Pages 493-514
Cardiff Records: Volume 4. Originally published by Cardiff Records Committee, Cardiff, 1903.
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Cardiff Council Minutes 1876–1879.
1876 August 28 Monday. Special Meeting.
Councillor William Taylor, M.D., elected Alderman, in the place of Alderman R. Lewis Reece deceased.
September II. Special.
Tenders are to be invited for raising the wreck of the "Charles Hanbury," which has been abandoned by her owner.
October 9. Special.
Resolved, that the numbers of houses commence with the end of the street nearest the Town Hall, and be alternate on each side of the street. (fn. 1)
Resolved, that Lord Bute's Trustees be asked to sell a piece of land in Cathedral Road, for the erection of Judge's Lodgings.
The Council approved a design for the alteration of the bridge over the Taff.
Dr. Paine re-elected Medical Officer of Health, his salary to be £50.
John James, Inspector of Nuisances.
David Davies appointed Collector of Market Tolls.
October 13. Adjourned Special.
The plans of Messrs. James Seward & Thomas, for additions to the Town Hall, are accepted.
Resolved, that in future the Reports of the various Committees, and of the Surveyor and Medical Officer, be printed and forwarded to the Members of the Council, together with the Notice of the Meeting at which they are to be presented.
November 9 Thursday noon.
Present:—Daniel Jones, Mayor.
James Pride.
Thomas Evans.
Joseph Elliott.
Henry Bowen.
John Winstone.
William Taylor.
Daniel Lewis.
John McConnochie.
John Sloper.
John Cory.
Rees Jones.
John W. Vachell.
Richard Cory, Junr.
David Duncan.
John Rowlands.
John Evans.
G. A. Stone.
Alfred Thomas.
G. W. Armstrong.
Thomas Rees.
Robert Bird.
Thomas V. Yorath.
Thomas Williams.
George Boddington.
William Sanders.
Samuel A. Tylke.
William Treseder.
Thomas Cross.
Andrew Fulton.
Thomas W. Jacobs.
David E. Jones.
Robert Davies.
David Jones.
Richard Lougher.
W. D. Blessley.
Alderman Joseph Elliott elected Mayor. Salary £300.
Alderman Alexander, Deputy Mayor Salary£300.
Henry Fraser, Water Bailiff.
William Davis and Joseph Monk, Serjeants at Mace.
David Davies, Collector of Market Tolls.
John Meredith, Market Weighman.
The number of Members on any Committee is to be in future limited to 13, instead of 9.
The following constituted the Public Library Committee:—
The Mayor.
Alderman Alexander.
Alderman Evans.
Alderman Bowen.
Alderman Taylor.
Rees Jones.
David Duncan.
Robert Bird.
William Sanders.
Councillor Armstrong.
"Councillor Fulton.
F. J. Beavan.
J. Le Boulanger.
Peter Davies.
E. C. Downing.
Robert Drane.
F. G. Evans.
John Jenkins.
Rev. C. Jones.
William Jones.
Clement Lucas.
J. W. Lukis.
W. H. Martin.
Dr. James Milward.
Edwin Seward.
W. H. Southern.
W. H. Thomas.
Rev. C. J. Thompson.
Rev. Alfred Tilley.
S. A. Tylke.
Thomas Rees.
W. Adams.
J. Evans.
W. J. Gaskell.
H. C. Harris.
Rev. John Hayde.
Henry Heywood.
Rev. W. James.
Peter Price.
Rev. F. W. Puller.
Rev. G. A. Jones.J. H. Riches.
George Robinson.
W. Rönnfeldt.
J. Sankey.
Rev. Vincent Saulez.
P. H. Scott.
Dr. C. T. Vachell.
Rev. J. Waite.
J. Williams.
Rev. E. W. Winks.
£900 voted to the Public Library.
Resolved, that an abstract of the several Borough Accounts for the past year be published in the usual weekly papers.
General District Rate of 1s. 6d. in the £ levied on houses, and 4½d. on land.
November 15. Adjourned.
Ordered, that all ballot papers above a year old be destroyed in the presence of the Mayor and Ex-Mayor.
December 11. Special.
The Town Clerk laid before the Council Case with Opinion of Mr. Joseph Brown, Q.C., and Mr. C. Bowen, to the effect that there existed a power for the Education Department to include within a School District for the Parish of Llandaff any portion of that parish now within the Borough of Cardiff.
