Charter XVIII: Charter of James VI making Cardiff a free town (1608)

Pages 50-72

Cardiff Records: Volume 1. Originally published by Cardiff Records Committee, Cardiff, 1898.

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In this section


Charter in the custody of the Town Clerk. 18 July 1608.

Jacobus Dei gratia Anglie Scotie Ffrancie et Hibernie Rex fidei defensor &c Omnibus ad quos presentes litere peruenerint Salutem Cum villa de Cardiffe in Comitatu nostro Glamorgan sit villa valde antiqua et populosa ac Burgenses et Inhabitantes eiusdem ville per diuersa seperalia nomina a tempore cuius contrarij memoria hominum non existit diuersas libertates consuetudines franchesias immunitates et preheminencia habuerunt vsi et gauisi fuerunt tam racione et pretextu diuersarum Cartarum et literarum Patentum per diuersos Progenitorum et Antecessorum nostrorum nuper Regum et Reginarum Anglie et per diuersos Dominos de Glamorgan eis antehac factarum concessarum siue confirmatarum quam racione et pretextu diuersarum prescripcionum vsuum et consuetudinum in eadem villa ab antiquo vsitatarum et consuetarum Cumque dilecti subditi nostri Balliui Aldermanni et Burgenses Ville predicte nobis humillime supplicauerunt quatenus nos pro meliori Regimine gubernacione et melioracione eiusdem ville graciam et munificenciam nostram Regiam in hac parte graciose exhibere et extendere velimus Quodque nos pro meliori Regimine et gubernacione eiusdem ville dictos Balliuos Aldermannos et Burgenses ville predicte per quodcunque nomen siue per quecunque nomina modo incorporati sunt vel antehac incorporati fuerunt in vnum Corpus corporatum et politicum per nomen Balliuorum Aldermannorum et Burgensium ville de Cardiffe in Comitatu Glamorgancie facere ordinare constituere redigere et creare de nouo dignaremur cum addicione quarundam libertatum prout nobis melius fieri et fore videbitur Nos igitur volentes quod de cetero imperpetuum in eadem villa continuo habeatur vnus certus et indubitatus modus de et pro custodia pacis nostre ac pro bono regimine et gubernacione eiusdem ville et populi nostri ibidem habitantis et aliorum illuc confluencium Et quod villa predicta de cetero imperpetuum sit et permaneat villa pacis et quietis ad formidinem et terrorem malorum delinquencium et in premium bonorum Acetiam vt pax nostra ceteraque facta Iusticie et boni Regiminis ibidem melius custodiri possint et valeant Sperantesque quod si amplioribus ex concessione nostra gaudere poterint honoribus libertatibus et priuilegiis tunc ad seruicia que poterint nobis heredibus et Successoribus nostris impendendum et exhibendum specialius forciusque senciant se obligatos Ad requisicionem Charissimi Consanguinei nostri Willelmi Comitis Pembroke preclare ordinis Garterij militis et Domini de eadem villa De gracia nostra speciali ac ex certa sciencia et mero motu nostris voluimus ordinauimus constituimus et concessimus ac per presentes pro nobis heredibus et Successoribus nostris volumus ordinamus constitumus et concedimus quod dicta villa de Cardiffe in Comitatu Glamorgancie sit erit et permaneat de cetero imperpetuum libera villa de se Et quod Balliui Aldermanni et Burgenses ville predicte et Successores sui sint et erunt perpetuis futuris temporibus vigore presencium vnum Corpus corporatum et politicum in re facto et nomine per nomen Balliuorum Aldermannorum et Burgensium ville de Cardiffe in Comitatu Glamorgancie Ac eos per nomen Balliuorum Aldermannorum et Burgensium ville de Cardiffe in Comitatu Glamorgan in vnam Corpus corporatum et politicum in re facto et nomine realiter et ad plenum pro nobis heredibus et Successoribus nostris erigimus facimus ordinamus constitumus creamus confirmamus ratificamus et declaramus per presentes Et quod per idem nomen habeant Successionem perpetuam Et quod ipsi per nomen Balliuorum Aldermannorum et Burgensium ville de Cardiffe in Comitatu Glamorgancie sint et erunt perpetuis futuris temporibus persone habiles et in lege Capaces ad habendum proquirendum recipiendum et possidendum maneria mesuagia terras tenementa libertates priuilegia iurisdicciones franchesias et alia hereditamenta quecunque cuiuscunque sint generis nature vel speciei sibi et Successoribus suis in feodo et perpetuitate seu ad terminum vite vitarum vel annorum vel aliter quocunque modo Necnon ad dandum concedendum dimittendum locandum et assignandum eadem maneria mesuagia terras tenementa et hereditamenta ac ad omnia et singula alia res et facta quecunque faciendum et exequendum per nomen predictum Et quod per idem nomen Balliuorum Aldermannorum et Burgensium ville de Cardiffe in Comitatu Glamorgancie placitare et implacitari respondere et responderi defendere et defendi valeant et possint in quibuscunque Curiis placeis et locis ac coram quibuscunque Iudicibus et Iusticiariis ac aliis Officiariis et ministris nostris heredum et Successorum nostrorum in omnibus et singulis accionibus placitis sectis querelis causis materiis et demandis quibuscunque cuiuscunque sint aut erunt generis nominis nature vel speciei eisdem modo et forma prout alij ligei nostri infra Regnum nostrum Anglie persone habiles et in lege Capaces siue aliquod aliud Corpus corporatum et politicum huius Regni Anglie habere perquirere recipere possidere gaudere retinere dare concedere dimittere alienare assignare et disponere placitare et implacitari respondere et responderi defendere et defendi facere permittere siue exequi possint et valeant Et quod Balliui Aldermanni et Burgenses ville predicte et Successores sui de cetero imperpetuum habeant Commune Sigillum pro causis et negociis suis et Successorum suorum quibuscunque agendis deseruiturum Et quod bene liceat eis et Successoribus suis Sigillum illud ad libitum suum de tempore in tempus frangere mutare et de nouo facere prout eis melius fieri et fore videbitur Et vlterius volumus ac per presentes pro nobis heredibus et Successoribus nostris concedimus prefatis Balliuis Aldermannis et Burgensibus ville predicte et Successoribus suis quod de cetero imperpetuum sint et erunt infra villam predictam duodecim de Burgensibus ville predicte in forma inferius in hiis presentibus mencionata eligendi qui erunt et nominabuntur Aldermanni ville predicte Ex quibus quidem duodecim Aldermannis duo de tempore in tempus sint et erunt Balliui eiusdem ville et eligentur nominabuntur et iurabuntur prout temporibus retroactis eligi nominari et iurari solebant Quodque similiter sint et erunt infra villam predictam duodecim de Burgensibus ville predicte in forma inferius in hiis presentibus mencionata eligendi qui erunt et nominabuntur Capitales Burgenses ville predicte Quiquidem Balliui Aldermanni et Capitales Burgenses ville predicte pro tempore existentes erunt de communi Consilio eiusdem ville Et volumus ac per presentes pro nobis heredibus et Successoribus nostris concedimus prefatis Balliuis Aldermanni et Burgensibus ville predicte et Successoribus suis quod Aldermanni