Notes to the diary: 1561

Pages 384-388

The Diary of Henry Machyn, Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of London, 1550-1563. Originally published by Camden Society, London, 1848.

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P. 247. Funeral of master Scott. The registers of the family of Scott at Camberwell were printed in the Collectanea Topog. et Genealogica, vol. iii. p. 145, but the funeral described in this paragraph is not there recorded. He appears, however, to have been the Thomas Scott there mentioned in a note, whose name occurs in Cole's Escheats, i. 441.

P. 247. Marriage at St. Pancras. This was St. Pancras, Soper-lane, as appears from the register recording another event in the same family in the previous April (see p. 379).

P. 254. Funeral of lady Jane Seymour. Daughter of Edward duke of Somerset, and supposed to have been destined by him to become the consort of his nephew king Edward. A Latin letter written by her (of course under the dictation of her tutor) to the Reformers Bucer and Fagius, dated at Syon, June 12, 1549, is published in the Third Series of Zurich Letters, printed for the Parker Society. She was one of queen Elizabeth's maids of honour, and shortly before her death she had taken an active part in promoting the clandestine marriage of her brother the earl of Hertford with her companion the lady Katharine Grey, a line of conduct which would certainly have brought upon her the anger of her royal mistress, had she lived until it was discovered. (See Ellis's Orig. Letters, Second Series, vol. ii. p. 272.) Her age was only nineteen. See an engraving of her monumental tablet, with the inscription, erected by "her deare brother" the earl, in Dart's Westminster Abbey, vol. i. pl. 12. In the accounts of St. Margaret's parish, Westminster, is an entry of 10s. received at her funeral.

Ibid. Death of sir Arthur Darcy. Sir Arthur was the second son of Thomas lord Darcy, who suffered death for his share in the Pilgrimage of Grace. He had married Mary, daughter and co-heiress of Sir Nicholas Carew, K.G. whence his death at Beddington, the mansion of that family. Lady Darcy's funeral has before occurred, in p. 222. Their epitaph in St. Botolph's, Billingsgate, will be found in Stowe's Survay.

P. 257. Funeral of Bartholomew Compagni, a Florentine. See a licence to him as the king's factor in Oct. 1550, in Strype, Mem. ii. 538, and his name occurs elsewhere Anglicised to Compayne. Margaret, his daughter and heir, was mother of the maids to queen Elizabeth, and married to John Baptist Castillion, of Benham Valence, Berks. (Archæologia, xxxii. 371.)

P. 259. Funeral of lady Wharton. "Lady Anne Ratclyff, daughter to Robert erl of Sussex and lady Margaret his wyff daughter of Thomas erl of Darby, late wyff to sir Thomas Wharton knight, son and heyr to Thomas lord Wharton, dyed the 7. of June, 1561, at the honner of Bewlew, otherwysse called Newhall, in Essex, and was beryed in the parishe churche of Boreham the xiiijth of the mounthe aforesaid : leaving issue Phelyp Wharton son and heyre, Thomas Wharton 2 son, Mary Wharton, Anne." (MS. Harl. 897, f. 18.)

P. 260. Proclamation for slips and half slips. This proclamation was dated 12 June 1561, and a MS. copy is in the library of the Society of Antiquaries. See its contents described in Ruding's Annals of the Coinage, sub anno. The name "slips" does not occur in the document, but it appears that the coins referred to were "base monies," one current for three half-pence, and the other for three farthings: and the same term was in use for many years after, as appears by the example from Shakspere's Romeo and Juliet, with others from Ben Jonson, &c. given in Nares's Glossary. From "Theeves falling out," by Robert Greene, we derive this exact definition : "Certain slips, which are counterfeit pieces of money, being brasse, and covered over with silver, which the common people call slips." (Harl. Misc. viii. 399.)

P. 262. The king of Sweden. In Haynes's Cecill Papers, p. 369, is the minute of a curious letter from the secretary to the lord mayor, dated 21 July, 1561, commencing with a statement that "The queenes majesty understandeth that sondry bookebynders and stationers do utter certen papers, wherin be prynted the faces of hir majesty and the king of Sweden. And, although her majesty is not miscontented that ether hir owne face or the sayd kyng's be prynted or portracted, yet, to be joyned in one paper with the sayd king, or with any other prynce that is knowne to have made any request for mariadg to hir majesty, is not to be allowed;" and the said portraits were therefore to be withdrawn from sale.