Tender accepted for a new heating-apparatus for the Turkish Baths.
Wells ordered to be closed at Devonshire Place, Canton, and at Elm Street, Roath.
A Motion that Canton Horse Fair be let for athletic sports, when not required for Market or Fair purposes, found no seconder.
1877 January 8. Special.
Attention was called to the fact of the Town Crier on Market days announcing public sales, and the same was forbidden for the future.
The question of a ship named the "Argosy" having been permitted to enter the Port without first putting to the Captain the questions under the Quarantine Regulations was referred to the Sanitary Committee.
The Medical Officer of Health called attention to the prevalence of hydrophobia in the neighbourhood.
Ordered, that no dog shall be allowed to be at large within the Borough from now until 1st March; penalty, twenty shillings, and such dog to be destroyed.
Moved and seconded, that a Schedule be prepared of the property belonging to the Corporation, with the rental thereof, and for what purpose used; and also a statement of all moneys borrowed, with the amounts due.
February 12 Monday.
Letter from the Town Crier asking that his salary be £20, or in lieu thereof that his resignation be accepted. (The latter course was adopted, and it was left to the Mayor to appoint his successor).
March 12. Special.
"Borough of Birmingham,
Police Office.
2nd March 1877.
In reply to your letter of yesterday's date regarding a statement made by Serjeant Tamblyn to the Watch Committee of Cardiff, that he had been prevented by me from taking proceedings against the house kept by Mrs. Watts, I have to give it a complete and unequivocal denial. Not only so, but that, whilst in the course of his duty he visited this house, although unable to bring such evidence as would carry a conviction, on one or more of these occasions he seized a quantity of wine, which was sequestrated. Moreover, that other officers of the Force were also directed to visit the house, and did so frequently. That during these constant visits, in our endeavours to get sufficient evidence, Mrs. Watts herself came to the Police Office and promised that the house should not be carried on as a brothel in any way; and that, on a subsequent enquiry, the only persons residing in the house were Mrs. Watts and a servant. The imputation emanating from the assertion of Sergeant Tamblyn in the witnessbox, and of his statements now made before the Watch Committee, is that I screened these people because of the character of persons visiting the house. In answer to this, I can with confidence point to my successful exertions in your Town in prosecuting this infamous trade, that during the time I had the honour of being your Chief Constable I brought nearly £300 into the coffers of the Corporation, from suchlike prosecutions; and that, however short my failings may have been, they were duly appreciated by the Mayors of Cardiff with whom I served, and by the Stipendiary Magistrate, in eulogistic terms, pointing markedly to this as a prominent fact of how much the Town was indebted to me for my work in this direction. I must be pardoned for writing thus egotistically, but when my character as a Chief of Police is brought into question I have perforce to refer to the satisfactory work I have done, as a refutation of the reckless statement made by Sergeant Tamblyn in the endeavour to screen himself from the consequence of a hasty reply elicited from him under sharp cross-examination.—I am, Sir,
Yours faithfully.
E. Bond (Major),
Chief of Police.
Geo. Salmon, Esqre.,
Town Clerk, Cardiff."
Committee appointed to investigate this matter.
Letter relating to the sale of vegetables in the street without payment of tolls, referred to the Property and Markets Committee.
£500 paid to the School Board.
Cardiff Slaughterhouse (fn. 2) discontinued.
Committee appointed to select site for new Free Library, Museum &c.
Town Clerk to take immediate steps to remove the wreck of the
barque "Frères" from the fairway to the Cardiff Roads.
Joseph William Thomas appointed Public Analyst.
April 9. Special.
Proposed and seconded, that steps be taken to obtain an Order of the Privy Council for the closing of the Old Cemetery belonging to the Parishes of Saint John the Baptist and Saint Mary, Cardiff, situate near Moira Terrace. (fn. 3)
Resolved, by way of Amendment, that the Inspector of Nuisances be instructed to take steps to cause the Vestries of Saint Mary's and Saint John's to abate the nuisance which exists at the Old Cemetery.
Five wells are to be closed at Spring Gardens.
Lamps to be fixed in Newport Road, between Roath Court and Pengam bridge; and two seats by the footpath, between the above points.
May 14 Monday.
