Notes to the diary: 1557

Pages 355-362

The Diary of Henry Machyn, Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of London, 1550-1563. Originally published by Camden Society, London, 1848.

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P. 125. Lord Stourton's murder of the Hartgills. Some account of this tragedy will be found in Holinshed, Stowe, Strype, and the other historians of the period: but Sir R. C. Hoare, in his History of Modern Wiltshire (Hundred of Mere, pp. 152–157) has collected at considerable length the particulars preserved of it—the first page and a half derived from various passages of our own diarist, but the narrative of the crime itself from an authentic MS. of the time. Some years before, lord Stourton's arbitrary violence had attracted the censure of the privy council: see its minutes under July 17, 21, 28, 1551. (MS. Harl. 353.)

Ibid. Funeral of sir William Portman. He had been made chief justice in 1554. His funeral insignia (made by our diarist) were remaining when St. Dunstan's was visited by Nich. Charles; see Collectanea Topogr. et Geneal. 1837, vol. iv. p. 99: see also his epitaph in Stowe, and the pedigree of Portman in Hutchins's Dorsetshire, vol. i. p. 154.

P. 127. Funeral of the earl of Sussex. "Sir Henry Ratclyff erl of Sussex and vyscount FitzWater, lord Egremont and Burnell, knight of the garter, lieutenaunte of the counties of Norffolk and Sussex, and late countrolor to the king and quenes majesties, dyed at sir Harry Sydney's howsse in Chanon Roo at Westmynster on Wensday the 15. [17] of February in the 3. and 4. yere of king Phelyp and queene Mary, 1556, and was beryed at St. Mary Poultney in London on Saterday the 27. of the same mounth." (MS. Harl. 897, f. 79.) The heralds' account of the ceremony is recorded in Coll. Arm. I. 15, f. 225, and printed in the appendix to Wilson's History of the parish of St. Laurence Pountney, 4to. 1831. That author states, (p. 10,) "In the north aisle of this church, originally parochial, then collegiate as well as parochial, and after the surrender again parochial only, were interred several members of the Radcliffe family, particularly Robert Radcliffe, earl of Sussex, who died 27th Nov. 1542, and Henry Radcliffe his son, who died 17th Feb. 1556-7. But at length the remains of these two earls were removed to Boreham in Essex." At Boreham was erected a sumptuous monument (now in ruins) with effigies of the three earls; see Walpole's Anecdotes of Painting, &c. (1762, i. 160), and the epitaphs in Antiq. Repertory, or Wilson, ubi supra.

Ibid. A Duke of Muscovea. In preparation for his arrival, the Privy Council sent "A lettere to th' officers of the warderobe in the Tower, to deliver, or cause to be delivered, to Mr. Hussey, Governor of the Marchauntes-adventurers, or to three of that Company which he shall send for that purpose, a bed of estate with furniture and hangings for the chamber of the duke of Muscovia, to be by the said marchauntes redelivered when the said embassador shall be departed." Also another letter "to the officers of the Jewell-howse to deliver ij. pair of grete silver pottes to the said Governor to be used ut supra." (Burgon's Life of Gresham, i. 372, from Minutes of the Privy Council, in the Council Office, f. 511.) In p. 371 Mr. Burgon has by mistake called "master Dimmock's house" Denmark house. A full account of the reception of the ambassador, and a list of the presents he brought, will be found in Stowe's Chronicle, 1631, pp. 629, 630.

P. 127. last line. For Sturton read Salisbury, as in the next page.

P. 128. Funeral of sir Edward Montagu. The progenitor of the dukes of Montagu and Manchester, and earls of Halifax. He was buried at Weekley in Northamptonshire, where is his effigy, and the epitaph will be found in Bridges's History of that county, vol. ii. p. 347; also in Collins's Peerage, 1779, vol. ii. p 83, together with his will and biographical notices; but his monument is there incorrectly placed at Hemington.

Ibid. Funeral of sir Oliver Leader. "Item, upon the seconde day of February in An° 1554 sir Oliver Leader was made knight by kinge Phillip." (MS. Harl. 6064.) See in Thomas Mountain's narrative of his troubles, Strype's Memorials, vol. iii. p. 187, a picturesque account of his being received into the custody of sir Oliver Leader, then Sheriff of Huntingdonshire, "a man of much worship, and one that keepeth a good house," and of his courteous entertainment during his halt. Sir Oliver appears to have facilitated Mountain's escape at the sessions, by purposely forgetting to bring the writ with him. His funeral is recorded in Coll. Arm. I. 15, f. 272b.