et Capitales Burgenses ville predicte pro tempore existentes erunt de tempore in tempus assistentes et auxiliantes Balliuis euisdem ville pro tempore existentibus in omnibus rebus causis vel materiis quibuscunque dictam villam de Cardiffe tangentibus seu quoquo modo concernentibus Et vlterius volumus ac per presentes pro nobis heredibus et Successoribus nostris concedimus prefatis Balliuis Aldermannis et Burgensibus ville predicte et Successoribus suis Quod Balliui Aldermanni et Capitales Burgenses ville predicte pro tempore existentes vel maior pars eorum quorum Balliuos pro tempore existentes duos esse volumus super Summonicionem publicam inde fiendam ad hoc congregati habeant et habebunt plenam potestatem et auctoritatem condendi constituendi ordinandi faciendi et stabiliendi de tempore in tempus leges Statuta constituciones decreta et ordinaciones racionabiles in scriptura que eis aut maiori parti eorundem quorum Balliuos Burgi predicti pro tempore existentes duos esse volumus bona salubria vtilia honesta et necessaria iuxta eorum sanas discreciones fore videbuntur pro bono regimine et gubernacione ville predicte Ac omnium et singulorum Officiariorum ministrorum artificium inhabitancium et residencium ville predicte pro tempore existencium ac pro declaracione quo modo et ordine iidem Balliui Aldermanni et Burgenses ville predicte ac omnes et singuli Officiarij ministri artifices inhabitantes et residentes ville predicti in Officiis funccionibus ministeriis artificiis et negociis suis infra villam predictam ac libertatem et precincta eiusdem pro tempore existentibus sese habebunt gerent et vtantur pro vlteriori bono publico communi vtilitate et bono regimine ville predicte ac victualacione eiusdem ac rebus et causis aliis quibuscunque villam predictam tangentibus seu quoquo modo concernentibus Quodque Balliui Aldermanni et capitales Burgenses ville predicte pro tempore existentes vel maior pars eorum Quorum Balliuos Burgi predicti pro tempore existentes duos esse volumus quociescunque huiusmodi leges instituciones iura ordinaciones et constituciones condiderint facerint ordinauerint vel stabiliauerint in forma predicta huiusmodi et tales penas puniciones et penalitates per imprisonamentum Corporis vel per fines et amerciamenta vel per eorum vtrunque erga et super omnes delinquentes contra huiusmodi leges iura ordinaciones et constituciones siue per eorum aliquod vel aliqua qualia et que eisdem Balliuis Aldermannis et Capitalibus Burgensibus ville predicte pro tempore existentibus vel maiori parti eorum Quorum Balliuos ville predicte pro tempore existentes duos esse volumus necessaria oportuna et requisita pro obseruacione earundem legum ordinacionum et constitucionum melius fore videbitur ordinare limitare et prouidere Ac eadem fines et amerciamenta leuare et habere possint et valeant ad usum prefatorum Balliuorum Aldermannorum et Burgensium ville predicte et successorum suorum absque impedimento nostro heredum vel successorum nostrorum aut alicuius vel aliquorum officiariorum nostrorum heredum vel successorum nostrorum et absque aliquo Compoto nobis heredibus vel successoribus nostris quoquo modo reddendo soluendo vel faciendo Que omnia et singula leges ordinaciones instituciones et constituciones sic vt prefertur fiende obseruari volumus sub penis in eisdem continendis Ita tamen quod leges ordinaciones instituciones constituciones imprisonamenta fines et amerciamenta huiusmodi sint racionabilia et non sint repugnancia nec contraria legibus statutis consuetudinibus siue Iuribus Regni nostri anglie Et pro meliore execucione voluntatis et concessionis nostre in hac parte Assignauimus nominauimus constituimus et fecimus ac per presentes pro nobis heredibus et successoribus nostris Assignamus nominamus constitumus creamus et facimus dilectos subditos nostros Robertum Adams, Johannem Tannar, Johannem Nanney, Nicholaum Hawkins, Morganum William, Thomam Bassett, Johannem Edwards, Robertum Thomas, Robertum Martyn, Riceum Robertes, Johannem Collyns et Dauid lloide Burgenses ville predicte fore et esse primos et modernos Aldermannos eiusdem ville continuandos in eisdem officiis Aldermannorum ville predicte durantibus vitis suis naturalibus nisi interim pro mala gubernacione aut pro male se gerendo in ea parte aut pro aliqua alia causa racionabili ab officiis illis amoti erunt aut eorum aliqui vel aliquis amotus erit vel amoti erunt Quos quidem Aldermannos ville predicte pro tempore existentes et eorum quemlibet de tempore in tempus pro mala gubernacione aut pro male se gerendo in ea parte aut pro aliqua alia causa racionabili amobilem et amobiles esse volumus Et ulterius volumus ac per presentes pro nobis heredibus et successoribus nostris concedimus prefatis Balliuis Aldermannis et Burgensibus ville predicte et successoribus suis Quod quandocunque et quociescunque contigerit aliquem vel aliquos de Aldermannis ville predicte obire aut ab Officiis suis pro aliqua causa racionabili amoueri Quod tunc et tocies bene liceat et licebit residui de Aldermannis ville predicti qui adtunc supervixerint vel remanserint vel maiori parti eorundem vnum alium siue plures alios de Burgensibus ville predicte in conueniente tempore post mortem vel amocionem alicuius talis Aldermanni vel Aldermannorum sic mori vel amoueri contingentis vel contingencium eligere et nominare in locum siue loca ipsius vel ipsorum Aldermanni vel Aldermannorum sic mori vel amoueri contingentis vel contingencium Quodque ille siue illi postquam sic ut prefertur electi et prefecti fuerint aut electus et prefectus fuerit in officio Aldermanni vel Aldermannorum ville predicte antequam ad officium illud exequendum admittantur aut eorum aliquis admittatur Sacramentum Corporale coram Constabulario Castri de Cardiffe predicto ad officium illud bene et fideliter exequendum prestabunt et eorum quilibet prestabit. Et quod post huiusmodi Sacramentum sic ut prefertur prestitum officium illud habeant et exerceant et eorum quilibet habeat et exerceat durantibus vitis suis naturalibus nisi interim pro mala gubernacione aut pro male se gerendo in ea parte aut pro aliqua causa racionabili ab officio illo amoti erunt aut eorum aliqui vel aliquis amotus erit Et sic tocies quocies casus sic acciderit Et vlterius volumus ac per presentes pro nobis heredibus et successoribus nostris concedimus prefatis Balliuis Aldermannis et Burgensibus ville predicte et successoribus suis quod nominatio electio et iuratio Balliuorum et Capitalium Burgensium et aliorum officiariorum et ministrorum infra eandem villam eligibiles de tempore in tempus imposterium imperpetuum sint et fiant eisdem diebus temporibus locis et vicibus ac huiusmodi modo et forma prout temporibus retroactis infra eandem villam nominari eligi et iurari soliti fuerunt aut debuerunt Et vlterius volumus ac per presentes pro nobis heredibus et successoribus nostris concedimus prefatis Balliuis Aldermannis et Burgensibus ville