The Mayor stated that the wreck "Frères" had been blown up, and that the "Charles Hanbury" was also removed.
In compliance with the request of a Deputation from the Cardiff Chamber of Commerce, a Committee is appointed to consider the subject of the removal of the shoal called Cefn-y-wrach, which is a great impediment to the trade of the Port.
Notices to quit are to be served on the tenants of the property in Angel Street, purchased by the Corporation.
A Memorial praying that the lane (fn. 4) leading from Newport Road to Broadway and Clifton Street be widened into a carriage way, was referred to the Public Works Committee.
Common Seal ordered to be affixed to the Agreement for the purchase of premises in Wharton Street, late the property of the Rev. William Price Lewis.
Town Clerk laid before the Meeting copy of a proposed Memorial about to be presented to Her Majesty's Government by the Council of the University College of Wales, praying for a grant of £2,500 a year towards the maintenance of the College, and of a sum of £5,000 towards the completion of the College buildings, in which the Council of the College were desirous of receiving the support of the Borough.
Resolved unanimously, that the College is of great advantage to Wales by affording to the youth of the Principality higher education at moderate cost; and that this Council would express the hope that the Government will accede to the prayer of the Memorial.
Sanitary Committee are to suppress the carrying through the streets of swill, wash, vegetable matter, gas-water and other offensive things.
June 8. Special.
Daniel Lewis, cabinet maker, was elected Alderman in the place of James Pride deceased.
June 11. Special.
Common Seal ordered to be affixed to an Agreement for purchase of property in Wharton Street, from Mrs. Hester Vachell.
July 9. Special.
Walter Hemingway, Cheif Superintendent of Police.
Resolved, that application be made to the Cardiff Tramway Co. to extend their lines eastward to the top of Oakfield Street, and westward to Clive Road.
August 4. Special.
"To the Right Honourable Sir Thomas White, Lord Mayor of London.
We the Mayor, Aldermen and Burgesses of the Borough of Cardiff beg to offer to your Lordship a hearty welcome on this your visit to our ancient Borough. Ever foremost in all that relates to the principle of local self-government, the Corporation of London has been the consistent champion of corporate rights; and to your Lordship, as the head of that Corporation, we tender our cordial thanks for the services thus rendered to the community at large. In the more immediate occasion of your visit to South Wales, to distribute rewards to those who so nobly risked their lives in the rescue of fellow workmen overwhelmed in the late Tynewydd inundation, and to afford relief to the widows and others who have suffered thereby, we see that your Lordship follows in the honoured footsteps of your predecessors, by whom the recognition of the claims of those who have benefitted their fellow men, and the cry of the distressed, have never passed unheeded. Passing to a subject more intimately concerning your Lordship, we, the Corporation of Cardiff, would beg to present through you to the Lady Mayoress, your daughter, our congratulations upon her approaching marriage, and to express our sincere wishes that a life of long and unalloyed happiness may be her lot; and trust that, in the marriage of a beloved daughter during your Lordship's Mayoralty, the remembrance of its wellsustained dignity will receive an additional pleasure.
Given under our Common Seal at Cardiff this fourth day of August 1877.
Joseph Elliott,
Mayor." (L.S.)
His Lordship afterwards attended at the Town Hall, when the Address was presented to him.
August 13 Monday.
Town Clerk laid before the Council Certificate and Order of the Treasury for payment of £191. 10. 0 expenses in the trial of the Municipal Election Petition, Owen Davies v. Richard Lougher and Walter Douglas Blessley.
£500 paid to the School Board.
G. B. Raggett, who has succeeded T. S. Miller as Collector of Customs, is appointed Collector of Harbour Town Dues. Mr. Miller had received the appointment of Collector at the Port of Glasgow.
Mr. J. A. B. Williams, Borough Surveyor, reports on the Cefny-wrach shoal.
Special Committee report that they found the Old Cemetery in a very neglected state as to tombstones, paths and general condition, and describe it as a "positive disgrace."
October 8. Special.
Attention was called to the death of a child through falling into the sewer at the Tunnel, Crockherbtown, which had been opened for the purpose of running off the water from the Canal into the sewer. The Town Clerk was directed to write the Secretary of the Canal Co., suggesting that the gates to the Tunnel be shut when the communication between the Canal and the sewer is open, and at other times when the Canal is not in use.