P. 132. Sir Thomas Chamber. Some more of the pranks of this merry parson are related in p. 205: and see the note on that passage hereafter.

P. 133. Funeral of lord Chandos. "Sir John Bruges knight loord Chandos dyed at the castell of Sudley in Glostershire on monday the xijth. of Apryll 1556, and was buryd the 3. of May in A° predicto in the churche of Sudley." (MS. Harl. 897, f. 79b.) In Collins's Peerage his death is erroneously dated on the 4th of March.

Ibid. Creations of Thomas Percy to the barony of Percy and earldom of Northumberland. Our chronicler has given correctly the dates of these restorations. The patents are printed in Rymer's collection, xv. 461, 462. In the following August the Earl was made Warden of the Middle and East Marches towards Scotland. Ibid. pp. 468, 472, 475.

P. 135. Scarborough castle. Strype in his Memorials, vol. iii. Appen. lxxiii. has printed "the Names of the Prisoners taken in Scarborowe Castell the 28th of Apryll, An. 1557." Five were committed to the Tower of London, and twenty-seven remained in York Castle.

Pp. 135, 136. Death and Funeral of sir Jaques Granado. He was a native of Brabant: having distinguished himself in the campaign in Scotland in 1547 (Holinshed, 1st edit. p. 1620), he was one of the knights made at its close by the duke of Somerset at Berwick, Sept. 28. (Ibid. p. 1633). An annuity of 50l. was granted March 10, 1549-50, to sir Jaques Granado and Magdalen his wife, and to the longer liver: see the patent printed in Rymer, xv. 210. He appears to have filled the office of equerry or some similar post, as in Oct. 1551, he had a passport to conduct sixteen horses sent by Edward VI. to the French king. His widow "Mawdelyn" became the second wife of sir Robert Chester, and his daughter Katharine was married to Edward Chester, sir Robert's son and heir. (MS. Harl. 897, f. 55b.)

P. 137. Three more hanged at Tyborne (May 28), 1557. Stowe says these were Streightly or Stretchly (called William Stowe by our diarist in p. 142), Bradforde, and Proctor—three of Stafford's company from Scarborough castle.

P. 138. Proclamation of war with France. A transcript (from the printed copy) of this Proclamation may be found in Starkey's collections, MS. Harl. 353, f. 184. See also Holinshed, 1st edit. p. 1767; Stowe's Chronicle, 1631, p. 631.

Ibid. Began a stage-play at the Gray freers of the Passyon of Cryst. The word "began" seems to imply that the play lasted more than one day in its representation, or else that it was repeated. Mr. Collier has noticed its performance in his Annals of the Stage, vol. i. p. 167, and states it was first performed at the same place on Corpus Christi day 1556 (the previous year) before the lord mayor, the privy council, and many great estates of the realm; but he quotes no other authority but the present diary.

P. 140. Burning of Store-house at Portsmouth. The date was left incomplete in the MS. thus—"The x day of June." Strype has accordingly (Mem. iii. 377) attributed this event to the 10th of June. The real date is given by a contemporary account of the catastrophe under the hands of the mayor and burgesses of the town, which is printed in the Collectanea Topogr. et Genealogica, (1835,) ii. 251. In our diary, p. 140, the words supplied to the last deficiency, instead of "both were" should probably be "the beer-cellar."

P. 141. Master Malory chosen sheriff. Richard Mallory, mercer, son of Anthony Mallory, of Papworth, Cambridgeshire; sheriff 1557, lord mayor 1564-5. "He was a mercer, dwelled in Cheapsyde at Soper lane end, at the signe of the Golden Kay, and was buried in the Mercers' chapell." Arms, Or, a lion rampant and bordure gules. (List by Wm. Smith, Rouge-dragon.)

Ibid. Christening of the duke of Norfolk's son. Philip earl of Surrey, as he was called in his infancy, and afterwards the distinguished earl of Arundel of that name, was "borne at Arundell place in London 28. of July [June] 1557." (MS. Harl. 897, f. 79.) Stowe also has recorded his christening "in the queenes chapell at Westminster, in a font of gold." The king and lord chancellor stood godfathers "in proper person."