predicte et successoribus suis quod ipsi et successores sui de cetero imperpetuum habeant et habebunt in villa predicta vnum virum discretum in legibus Anglie peritum in forma inferius in hiis presentibus mencionata eligendum qui erit et nominabitur Senescallus ville predicte et erit de tempore in tempus assistens et auxilians Balliuis et Aldermannis ville predicte in omnibus rebus et causis qui in Curia de Recordo eiusdem ville de tempore in tempus placitabiles et determinabiles erunt Quodque Senescallus ville predicte sic ut prefertur eligendus et nominandus antequam ad Officium illud exequendum admittatur Sacramentum Corporale coram Balliuis ville predicte ad Officium illud Seneschalli ville predicte secundum eius scienciam in omnibus et per omnia Officium illud tangencia seu quoquo modo concernencia recte et fideliter exequendum prestabit Et quod post huiusmodi sacramentum sic ut prefertur prestitum Officium illud Senescalli ville predicte habeat et exerceat durante beneplacito Balliuorum et Aldermannorum ville predicte pro tempore existencium vel maioris partis eorundem Et assignauimus nominauimus constituimus et fecimus ac per presentes pro nobis heredibus et Successoribus nostris assignamus nominamus constitumus et facimus dilectum nobis Henricum Williams Armigerum in legibus Anglie peritum fore et esse primum et modernum Seneschallum ville predicte continuandum in eodem Officio durante beneplacito Balliuorum et Aldermannorum ville predicte pro tempore existencium aut maioris partis eorundem Quodque iidem Balliui et Aldermanni ville predicte vel maior pars eorundem de tempore in tempus et ad omnia tempora imposterium ad eorum beneplacitum et libitum post mortem vel amocionem predicti Henrici Williams vnum alium probum et discretum virum in legibus Anglie peritum eligere preficere et nominare possint et valeant in Senescallum ville predicte Quodque ille sic ut prefertur de tempore in tempus qui in Officium Senescalli ville predicte electus prefectus et nominatus fuerit Sacramentum corporale in forma predicta prius prestitum Officium illud habeat et exerceat durante beneplacito Balliuorum et Aldermannorum ville predicte pro tempore existencium aut maioris partis eorundem Et sic tocies quocies casus sic acciderit Et ulterius volumus ac per presentes pro nobis heredibus et successoribus nostris concedimus prefatis Balliuis Aldermannis et Burgensibus ville predicte et Successoribus suis Quod Constabularius Castri de Cardiffe predictus pro tempore existens ac Balliui eiusdem ville pro tempore existentes Necnon Seneschallus eiusdem ville pro tempore existens et Senior Aldermannus eiusdem ville pro tempore existens perpetuis futuris temporibus sint et erunt Iusticiarij nostri et eorum quilibet sit et erit Iusticiarius noster ac heredum et Successorum nostrorum ad pacem nostram heredum et Successorum nostrorum infra villam predictam libertatem et precincta eiusdem conseruandam et custodiendam Necnon ad statuta de artificibus et laboratoribus ponderibus et mensuris infra villam predictam libertatem et precincta eiusdem conseruanda corrigenda et custodienda et custodiri et corrigi facienda Et quod dictus Constabularius Castri predicti Balliui ac Senescallus et Senior Aldermannus ville predicte pro tempore existentes aut aliqui tres eorum quorum Constabularius castri predicti et Seniorem Balliuum ville predicte pro tempore existentes duos esse volumus plenam habeant potestatem et auctoritatem ad inquirendum de quibuscunque delictis defectis et articulis infra villam predictam libertatem et precincta eiusdem factis motis siue perpetratis aut imposterium fiendis mouendis siue perpetrandis que Custodes et Iusticiarij pacis in aliquo Comitatu Regni nostri Anglie per leges et statuta eiusdem Regni Anglie ut Iusticiarij pacis tantum inquirere possunt aut debent Ita tamen quod ad inquisicionem triacionem vel determinacionem alicuius prodicionis misprisionis prodicionis murdri felonie aut alicuius alterius rei tangentis amissionem vite vel membrorum infra villam predictam libertatem aut precincta eiusdem absque speciali mandato nostro heredum vel successorum nostrorum quoquo modo non procedant nec eorum aliqui vel aliquis procedant vel procedat Volentes et per presentes pro nobis heredibus et successoribus nostris precipientes quod nullus alius Iusticiarius noster heredum vel successorum nostrorum Comitatus nostri Glamorgancie villam predictam libertatem aut precincta eiusdem ad aliquod in eadem villa libertate aut precinctis eiusdem quod Iusticiarij pacis ville predicte virtute harum literarum nostrarum patencium facere et exequi possunt aut debent faciendum sese intromittat aut ingredi presumat Et vlterius volumus ac per presentes pro nobis heredibus et successoribus nostris concedimus prefatis Balliuis Aldermannis et Burgensibus ville predicte et successoribus suis Quod Balliui ville predicte pro tempore existentes de cetero imperpetuum sint et erunt Coronatores et Eschaetores infra villam predictam libertatem et precincta eiusdem Et quod ipsi prefati Balliui ville predicte pro tempore existentes de tempore in tempus imperpetuum facient et exequentur ac perficient ac facere exequi et perficere possint et valeant omnia et singula acta facta et res quecunque ad Officium Coronatoris et Eschaetoris aut eorum aliquod spectantes seu quoquo modo pertinentes infra villam predictam libertatem et precincta eiusdem fienda exequenda et perficienda Et vlterius volumus ac per presentes pro nobis heredibus et successoribus nostris concedimus prefatis Balliuis Aldermannis et Burgensibus ville predicte et successoribus suis Quod ipsi et successores sui habeant teneant et custodiant ac habere tenere et custodire valeant et possint infra villam et Burgum predictos et precincta eorundem quolibet anno imperpetuum vnam feriam siue Nundinam in vigilia festi sancti andree apostoli Ac per totum illum festum sancti andree ibidem singulis annis imperpetuum duraturum tenendam et custodiendam vnacum Curia pedis puluerizati ibidem tempore eiusdem ferie siue Nundine ac cum omnibus libertatibus et liberis consuetudinibus tolnetis stallagijs picagijs finibus amerciamentis ac omnia alia proficua commoditates aduantagia et emolumenta quibuscunque ad huiusmodi feriam et Nundinam et Curiam pedis puluerizate pertinencia accidencia emergencia siue contingencia ac cum omnibus aliis liberis consuetudinibus et libertatibus quibuscunque huiusmodi ferie Nundine et Curie pedis puluerizati pertinentibus siue spectantibus Ita tamen quod predicta feria siue Nundina non sit ad dampnum vel nocumentum aliorum vicinarum feriarum siue Nundinarum ibidem prope adiacencium Et vlterius volumus ac per presentes pro nobis heredibus et successoribus nostris concedimus prefatis Balliuis Aldermannis et Burgensibus nostris ville predicte et successoribus suis Quod ipsi et successores sui de cetero imperpetuum habeant teneant et custodiant ac habere tenere et custodire valcant et possint