House of Commons Journal Volume 1: 01 May 1604 (2nd scribe)

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 1, 1547-1629. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Martis, primo Die Maii

Butler's Estate.

THE Bill for the Confirmation and Assurance of the Manors, Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments, of Henry Butler Esquire, according to the Tenor and Effect of a certain Indenture of Covenants, made for and concerning the Marriage of William Butler, Son and Heir apparent of the said Henry: - The second Reading, and committed to Sir Rich. Haughton, Sir Tho. Heskett, Sir Tho. Holcroft, Mr. Holt, Mr. Hyde, Mr. Yelverton, Mr. Hugh Beeston, Sir Rich. Mullineux, Sir Hugh Beeston, Sir Rob. Nappier: - Thursday, Temple.

Rogues, &c.

The Bill for the Continuance, Explanation, and Enlargement, of the Statute, made in the 39th Year of the Reign of the late Queen Elizabeth, touching Rogues, Vagabonds, and sturdy Beggars, &c. - The first Reading.

Calthrop's Jointure.

The Bill for the Jointure of the Wife of Martin Calthorp, Gentteman, brought in by Mr. Fra. Moore, without any Amendment ; and, upon the Question, ordered to be ingrossed.

Throckmorton's Writ of Error.

The original Record of the Judgment, touching Sir Rob. Vernon, to be sent for from the Star-chamber.

The Exemplification of the Recovery for the Barony of Powes, read in the House,

Sundry Proof of Witnesses, and Sentences of the Star-chamber,

The Bill for the Disannulling, and Making void, of a false and unlawful Return of a Certificate, made by Sir John Throckmorton Knight, late Justice of the County of Mongomerie, secondly read.

This Cause to be debated To-morrow.

Union with Scotland.

Union. -

Sir Fr. Bacon maketh a Report of the Conference with the Lords. -

The Lord Chancellor made the Overture. - Three Parts:

1. Repetition of the Proceedings of the King.

2. Report of the Opinion of the Judges.

3. A brief Proposition, that is to be done. -

His Majesty had thrice propounded this Motion in Parliament; twice in open Parliament. - The King propounding never the Name definitively, but conditionally.

A Fail in Reason not only, but in point of Honour, if Contradiction tacite or implicite. -

The Name a Thing left, and no more to be spoken of. - Six Articles, touching the Naming of Commissioners:

1. The Number, and naming, to ourselves.

2. The Return to the same Body.

3. The Commissioners to treat and consult only.

4. The Tenor of the Commission, plain and general.

5. This, digested, and ripe, to be framed into an Act: A Sub-committee for that Purpose.

6. That there may be a Conference again for these Purposes.

Principia actionum tantum sunt in nostra potestate. - The Lords, Stars of Influence, Stars of Brightness.

Inmates, &c.

The Bill for Inmates, and Committees, delivered to Sir Henry Billingsley.

Union with Scotland.

A Message to be sent, to confer with the Lords this Afternoon, touching the Union.

Mr. Secretary Herbert reporteth, that the Lords would be ready at Three a Clock.

Melcombe Regis Church.

The Bill for the Erecting of a Church in Melcombe, &c. Church with the Committees Names, delivered to Mr. Barefoote.

Martis, primo Maii, 1604 - Post meridiem


THE Bill for the Naturalizing of Sir Edw. Bruce Knight, Lord of Kinlosse, his Wife and Children; and for Confirmation of Letters Patents made unto him. - The first Reading.

E. of Marre's Nat.

The Bill for the Naturalizing of John Earl of Marre, his Wife and Children; and for Confirmation of Letters Patents made unto him : - The first Reading.

Sir T. Areskyn's Nat.

The Bill for the Naturalizing of Sir Tho. Areskyn Knight, and for Confirmation of Letters Patents made to him : - The first Reading.

Sir J. Areskyn's Nat.

The Bill for the Naturalizing of Sir Jams Areskyn Knight, his Wife and Children; and for Conformation of Letters Patents made to him: - The first Reading.


The Bill for avoiding unjust Suits against Incmnbents of ecclesiastical Livings: - The first Reading.


The Bill for the true Employment of Relief appointed for the Poor : - The first Reading.

Treasurers, &c.

The Bill to compel Treasurers, and Deputy Lieutenants, to account; and for the indifferent Taxation of the Inhabitants of this Realm of England, and Wales, for the King's Majesty's Services, and other Charges: - The first Reading.


The Bill, concerning the Wherrymen or Watermen. -


The Bill for Reformation of Abuses in Alehouses, late converted into Inns: - The first Reading.

Blacksmiths, &c.

The Bill for the Relief of poor Artificers, called Blacksmiths, and Naylors; and for Avoiding of Deceits in their Trades, and of Oppression daily practised upon them: - The first Reading.

Fry of Fish.

The Bill for the Preservation of the Fry and Brood of Sea-fish, &c. - The first Reading.


The Bill for the Restraint of Sowing of Woad in certain Grounds: - The first Reading.