Diary: 1558 (Aug - Dec)

Pages 169-184

The Diary of Henry Machyn, Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of London, 1550-1563. Originally published by Camden Society, London, 1848.

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1558 (Aug - Dec)

[The iij day of August was buried the lady Rowlett], wyff of ser Raffe Rowlett knyght, in [saint] Mare Staynnynges, with ij goodly whyt branchys, (blank) stayff torchys, and iiij gylt candyllstykes, and iiij grett tapurs, with ij haroldes of armes, and iiij baners of saints; (blank) was cheyffe morner, and mony . . . . . The cherche and the raylles hangyd with blake, and the street and the plasse hangyd with armes and blake, and ij song masses and a sermon, and after masse to the [place] to dener, for ther was a grett dener for vene[son, fresh] solmon, and fres sturgean, and with mony dysse (fn. 1) (of) fy[sh.] . . .

The furst day of August was chossen shreyff [for the] kyng at Yeld-halle master Hawes clothworker, [and] after was chosen shreyff of London master Cha[mpion] draper by the come(n)s (fn. 2) of the cete.

The vj day of August was bered at Tempull . . . . master Thornhylle, with ij whyt branchys, x torchys, and iiij grett tapurs, and xviij skochyons of armes, and mony in blake.

The vij day of August was bered in Powlles cheyrchyerd on Archer, the wyche was slayn at sant James feyre in the feld by on (blank) shamfully, for he was panchyd with ys owne sword.

The viij day of August was bered master Dodmer sqwyre at Putteney, with ij dosen skochyons, and ij whyt branchys, and xij torchys, and iiij grett tapurs, the wyche was ser Raffe Dodmer('s) sune, late mayre of London.

The viij day of August was bered master docthur Huwys, the quen('s) fesyssyon, with ij grett whyt branchys, and xij grett stayffes torchys, and iiij grett tapurs, and iij dosen of skochyons, and mony morners boyth men and women, at after-non.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . shyre, with cote armur and penon of arms . . . . of skochyons and d' of bokeram.

The xij day of August at mydnyght ded (fn. 3) good master Machyll, altherman of London, clothworker, and marchand of Muskovea, the wyche was a worshephulle man, and a godys (fn. 4) man to the pore, and to all men in the parryche of Maremaudlyn in Mylkestrett, (where he lived in) the sam howse that master Hynd ded, and was ys plasse. [If] he had levyd, he had byn mayre next yer folohyng.

The xvij day of August whent from the Jorge (fn. 5) in Lumbard strett the bysshope of Yrland, (fn. 6) [and was] cared by water unto (blank), to be bered ther.

The xx day of August whent from London unto Fullam to be bered my lord of London('s) crossear, master Mortun, on of the gray ames (fn. 7) of Powlles, with (unfinished)

The xxj day of August was bered at sant Donstones parryche in the est mastores Chalenger wedow, mother unto master Wylliam Allen, lether-seller, a' for-non, bered with money morners in blake.

The xxj day of August at after-non was bered in the parryche of sant Mare Maudelyn, in Mylke strett, master Machyll, altherman and sqwyre and clothworker, with v pennons of armes and cott armur, and iiij dosen torchys, and iiij branche tapurs, dobyll store, with armes and penselles apon wax, and all the chyrche hangyd with blake and armes, and the strett with blake and armes, and the plase; and ther was my lord mayre and the althermen, and a C. in blake; and a viij dosen skochyons, and iiij dosen penselles; and a C. pore men in mantylle fryse gownes; and the morow iij masses song, ij of pryksong, and the iij of requiem, and a sarmon, a good man a grayfrer; (fn. 8) and there my lord mare and the althermen whent to dener, and all the mornars and lades, the wyche was a nobull dener as has bene sene, for ther lakt no good mett boyth flesse and fysse, and a xx marche-paynes.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . durge, and after cared thrugh Bathelmu [to the] Blake freres, and at the gat all the freres mett . . . thay had durge, and they bered ym ther ys m. (unfinished)

The xxiiij day at after-non was [buried] ser Gorge Pallett knyght, and brodur [to the lord] tressorer the marques of Wynchester, and with standard of armes, cott, elmett, targett, sword, and a vj dosen [of pensils] and iiij dosen of skochyons.