infra villam predictam libertatem et precincta eiusdem vnam Curiam de recordo quolibet die Iouis in qualibet secunda septimana per annum imperpetuum coram Balliuis ville predicte pro tempore existentibus tenendam et in Curia illa tenere possint et valeant pro querelis in eadem Curia leuandis omnia et omnimoda huiusmodi placita acciones secta et demanda ex quibuscunque causis siue rebus infra villam predictam libertatem et precincta eiusdem emergentibus accidentibus aut contingentibus qualia et que in Curia ville predicte temporibus retroactis vsitata et consueta fuerunt Et quod huiusmodi secta placita querela et acciones ibidem de tempore in tempus audiantur et determinentur coram Balliuis ville predicte pro tempore existentibus per tales huiusmodi et consimiles processa medios et modos per quales et prout legibus consentaneum fuerit Ac in tam amplis modo et forma prout in aliqua alia Curia de Recordo infra hoc Regnum Anglie vsitatum et consuetum est vel fieri potest aut debet Et vlterius volumus ac per presentes pro nobis heredibus et successoribus nostris concedimus prefatis Balliuis Aldermannis et Burgensibus ville predicte et successoribus suis omnes et omnimoda consuetudines priuilegia franchesias libertates auctoritates exempciones quietancias iurisdicciones mercata ferias Nundinas tolneta theolonia custumas iura iurisdicciones mesuagia molendina terras tenementa comoinas pasturas proficua commoditates aduantagia et emolumenta quecunque que Balliui Aldermanni et Burgenses ville predicte modo habent tenent vtuntur & gaudent aut que eorum aliqui vel predecessores sui per quecunque nomina siue per quodcunque nomen incorporatum vel pretextu cuiuscunque incorporacionis antehac habuerunt vsi vel gauisi fuerunt aut habere vti vel gaudere debuerunt sibi et Successoribus suis in feodo & perpetuitate racione vel pretextu aliquarum Cartarum vel literarum patencium per aliquem progenitorum vel antecessorum nostrorum nuper Regum vel Reginarum Anglie vel per aliquem nuper Dominum de Glamorgancia vel per aliquam nuper Dominam de Glamorgancia vel per aliquos nuper Dominum et Dominam de Glamorgancia seu per aliquem alium siue aliquos alios antehac quoquo modo factarum concessarum vel confirmatarum aut quocunque alio legali modo iure titulo consuetudine vsu siue prescripcione antehac vsitata habita seu consueta licet eadem aut eorum aliquod vel aliqua antehac non vsa fuerunt vel fuit aut abusa vel male vsa aut non vsa vel discontinuata fuerunt aut fuit Ac licet eadem vel eorum aliquod vel aliqua forisfacta aut deperdita fuerunt aut fuit Habendum tenendum et gaudendum prefatis Balliuis Aldermannis et Burgensibus ville predicte et successoribus suis imperpetuum Ac reddendum et soluendum inde annuatim nobis heredibus et successoribus tot tanta talia eadem huiusmodi et consimilia feoda firma redditus seruicia denariorum summas et demanda quecunque quot quanta qualia et que nobis antehac per eisdem reddi seu solui consueuerunt siue reddere debuerunt Quare volumus ac per presentes pro nobis heredibus et successoribus nostris firmiter iniungendum precipientes Quod predicti Balliui Aldermanni et Burgenses ville predicte et successores sui habeant teneant vtantur et gaudeant ac habere tenere vti et gaudere valeant et possint imperpetuum omnes libertates auctoritates iurisdicciones franchesias exempciones et quietancia predicta secundum tenorem et effectum harum literarum nostrarum patencium sine occasione siue impedimento nostro heredum vel successorum nostrorum Iusticiariorum vicecomitum Eschaetariorum seu aliorum balliuorum vel ministrorum nostrorum heredum vel successorum nostrorum quorumcunque Nolentes quod iidem Balliui Aldermanni et Burgenses ville predicte vel successores sui vel eorum aliquis vel aliqui racione premissorum vel eorum alicuius per nos aut per heredes vel successores nostros Iusticiarios vicecomites aut alios Balliuos vel ministros nostros heredum vel Successorum nostrorum quorumcunque inde occasionentur molestentur seu in aliquo perturbentur molestetur vexetur grauetur seu in aliquo perturbetur Volentes ac per presentes mandantes et precipientes tam Thesaurario Cancellario et Baronibus Scaccarij nostri Westmonasterij ac aliis Iusticiariis nostris ac heredum et successorum nostrorum quam Attornato et Solicitatori nostro generali pro tempore existentibus et eorum cuilibet et omnibus aliis Officiariis et ministris nostris heredum et successorum nostrorum quibuscunque quod nec ipsi nec eorum aliquis vel aliqui aliquod breue siue summonicione de quo Warranto siue aliquod aliud breue breuia siue processu nostro quoscunque versos prefatos Balliuos Aldermannos et Burgenses ville predicte aut eorum aliquem vel aliquos pro aliquibus rebus causis materiis offensis clameo aut vsurpacione aut eorum aliquo per ipsos aut eorum aliquos debitis clamatis vsitatis attemptis habitis seu vsurpatis ante diem confeccionis presencium prosequantur aut continuentur aut prosequi aut continuari faciant aut causabunt vel eorum aliquis faciat vel causabit Volentes eciam quod Balliui Aldermanni et Burgenses ville predicte vel eorum aliqui vel aliquis per aliquem Iusticiarium Officiarium vel Ministrum predictum in aut pro debito vsu clameo vel abusu aliquorum aliorum libertatum franchesiarum aut iurisdiccionum infra Villam predictam libertatem aut precincta eiusdem ante diem confeccionis harum literarum nostrarum Patencium minime molestentur aut impediantur aut ad ea vel eorum aliquod vel aliqua respondere compellantur Volumus eciam ac per presentes concedimus prefatis Balliuis Aldermannis et Burgensibus ville predicte et successoribus suis Quod habeant et habebunt has literas nostras patentes sub magno Sigillo nostro Anglie debito modo factas et sigillatas absque fine seu feodo magno vel paruo nobis in hanaperio nostro seu alibi ad vsum nostrum prouidem quoquo modo reddendo soluendo siue faciendo Eo quod expressa mencio de vero valore annuo aut de certitudine premissorum siue eorum alicuius aut de aliis donis siue concessionibus per nos seu per aliquem progenitorum siue predecessorum nostrorum prefatis Balliuis Aldermannis et Burgensibus ville predicte ante hec tempora factis in presentibus minime facta existit Aut aliquo Statuto actu ordinacione promisione proclamacione siue restriccione in contrarium inde antehac habita facta edita ordinata seu prouisa Aut aliqua alia re causa vel materia quacunque in aliquo non obstante In cuius rei testimonium has literas nostras fieri fecimus Patentes Teste me ipso apud Westmonasterium decimo octauo die Iulij anno regni nostri Anglie ffrancie & hibernie sexto Scocie quadragesimo primo.
Finis taxatur p. Confirmatione prior. Libertatum ad iiijli J. Ellesmere, Canc.

Endorsed—"A Corporac'on for the towne of Cardiffe in the Countie of Glamorgan.