P. 143. A great army. In Starkey's collections, MS. Harl. 353, f. 188b. will be found "The Booke of the officers and Captaynes of horsmen and footmen of a Regiment of a Thousand horsmen, Four Thowsand footmen, and two thowsand Pyoners, wth. their Wages and entertainments, at the goinge to St. Quintens in the tyme of Queene Marye, primo July an°. 1557." (It is imperfect.) The word "Regiment" in this case appears equivalent to Army. A list of the captains will also be found in Holinshed, p. 1767.

P. 144. Funeral of lady Reche. It is difficult to ascertain whose widow this could be. There was a sir William Roche, lord mayor in 1541, but we have the funeral of his widow afterwards in p. 190. No other name resembling Reche occurs in the list of mayors.

Ibid. Funeral of master Latham. Ralph Latham, esq. of Upminster, Essex, died July 19, 1556. (See Morant, i. 108.)

Ibid. Funeral of mistress Draper, of Camberwell. See genealogical notices of this family in the Collectanea Topogr. et Genealogica, vol. iii. p. 150.

Ibid. Arrest of Waxham from the sanctuary at Westminster. Abbat Feckenham was censured by the people for consenting to the surrender of this sanctuary man, and in his sermon at the funeral of the lady Anne of Cleves, he publicly defended his conduct, as may be seen in the Excerpta Historica, p. 312. The name of the culprit, which our diarist writes in three ways (see pp. 150, 151), is there spelt "Vawgham."

P. 145. Inclosing of the nuns of Syon. This royal foundation was one of the few that queen Mary was able to reinstate. Of this transaction see Aungier's History of Syon Monastery, 8vo. 1840, p. 96.

Ibid. Funeral of the lady Anne of Cleves. A very particular narrative of this solemnity, from MSS. in the College of Arms, will be found in the Excerpta Historica, 1831, together with the Will of the deceased. The body of the queen was buried, as Stowe says, "at the head of king Sebert," where "she lyeth in a tomb not yet finished." Engravings of what was erected of this tomb will be found in the Vetusta Monumenta, vol. ii. pl. 35, as well as in Dart and the other histories of Westminster Abbey. In p. 145, for sir Robert Freston read Richard; and in p. 146, for William duke of Cleves read John.

Ibid. Hearse for the king of [Portugal]. Machyn here made the error of naming the the king of Denmark, instead of the king of Portugal, John III. who succeeded his father Emanuel in 1521, and died 1557. He had married Jane aunt of king Philip, and hence arose the special observance of his obsequies in this country. They are briefly noticed by Holinshed, p. 1768; but are recorded at full in the College of Arms, I. 15, f. 246. At the beginning of this paragraph for xviiij read xviij.

P. 149. Funeral of Hawley, Clarenceux. "Thomas Hawley esquyer late Claren' kyng of armes dyed at his howsse in the parish of St. Gyles withowt Crepyllgate in London on sonday the 22. of August 1557, and was beryed in the churche there the 25. of August." (MS. Harl. 897, f. 17.) His funeral is recorded in Coll. Arm. I. 15, f. 254.

P. 149. Death of the duchess of Norfolk. She had not recovered from the birth of her first and only child. "This Mary duches of Norffolk, late wyff to the right highe and myghty prynce Thomas duke of Norffolk, erl of Surrey and Waren, lord Mowbray, Segrave and Brusse, and erl marshall of England, departed on Wensday the 25. of August at th'erl of Arundell her father's howsse, called Arundell place in St. Clementes parishe called the Danes withowt temple barre in London, 1557, in the 4. and 5. of kyng Phelyp and queen Mary, and was beryed the fyrst of Septembre next foloing in the parish churche of St. Clementes the Danes." (MS. Harl. 897, f. 79.) A long narrative of her funeral is in the College of Arms, I. 14, 95–99, and I. 15, 256–261.

P. 150. Funeral of sir Harry Hussey. "Sir Henry Hussy knight dyed at his howsse of Slynfold, co. Sussex, on saterday the xxviij of August, and was buryed in the parish church there on thursday next after, 1557. His wyef dyed in October next foloing, and buryed by her husband. His wyf was Brydget daughter of Spryng of Lanam in Suffolk: married first to William Erneley of Kacham in Sussex, by whom she had Richard, John, and Katharine; and secondly to sir Henry Hussey, by whom she had no issue." (MS. Harl. 897, f. 27b.) His month's mind is recorded in Coll. Arm. I. 15, f. 263.

