Charter X: On rights of townsmen charged with felony (1421)

Pages 33-37

Cardiff Records: Volume 1. Originally published by Cardiff Records Committee, Cardiff, 1898.

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Charter in the custody of the Town Clerk. 20 April, 1421.

Ricardus de Bello Campo Comes Wigornie Dominus Ledespenser & de Bergeuenny Omnibus fidelibus ad quos presentes litere peruenerint salutem Inspeximus confirmacionem Thome Ledespenser Domini Glamorgancie & Morgancie patris Isabelle consortis nostre quam fecit burgensibus nostris de kaerdiff in hec verba [Hic sequitur prout in carta originali.] Et nos igitur prefatus Ricardus de Bello Campo Comes Wigornie de vberiori gracia nostra concessimus prefatis burgensibus nostris heredibus & successoribus suis infra burgum nostrum predictum residentibus quod si ipsi aut eorum aliquis accusatus vel attachiatus fuerit imposterium in Comitatum nostrum Glamorgancie pro aliqua felonia infra libertatem burgi nostri predicti emergente, que in eodem Comitatu nostro debet triari & terminari quod iidem burgenses eorum heredes & successores & eorum quilibet inde per burgenses burgi nostri predicti & non per forinsecos Comitatus triari & terminari possint vel possit ad primum vel secundum Comitatum Glamorgancie postquam ipsos vel eorum aliquem sic accusari vel attachiari contigit Concessimus eciam prefatis burgensibus nostris eorum heredibus & successoribus infra burgum nostrum predictum residentibus quod si ipsi aut eorum aliquis ponantur vel ponatur in processu propter feloniam in aliqua Curia Curiarum nostrarum membrorum dominij nostri Glamorgancie & Morgancie quod ipsi burgenses eorum heredes & successores & eorum quilibet in Comitatum nostrum Glamorgancie peti & ibidem per sex burgenses burgi nostri predicti & per sex de visineto dominij nostri predicti triari & terminari possint vel possit futuris temporibus duraturis. Ita quod ipsi vel eorum aliquis in aliqua Curia Curiarum nostrarum predictarum cum manuopere non capiantur nec capiatur. Concessimus insuper & ordinauimus per presentes ordinamus quod Constabularius noster de kaerdiff qui pro tempore fuerit sit Maior burgi nostri predicti prout antiquitus fieri consueuit. Et de burgensibus nostris predictis eligantur duodecim Burgenses de magis sufficientibus & discrecioribus eiusdem burgi qui coram nobis prestent sacramentum ad Burgum nostrum predictum bene & fideliter gubernandum. Et quod iidem duodecim burgenses imposterium nominentur Aldermannos burgi nostri predicti. Et quod ad festum Sancti Michelis archangeli proxime futurum et quolibet anno imposterium iidem predicti Aldermanni & burgenses nostri predicti eligant de dictis burgensibus nostris quatuor homines de sufficientibus qui proantea vocabantur Portreues de quibus Constabularius noster de kaerdiff eligat duos nomine nostro qui imposterium nominati erunt balliui Burgi nostri predicti. Et quod eligant eciam duos seruientes cum baculis vocatis Mases de armis nostris portantes qui imposterium nominati erunt Sergentes. Et quod dicti balliui & seruientes sacramentum suum ad dictum burgum nostrum cum dictis Aldermannis bene & fideliter gubernandum ac denarios & custumas inde nobis debitas colligendas & leuandas coram Constabulario nostro in Scaccario nostro de kaerdiff prestabunt sicut de antiquo fieri consueuit. Et quod decedente aliquo Aldermanno infra burgum nostrum predictum residui Aldermanni Superstites alios vel alium de magis sufficientibus & discrecioribus burgensibus Burgi nostri predicti loco suo eligant & eos vel eum Constabulario nostro de kaerdiff pro tempore existenti presentent qui coram ipso tanquam Maiore suo sacramentum suum prestabunt vel prestabit modo Supradicto. In cuius rei testimonium huic presenti carte confirmacionis nostre & donacionis nostre predicte sigillum Cancellarie nostre de kaerdiff duximus apponendum. Hiis testibus Willelmo Abbate de Morgan. lleisand Abbate de Neeth. Johanne de Stradelyng Milite tunc vicecomite nostro Glamorgancie. Johanne de Sancto Johanne. Oliuero de Sancto Johanne. Gilberto Deuys. & Edwardo de Stradelyng Militibus. Johanne lauerence. Walterus Moreton. Roberto Walsch. & aliis. Teste meipso apud Kaerdiff vicesimo die Mensis Aprilis Anno Regni Regis Henrici quinti post conquestum Nono.