The xxij of August was bered docthur [Peryn,] master of frers blake in Smythfeld, the wyche was the [first] howsse that was sett up by quen Mare('s) tyme, [buried] at the he (fn. 9) auter syd afor sant Bathelmue.

The xxviij day of August was bered master [Cooke,] docthur, dene of the Arches, and he (fn. 10) juge of the Amralte; the chyrche hangyd with blake, and armes; and he had ij whyt branchys and xij stayff torchys, and iiij grett tapurs; and with armes and a iij dosen skochyons of armes; and alle the bredurne of Jhesus in saten hodes, and Ih[esu]s apone them, and all the prestes of Powlles.

The xxix day of August was the berehyng of my lord Wyndsor at ys (blank) with a hersse of wax, and vj dosen penselles, and ij dosen longe torchys and iiij dosen of gret stayffe torchys, with iiij haroldes of armes and a standard, a baner of ys armes, and viij baners rolles of ys armes, and iiij baners of emages, and xij dosen of skochyons; and putt in ij coffens; and mony morners, and a grett compene of pepull; and the morow masse, and after a gret dener.

. . . . . . . . . . .

. . . wyffe of master Rayff Grenway, altherman (fn. 11) . . . .

. Sonday after he kept a gret fest, and alle the . . . . . . Sonday was after soper ther was a goodly ma[ske . . . . . . cloth of gold, and grett dansyng in the maske.

The sam day was bered be-yond Barnet (blank) [ju]ge Stamford knyght, (fn. 12) with standard, cotte armur, penon of armes, elmett, targett, sword, and the mantylles; and iiij dosen of skochyons, and ij dosen torchys, and tapurs; and master Somerset the harold of armes.

The vj day of September was bered juge Morgan in Northamtunshyre, with cotte armur, penon of armes, and a hersse of iiij branchys, and iiij dosen pensels, and vij dosen skochyons, and iiij dosen torchys, and iiij baners of emages; and mony mornars; and a grett dolle of money, and mett (fn. 13); and master Lanckostur the harold.

The iiij day of September was bered in Althermare parryche in London master Dalbeney, marchand-tayller, with ij grett branchys whyt, and xvj grett stayffe torchys; and theys xvj men had xvj good blake gownes; and iiij grett tapurs with gylt candyllstykes, and with armes, ij dosun and d' (fn. 14); and mony morners in blake, and mony clarkes and prestes; and all the compene of the clothyng of the marchand-tayllers, and after home to drynke as the compene, with spycyse bred; (fn. 15) and the morow masse, and after to dener.

The vj day of September whent in-to the contrey to be bered master Ryges audetur, with ij dosen skochyons, and cared by nyght with-owt any cost more her done butt (unfinished.)

The viij day of September was bered at Stamford beyond Northamtun-shyre, ser Thomas Cayffe, (fn. 16) knyght, with iiij branchys, tapurs of wax, and penselles, with ij whyt branchys, and iiij dosen torchys and vj dosen of skochyons; with a standard and a cott-armur, and pennon of armes, and iiij baners of santes in owlle, (fn. 17) wroth with fyne gold, and many morners, and master Lankoster the harold.

The ix day of September was bered ser Recherd Brygys in the conte of (blank).

[The xiv day of September was buried sir Andrew Jud, skinner, merchant of Muscovy, and late mayor of London; with a] . .

. . . pennon of armes, and a x dosen penselles . . . skochyons, and a herse of wax of v prynse [pals, garnished with] angelles, and a (blank) pormen (fn. 18) in nuw gownes, and master Clarenshus kyng of armes, and master Somersett harold, [and the morrow] masse and a sermon, and after my lord mare and the althermen had (unfinished)

The xxij day of September was bered master Anth[ony . . . . . sqwyre, with a pennon of armes and cott of armes, and . . . dosen skochyons.

The xxvij day of September was the obsequies of ser Thomas Essex, knyght, of Barkshyre, with standard and . . . . and cott-armur, targett, sword, elmet, mantylles, . . . . dosen penselles, and iiij dosen skochyons, and iiij baners [of saints,] and a harold of armes, Ruge-crosse the harold, and iiij . . . .