Ibid. Death of lord Harry Dudley. Fourth son of John duke of Northumberland. He was condemned at the time of the ruin of his family, (see p. 48,) but pardoned by the queen. He married Margaret only daughter of lord chancellor Audley; and, leaving no issue, his widow became the second wife of Thomas fourth duke of Norfolk, and from this match descend the earls of Suffolk and Carlisle. The duke's former lady had expired just before the death of lord Henry Dudley, and their surviving partners intermarried before the end of the year. The duchess Margaret died at Norwich Jan. 9, 1563-4. (See lord Braybrooke's History of Audley End, 1836, 4to. pp. 27, 296.)

P. 151. Death of sir John Cheke. He was buried in London in St. Alban's, Woodstreet; and his epitaph in Latin verse will be found in Stowe. His biography is well known from the Life by Strype; his "Gospel according to St. Matthew and Part of St. Mark, translated from the Original Greek, with Notes," was first published in 1843, with an Introduction by James Goodwin, B.D.

Ibid. Monsieur Regamus. Can this name mean Simon Renard, or Reynard? who had been in England shortly before (see p. 337).

P. 152. Master Waters, serjeant at arms. The name of "Edward Waters esquire, serjeant at armes, 1558," is among the burials at St. Dunstan's in the East recorded by Stowe.

P. 153. Funeral of John Sackville esquire. Of Chiddingleigh, Sussex, M.P. for Greenwich; he married Margaret Boleyne, a great-aunt of queen Elizabeth, and was grandfather of the first earl of Dorset. He was buried at Withyham in the same county. See his will printed by Collins, Peerage 1779, vol. ii. p. 155.

P. 154. Funeral of mistress Mildmay. Agnes, daughter of—Read and wife of Thomas Mildmay esquire, auditor of the court of augmentations, who shared so largely in the spoil of the monasteries that he greatly enriched his family, and (contrary to the view taken by Spelman "on Sacrilege," &c.) his descendants flourished so much, that in the reign of James I. there were nine families of Mildmay possessed of large estates in Essex. (See Morant, ii. 4). Sir Walter Mildmay of Apthorpe in Northamptonshire, chancellor of the exchequer to queen Elizabeth, founder of Emanuel college Cambridge, and ancestor of the earls of Westmoreland, was the auditor's fourth and youngest son. His eldest son, having married the heiress of the Ratcliffes earls of Sussex, brought the dignity of baron FitzWalter to his descendants, of whom the last in the male line was created earl FitzWalter in 1730, and died s. p. in 1756.

P. 155. Funeral of the countess of Arundel. A full account of this funeral is preserved in the College of Arms, I. 15, ff. 266 et seq. The lady was previously countess of Sussex, and a letter written under that signature in 1537 has been published in Miss Wood's Letters of Royal and Illustrious Ladies, vol. ii. p. 306. "This Mary, doter of sir John Arundell of the West [and widow of Robert earl of Sussex, who died in 1542,] departed this lyff on Wensday the 20. of October 1557, in the 4. and 5. yeres of king Phelyp and quene Mary in the said erl of Arundelles place in St. Clementes parishe called the Danes withowt temple barre in London, and was beryed the xxviij. of October next folowinge." (MS. Harl. 897, f. 79.) The same authority supplies the following record of the earl of Arundel's former wife: "The lady Kateren Maltravers, doter of the lord marquis Dorset, departed owt of this world the fyrst day of May in the xxiiijth. yere of H. 8, (1532,) and lyeth beryed at St. Bartylmewes the lyttell within sir Gyles Capell('s) chapell." (p. 13b.)

P. 156. Funeral of sir William Cavendish. Treasurer of the chamber to king Henry VIII. king Edward VI. and queen Mary, and a member of the privy council. He had three wives, and the last was the memorable "Bess of Hardwick," afterwards countess of Shrewsbury; who gave birth by him to two sons, William afterwards the first earl of Devonshire, Charles father of the first duke of Newcastle, and three daughters, Frances wife of sir Henry Pierrepoint and ancestor of the dukes of Kingston, Elizabeth countess of Lennox and mother of the lady Arabella Stuart, and Mary countess of Shrewsbury. The life of Elizabeth countess of Shrewsbury has exercised the pen of several biographers; but see particularly Miss Costello's Memoirs of Eminent Englishwomen, 1844, vol. i.

P. 156. Funeral of serjeant Walpole. John Walpole, made a serjeant at law in 1554. Nothing but his coat and peneron remained in St. Dunstan's church, temp. Nich. Charles: (Collectanea Topogr. et Geneal. 1837, vol. iv. p. 102). Of this serjeant Walpole a full account will be found in Collins's Peerage, 1779, vol. v. p. 38.