Endorsed:—"Carta de Rico. bello Campo a° henrici qui'ti nono." "The Charter of Richard de Bello Campo."

Note.—This Charter is large and much damaged in the folds. The initial letter R is elaborately and extensively ornamented in ink with foliage and scrollwork. The seal is attached with strips of parchment. It is repaired, and its design exhibits a shield of these arms:—Quarterly: I. and IV.; A fess charged with a crescent, between six cross crosslets. II. and III.: quarterly, in the second and third a fret ; over all a bendlet. On the obverse, the equestrian figure bears on his left shoulder a shield of the same arms.


Richard De Beauchamp, Earl of Worcester, Lord Ledespenser and of Bergeuenny, unto all the faithful to whom the present letters shall come, greeting. We have inspected the confirmation of Thomas Ledespenser, Lord of Glamorgant and Morgant, father of Isabel Our Consort, which he made unto Our Burgesses of Kaerdiff in these words : [Here follows as in the original Charter.] And therefore We the before-named Richard de Beauchamp, Earl of Worcester, of Our more abundant favour have granted unto Our aforesaid Burgesses, their heirs and successors, dwelling within Our aforesaid Burgh, that if they or any of them shall hereafter be accused or attached in Our County of Glamorgant, for any felony arising within the Liberties of Our aforesaid Burgh, which ought to be tried and determined in Our said County, that they the Burgesses, their heirs and successors, and each of them, may be tried and judged therefor by the Burgesses of Our aforesaid Burgh, and not by foreign Counties, at the first or second Sheriff's Court of Glamorgant after they or any of them shall happen to be so accused or attached. We have granted also unto Our aforesaid Burgesses, their heirs and successors, dwelling within Our aforesaid Burgh, that if they or any of them shall be put in process for felony, in any one of Our Courts of the Members of Our Lordship of Glamorgant and Morgant, that they the said Burgesses, their heirs and successors, and any of them, may be sued in Our County of Glamorgant and be there tried and judged by six Burgesses of Our aforesaid Burgh and by six out of the vicinage of Our aforesaid Lordship, for all time to come. So that they nor any of them be not taken with mainour in any one of Our Courts. We have moreover granted and ordained, and by these Presents do ordain, that Our Constable of Kaerdiff for the time being shall be Mayor of Our aforesaid Burgh, as was anciently the custom. And from among Our aforesaid Burgesses shall be chosen twelve Burgesses of the more fit and discreet of the same Burgh, who shall take their oath before Us, well and faithfully to govern Our aforesaid Burgh. And that the same twelve Burgesses shall in future be named Aldermen of Our aforesaid Burgh. And that at the feast of Saint Michael Archangel next ensuing, and every year thereafter, they the aforesaid Aldermen and Our aforesaid Burgesses shall choose from among Our said Burgesses four men of the most fit, who heretofore were called "Portreves," from among whom Our Constable of Kaerdiff shall choose two in Our name, who thenceforth shall be named Bailiffs of Our aforesaid Burgh. And that they shall choose also two serving-men with staves, called "Mases," of Our arms, carrying (the same), who shall thenceforth be named Serjeants. And that the said Bailiffs and serving men shall take their Oath before Our Constable in Our Exchequer of Kaerdiff as was anciently accustomed to be done, well and faithfully to govern Our said Burgh with the said Aldermen, and to collect and levy the money and customs thence due unto Us. And that, upon the decease of any Alderman within Our aforesaid Burgh, the rest of the surviving Aldermen shall choose in his stead others or another from among the most fit and discreet Burgesses of Our aforesaid Burgh, and shall present them or him to Our Constable of Kaerdiff for the time being; who before him, as their Mayor, shall take their or his Oath in manner aforesaid. In witness whereof to this Our present Charter of confirmation and Our gift aforesaid We have caused the seal of Our Chancery of Kaerdiff to be set. Witness William, Abbot of Morgan; Lleisand, Abbot of Neeth; John de Stradelying, Knight, Our Sheriff of Glamorgant; John de Saint John ; Oliver de Saint John; Gilbert Deuys and Edward de Stradelying, Knights; John Lauerence; Walter Moreton ; Robert Moreton; Robert Walsche, and others. Witness Myself at Kaerdiff on the twentieth day of the month of April in the ninth year of the reign of King Henry the fifth after the Conquest [1421].