P. 264. Burial of [William] Bill, dean of Westminster. His sepulchral brass remains in the abbey, and has been engraved, as also a portrait derived from it, for the series of portraits of the deans of Westminster which accompany their lives in Neale and Brayley's History of Westminster Abbey. See also an engraving in Dart, i. 101.

Ibid. Christening of Robert Dethiek. It was no unfrequent honour paid by queen Elizabeth to her subjects to stand godmother to their children. In a list of her presents of plate there are nine instances between the 21st April and the 24th Nov. 1561, and among them, "Item, given by her Majestie the 15th of July, to the chrystenyng of sir William Dethyk, alias Garter king at armes, his childe, oone guilte cup with a cover, per oz. 19¼ dim. oz. Bought of the Goldsmyth." Queen Elizabeth's Progresses, edit. 1823, vol. i. p. 129.

P. 265. Master Avenon chosen sheriff. Son of Robert Avenon, or Avenand, of King's Norton in Worcestershire; sheriff 1561-2; lord mayor 1569-70, and knighted. He was "buried at St. Peter's, at the Cross in Cheap." Arms, Ermine, on a pale gules a cross flory-de-lis argent, on a chief sable a mascle between two escallops of the third. (List by Wm. Smith, Rouge-dragon.) The epitaph of his widow "the lady Alice Avenon," at St. Laurence in the Jewry, will be seen in Stowe. She was the daughter and co-heir of Thomas Huchen, citizen and mercer, and married first Hugh Methwold mercer, and secondly John Blundell mercer, and had children by both, who are enumerated. The marriage took place in his mayoralty, as thus recorded in the register of Allhallows, Breadstreet: "1570, Oct. 22, was married sir Alexander Avenon, lord mayor, and mistress Blunden, widow, by a license, within his own house." Malcolm, ii. 12.

P. 265. Master Baskerville chosen sheriff. Humphrey Baskerville, mercer, buried in the Mereers' chapel, 1563. Arms, Argent, on a chevron gules between three hurts a crescent or. (List by Wm. Smith, Rouge-dragon.)

Ibid. Master Gilbert chosen alderman. Edward Gilbert, goldsmith. Never sheriff or lord mayor. Arms, Azure, a chevron engrailed ermine between three spread eagles or. (List by Wm. Smith, Rouge-dragon.)

P. 266. Funeral of auditor Swift. He was auditor to the church of St. Paul's, and had this epitaph on a stone in the south aile of St. Botulph's without Bishopsgate: "Hic jacet Petrus Swift de London. generos. dum vixit auditor eccles. cathedrali D. Pauli London. Qui obiit 2. die Septemb. An. Dom. 1562. Cujus, &c." (Stowe.)

Ibid. The young earl of Hertford brought to the Tower. This was on account of his marriage with lady Katharine Grey, sister to the late queen Jane. Respecting this stolen alliance see several letters in Ellis's Second Series, vol. ii. pp. 272, et seq. and Bayley's History of the Tower of London, pp. 458–460.

Ibid. Master Swift of Rotherham. Robert Swift esquire, mercer, of Rotherham, where he "lyvyde many yeares in vertuous fame, grett wellthe, and good woorship," and had attained his 84th year. See his epitaph in Hunter's South Yorkshire, vol. ii. p. 18, and further particulars of him and his family in vol. i. of that work, p. 205. The name of his eldest son is of constant occurrence in Lodge's Illustrations, as one of the servants and most frequent correspondents of the earl of Shrewsbury.

Ibid. Funeral of sir James Boleyne. One of the uncles of queen Anne Boleyne. He was of Blickling, co. Norfolk, and was buried there on the 5th Dec. 1561; having died without issue. See the pedigree of Boleyne in Clutterbuck's Hertfordshire, vol. iii. p. 94; and see the History of Norfolk, by Blomefield and Parkin, fol. vol. iii. p. 627.

Ibid. Great reches that myght have bene sene, and gyffyne to ......... The "great riches" burnt were church books and ornaments deemed superstitious. The MS. is as above; but it seems probable that the Diarist, repining against the act, with his Old Church bias, was thinking of the apostles' complaint against Mary Magdalene, and that the articles burnt "might have been sold, and given to the poor."

P. 267. Funeral of master Cotgrave. This may very probably have been the father of Hugh Cotgrave, who soon after became Richmond herald. His kinsman "master Tott, serjeant painter to Henry VIII." was an Italian, Antonio Toto, whose naturalisation occurs in Rymer, xiv. 595, and several notices of whom will be found in the Privy Purse Expenses of Henry VIII. edited by Sir Harris Nicolas, 8vo. 1827.

