House of Commons Journal Volume 1: 05 April 1604 (2nd scribe)

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 1, 1547-1629. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Jovis, 5 Die Aprilis, 1604

Mr. Speaker to attend the King.

THIS Day Mr. Speaker was commanded to attend the King privately, at Eight a Clock in the Morning.


The Bill concerning Extortion : - The second Reading, and committed - all the Serjeants at Law, Mr. D. James, Mr. Solicitor, Mr. Yelverton, Sir Geo. Carewe, Sir Edw. Hobby, Sir Roger Wilbraham, Sir John Bennett, Mr. Fuller, Mr. Moore: - To meet in the Middle Temple Hall, on Saturday in the Afternoon. The Queen's Attorney, Mr. Hedley, Mr. Winch, Mr. Wyseman, Sir Rob. Wroth, Mr. Hext, added 14 Apr.

Privilege - King's Message respecting Jurisdiction in Election.

Mr. Speaker excuseth himself, for his Absence, by the Commandment of the King to attend his Majesty : Reporteth a Message from the King. -

That the King received a Parchment; whether an absolute Resolution, or Reasons, to give him Satisfaction: He thought it was merely for his Satisfaction. -

The King's Protestation, that, by that Love he bare the House, by the Faith he ought to God, he had as great a Desire to maintain our Privileges, &c. He had seen the Manner, and the Matter: He had heard his Judges, and Counsel: He was distracted in Judgment : He desired, and commanded, as an absolute King, that there might be a Conference between the Judges, and the House. He wisheth, that there might be a select Committee, of grave and learned Persons, out of the House. The Council not to determine, but to report on both Sides.

Mr. Yelverton: - The Prince's Command like aThunder-bolt: Command, upon our Allegiance, like the Roaring of a Lion. - No Contradiction to his Majesty's Command ; but how, or in what Manner we ought . . .

Mr. Martin: - That the King would be pleased to be present, and hear, and judge, it himself.

To confer with the Judges, before the Council, and the King: Serjeant Tanfield, Serjeant Hubbard, Serjeant Leigh, Serjeant Shirley, Serjeant Dodridge, Sir Tho. Heskett, Sir Francis Bacon, Mr. Recorder of London, Mr. Yelverton, Mr. Tho. Crewe, Mr. Hyde, Mr. Fr. Moore, Mr. Rich. Martin, Mr. Winch, Mr. Dyett, Mr. Fuller, Sir Roger Wilbraham, Mr. Fr. Tate, Mr. D. James, Sir Daniell Dun, Sir Jo. Bennett, Sir Geo. Carewe, Vice-chamberlain to the Queen, Sir Fr. Hastings, Sir Edw. Hobby, Sir Robert Wroth, Sir Henry Nevill, Sir Jo. Savill, Sir Geo. Moore, Mr. Nath. Bacon, Sir Edw. Stafford, Sir Wm. Fleetwood, Sir Tho. Challoner, Sir Roger Aston, Sir Robert Wingfield, Sir Edw. Mountague, Sir Edwyn Sandys, Sir Wm. Bowyer, Sir Robert Cotton.

[a] These Committees are selected, and appointed to confer with the Judges of the Law, before his Majesty's Council, according to his Majesty's Pleasure, this Day signified by Mr. Speaker to the House.

It is resolved and ordered by the House, upon a Motion made by Mr. Hyde, that these Committees shall only insist upon the Fortification, and explaining, of the Reasons and Answers delivered unto his Majesty, and not proceed to any other Argument, or Answer.


Mr. Hyde reporteth that the Committee, in the Bill for Purveyors, have considered of the Bill; but thinketh good, to attend and speak with some Officers of the Green-cloth, before they delivered it into the House, &c.


Mr. Brock reporteth the Proceeding of the Committee, touching the Bill, authorizing Justices of Peace to deliver Prisoners out of Gaol, and for the Placing and Settling of poor Prisoners.


Committee for Sir Henry Nevill's Motion, &c. - in the Inner Temple Hall, upon Monday in the Afternoon.

Committee for Utlawries, - in the Middle Temple Hall, on Tuesday in the Afternoon.

Committees for Recoveries against Infants, - in Lincolnes Inn Hall, on Wednesday.

Hats and Felts : - Thursday, the Inner Temple Hall.

The Committee for Sir Tho. Shirley, - Inner Temple Hall. To-morrow Morning, at Eight a. Clock.

Windsor Deanry.

Mr. D. Stanhope and Mr. D. Swale bring from the Lords a Bill, intituled, An Act for the Assuring of divers Lands and Tenements to the Dean and Canons of Wyndsor, and of assuring a Lease of the Prebend of Bedwyn, in the County of Wiltes, to Edm. Earl of Hertford.

Person pardoned.

Carter, of Westminster, the Vintner, pardoned, paying Fees to the Serjeant.

Committee of Privileges.

Committee for Returns and Privileges, - To-morrow in the Morning, in the Inner Temple Hall.

Leave of Absence.

This Day Thomas Eden Esquire, returned a Burgess for Sudbury in Suffolk, having urgent Occasion to be absent for some few Days, is licensed by Mr. Speaker to depart; and commanded, to return again the 19th Day of April next, 1604.

Nicholas Spray, Gentleman, Burgess for Bodmyn in Cornwall, is licensed to be absent for 24 Days; and is then commanded to return again, to attend the Service of the House.


This Day Mr. Speaker pronounceth the King's Pleasure to be, that this Court shall be adjourned until Wednesday next, the 11th of April, at Eight a Clock in the Morning.