Note.—A Charter written on two large skins, the first line elaborately engrossed with figures of a lion and a unicorn as in the Royal atchievement, but each supporting a banneret of Saint George. Also the Tudor rose and crowned lily besides the Royal arms and a crowned shield of the arms of Scotland. The seal, of green wax, repaired, has on one side the King on a charger galloping, holding a shield and wielding his sword, with a greyhound running beside him, and a number of thistles growing in the ground below. To the dexter side is a large Tudor rose and crown, with a harp underneath. The legend around is the Royal title in Latin letters. On the reverse is the King enthroned, with a lion sejant by a pillar on the dexter side, and a unicorn sejant by another pillar on the sinister. Above, on each side, is an escutcheon of the Royal arms within a Garter, surmounted by the crown. Legend: The Royal title, as on the obverse.


James, by the grace of God, of England, Scotland, France and Ireland King, Defender of the Faith, &c., Unto all to whom the present letters shall come, greeting. Whereas the Town of Cardiffe in Our County of Glamorgan is a very ancient and populous town, and the Burgesses and Inhabitants of the same town by divers several names, from a time whereof the memory of man runneth not to the contrary, have had, used and enjoyed divers liberties, customs, franchises, immunities and preeminences as well by reason and pretext of divers Charters and Letters Patent by divers of our progenitors and ancestors, formerly Kings and Queens of England, and by divers Lords of Glamorgan, to them heretofore made granted or confirmed, as by reason and pretext of divers prescriptions, usages and customs in the same town from ancient times used and accustomed; And whereas our wellbeloved subjects, the Bailiffs, Aldermen and Burgesses of the aforesaid town, have very humbly besought Us that We, for the better rule, governance and amelioration of the same town, would be pleased graciously to show and extend Our royal favour and bounty in this behalf, and that We, for the better rule and governance of the same town, would vouchsafe to make, ordain, constitute, form and create anew the said Bailiffs, Aldermen and Burgesses of the aforesaid town, by whatever name or by whatever names they are now incorporate or heretofore have been incorporate, in one body corporate and politic by the name of the Bailiffs, Aldermen and Burgesses of the Town of Cardiffe in the County of Glamorgan, with the addition of some liberties as to Us should seem best to be done and to be; We therefore, willing that henceforth for ever there shall be had in the same town continually one certain and undoubted method of and for the keeping of Our peace and for the good rule and governance of the same town and of Our people there inhabiting and of others resorting thither, and that the aforesaid town may henceforth and for ever be and remain a town of peace and quietness, to the dread and terror of evil doers and to the reward of the good; and also that Our peace and other facts of justice and good rule may be able to be the better there kept; And hoping that if by Our grant they might enjoy more ample honours, liberties and privileges, that they would more especially and the rather feel themselves obliged to render and show unto Us, Our heirs and successors such services as they may be able, at the request of Our very dear cousin, William, Earl of Pembroke, Knight of the famous Order of the Garter, and Lord of the same town, We, of Our especial favour and of Our certain knowledge and mere motion, have willed, ordained, constituted and granted, and by these Presents for Us, Our heirs and successors do will, ordain, constitute and grant that the said town of Cardiffe in the County of Glamorgan shall be and remain henceforth for ever a free town of itself; And that the Bailiffs, Aldermen and Burgesses of the aforesaid town and their successors be and they shall be for all future time, by the force of these Presents, one body corporate and politic in deed, fact and name, by the name of the Bailiffs, Aldermen and Burgesses of the Town of Cardiffe in the County of Glamorgan; And We do by these Presents for Us, Our heirs and successors erect, make, ordain, constitute, create, confirm, ratify and declare them by the name of the Bailiffs, Aldermen and Burgesses of the Town of Cardiffe in the County of Glamorgan, in one body corporate and politic in deed, fact and name, really and fully; And that by that name they shall have perpetual succession; And that by the name of the Bailiffs, Aldermen and Burgesses of the Town of Cardiffe in the County of Glamorgan they may and shall be for all future time persons able and capable in the Law to have, purchase, receive and possess manors, messuages, lands, tenements, liberties, privileges, jurisdictions, franchises and other hereditaments whatsoever, of whatever kind nature or sort they may be, unto them and their heirs in fee and perpetuity or for a term of life or lives or years, or otherwise in whatever manner; As also to give, grant, demise, lease and assign the same manors, messuages, lands, tenements and hereditaments, and to do and execute all and singular other things and deeds whatsoever, by the name aforesaid; And that by that name of the Bailiffs, Aldermen and Burgesses of the Town of Cardiffe in the County of Glamorgan they may be able to and shall plead and be impleaded, answer and be answered, defend and be defended, in whatsoever Courts, places and localities, and before whatsoever judges and justices and other officers and ministers of Us, Our heirs and successors, in all and singular actions, pleas, suits, plaints, causes, matters and demands whatsoever, of whatever kind, name nature or sort they may be, in the same manner and form as Our other lieges within Our kingdom of England, being persons able and capable in the Law, or any other body corporate and politic of this kingdom of England, may and can have, purchase, receive, possess, enjoy, retain, give, grant, demise, alien, assign and dispose, plead and be impleaded, answer and be answered, defend and be defended, do, permit or execute; And that the Bailiffs, Aldermen and Burgesses of the aforesaid Town and their successors henceforth for ever may have a Common Seal to serve for transacting their and their successors causes and business whatsoever; And that they and their successors may be at liberty from time to time to break, change and make anew that Seal at their pleasure as to them may seem best to be done and to be; And further We will and by these Presents, for Us, Our heirs and successors, We grant unto the aforesaid Bailiffs, Aldermen and Burgesses of the aforesaid Town and their successors that henceforth for ever there shall be within the aforesaid town twelve of the Burgesses of the aforesaid town, to be chosen in form mentioned below in these Presents, who shall be and be named Aldermen of the aforesaid town; Out of which twelve Aldermen two shall and may from time to time be Bailiffs of the same