Notes to the diary: 1554

Pages 337-341

The Diary of Henry Machyn, Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of London, 1550-1563. Originally published by Camden Society, London, 1848.

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Ibid. The king of Spain's ambassadors. These were ambassadors from the emperor Charles, father of Philip, to conclude a treaty for the queen's marriage—namely, the count d'Egmont, Charles count de Laing, Jehan de Montmorancy sieur de Corriers, Philip Negri, and Simon Renard: see Strype, Mem. iii. 58, and the marriage treaty in Rymer, vol. xv. p. 393. An extract from their Instructions may be seen in Burgon's Life of Gresham, i. 145.

P. 51. Funeral of master Sturley esquire. There seems to be no memorial of this gentleman remaining in connection with the history of Richmond. In August 1551, it was appointed that Mr. Sturley, captain of Berwick, should leave the Wardenship of the East Marches to the lord Evers; but that person is again mentioned as a knight, sir Nicholas Sturley, in the following October. (King Edward's Diary.)

P. 52. Sir Thomas Wyatt. A copious narrative of Wyatt's rebellion, together with the letters written by the duke of Norfolk, lord Cobham, and others, to the Privy Council, on the occasion, (from the originals in the State Paper Office,) will be found in Cruden's History of Gravesend, 1842, 8vo. pp. 172 et seq.

Ibid. Sir George Howard was son of lord Edmund Howard, and one of the brothers of queen Katharine Howard. He was knighted by the duke of Somerset in Scotland in 1547; and in March 1550–1 had a warrant for office of Master of the Henchmen for one whole year. He was appointed to attend upon the young lords sent over the sea as hostages, whereof the earl of Hertford was one. Strype, Mem. ii. 539.

P. 54. He lycted behind a gentleman into the court. After his surrender sir Thomas Wyatt was taken to the court riding behind sir Maurice Berkeley on horseback. Stowe, p. 621.

P. 56. Funeral of George Pargeter. Sir Thomas Pargeter his father was lord mayor in the year 1531, and was buried at Allhallows, Bread-street. Catalogue of Lord Mayors, by W. Smith, Rouge-Dragon.

Ibid. Execution of Mans. No mention of this "rich man" occurs under Cranbrook in Hasted's History of Kent.

P. 57. Funeral of sir William Goring. The name here deficient is supplied by the useful MS. Harl. 897, f. 8: "Sir William Goryng knight dyed at Westmynster the 4th of Marche 1553, and was conveyd to his howse called Burton, and there buryed the xijth of Marche." He was one of the gentlemen of the king's privy chamber, and his monument at Bodecton alias Burton, is described in Dallaway's Rape of Arundel, p. 253 (with an error of viij for iiij). His funeral at length is in Coll. Arm. I. 3, f. 102.

P. 59. Cat hung on the gallows in Cheapside. The same outrage will be found noticed in Stowe's Chronicle, p. 623, where the consecrated wafer is there termed "a singingcake," and in Foxe's Actes and Monuments, vol. iii. p. 99.

P. 60. Funeral ensigns of alderman Kyrton. Stephen Kirton, member of the Merchant-taylors in 1534. He was never sheriff or lord mayor. He bore four coats quarterly, 1. Argent, a fess and chevronel in chief gules; 2. Argent, a crescent and bordure sable; 3. Paly, argent and gules, a fess between three leopard's heads, all counterchanged; 4. Argent, a fesse between three butterflies gules. (Lord Mayors, &c. by Wm. Smith, Rouge-Dragon.)

P. 61. Funeral of the lady baroness Dudley, widow of lord Dudley, noticed in p. 334. She was the lady Cecily Grey, second daughter of Thomas marquess of Dorset, by Cecily, daughter and heir of William lord Bonville and Harington.

P. 62. Proclamation. This was probably the proclamation transcribed in the Society of Antiquaries' collection, vol. ii. p. 124. It is undated, but entitled "A proclamation for suppressing of seditious rumours and libelles."

P. 63. Lord Garrett created earl of Kildare. Gerald Fitzgerald, reckoned as the eleventh earl in succession of his family. His father Thomas was executed at Tyburn, together with his five uncles, on the 2d Feb. 1535; his grandfather Gerald the ninth earl having died a prisoner in the Tower of London on the 12th Dec. preceding; and was subsequently pronounced attainted by an act of Parliament in Ireland passed in May 1536. The young lord Garrett, or FitzGerald, having been educated abroad, is said to have been introduced to the court of king Edward the Sixth, and knighted by him in 1552 (Lodge's Peerage of Ireland, by Archdall, vol. i. p. 94); but we have seen (p. 334) that the latter statement is erroneous, and it is more probable that he did not return before his kinsman and patron cardinal Pole and other eminent members of the old communion. His patent of restoration was dated May 13, 1554, (Lodge,) and in the following November he returned to Ireland. He was now thirty years of age, and he died in London, Nov. 16, 1585.