The xx day of September was bered my lade [Southwell] at Sordyche, with prestes and clarkes syngyng, with ij whyt [branches] and ij dosen torchys, and iiij gret tapurs, and iiij dosen . . . and the chyrche hanged with blake and armes and mony morners; and he gayff xxiiij gownes to xxiiij women, and xxiiij ij l[i.] tapurs.

The xx day of September was bered my lade Cisele Mansfield at Clerkenwell, with a harold of armes, and browth (fn. 19) unto the blake frers in Smyth-feld, the wyche was sant Bathelmuw, with iiij baners of santes and a ij dosen torchys, and ij grett whytt branchys, and iiij gylt candylstykes and armes on them, and many clarkes syngyng, and mony morners: and my lade Peter cheyff morner, and odur lades and gentyll-women and knyghtes and gentyllmen; and her servandes bare my lade, and bare the torchys all in blake cottes; and bered a-for the he (fn. 20) auter at the hed of the old pryar Boltun; and the chyrche and the qwer and the raylles hangyd with blake and armes; and the frers song durge after ther songe, and bered her after ther fasyon, with-owt clarkes or prestes; and after to the plasse to drynke; and the morow iij masses songe, ij pryke-songe masses; and after to Clerkenwell to dener to her plasse; and ther was a godly sermon as ever was hard to lyf welle of; the father of the howsse dyd pryche, master (blank).

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . harold of armes master Somersett . . . . . . that he has beldyd, the nam ys callyd (blank).

The xx day of September was bered at Gret All[hallows] in Temstrett (fn. 21) the altherman of the Steleard, with ij whyt branchys and xij torchys, and iiij gret tapurs with . . . .

The xxvj day of September ded (fn. 22) good lade Pecsalle in (blank), the wyff of ser Recherd Pecshall knyght, and the dowther of my lord maurqwes of Wynchester, and lord tressorer of England, and bered the last day of September.

The xxvj day of September was the monyth myn (fn. 23) of master Barnes, sqwyre, and ys wyffes, at a towne called (blank), and ther was grett chere ther, and venysun plente, and wyne; and he had cott and penon of armes—in Essex.

The xxv day ded (fn. 24) my lord Cobbam in Kentt, knyght of the garter.

The iiij day of October was bered at sant Faythe at Powlles, master Kalkarne, procter of the archys, with ij whytt branchys and xij torchys, and iiij tapurs, and ij dosen skochyons of armes.

The sam day a'for-non was bered at Barmes . . . (fn. 25) in Suthwarke master Whettley, justes of pesse, (fn. 26) with ij whyt branchys and xij torchys, and iiij grett tapurs and ij dosen skochyons, and dyvers morners.

The sam day at after-non was bered in sant Martens with the well and ij bokettes, mastores Altham, the wyff of master Altham altherman, the wych ded in chyld-bed; he gayff mony gownes to pore women of roset cloth brod, and ij grett whyt branches, and iiij men held iiij gret tapurs, and had gownes; and mony morners, and no harold of armes.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . torchys . . . . . . . of fyne mantylle fryse, and mony morners . . . . . men and women, and a xvj clarkes of . . . . . whent to the plasse to drynke, and wyne and spyse [bread; and the] morow masse.

The (blank) day of October was bered ser Robart . . . . knyght, with a harold of armes, master Somersett.

The x day of October was bered in sant Faythe mastores Alene, the wyff of master (blank) Allen, with ij [white] branchys, and xviij torchys, and iiij gret tapurs, and [many] morners in blake, and all the belles of Powlles, and . . . .

The xij day of October was bered at [saint] Mangnus a prest, (fn. 27) the wyche ded (fn. 28) at sant M[ichael's in] Cornhyll, and gayff unto the poure men of the Salters . . . . ther lyffwyng, (fn. 29) and gayff to the Salters alle.

The (blank) day of October was the obseque of master Thomas Fawkener, sqwyre, with cote armur and pennon of armes, and a ij dosen of skochyons of armes.

The xij day of October was bered in Althermare parryche Raff Prestun, skynner, with ij whyt branchys and vj staffe torchys; and they had vj gownes of mantyl frys; and the masters of the cloythyng of the Skynners was ther; and after they whent to the Skynners' hall to dener, for master Percy and master Bankes was morners ther, and vj women in blake; and ther was the compene of the Clarkes at ys berehyng.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . haroldes of armes with standard and a gret . . . armes, and vj baners-rolles and iiij baners of [saints, and] x dosen of penselles, and a herse of v prynse[pals . . .] wax and ij gret whyt branchys and a viij dosen of skochyons and a cote-armur, elmett, targett, mantylles, and xj dosen of torchys, and mony mornars; [and the] morow masse and a sermon, and grett chere and . . . dere for hym.