Special Committee approve Mr. Peter Price's Plans for new Free Library, Museum, and Science and Art Schools.
Policemen in uniform are not to enter public houses except in discharge of their duty.
Alderman Watkins moved that in future the Corporation invite the Mayor and twelve guests to a banquet on 9 November, but it was resolved that the matter should be left to the Mayor's discretion as heretofore.
November 9 Friday noon.
Alderman William Taylor elected Mayor. Salary £300.
Alderman C. W. David, Deputy Mayor.
Richard Scudamore is appointed Water Bailiff. Salary £30.
Thomas Davis and Joseph Monk, Serjeants at Mace.
David Davies, Collector of Market Tolls.
John Meredith, Market Weighman.
Rate of 1d. in the £ granted to the Free Library.
November 14. Adjourned.
The wreck of the "Frères" in Penarth Roads not having been completely removed, the contractors are to be paid £100 on account and called upon to fulfil their contract.
Resolved, that a General Purposes Committee be formed, to which any subject not strictly applicable to existing Committees shall be referred.
December 10. Special.
Application from the Cardiff Tramway Company for permission to run the cars on Christmas Day was granted, subject to the better conduct of working generally and to the removal of the noxious and offensive smell arising from the bad oil used in lighting the cars.
1878 January 14. Special.
Resolved, that the houses purchased by the Corporation in Angel Street be taken down. (fn. 5)
Resolved, that this Meeting, viewing with alarm the probability of England taking part in the war now raging between Russia and Turkey, resolves that a humble Petition be presented to Parliament praying it not to sanction any measures tending to a breach of the neutrality hitherto maintained.
The Petition is to be forwarded to Colonel Stuart, M.P., for presentation.
Resolved, that the appointment of a General Purposes Committee be rescinded.
That a Parliamentary Committee be appointed, to carefully examine and report upon the various local parliamentary schemes to be submitted to Parliament.
An application by the Tramways Co. for permission to run cars on Sundays was read, but not assented to.
The Secretary to the Cardiff Infirmary writes expressing the disappointment of his Committee at not receiving the usual donation of 50 guineas from the late Mayor, and begs the matter may be brought before the Council.
January 23. Special.
"To His Excellency Wooyeno Kagenori, Minister Plenipotentiary of His Imperial Majesty the Mikado of Japan.
We the Mayor, Aldermen and Burgesses of the Borough of Cardiff, in Council assembled, desire, on behalf of our fellow burgesses to bid you a hearty welcome to this ancient Borough and chief Port in South Wales. We hail with unalloyed pleasure your presence amongst us as the representative of His Imperial Majesty the Mikado of Japan, and view it as a pledge of amity between the subjects of His Imperial Majesty and those of our Sovereign Lady the Queen, which we trust will long continue and that we shall ever cordially co-operate in the peaceful arts of commerce and all other civilizing influences of the age. In this the first visit of a Japanese vessel to our Port, we would see in it [sic] the forerunner of the coming of many other vessels of your nation, and we would express our fervent hope that in our mercantile relations we may ever learn to esteem each other and cultivate that mutual good-will and respect, without which no lasting concord can be maintained."
Resolved, that the Address be engrossed on vellum and illumined [sic], and that the same be presented at the Town Hall on the 25th day of January instant, to which day and place the Meeting was adjourned.
February 11th Monday.
The ex-Mayor (Mr. Alderman Elliott) stated that it was his intention to give £25 to the Infirmary, £10 to the "Hamadryad" Hospital, £10 to the Deaf and Dumb School, and £10 to the Blind Asylum, instead of giving the usual 50 guineas to the Infirmary.
March 11. Special.
Town Clerk is to communicate with the lessee of the Old Theatre in Crockherbtown (recently destroyed by fire) with a view to preventing persons from gaining admittance to the ruins of the Theatre.
April 8. Special.
The level crossing over the Rhymney Railway, from Saint Andrew's Place to Castle Road, otherwise Plucca Lane, within the Parish of Saint John, is to be stopped up and diverted. (fn. 6)
Letter from Miss Lydia Becker, asking the Council to petition Parliament in favour of the Women's Disabilities Removal Bill. The request was not complied with.
May 13 Monday.