P. 64. A man that would have plucked the sacrament out of the priest's hand. Stowe gives his name,—"a joyner that dwelt in Colman streete called John Strete;" and adds that in Newgate he "fayned him selfe madde:" but the latter statement is contradicted by Foxe, who has commemorated Strete more at length.

P. 66. Prince of Piedmont. Though our diarist mentions this prince twice in this page, some mistake may be suspected. The prince really arrived in December, as afterwards mentioned in p. 79. Probably the person who came in June was his ambassador.

Ibid. The maid that spake in the wall and whistled in Aldersgate-street. This prototype of the Cock-lane ghost is noticed more fully by Stowe: her name was Elizabeth Croft, "a wenche about the age of eighteene yeares."

Ibid. Proclamation for attendance of peers, &c. at the queen's marriage. See this in the Soc. of Antiquaries' collection, vol. ii. p. 125.

P. 67. Funeral of alderman John Lambard. "Father to William Lambard esquire, well known by sundry learned bookes that he hath published." (Stowe.) He was sheriff in 1552; and was buried in St. Michael's, Wood-street. Arms, Gules, a chevron vaire between three lambs argent. (Wm. Smith, Rouge-Dragon.)

Ibid. Funeral of alderman Austen Hynde. Augustine Hynde, clothworker, sheriff in 1551. Arms, Gules, a chevron between three hinds or. (Wm. Smith, Rouge-dragon.) He was buried at St. Peter's in Cheap, and his epitaph will be found in Stowe: it states his death on the tenth of the month, and MS. Harl. 897, f. 25b. names the xij. whereas our diarist says the viij. His descendants will be found in MS. Harl. 897. His widow was remarried to alderman sir John Lyons, who is noticed in the next page.

P. 68. Funeral of alderman sir Henry Amcotes. Son of William Amcotes, of Astrop, Lincolnshire. He had been lord mayor in 1548, was buried in St. Michael's, Crookedlane, where he had "a goodly ancient tombe within the south grated chappell: Hereunder lyeth the bodies of sir Henry Amcotes knight, alderman and lord maior of London, and dame Joane his wife. Which sir Henry Amcotes deceased the 5. day of September anno 1554. And the said dame Joane deceased the 4. day of September anno Dom. 1573." His arms were quarterly of eight, as blazoned and engraved in The Fishmongers' Pageant, fol. 1844, p. 14. A pedigree of his family will be found in the MS. Harl. 897, f. 52. They were afterwards of long continuance in Lincolnshire.

P. 69. Proclamation "for avoyding of vagabondes and idle persons from London, Westminster, and places adjoyning,"—this is transcribed in the Society of Antiquaries' collection, vol. ii. p. 126.

P. 70. Funeral of the duke of Norfolk. The MS. Harl. 897 says the duke died at Kenyng hall on Monday the 27. of August, and was buried at Fremyngham on Monday the last of September. His funeral is in Coll. Arm, I. 3, f. 103.

P. 71. Funeral of lord de la Warr. Thomas West, ninth lord de la Warr, succeeded his father 1525; K.G. 1549. He was buried at Broadwater, co. Sussex, where his tomb remains, and is described in Cartwright's Rape of Bramber, p. 38.

P. 72. Servant of sir George Gifford killed. Stowe says Clifford, but Gifford I believe is right. (See p. 335.)

Ibid. Imprisonment of Day the printer. John Day, whose great boast was that he had encouraged and supported Foxe in the construction of that gigantic work, the Actes and Monuments. See the memoir of Day by the present writer in the Gentleman's Magazine for Nov. 1832, vol. CII. ii. 417, where Day's monumental brass at Ampton, co. Suffolk, is engraved; also further particulars communicated by the late Francis Douce, esq. and D. E. Davy, esq. in the same volume, pp. 597, 598; and a catalogue of the works printed by Day, and his portrait, in Ames's Typographical Antiquities, by Dibdin, vol. iv. pp. 41–177. One of the companions of Day's imprisonment was John Rogers, who suffered martyrdom soon after, (see p. 81,) and we may suppose that it was very much owing to his own sufferings at this time that he was instigated to "set a Fox to wright how Martyrs runne by death to lyfe." (Epitaph.)