P. 268. Christening of the earl of Hertford's son. This was the first offspring of the stolen alliance noticed in the preceding page. The son was christened Edward, but died in infancy; and the second son, whose birth is afterwards mentioned in p. 300, received the same name.

P. 268. Master Harper elected lord mayor. Sir William Harper, son of William Harper, of the town of Bedford, sheriff 1556–7, lord mayor 1561–2. "He dwelled in Lombard-streete, where Mr. Butler now (1605) dwelleth. But was buried at Bedford, where he was borne." Arms, Azure, on a fess between three spread eagles or a fret between two martlets azure. (List by Wm. Smith, Rouge-dragon.) This was another of those worthy citizens, so many of whom have occurred in these pages, whose names are still remembered as the founders of our great educational establishments. The estates left by sir William Harper for the grammar-school of Bedford, lying in the vicinity of Bedford Row, the Foundling Hospital, and Lamb's Conduit-street, have of late years vastly increased in value, and proportionately benefited his foundation. He died Feb. 27, 1573, aged 77; and was buried in St. Paul's at Bedford, where is his effigy in brass plate, from which an engraving was published in Waller's Monumental Brasses, fol. 1841.

P. 269. Master Gowth. This preacher, who our Diarist informs us to have been son of John Gough the printer (see Ames's Typographical Antiquities, by Dibdin, vol. iii. pp. 202–416) is again mentioned in p. 285 as the parson of St. Peter's in Cornhill. He was John Gough clerk, presented to the vicarage of Braintree in Essex by John Gooday clothier, 3 Dec. 1554, deprived 1556; presented to St. Peter's Cornhill, by the mayor, aldermen, and commonalty of London 15 Nov. 1560, deprived 1567. (Newcourt, Repert. Lond. i. 526; ii. 89.)

P. 271. Death and funeral of the good sir Rowland Hill. This reverend senator has the highest character given him in his epitaph, which was placed "on a faire stone in the south aile of St. Stephen's Walbrook:"
A friend to vertue, a lover of learning,
A foe to vice, and vehement corrector,
A prudent person, all truth supporting;
A citizen sage, and worthy counsellor;
A lover of wisdome, of justice a furtherer,
Loe, here his corps lyeth, sir Rowland Hill by name,
Of London late lord maier, and alderman of fame.

He was the son of Thomas Hill, of Hodnet in Shropshire; was sheriff 1541–2; lord mayor 1549–50. He founded a grammar school at Drayton in Shropshire, and performed other admirable acts of beneficence recorded by Stowe in his Survay, in his chapter "Honour of Citizens." "He dwelled in Walbrook, over against the said church of St. Stephen; and was buried at St. Stephen's in Walbrook 1561." Arms, Azure, two bars argent, on a canton sable a chevron between three pheons of the second, an eagle's head erased of the third, between two mullets gules. (List by Wm. Smith, Rouge-dragon.)

P. 272. Proclamation on foreign coins. This proclamation was dated the 15th of Nov. 1561, and is extant among the collection in the Society of Antiquaries' library. It is curious as representing in woodcuts the counterfeit angels of Tournay and Holland, in comparison with a genuine angel of Henry VIII. (See Ruding's Annals of the Coinage, sub anno.) The same proclamation is noticed in a Norwich Chronicle as follows:

"This year, upon sunday the 23d of November, there was sent from the Queen a Proclamation to be published, that pistoles and other foreign crowns of gold and silver, only French crowns excepted, should not pass from man to man as current money, but as bullion be brought into the Tower, there to have as much as they are worth." Papers of the Norwich and Norfolk Archæol. Soc. vol. i. p. 145.

P. 273. Funeral of Laurence Dalton, Norroy king of arms. See his epitaph in Stowe, and his funeral insignia described in the Collectanea Topogr. et Geneal. 1837, vol. iv. pp. 101–111. His funeral ceremony is recorded in the College of Arms. I. 13, f. 32, and his brass is drawn in the MS. Harl. 1099.

P. 274. Christmas festivities in the Temple. A long account of the celebration of these festivities will be found in Dugdale's Origines Juridiciales, pp. 150 et seq. and extracted in Nichols's Progresses, &c. of Queen Elizabeth, 1823, vol. i. p. 131.