The Chronicle of the Grey Friars: Edward IV

Pages 21-23

Chronicle of the Grey Friars of London Camden Society Old Series: Volume 53. Originally published by Camden Society, London, 1852.

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Edwardus Quartus Rex.

Pio A°. Thys yere was the erle of Oxenford be-heddyd and other gentylmen.

ij°. A°. Thys yere the towne dech was new cast. And Palmesonday felde. And the towne of Barwyke wanne.

iij°. A°. Thys yere was the sarganttes fest, and the mayer dyned not there, and for be cause that he satt not princypall bothe he and the comyns went a waye at that tyme. And this yere was the battelle of Hexhame felde.

iiij°. A°. Thys yere the qwene was crownyd. And kynge Henry put in to the Towere. And the rose nobyll at xs., the aungell at vjs. viijd.

v°. A°. Thys yere came grete lordes from the londe of Poole and Beame to see thys lond.

vj°. A°. Thys yere a battell in Smythfelde betwene the lorde Scales and the basterd of Burgoyne, and the lorde Scales had the worchyppe of the felde.

vij°. A°. Thys yere was the kynges suster Margaret marryd unto Charles duke of Burgone.

viij°. A°. Thys yere was taken the lorde Harbord and hys brother at Hedgcot felde and both be-heddyd, and the lorde Ryvers and hys sone be-heddyd, and one Stafforde of Soutwyke that was made erle Dennsher be-heddyd also.

ix° A°. Thys yere at Ester the duke of Clarans and the erle of Warwyke flede into France. And Poynes and Alford be-heddyd.

And at Myhylmas the lordes came agayne into Englond and the kynge flede into Hollonde, and kynge Henry put agayne to the crowne. And the erle of Worceter be-heddyd. And the prince borne. And a blacke sterre. And the battelle of Stamford.

x°. A°. Thys yere the kynge came agayne in to Ynglond in Lent, and dyd a battell at Barnet on Ester day, and there was slayne the erle of Warwyke and hys brother markes Montagu, and kyng Henry put agayne into the tower. And a battelle at Teukysbury there was slayne kynge Henrys sone and many other lordes and knyttes. And the basterd Fauconbryge came from the see with hys retenew, [and] wolde have entered the citte, but he was manly defendyd by the cittezens and many of hys men slayne.

xj°. A°. Thys yere in July was borne Richard the kynges ijde sone, and he was made duke of Yorke.

xij°. A°. Thys yere was ordenyd in every warde a payer of stockes; and that yere fifteen women ware ray hoddes.

xiij°. A°. Thys yere was a fray on sent Peteres evyn betwene the kynges servantes and the wache men of the citte of London.

xiiij°. A°. Thys yere the kynge went in to France ward at Mydsomer, and londyd at Callys with a grete armey, and hys host went to Amias, and there spake with the Frenche kynge and there made pece with owte battelle, and the Frenche kynge heldynge (fn. 1) yerly xj and soo came home agayne.

xvj.°. A°. Thys yere beganne the reparacions of the walles of the citte of London, and the deches abowte new cast.

xvij°. A°. Thys yere the ducke of Clarans was put to dethe. And the terme deferrd from Ester to Myhylmas be cause of the grete pestelens.

xix. A°. Thys yere the kynges syster duches of Burgone came in to Ynglond to see hare brother. And this yere the kynge taxid sore hys lond.

xxj°. A°. Thys yere the kynge made a grete army into Scotland by hys brother the duke of Glocester, in the wyche viage he wane Barwike. And a gret derth of corne.

xxij.°.A°. Thys yere descecid the kynge [xxij day] in Aperlle enterynge in to the xxiij. yere of hys rayne.


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