Ibid. Death of the earl of Warwick. John Dudley earl of Warwick, the eldest son of the duke of Northumberland, was one of the knights of the Bath at the coronation of Edward VI. On the 29th April 1552, he was made master of the horse to the king (Pat. 6 Edw. VI. p. 5); but Collins, (Memoirs of the Sidneys, p. 31,) is wrong in saying he was afterwards chosen a Knight of the Garter. Strype, Mem. ii. 500, erroneously inserts the christian name of Ambrose to the patent of master of the horse. On receiving that office the earl of Warwick resigned that of master of the buck-hounds to his brother lord Robert Dudley. (Ibid. 501.)

P. 73. Sir John Lyons lord mayor. Son of Thomas Lyons of Perivale, co. Middlesex; a member of the Grocers' company: and sheriff 1550. "He dwelled in Bucklersbury, and was buried in St. Syth's church, which toucheth on the south syde of his house." Arms, Azure, on a fess engrailed between three plates each charged with an eagle's head erased sable, a lion passant between two cinquefoils gules. (List of Lord Mayors, &c. by Wm. Smith, Rouge-Dragon.) Sir John Lyons bequeathed 100l. towards building a garner for corn at Queen Hithe, which was enlarged at the charges of the city in 1565. (Stowe.) See a notice of his widow hereafter, p. 346.

Ibid. Public penance at St. Paul's. Stowe, who varies in his account of the culprits, thus describes this ceremony: "The 4. of November, beeing Sunday, three preists that, beeing married, would not leave their wives, and two laymen that had two wives apeece, were punished alike, for they went in procession about Paules churche in white sheetes over them, and either of them a taper of waxe in the one hand and a rod in the other, and so they sate before the preacher at Paules crosse during the sermon, and then were displed on the heads with the same rods."

P. 75. Saint Erconwald's day. This passage may be completed (from Strype) thus—"should go to Paul's in procession in copes."

P. 75. Cardinal Pole. "The 24. of November cardinall Poole came oute of Brabant into England," &c. See Stowe's Chronicle, p. 625.

P. 76. The cardinal's oration. Cardinal Pole returned to England with legatine power to reconcile the kingdom to the church of Rome. He accomplished this mission as related in the Journals of the Commons, vol. i. p. 38; and in Foxe, iii. 110.

Ibid. Thanks for the queen's quickening. "The 28. of November the lord maior of London, with the aldermen in scarlet, and the commons in their liveries, assembled in Paul's church at nine of the clocke in the forenoone, where doctor Chadsey one of the prebends preached in the quire in the presence of the bishop of London and nine other bishops, and read a letter from the queen's councel, the tenor wherof was, that the bishop of London should cause Te Deum to bee sung in all the churches of his diocesse, with continual prayers for the queenes majestie, which was quickened with child. The letter being read, he began his sermon with this anthetime, Ne timeas Maria, invenisti enim gratiam apud Deum. His sermon being ended, Te Deum was sung; and solemne procession was made of Salve festa dies all the circuit of the church." (Stowe.) The letter of the privy council to the bishop here mentioned is printed in Fox, and in the Gentleman's Magazine for Dec. 1841, p. 596, taken from the broadside issued at the time by John Cawode the queen's printer. In the same article is also reprinted a ballad circulated on this occasion, accompanied by various other particulars of this disappointment of the unhappy queen. See also sir F. Madden's introduction to her Privy-Purse book.

P. 77. The cardinal's coming to St. Paul's. A fuller account of this solemnity will be found in Stowe, p. 625. Like his predecessor Wolsey, Pole went in procession "with a cross, two pillars, and two poleaxes of silver borne before him."

P. 78, a sofferacan. "Old Bird, I suppose (says Strype), formerly bishop of Chester, now bishop Bonner's suffragan."

P. 79. Coming of the prince of Picdmont—"by water, from—Gravesend" is the word deficient (as appears in Stowe.) He "landed at the duke of Suffolkes place." The following passage occurs in a letter dated the xijth of October: "It was told me this day the ambassador of Savoy was yesterday to see my lady Elizabethes house at Strand, and that there was order given for the putting of the same in areadines for the duke his master." Francis Yaxley to sir W. Cecill, in Ellis's Letters, III. iii. 314.—Emanuel Philibert, prince of Piedmont and duke of Savoy, was at this time an exile from his dominions, which had been taken from his father Charles by Francis I. of France. Having greatly distinguished himself as an ally of king Philip at the battle of St. Quintin in 1557, he concluded a peace with France in 1559, and married Margaret daughter of Francis I. He died in 1580.