The Aldermen's Report and recommendation with regard to Wells' Charity was read. Its concluding paragraph runs thus:—
"That as the appointment of new Trustees and the obtaining the above powers is the most pressing want of the Charity, the Aldermen recommend that the same should be at once proceeded with. From the greatly increased income of the Charity that will arise from the consequent development of the property by building operations, there will arise the necessity of an enlarged scheme for the application of the income; and as the making of such a scheme will probably take some time, the Aldermen have to lay before the Council the suggestion made by the Charity Commissioners that the preparing of a scheme should at once be considered."
The salary of Dr. Paine, Medical Officer of Health, to be £280.
Letter from W. P. Stephenson, Clerk to the Cardiff Union Rural Sanitary Authority, enclosing Reports as to the pollution of the rivers Taff and Ely, was referred to the Sanitary Committee.
June 17. Adjourned Special.
Mrs. Jane Aubrey resigns her position as Hall Keeper.
Memorial to be presented to the Lords of the Privy Council, in favour of the Port of Cardiff being restored as a place for the importation of cattle from North America and Canada. (This was complied with.)
The Corporation having had their attention called to the fact that two of the Cardiff pilots have been suspended for refusing to take out certain vessels, request the Pilotage Board to reinstate the men. The Council deem the fact of its being found necessary to engage in dredging operations on the Cefn-y-wrach shoal sufficient evidence that caution was needed by the said pilots. (The Pilotage Board declined to comply.)
July 8. Special.
Four months after the making of a new Rate, the Collectors are to summon defaulters without further reference to the Finance Committee.
Steps are to be taken to purchase the Canton, Ely and Leckwith Commons. (A contrary proposition by Councillor Robert Bird and Alderman Winstone was unsuccessful.)
£1000 paid to the School Board.
Police Inspector James and his wife are appointed Hall Keepers.
Motion by Councillor G. W. Armstrong:—That the public having a right of way through the fields over Pen-y-lan, also by the Roath Brook, from the Mill to Pen-y-lan Road, and in other parts of Roath parish, the Surveyor be instructed to report upon all these rural walks, with a view to making them more attractive, and preparing them for the greater comfort and convenience of the public, by substituting gates in lieu of stiles at the entrances thereto, making gravel paths, and placing iron garden-seats at suitable distances. (Referred to the Public Works Committee.)
August 12 Monday.
The question of the removal of the late Lord Bute's statue from High Street to the Great Western Approach was deferred.
September 9. Special.
Schedule of Corporation Property to be prepared.
Deputation re houses damaged by an overflow of the drains at Adamsdown.
Deputation requesting that wood blocks may be laid down in Duke Street, instead of the present granite blocks, which are the cause of great noise from passing vehicles. (Complied with.)
Petition calling attention to a wooden structure erected at the corner of Elm Street and Newport Road, for the accommodation of Mr. Solomon Andrews' omnibuses. (The Mayor stated he would see Mr. Andrews as to keeping back the building to the line of the houses in the road.)
Committee appointed to select a site for the new Free Library.
September 24. Special.
Resolved, that the Reporters be requested to withdraw.
Resolved, that the Council form themselves into a Committee to consider the question of the purchase of the Water Works undertaking.
October 1. Special.
Sub-Committee Report on the Cardiff Reservoirs and Water Works at Lisvane, Llanishen, Ely, Penhill, Cogan and Llandough.
October 10. Special.
Special Committee recommend the Council to purchase the Water Works. Their recommendation is adopted; Alderman John Winstone alone voting against it, and Alderman Henry Bowen abstaining from voting.
October 14. Special.
Deputation from Cardiff Shipowners' Association, requesting the Corporation to appoint their Chairman to be one of the Members of the Pilotage Board prescribed by the Bristol Channel Pilotage Act, 1861. (The Deputation were informed that the matter should receive the consideration of the Council.)
Special Committee recommend that the new Free Library be erected on the site fronting to Trinity Street and Wharton Street, adjoining Saint John's churchyard; part of said site being occupied by Zion Welsh Calvinistic Methodist Chapel. (Rejected proposals were for building the Library in Saint Mary Street, or Golden Lion Court, off Wharton Street.)
1878 November 9 Saturday noon.
Present:—The Mayor, in the Chair.
Wm. B. Watkins.
Wm. Alexander.
Thomas Evans.
Daniel Jones.
Joseph Elliott.
Henry Bowen.
William Taylor.
John Sloper.
J. W. Vachell.
David Duncan.