town and shall be chosen, nominated and sworn as in times past they were wont to be chosen, nominated and sworn; And that in like manner there shall be within the aforesaid town twelve of the Burgesses of the aforesaid town, to be chosen in form mentioned below in these Presents, who shall be and be named Capital Burgesses of the aforesaid town; Which said Bailiffs, Aldermen and Capital Burgesses of the aforesaid town for the time being shall be of the Common Council of the same town; And We will, and by these Presents for Us, Our heirs and successors do grant unto the aforesaid Bailiffs, Aldermen and Burgesses of the aforesaid town and their successors, that the Aldermen and Capital Burgesses of the aforesaid town for the time being shall be from time to time assisting and helping to the Bailiffs of the same town for the time being, in all things, causes or matters whatsoever touching or in anywise concerning the said town of Cardiffe; And further We will, and by these Presents for Us, Our heirs and successors do grant unto the aforesaid Bailiffs, Aldermen and Burgesses of the aforesaid town and their successors, that the Bailiffs, Aldermen and Capital Burgesses of the aforesaid town for the time being, or the major part of them, of whom We will the Bailiffs for the time being to be two, assembled upon public summons thereof to be made, may and shall have full power and authority to frame constitute, ordain, make and establish from time to time reasonable laws, statutes, constitutions, decrees and ordinances in writing, which to them or the major part of them, of whom We will the Bailiffs of the Borough aforesaid for the time being to be two, shall seem to be good, salutary, useful, honest and necessary according to their sound discretions, for the good rule and governance of the aforesaid town and of all and singular the officers, ministers, artificers, inhabitants and resiants of the aforesaid town for the time being, and for a declaration in what manner and order the same Bailiffs, Aldermen and Burgesses of the aforesaid town and all and singular the officers, ministers, artificers, inhabitants and resiants of the aforesaid town are to conduct themselves, act and use in their offices, functions, ministries, crafts and business within the aforesaid town and the Liberties and precincts of the same for the time being, for the further public weal, common utility and good rule of the aforesaid town and the victualling of the same, and in other things and causes whatsoever touching or in anywise concerning the aforesaid town; And that the Bailiffs, Aldermen and Capital Burgesses of the aforesaid town for the time being, or the major part of them, of whom We will the Bailiffs of the aforesaid Borough for the time being to be two, so often as they shall form, make, ordain, or establish such laws, institutions, rights, ordinances and constitutions in form aforesaid, may and shall ordain, limit and provide the like and such pains, punishments and penalties, by imprisonment of body or by fines and amercements or by either of them, to and upon all offenders against those laws, rights, ordinances and constitutions, or any of them, as and which to the same Bailiffs, Aldermen and Capital Burgesses of the aforesaid town for the time being, or to the greater part of them, of whom We will the Bailiffs of the aforesaid town for the time being to be two, shall best seem to be necessary, fitting and requisite for the observance of the same laws, ordinances and constitutions; And that they shall and may levy and have the same fines and amercements to the use of the aforesaid Bailiffs, Aldermen and Burgesses of the aforesaid town and their successors, without hindrance of Us, Our heirs or successors, or of anyone of the officers of Us, Our heirs or successors, and without any account in anywise to be rendered, paid or made unto Us, Our heirs or successors; All and singular which laws, ordinances, institutions and constitutions so as aforesaid to be made, We will to be observed under the pains in the same to be contained; Nevertheless so that such laws, ordinances, institutions, constitutions, imprisonments, fines and amercements be reasonable and be not repugnant or contrary to the laws, statutes, customs or rights of Our Kingdom of England. And for the better execution of Our will and grant in this behalf, We have assigned, nominated, constituted and made and by these Presents for Us, Our heirs and successors do assign, nominate, constitute, create and make our beloved subjects Robert Adams, John Tannar, John Nanney, Nicholas Hawkins, Morgan William, Thomas Bassett, John Edwardes, Robert Thomas, Robert Martyn, Rice Robertes, John Collyns and David Lloide, Burgesses of the aforesaid town, to be first and present Aldermen of the same town, to continue in the same offices of Aldermen of the aforesaid town during their natural lives, unless in the meantime for ill governance or for ill behaviour in that behalf, or for any other reasonable cause, they or some or anyone of them shall be removed from those offices; Which said Aldermen of the aforesaid town for the time being and each of them We will from time to time for ill governance or for ill behaviour in that behalf, or for any other reasonable cause, to be amoveable. And further We will, and by these Presents for Us, Our heirs and successors do grant unto the aforesaid Bailiffs, Aldermen and Burgesses of the town aforesaid and their successors, that whensoever and so often as any of the Aldermen of the aforesaid town shall happen to die or be for any reasonable cause amoved from their offices, that then and so often the rest of the Aldermen of the aforesaid town who shall be then surviving or remaining, or the major part of them, shall, within a convenient time after the death or amotion of any such Alderman or Aldermen so happening to die or be amoved, be free to elect and nominate one other or several others of the Burgesses of the aforesaid town, in the room or rooms of him or them the Alderman or Aldermen so happening to die or be amoved; And that he or they, after he or they shall be so as aforesaid elected and preferred to the office of Alderman or Aldermen of the aforesaid town, before they or anyone of them be admitted to execute that office, shall, and each of them shall, take his or their Corporal Oath, before the Constable of the Castle of Cardiff aforesaid, well and faithfully to execute that office; And that after such Oath so as aforesaid taken, they and each of them shall have and exercise that office during their natural lives, unless in the meantime, for ill governance or for ill behaviour in that behalf or for any reasonable cause, they or some or anyone of them shall be amoved from that office; And so as often as the case shall so happen. And further We will, and by these Presents for Us, Our heirs and successors do grant unto the aforesaid Bailiffs, Aldermen and