, Mr. Fuller, Sir Roger Aston, Sir Roland Litton, Mr. Nath. Bacon, Sir Jo. Savill: - Thursday, Temple Hall.

Jernegan's Estate.

Sir Jo. Heigham bringeth in the Bill for the Sale of the Manor of Dages, in Raveningham, by Henry Jernegan, the younger, &c. from the Committee, without Amendments: - But not then read for Passage; - Deferred.

Ly. Kildare's Letters Patent.

The Bill for Confirmation of Letters Patents, made to the Right honourable Charles Earl of Nottingham, Lord Admiral of England, Thomas Earl of Suffolk, Lord Chamberlain, Sir John Luson and Sir John Trevor, Knights, for the Use and Benefit of the Lady Frances Dowager of Kildare, and now Wife of Henry, late Lord Cobham, attainted, with Amendments; which were twice read, and allowed. -


The Bill for the true Employment of Relief appointed for the Poor, brought in from the Committees, with Amendments; and, upon the Question, ordered to be ingrossed. - By Sir Rob. Wroth.

Jermy's Decree.

The Bill for the Making void of a Decree in Chancery, and of the Assurance made thereupon by Sir Tho. Jermy, Knight, and Dame Joane his Wife, to Sir Mark Styward, Knight, of certain Lands and Tenements in the Isle of Ely, in the County of Cambridge. - By Sir Rob. Wroth, as thought an unfit Bill to pass; and, upon the Question, rejected.


Mr. Serjeant Shirley bringeth in, from the Committee, the Bill for the better Execution and Explanation of the Statute of Bankrouts, with a new Title, viz. For the better Relief of the Creditors against such, as shall become Bankrout; with other Amendments; and the Amendments read; and, upon the Question, ordered to be ingrossed.

Privilege - Objectionable Publication.

Sir Fr. Bacon's Report - The Book. -

The Lord Cecyll's Speech, Three Parts: Good Correspondence.

Declaration of the Proceedings against the Bishop: Why they went no further. -

That they were interessed, as well as we : If not, yet the Union of the House -

The Rebuke to the Bishop. -

That, which durst not shew his Head in Parliament, should go to the Press, in mean Hands. -

Any Man presume to let the King see more, than a Parliament could. -

The King the Head, we the Body : If any Man will swell above the Circumference, it must be a Wert, a Wenn. -

The Bishop : - Peccavi, poenitet, non putaram. -

The Reasons: - His Coat: A Member: Under Shadow of the Cypress-tree, Union. - Less severely reported, than performed.

Sir Tho. Ridgeway: - Arthure Hall's Case: Nevill, - the Tumults of Norfolk. - That the Bishop might retract in Writing.

Sir Jo. Hollice: - That he might submit in the House, and be entered here.

Sir H. Crofts: - To let the Lords . . we are not satisfied, . . the Submission, in Writing, be brought down hither.

Sir Rob. Wingfield: - He submitted in Writing above; let the same be brought down hither, and recorded.

Mr. Secretary Herbert -

The Committee, for the Convocation-house, to consider of it this Afternoon, what is to be done.

Leave of Absence.

Sir Rob. Wroth hath Leave to absent himself for a Se'nnight, upon the King's hunting in the Forest: Hath Leave, paying a Buck to Mr. Speaker.

Simpson brought in.

Simpson brought in; and being demanded, what was the Cause, why he desired to come hither, answered, because he would be released. -

Fell sick: Hath a continual Disease.

To be brought again To-morrow.

Pening Fens.

Committee, for Pening, adjourned till Thursday.

Surrounded Grounds, to be debated To-morrow.

Letters Patents.

Sir Tho. Hobby bringeth in from the Committee, the Bill for the Confirmation of Letters Patents, with Amendments; and deferred to be read, upon some special Exceptions expressed by Mr. Speaker.