Rich. Cory, junr.
John Rowlands.
John Evans.
G. A. Stone.
T. V. Yorath.
Robert Bird.
William Sanders.
D. L. Lougher.
E. W. Shackell.
William Treseder.
Andrew Fulton.
D. E. Jones.
T. W. Jacobs.
Robert Davies.
David Jones.
Thomas Rees.
Rees Enoch.
Daniel Lewis.
John G. Proger.
W. E. Vaughan.
Thomas Evans.
W. J. Trounce.
Alderman Daniel Lewis elected Mayor Salary £300.
Alderman Daniel Jones appointed Deputy Mayor.
Richard Scudamore is appointed Water Bailiff, at a yearly salary of £30.
Thomas Davies and Joseph Monk, Serjeants at Mace.
David Davies, Inspector and Collector of Market Tolls.
John Meredith, Market Weighman.
Grant of 1d. in the £ to the Free Library.
General District Rate 1s. 2d. in the £.
Resolved, that the Bill of Mr. Samuel Shepton of £26. 15. 10, for work done in relation to the Stockdale Memorial erected in 1871 and referred to in the Report of the Public Works Committee, be not paid.
£1,000 paid to the School Board.
Resolved, that the letter of the Town Clerk, tendering his resignation, be referred to the Finance Committee.
November 11. Special.
Vote of thanks to Alderman David for useful information supplied to the Council, in relation to the Charities of the Borough of Cardiff.
November 25. Special.
Resolved, that the subject of the removal of bodies from all the vaults attached to the Zion Chapel, Working Street, and the removing and replacing all the monuments at the Cardiff Cemetery, be left in the hands of the Improvement Committee.
Committee of Inquiry into matters connected with the Town Clerk's Department is appointed.
December 2. Special.
"Town Clerk's Office,
2nd Decr. 1878.
To the Town Council
of the Borough of Cardiff.
The occurrences of the past week preclude my continuing to hold office under the Corporation, and I therefore adhere to the resignation contained in my Letter of the 16th October last; and I must beg you to take immediate steps for the appointment of my successor, self-respect forbidding a longer continuance in office than absolutely necessary. I remain, Gentlemen,
Your Obedient Servant.
Geo. Salmon,
Town Clerk."
Moved by Alderman Alexander, seconded by Mr. G. A. Stone, that the resignation of the Town Clerk be accepted.
Special Meeting convened to consider the appointment of a new Town Clerk.
December 9. Special.
The illegal practice of hawking petroleum in the streets is to be suppressed.
Resolved, that a sample of water be procured from the fountain in front of the Town Hall, and forwarded to the Public Analyst for analysis, and the result laid before the next Meeting.
The narrowing of the footpath on the north side of Longcross is to be continued from Wordsworth Street to Oakfield Street.
Alderman David referred to the stoppage of the West of England & South Wales District Bank, the Bankers to the Urban Authority.
Resolved, that the Finance Committee be instructed to make arrangements for drawing cheques for current expenses.
December 13. Special.
Resolved, that a qualified Solicitor be appointed Town Clerk, and Clerk to the Urban Sanitary Authority for the Borough, whose services shall be devoted exclusively to the business of the Borough.
Resolved, upon division, that the whole of the Staff in the Town Clerk's Office be engaged by the Town Clerk, and that the power of engaging and discharging the Staff be vested in the Town Clerk.
(The lost Amendment proposed that the Town Clerk be paid £1,000 per annum, to cover all duties of every kind for the Municipal and Sanitary Authorities; he to find his own clerks, who shall be engaged and discharged subject to the approval of the Corporation; the Corporation to provide Offices free of charge.)
Resolved, upon division, that the salary of the Town Clerk be £1,000 per annum; he providing all clerks and assistance required for carrying on the legal business of the Corporation, Sanitary Authority and Burial Board, also the necessary clerks for attendance on the various Committees, and all general business.
(The lost Amendments proposed that the Town Clerk's salary be £800, to include all salaries of his Staff; also that the Town Clerk's salary be £900, to include the payment of a Minute and Engrossing Clerk, and for the other duties of the Town Clerk's Office.)
Resolved, that steps be taken to advertise for a Town Clerk; candidates' age not to exceed 40 years, and canvassing to be a disqualification.
December 16. Adjourned Special.