Burgesses of the aforesaid town and their successors, that the nomination, election and swearing of the Bailiffs and Capital Burgesses and other officers and ministers to be chosen within the same town from time to time shall for ever hereafter be and be done on and at the same days, times, places and turns and in the like manner and form, as in times past within the same town they have been wont to be or ought to have been nominated, chosen and sworn. And further We will and by these Presents for Us, Our heirs and successors do grant unto the aforesaid Bailiffs, Aldermen and Burgesses of the aforesaid town and their successors, that they and their successors henceforth for ever may and shall have in the aforesaid town one discreet man learned in the Laws of England, to be chosen in form mentioned below in these Presents, who shall be and be called Steward of the aforesaid town and shall be from time to time assisting and helping to the Bailiffs and Aldermen of the aforesaid town in all things and causes which from time to time shall be pleadable and determinable in the Court of Record of the same town; And that the Steward of the aforesaid town, so as aforesaid to be chosen and nominated, before he be admitted to execute that office, shall take his Corporal Oath before the Bailiffs of the aforesaid town, rightly and faithfully to execute that office of Steward of the aforesaid town, according to his knowledge, in all things and by all things touching or in anywise concerning that office; And that after such Oath so as aforesaid taken, he shall have and exercise that office of Steward of the aforesaid town during the good pleasure of the Bailiffs and Aldermen of the aforesaid town for the time being or the major part of them; And We have assigned, nominated, constituted and made, and by these Presents for Us, Our heirs and successors do assign, nominate, constitute and make Our beloved Henry Williams, esquire, learned in the Laws of England, to be the first and present Steward of the aforesaid town, to continue in the same office during the good pleasure of the Bailiffs and Aldermen of the aforesaid town for the time being or the major part of them; And that the same Bailiffs and Aldermen of the aforesaid town, or the major part of them, from time to time and at all times hereafter at their good will and pleasure, after the death or amotion of the aforesaid Henry Williams, shall and may choose, appoint and nominate one other upright and discreet man learned in the Laws of England, as Steward of the town aforesaid; And that he who so as aforesaid from time to time shall have been chosen, appointed and nominated to the office of Steward of the aforesaid town, having first taken his Corporal Oath in form aforesaid, shall have and exercise that office during the good pleasure of the Bailiffs and Aldermen of the aforesaid town for the time being or the major part of them; And so as often as the case shall so happen. And further We will, and by these Presents for Us, Our heirs and successors do grant unto the aforesaid Bailiffs, Aldermen and Burgesses of the aforesaid town and their successors, that the aforesaid Constable of Our Castle of Cardiffe for the time being, and the Bailiffs of the same town for the time being, as also the Steward of the same town for the time being, and the Senior Alderman of the same town for the time being, for all future time may and shall be Our Justices, and each of them may and shall be Our Justice and of Our heirs and successors, for the preserving and keeping of Our Peace and that of Our heirs and successors, within the aforesaid town, the Liberties and precincts of the same; as also for the preserving, correcting and keeping, and causing to be kept and corrected, the Statutes of artificers and labourers, weights and measures, within the aforesaid town, the Liberties and precincts of the same; And that the said Constable of the Castle aforesaid, the Bailiffs and Steward and Senior Alderman of the aforesaid town for the time being, or any three of them, of whom We will the Constable of the Castle aforesaid and the Senior Bailiff of the aforesaid town for the time being to be two, shall have full power and authority to enquire concerning whatsoever offences, defects and articles made, moved or perpetrated or hereafter to be made, moved or perpetrated within the aforesaid town, the Liberties and precincts of the same, which only the keepers and Justices of the Peace in any County of Our Kingdom of England can or ought to enquire by the Laws and Statutes of the same Kingdom of England; So nevertheless that they or any of them proceed not in anywise to the inquisition, trial or determination of any treason, misprison of treason, murder, felony or any other thing touching the loss of life or members, within the aforesaid town, the Liberties or precincts of the same, without the special mandate of Us, Our heirs or successors; Willing, and by these Presents for Us, Our heirs and successors enjoining, that no other Justice of Us, Our heirs or successors, of Our County of Glamorgan, shall thrust himself or presume to enter into the aforesaid town, the Liberties or precincts of the same, to do anything in the same town, the Liberties or precincts of the same, which the Justices of the Peace of the aforesaid town by virtue of these Our Letters Patent can or ought to do and execute. And further We will, and by these Presents for Us, Our heirs and successors grant unto the aforesaid Bailiffs, Aldermen and Burgesses of the town aforesaid and their successors, that the Bailiffs of the aforesaid town for the time being henceforth for ever shall be Coroners and Escheators within the aforesaid town, the Liberties and precincts of the same; And that the beforementioned Bailiffs of the town aforesaid for the time being from time to time for ever shall themselves do and execute and perform, and may be at liberty to do, execute and perform all and singular acts, deeds and things whatsoever regarding or in anywise pertaining to the office of Coroner and Escheator or either of them, to be done, executed and performed within the town aforesaid, the Liberties and precincts of the same. And further We will, and for Us, Our heirs and successors do grant unto the aforesaid Bailiffs, Aldermen and Burgesses of the aforesaid town and their successors, that they and their successors may and shall have, hold and keep within the town and Borough aforesaid and the precincts of the same, in every year for ever, one fair or mart on the eve of the feast of Saint Andrew the Apostle, and to last, be held and kept throughout the whole of that feast of Saint Andrew there, year by year for ever; together with a Court of Piepowder there at the time of the same fair or mart; and with all liberties and free customs, tolls, stallages, picages, fines, amercements and all other profits, commodities, advantages and emoluments whatsoever