The xviij day of October was the obseque of . . . . (blank) sqwyre, with cote armur and pennon of armes, and iiij dosen of skochyons of armes and iiij branche tapurs.

The xxiij day of October was bered at Westmynster master Wentworth, sqwyre, and cofferer unto quen Mare, with ij whyt branchys and ij dosen torchys, and a cot-armur and a pennon of of armes, with a harold of armes, and a iiij dosen of skochyons of armes and serten morners, and mony of the quen Mare['s] servandes at ys berehyng at sant Marg(ar)et there.

The sam day was bered in the abbay master Gennyngs, with ij whyt branchys and a ij dosen skochyons of armes, and xvj torchys and iiij gret tapurs, and mony morners in blake, and pore men had gownes.

The xxiiij day of October was bered at sant Stevyn in Walbroke master doctur Owyn, phesyssyon, with a ij haroldes of armes and a cote armur and penon of armes, and iij dosen of armes, and ij whyt branchys, and xx torchys; and xx pore men had gownes, and ther dener; and iiij gret tapurs; and the morow masse, and master Harpfheld dyd pryche; and after a gret dener.

. . . . . . . . . . .

master Ambros Wylliams sqwyre, and grocer . . . . . . . hersse of wax, and v dosen penselles and vj . . . . . . and ij gret whyt branchys and ij dosen torchys . . . . . of armes and a cotte armur and a pennon of armes, and mony morners in blake; and hegayff the sam[e church a] goodly crosse of sylver and the stayff to the chyrche; [and] a grett dolle of money, a iiijd. a pesse, and aft[er a] dener.

The xxvj day of October was bered [at Saint Giles's] withowt Crepullgatt master Cottun, a grett rich man of law, with ij grett whytt branchys and xij [torches] and iiij gret tapurs, and mony morners; and after a gret dener.

The xxvij day of October was bered in Al. . . parryche master Perce('s) wyff the quen('s) skynner . . . . branchys and xij torchys and iiij grett tapurs. . . . morners in blake; and after masse a grett dener; [and he] gayff to ys compene serten money to dyne [at] ther hall the sam day.

The vj day of November was bered at sent Benettes at Powlles Warff master John Stokes (the) quen('s) servand and bruar, (fn. 30) with ij whytt branchys and x gret stayffes-torchys and iiij gret tapurs; and x pore men had rosett gownes of iiijs. the yerd, and xvj gownes, and cottes of xijs. the yerd.

The xij day of November was Saterday ther was a woman sett on the pelere (fn. 31) for sayhyng that the quen was ded, and her grace was not ded then.

The xvij day of November be-twyn v and vj in the mornyng ded (fn. 32) quen Mare, the vj yere of here grace('s) rayne, the wyche Jhesu have mercy on her solle! Amen.

. . . . . . . . . . .

[The same] day, be-twyne a xj and xij a' for[noon, the lady Eliza]beth was proclamyd quen Elsabeth, quen of England, France and Yrland, and deffender of the feyth, by dyvers haroldes of armes and trumpetors, and dukes, lordes [and knights,] the wyche was ther present, the duke of Norfoke, [the] lord tresorer, the yerle of Shrousbere, and the yerele of Bedford, and the lord mayre and the althermen, and dyver odur lordes and knyghtes.'

The sam day, at after-non, all the chyrches in London dyd ryng, and at nyght dyd make bonefyres and set tabulls in the strett, and ded ett and drynke and mad mere (fn. 33) for the newe quen Elsabeth, quen Mare('s) syster.

The xix day of November ded (fn. 34) be-twyn v and vj in the morning my lord cardenall Polle at Lambeth, and he was byshope of Canturbere; and ther he lay tyll the consell sett the tyme he shuld be bered, and when, and wher.

The sam day all London song and sayd Te Deum laudamus in evere chyrche in London.

The xx day of November dyd pryche at Powlles crosse doctur Bylle, quen Elsabeth('s) chaplen, and mad a godly sermon.