Resolved unanimously, that an Address from the Council to Her Majesty the Queen, of condolence and sympathy in the great bereavement she has sustained by the death of her daughter, Princess Alice, Grand Duchess of Hesse-Darmstadt, be prepared and forwarded to Her Majesty.
1879 January 13. Special.
A Letter from William Davis, the Weigher at the Crockherbtown machine, was read, asking for a monkey jacket, and the request was acceded to.
Public Analyst's Report:—
"The Laboratory,
West Wharf, Cardiff.
3 January 1879.
Report on a sample of Water (Cardiff Waterworks, taken in Parish of St. John's), with regard to its adaptability for drinking and domestic purposes.
This Water consists, for the most part if not entirely, of that obtained from the Ely Beds. The amount of organic matter present is not unfavourable, and the general condition of the Water is good; but it is very hard, and slightly contaminated, in consequence of being derived from a somewhat highly cultivated gathering-ground. It is not nearly as well adapted for drinking and domestic purposes as that supplied from Lisvane.
J. W. Thomas,
Mem: Inst: Chem:"
The Manchester National Society for Women's Suffrage wrote requesting the Corporation to petition in favour of removing the disabilities of women in regard to Parliamentary Elections, but no Order was made thereon.
January 21. Special.
The candidates selected at the last Meeting to attend before the Council in respect to the appointment of Town Clerk &c. attended accordingly. Their names were—
J. A. Corbett
C. A. Waln
B. H. Watts
J. L. Wheatley.
The only candidates who received votes were Mr. Corbett (13), and Mr. Wheatley (20).
The Mayor declared Mr. Joseph Larke Wheatley duly elected Town Clerk, and Clerk to the Urban Authority, and legal adviser to the Burial Board; who is to devote his whole time and services to the duties of the office, at a salary of £1000 per annum, to include clerks and all requisite assistance for the due performance of the required duties; the Council providing Offices and stationery; and the appointment to be determinable by either party giving to the other three months' previous notice in writing. The salary to be apportioned as follows:—Corporation a/c £500; Urban Authority a/c £500.
Resolved, that Henry Jones Evans, esq., Manager of the Brecon Old Bank, be appointed Treasurer to the Urban Sanitary Authority, in the place of Clement Lucas, esq.
January 27. Special Statutory.
The Meeting generally confirms previous Resolutions authorising the promotion of a Bill for the purpose of effecting an arrangement with the Cardiff Water Works Company, &c.
February 10 Monday.
[The Minutes are henceforth engrossed in a different hand.]
Resolved, that this Council desires to express its high appreciation of the professional ability, tact and zeal displayed by Mr. George Salmon in the discharge of the duties of his late Town Clerkship of this Borough for upwards of 11 years, and to record the high estimation in which he is held by the Members of the Council, for his uniform courtesy during his official connection with the Borough.
Resolved, that the above Resolution be engrossed upon vellum and presented by the Mayor to Mr. Salmon.
The Council will not entertain the request of Messrs. Luard and Shirley, that an annual acknowledgment be paid in respect of some lights from the market &c. overlooking the premises of the Marquess of Bute, with a view to preserve his Lordship's rights.
March 10. Special.
Town Clerk reported the election of William John Newbery, of "The Cedars," Llandaff Road Canton, as a Councillor for Canton Ward, in the place of George Boddington, resigned.
Letter from the Water Bailiff as to the wreck of the schooner "Dundrennin," of Cork, Capt. Jeffres, which was run into and sunk by the steamer "Somorrostro," of Cardiff, Capt. Powley, of the firm of Messrs. Wilson & Co. She is lying in the fairway of the Penarth Roads. The Trinity House have laid a buoy by her.
Committee appointed to take steps to have the wreck removed.
Thomas John, of Cardiff, is appointed Rate Collector, at a salary of £110.
The Burial Board having acquired 23 acres of land adjoining the Cemetery, a large portion whereof will not be required for a long period, and the ground allotted to the Roman Catholics in the Cemetery being nearly all occupied, so that additional land must be set apart for them: Cemetery Committee is to arrange these matters, and others connected therewith.
April 14. Special.
£1,000 paid to the School Board.
Councillor Henry Bowen is appointed Mayor's Auditor.