to such fair and mart and Court of Piepowder pertaining, happening, arising or chancing; and with all other free customs and liberties whatsoever to such fair, mart and and Court of Piepowder pertaining or relating; So nevertheless that the aforesaid fair or mart be not to the loss or harm of other neighbouring fairs or marts lying near thereunto. And further We will, and by these Presents for Us, Our heirs and successors do grant unto our aforesaid Bailiffs, Aldermen and Burgesses of the aforesaid town and their successors, that they and their successors hereafter for ever shall and may have, hold and keep within the town aforesaid, the Liberties and precincts of the same, one Court of Record on every Thursday in every other week throughout the year for ever, to be held before the Bailiffs of the town aforesaid for the time being; and that in that Court they may and shall, for plaints to be levied in the same Court, hold all and all manner such pleas, actions suits and demands, out of whatsoever causes or things within the town aforesaid, the Liberties and precincts of the same, arising, happening or chancing, as and which in the Court of the aforesaid town have in past times been used and accustomed; And that such suits, pleas, plaints and actions shall from time to time be heard and determined there before the Bailiffs of the town aforesaid for the time being, by such, the like and similar processes, means and methods by which and as shall be consonant with the Laws; and in as ample manner and form as is used and accustomed or can or ought to be done in any other Court of Record within this Kingdom of England. And further We will and by these Presents for Us, Our heirs and successors do grant unto the aforesaid Bailiffs, Aldermen and Burgesses of the aforesaid town and their successors, all and all manner of customs, privileges, franchises, liberties, authorities, exemptions, quittances, jurisdictions, markets, fairs, marts, tolls, dues, customs, rights, jurisdictions, messuages, mills, lands, tenements, commons, pastures, profits, commodities, advantages and emoluments whatsoever which the Bailiffs, Aldermen and Burgesses of the aforesaid town now have, hold, use and enjoy, or which any of them or their predecessors, by whatsoever names or by whatever corporate name, or by pretence of whatsoever incorporation, heretofore have had, used or enjoyed or ought to have had, used or enjoyed, unto them and their successors in fee and perpetuity, by reason or pretence of any Charters or Letters Patent by any of Our progenitors or ancestors, formerly Kings or Queens of England, or by any former Lord of Glamorgan or by any former Lady of Glamorgan or by any former Lord and Lady of Glamorgan, or by any other or others heretofore in anywise made, granted or confirmed, or in any other lawful manner, right, title, custom, usage or prescription heretofore used, had or accustomed, although the same or any of them have not heretofore been used, or have been abused or ill used or not used, or discontinued; and although they or any of them have been forfeited or lost: To have, hold and enjoy unto the aforesaid Bailiffs, Aldermen and Burgesses of the aforesaid town and their successors for ever: And rendering and paying therefor yearly unto Us, Our heirs and successors so many, such, those, the same and the like fees, farms, rents, services, moneys, sums and demands whatsoever as and which have heretofore been accustomed to be rendered or paid, or ought to have been rendered unto Us for the same. Wherefore We will, and by these Presents for Us, Our heirs and successors firmly enjoining We command that the aforesaid Bailiffs, Aldermen and Burgesses of the town aforesaid and their successors may and shall have, hold, use and enjoy for ever all the liberties, authorities, jurisdictions, franchises, exemptions and quittances aforesaid, according to the tenour and effect of these Our Letters Patent, without let or hindrance of Us, Our heirs or successors, the Justices, Sheriffs, Escheators or other Bailiffs or Ministers of Us, Our heirs or successors whomsoever; Not willing that the same Bailiffs, Aldermen and Burgesses of the aforesaid town or their successors or any of them, by reason of the premises or any of them, by Us, or by Our heirs or successors, Justices, Sheriffs or other Bailiffs or Ministers of Us, Our heirs or successors whomsoever, shall therefor be hindered, vexed, aggrieved or in anything disturbed; Willing, and by these Presents commanding and enjoining as well the Treasurer, Chancellor and Barons of Our Exchequer of Westminster and the other Justices of Us, Our heirs and successors, as Our Attorney and Solicitor General for the time being and each of them, and all the other officers, and ministers whatsoever of Us, Our heirs and successors, that neither they nor any of them shall prosecute or sue out, nor cause to be prosecuted or sued out any writ or summons of Quo Warranto or any other writ, writs or processes of Ours whatsoever against the aforesaid Bailiffs, Aldermen and Burgesses of the aforesaid town or any of them, for any things, causes, matters, offences, claim or usurpation or any of them, by them or any of them due, claimed, used, attempted, had or usurped before the day of the making of these Presents; Willing also that the Bailiffs, Aldermen and Burgesses of the aforesaid town or some or anyone of them, by any of the aforesaid Justices, officers or ministers, in or for the debt, use, claim or abuse of any others of the liberties, franchises or jurisdictions within the aforesaid town, the Liberties or precincts of the same before the day of the making of these Our Letters Patent, be not at all molested or hindered, or compelled to answer to them or any of them. We will also, and by these Presents do grant unto the aforesaid Bailiffs, Aldermen and Burgesses of the aforesaid town and their successors, that they may and shall have these Our Letters Patent under Our Great Seal of England made and sealed in due manner, without fine or fee great or small unto Us in Our Hamper or elsewhere to Our private use in any manner to be rendered, paid or made; even although no express mention whatever be made in these Presents of the true yearly value or of the certitude of the premises or any of them, or of other gifts or grants by Us or by any of Our progenitors or predecessors unto the aforesaid Bailiffs, Aldermen and Burgesses of the aforesaid town made before this time; or any Statute, act, ordinance, promise, proclamation or restriction to the contrary hereof heretofore had, made, published, ordained or provided; or any other thing, cause or matter whatsoever in anything notwithstanding. In witness whereof these Our Letters We have caused to be made Patent. Witness Myself at Westminster, on the eighteenth day of July in the sixth year of Our reign of England, France and Ireland; of Scotland the forty first [1608.]