The xx day of November ded (fn. 35) the bysshope of Rochestur (fn. 36) and parsun of sant Mangnus on London bryge.

The xxij day of November was bered in Jhesus chapell (fn. 37) master Robertt Jonsun gentyllman, and (blank) to the byshope (of) Lundon, Boner; with ij whyt branchys and xiiij grett stayff-torchys, and iiij grett tapurs, and ii dosen and d' (fn. 38) of skochyons of armes; and mony morners in blake, and all the masters of Jhesus with ther blake saten hodes, and a xxx morners; and the morow masse and a sermon, and after a grett dener, and a dolle of money.

The xxiij day of November the quen Elsabeth('s) grace toke here gorney from Hadley be-yond Barnett toward London, unto my lord North('s) plase, (fn. 39) with a M. and mor of lordes, knyghtes, and gentyllmen, lades and gentyllwomen; and ther lay v days.

. . . . . . . . . . . cote armur and pennon of armes and . . . . . with ij whytt branchys and xij torchys and iiij gret tapurs.

The xxv day of November was bered in sant . . . Flettstrett master Skynner sqwyre, on of the vj clarkes of the Chansere, with a harold of armes beyryng ys cote armur, and ys pennon of armes, and ij dosen skochyons of armes, and ij grett whyt branchys and xvj torchys and iiij g[reat tapers;] and mony morners, and all they of the Chanserey.

The xxvj day of November was bered in [Kent] my lord Cobham here husband (fn. 40) with iij haroldes . . . . with a gret baner of armes and iiij baners of [images], and a iiij dosen of armes—my lade Cobbam.

The xxvj day of November was bered at the Blake Frers in Smythfeld master Bassett sqwyre, on of the [privy] chambur with quen Mare; and he had ij whyt branchys, and xij torchys, and iiij gret tapurs, and a harold . . . a cote armur, a penon of armes, and ij dosen of [shocheons.]

The xxv day of November was mared ser Thomas W[hite] knyght, late mare, (fn. 41) unto my lade Warren, the wyff of ser Raff Warren, knyght, twys mare of London.

The xxx day of November, was sant Andrewes day, the bysshope of Rochestur was cared from the plasse in Sowthwarke unto sant Mangnus in London; for he was parsun ther; and he had a herse of wax, and a v dosen pensels, and the qwyre hangyd with blake and armes; and he had ij whyt branchys and ij dosen torchys; and he had ij haroldes of armes, ser Wylliam Peter cheyff morner, and ser Wylliam Garrett, master Low, master Catter, and dyvers odur, and mony morners; and xij pore men had blake gownes, and xij of ys men bare torchys; and after my lord of Wynchester dyd pryche; and after he was bered they whent to ys plasse to dener, for ther was a grett dener, and he had a gret baner of armes and iiij baners of santes and viij dosen of skochyons.

[The xxviijth day of November the Queen removed to the Tower from the lord North's] plasse, (which) was the Charter Howsse. [All] the stretes unto the towre of London was newe gravelled. Her grace rod thrugh Barbecan and Crepulgat, by [London-wall] unto Bysshope-gate, and up to Leden-halle and thrugh Gracyus strett and Fanchyrchestrett; and a-for rod gentyllmen and [many] knyghtes and lordes, and after cam all the trumpetes blohyng, and then cam all the haroldes in a-ray; and my lord of Penbroke [bare the] the quen('s) sword; then cam here Grace on horsbake, [apparelled] in purpull welvett with a skarpe (fn. 42) abowt her neke, and [the serg]anttes of armes abowt here grace; and next after rod [sir] Robart Dudley the master of her horse; and so the gard with halbards. [And] ther was shyche shutyng of gunes as never was hard a-for; so to the towre, with all the nobulles. And so here Grace lay in the towre unto the v day of Dessember, that was sant Necolas evyn. And ther was in serten plasses chylderyn with speches and odur places, syngyng and playing with regalles.

The v day here Grace removyd by water undur the bryge unto Somersett plase, with trumpetes playng, and melody and joye and comfortt to all truw Englys-men and women, and to all pepulle.