Ibid. Funeral of sir Nicholas Hare. Having been a master of requests to Henry VIII. and Edward VI. he was constituted master of the rolls by patent 18 Sept. 1553. His wife Catharine survived him not quite a month. See their epitaph printed in Dugdale's Origines Juridiciales, fol. 1671, p. 178.

P. 157. Funeral of sir John Hodylstone. "Sir John Hodylston vyschamberlen to the kynge and one of the prevy counsell dyed at Sawson in Cambrydgeshire the 4. of November 1557, and was buryed the xjth of the same mounth in the parishe churche there. He maryed Brydget doter to sir Robert and syster to sir John Cotton, and had issue Edmond son and heyr, William, and Ales." (MS. Harl. 897, f. 25b.) There is a full narrative of his funeral in the College of Arms, I. 15, f. 275.

Ibid. Funeral of master . . anell. Was this Pranell the rich vintner, father of the first husband of the celebrated duchess of Richmond?

P. 158. Funeral of sir [John] Arundell. "Sir John Arundell knight dyed at his manner of Southorne in the county of Oxford the 7th of November in A°. 1557, and was buryed the xiiijth of the same mounth in the parish churche there." (MS. Harl. 897, f. 15b.) He was the elder son of sir Thomas Arundell, who died in 1545, by lady Alianor Grey, daughter of Thomas marquess of Dorset; and brother to sir Thomas, who was beheaded in 1551–2 (see pp. 15, 323.) Sir John was also for some time confined in the Tower; as mentioned in the minutes of the privy council April 7, 1550, and 13 April 1551 (see MS. Harl. 352, ff. 76, 149b.) By lady Anne Stanley, daughter of Edward earl of Derby, he was ancestor of the Arundells of Lanherne in Cornwall and Chideock in Dorsetshire.

Ibid. Funeral of Tyrell captain of the galley. "1557, Nov. 15, Mr. William Turrell sometime knight of Rhodes." Register of St. Martin's Ludgate; and his marriage at the same church, "1553, Nov. 9, sir William Tyrrell knt. and Mrs. Anne Freeman widow." Malcolm's Londinium, vol. iv. pp. 357, 358. He was brother to sir Henry Tyrell, of East Horndon, Essex: see Morant's History of that county, vol. i. p. 209.

Ibid. Coronation of Norroy king of arms. The instrument of the creation and coronation of Laurence Dalton to be Norroy king of arms, by letters patent dated 6 Sept. 1557, is printed in Rymer's Fœdera, vol. xv. p. 477; and that for William Harvey to be Clarenceux, dated the next day, in the following page.

Ibid. Funeral of lord Bray. "John lord Bray dyed in the late Black fryers in London on thursday the xixth of November 1557 and was beryed at Chelsey in the middest of the high chauncell with his father and grand-father the 23. of November." MS. Harl. 874, f. 79.—The full narrative of his funeral, which is recorded in the College of Arms, I. 15, f. 279, has been printed by Lysons in his Environs of London, and by Faulkner in his History of Chelsea.

P. 158. Funeral of lady Clifford. Widow of sir Thomas Clifford, knt. governor of Berwick, who had a gravestone in Westminster abbey, which was removed for the marble pavement. Dart, vol. ii. p. 23.

P. 160. Funeral of lady Rowlett. Dorothy, daughter of John Boles, of Wallington, co. Herts, and first wife of sir Ralph Rowlett, of whom see further in a subsequent note. There is a pedigree of Rowlett in Clutterbuck's Hertfordshire, vol. i. p. 217; but further information may be derived from that in the MS. Harl. 897, fol. 42.

P. 161. Funeral of sir William West. Strype, Mem. iii. 387, says "the same, I suppose, with him that went over lately in the expedition to St. Quintin's," but that was sir William West, the titular lord de la Warr (already noticed in p. 350). The present knight had served at an earlier date in the army of Henry VIII. He was of Amerdon hall in Essex, and Darley abbey, co. Derby, and the father of Lewis, whose untimely death has been noticed in p. 349. See the pedigree in Hunter's South Yorkshire, vol. ii. p. 173. "Sir William West knyght dyed at his howsse at Smythfeld in the suberbes of London the 8. day of December 1557, and buryed in St. Pulcres churche withowt Newgate of London the xiiith of the same mounth. He had issue Edward, &c." (MS. Harl. 897, f. 19.)