The Chronicle of the Grey Friars: Richard II

Pages 6-9

Chronicle of the Grey Friars of London Camden Society Old Series: Volume 53. Originally published by Camden Society, London, 1852.

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Ricardus Secundus Rex.

And here beganne the rayne of kynge Richard the ijde, sonne unto kyng Edward the iijde.

ij°. A°. Thys yere one Hall a sawere (fn. 1) of the kynges was slayne in Westmyster church, and Sakke hys fellow was arestyd and put in to the towere of London by sir Alyne Buxhylle constabulle of the tower and by sir Raffe Ferres by fore the erle of Dene. (fn. 2)

iiij°. A°. Thys yere came iiij. galys to Gravysende, and brent a parte of the towne. And this same yere, on corpus Christi daye, was the rysynge of Kent and Essex, and they ware callyd Jake Strawes men, and came to London, and brent the Savoy and a parsell of sent Jones at Clarkenwell, and went to the tower of London, and there toke owte sir Simond Beuerle (fn. 3) archebyshoppe of Cantorbury and chaunsler of Yenglond, Robert Halys prior of sent Jones, freer William Appultone a gray freer, and dyvers other, and beheddyd them at the towere hyll, and slew manny Flemynges and other men. Thys yere also was the grete yerth-qwake. And this yere the qwene Anne, the emperores dowter of Rome, came to Dover, and was crownyd at Westmyster, and weddyd unto the most excellent prince kynge Richard ijde on Fabian and Sebastian daye, and the coronacion on sent Vinsenttes daye followynge.

viij°. A°. John More was arestyd whyle he was shreffe.

ix°. A°. Thys yere sir Edmonde Langle and sir Thomas Wodstoke ware made duckes, [and sir] Myhyll at Pole [and] sir John Ormonde ware made erles at Westmyster.

xj°. A°. Thys yere Alexander Nevell archbyshoppe of Yorke, Roberte Vere ducke of Ireland, Myhell Poole erle of Suffoke, Roberte Trevelyan justyce, and Nicolas Breme knyght and alderman of London, ware a peched of treson by sir Thomas ducke of Glociter, Richard erle of Arnedell, and sir Thomas erle of Warwyke; and the foresayd Roberte of Vere chalynched them in the felde and was overcome, and the sayd Myghell, Robert Trevelyan, Nicolas Breme, Thomas Blacke, John Urke clerk, and John Saulsbury knyght, ware drawne and hangyd, and Simond Burle, John Bewchamp, and James Biernes, knyghtes, and others, be heddyd at towre-hyll for treson.

xiij°. A°. Thys yere was another grete pestelens in Yenglande.

xiiij°. A°. Thys yere the goodman at the Cooke (fn. 4) in Cheppe, at the new condite in Cheppe, was morderd in hys bede by nyght, and the wyffe of the howse brente and three of hys servanttes drawne and hanged at Tyborne for the same dede.

xv°. A°. Thys yere at Mydsomer, John Hynde [mayor] was dyscharged by the kinges councelle, and [the] shreffes. Edward Deckengton knyghte was made mayor, Edward (fn. 5) Maghfelde [and] Thomas Newton shreffes. And in July followyng the sayd mayer was dyschargyd, and for hym was schosyn Baudwyn Radyngton. And at sent Edwardes day was schosyn, as it aperys here followyng, [William Standon mayor and Gilbert Maghfelde and Thomas Newton sheriffs.] And this yere was the citte of London raunsomed at a C. M1. Marke.

xvj°. A°. In thys yere was the terme removyd from Westmyster unto Yorke from the fest of sent John Baptyst un to Crystmas.

xvij°. A°. Thys yere qwene Anne dessecyd, and is burryd at Westmyster.

xviij°. A°. Thys yere the Iryche men in August were commandyd home by the kynges commandment.

xx°. A°. Thys yere dyde Mare the countes of Derby. And in June dysscessid the mayer, and for hym was schosyne Richard Wyttyngton and occupied un tyll sent Edwardes daye. And this yere qwene Isabell the kynges dowter of France was weddyd un to kynge Richard at Callys. And thys yere dyde sir Thomas Woodstoke duke of Glosceter at Callys. (fn. 6) And the erle of Arundelle was be heddyd at towre hylle. And thys yere Henry erle of Derby enterd in to Yenglond at Ravynspore in Yorkeshere. And this yere dyde John duke of Langkester [on] sent Blace day, and lythe burryd at Powlles. And this yere was Busshe, Bagot, Scroppe, Grene, with others, ware be heddyd at Brystowe. And thys yere was the grete parlame[nt.]

xxj°. A°. Thys yere was restyd the duke of Glosceter and sent to Callys to prisone. And the morrowe after holy-rode daye the kynge made a gret justynge be syde Kyngstone uppon Temes.

In September was the erle of Arnedelle jugyd to deth, and sir Thomas Mortemer the same, but if he came in within iij. monythes; and the erle of Warwyke was juggyd to the same jugment as the erle of Arnedelle had, but he submyttyde hym selfe, and the kynge gave hym hys lyffe, and send hym un to the tower agayne; and then the parlament was removyd un to Shrowesbery; and that daye was made five dukes and markes and four erles; the names the erle of Darby duke of Hereforde, the erle of Rotlonde duke of Aumarlde, erle of Kent duke of Surrey, erle of Huntyngtone duke of Excetor, erle Marchalle duke of Norfoke, and the countes of Norfolke duches of Norfolke, earle of Somerset markes Dorcet, lorde Spencer erle of Gloceter, lorde Nevelle erle of Westmerlond, Thomas Perce erle of Welchere, (fn. 7) William Scroppe erle of Westchester. (fn. 8) And that same tyme dyde the lorde Mombray, and is byryd at the Whyt Fryers.

xxij°. A°. Thys yere dyde the duke of Lankester. And sir William Bagot was arestyd in Irelond and browte to London to Newgate. And duke Henry of Langkester entered into Inglond in Yorkechere at Ravyns-spurre be-syde Welyngtone. (fn. 9) And sir William Scroppe, sir Henry Grene, and sir John Busshe beheddyd at Brystow. And thys yere the kynge was deposyd by the comyns of his pepulle, and for hyme came Henry the iiijth, that was erle of Darby.


  • 1. Sewer? or Squire?
  • 2. This affair had to do with the count de Dene the Spanish prisoner before mentioned: see the facts related by Mr. Beltz in his memoir of Sir Alan Buxhull, K.G., in Memorials of the Garter, p. 190.
  • 3. An error for Sudbury.
  • 4. Cock ?
  • 5. This should be Gilbert.
  • 6. In this and the following events crowded into this year there is nothing but error. They belong to the two following years, in which they are entered again. And Bagot was not beheaded at all: on this misapprehension, which is common to many chroniclers, see some remarks in the Gentleman's Magazine for March, 1849.
  • 7. This should be Worcester.
  • 8. And this Wiltshire.
  • 9. An error apparently for Bridlington.