All dairies and cowsheds in the occupation of cow-keepers or dairymen, and all milk-stores and milk-shops, are to be cleaned every day to the satisfaction of the Sanitary Inspectors; and the walls of such dairies and cowsheds shall be limewashed inside twice a year, in June and November. All vessels used for containing milk for sale shall be thoroughly cleansed by boiling water or steam.
Conveyance and Assignment from Mrs. Ellen Vachell to the Corporation, of houses in Charlotte Street and Custom House Street.
The pebble pitching in Herbert Street is to be removed, and macadam substituted.
Footpath to be made along the Newport Road, from Pengam bridge to Rumney bridge.
May 12 Monday.
Council accept the offer of Messrs. John Williams & Sons, of Queen Street, to pay £5 per annum for a portion of the Old Town Wall adjoining their premises, on a Lease for 99 years. (Altered by a subsequent Resolution to 75 years.)
Committee to arrange as to removing the wreck of the ship "Amazonas," sunk midway between Lavernock buoy and the shore.
A letter dated 7 May 1879 from Mr. Geo. E. Robinson, of the Cambrian Archæological Association, was read, asking to be allowed to have access to and copy one of the Charters in the possession of the Corporation.
Resolved, that permission be granted accordingly.
June 9. Special.
The Head Constable is to see that the Menagerie Show now being held on the Canal Bank be removed forthwith.
A Motion that the Philharmonic Union be allowed to occupy the Zion Chapel in Working Street, for practice, at 5s. per week, was not carried.
Alfred Brownett is to be summoned to attend before the next Meeting of the Public Works Committee, to explain his conduct in breaking into and interfering with the main sewer in Wyndham Crescent.
Rate of 1s. 4d. in the £ levied.
David Morse is appointed Water Bailiff, in the place of Richard Scudamore deceased; salary £30.
Letter dated 27 May 1879 from Mr. G. E. Robinson was read, stating that Mr. Alcwyn C. Evans had no desire to part with the manuscript book containing a copy of the Charters of the Borough, (fn. 7) but that Mr. Evans might perhaps be willing to do so after the publication of the Charters. The matter was left in the hands of the Mayor and Deputy Mayor.
Town Clerk is to give notice to the Cardiff Water Works Co. that the Corporation require the Company to sell and transfer the Water Undertaking to the Corporation.
June 25. Special.
By a majority of 20 to 2 (Alderman John Winstone and Councillor Daniel Lewis) the Corporation resolved to support a Petition in favour of closing public houses on Sundays. Councillors John Evans and T. W. Jacobs remained neutral.
£1,000 paid to the School Board.
Conveyance of seven houses in Wharton Street and Golden Lion Court, from William Ayres and John Roberts to the Corporation.
The question of placing an electric clock in the Town Hall was deferred in order to ascertain the cost.
1879 August 11 Monday.
Memorial from the inhabitants of the lower end of Richmond Road, complaining of the state of the road and urging that immediate steps should be taken for making the roadway and lighting the same. (fn. 8)
Resolved accordingly.
A Motion to adopt the old Police Station in Saint Mary Street as a site for the new Free Library and Museum was lost, and an Amendment in favour of the Zion Chapel site, between Trinity Street and Working Street, was carried.
Committee appointed to arrange for the new building on the approved site.
Minutes of Council. 1879–1880.
1879 September 8. Special.
The Provincial Tramways Co., Ltd., are to be compelled, by the Board of Trade if necessary, to run two workmen's cars each way, morning and evening.
The Town Clerk stated that the Corporation had no power to exempt from private improvement expenses the School for Deaf and Dumb at Romilly Crescent, Canton.
September 23. Special.
Memorial from Burgesses requesting the Mayor to call a Council Meeting to consider the Charity Commissioners' scheme for the government of Howell's Charity, (fn. 9) with the view of obtaining as amendments thereto that one half the governing body shall be gentlemen other than members of the Church of England, and that the power of appointing the Governors shall be vested partly in the Corporations and School Boards of the districts interested.
The request contained in the Memorial is to be communicated to the Commissioners by the Corporation.
October 13. Special.
Pig Market in Westgate Street is to be discontinued.
Owners of houses in Richmond Road undertake to pay the cost of street improvements there when completed.
N.B. We have now brought down our digest of the Minutes of Council to 10 November 1879, from which date they have been printed and published. The first few volumes of this publication are very scarce, but the later ones common enough.