The vij day of Desember was bered my lade Chamley, the wyff of ser Roger Chamley knyght and late lord cheyffe barne, (fn. 43) in the parryche of sant Marten's at Ludgate; and ther was iiij branche tapers, garnyshed with iiij dosen pensels; and the howse hangyd with blake and armes, and the strett and the chyrche with blake and armes; and ther was a harold of armes; and ij whyt branchys, and xxiiij torchys, and mony morners; and the morow masse and a sermon, and after a grett dener; and she had iiij baners of santtes (fn. 44)

The viij day of Desember was bered at the Sayvoy doctur Westun sum-tyme dene of Westmynster, with ij dosen torchys.

The vj day of (December) was bered in the west contray ser Antony Hongerford knight, with standard, penon, cot, elmett, target, sword, and iiij dosen skochyons of armes, and no harold of armes.

[The ix day of December was buried at St. Paul's doctor Gabriel Dune] prest, with ij whyt [branches . . . . . . . . tapurs, and the pore men had gownes.

The x day of Desember was browth do[wn from] her chambur in-to her chapel quen Mare, [with all the heralds,] and lordes and lades and gentyllmen and gentyllwomen, [hir] offesers and servands, all in blake, with (unfinished)

The sam mornyng my lord cardenall was [removed from] Lambeth, and cared toward Canturbery with grett [company in] blake; and he was cared in a charett with [banner-]rolles wroth (fn. 45) with fyne gold and grett baners [of arms,] and iiij baners of santes in owllo. (fn. 46)

The ix day of Desember was creatyd at Somersett plasse, wher the quen('s) grace lys, master Rychmond (fn. 47) Norroy, and Rysbanke (fn. 48) creatyd Bluw-mantyll.

The xij of Desember was bered at sant Martens at Ludgat ser Gorge Harper knyght, with ij haroldes of armes, with ij whyt branchys, xij torchys, and iiij gret tapurs; and a standard, a pennon, and cote armur, target, sword, mantyll, and crest a gylt bore, (fn. 49) and v dosen of skochyons of armes, and mony morners, and ther had xvj pore men had gownes.

The xj day of Desember was bered with-in the Towre master Verney, the master of the Juell-howse; and he gayff to xij pore men good gownes.

The (blank) day of Desember was bered in sant Edmonds in Lumbarstret my lade Wynddebanke, late of Cales, (fn. 50) with ij dosen of skochyons of armes.

[The xiij day of December, the corpse of the late Queen was brought from St. James's, in a cha]rett, with the pyctur of emages (fn. 51) lyke [her person], adorned with cremesun velvett and her crowne on her hed, her septer on her hand, and mony goodly rynges on her fyngers; up the he-way [went] formett (fn. 52) [the] standard with the Faucon and [the Hart]; then cam a grett compene of morners; and after anodur godly standard of the Lyon and the Faucon; and then her houshold servandes, ij and ij together, in blake gownes, [the] haroldes rydyng to and fro to se them go in order; and after cam the iij standard with the Whyt Grahond and the Faucon; and then cam gentyllmen in gownes, morners; and then cam rydyng sqwyrs, bayryng of baners of armes; and then cam my lord marques of Wynchester on hors-bake, bayryng the baner of the armes of England in-brodered with gold; and then cam after Chester the harold, baryng the helm and the crest and mantyll; then cam master Norroy, bayryng the targett with the garter and the crowne; and then cam master Clarenshus bayreng the sword and after cam Garter, bayryng her cot-armur, on hors-bake they all; and baners borne abowt her, with knyghts, lords, and baners a-bowt the corse; with iiij harolds bayryng on horss-bake iiij whyt baners of santes wroth (fn. 53) with fyne gold, master Samersett, master Lanckostur, master Wyndsor, and master Yorke; and then cam the corse, with her pyctur lyung over her, and the corse covered with cloth of gold, the crosse sylver, and then cam iij (blank) with the cheyff morners; and then lades rydyn, alle in blake, trapyd to the grond; and the charett that the quen was in rode the pages of honor with baners in ther handes; and a-for the corse her chapell, and after all the monkes, and after the bysshopes in order; and so by Charyng-crosse to Westmynster abay; and at the grett dore of the chyrche evere (fn. 54) body dyd a-lykt (fn. 55) of ther horse; and then was gentyll-men rede (fn. 56) to take the quen owt of her charett, and so erles and lordes whent afor her grace to the herse ward, with her pyctur borne betwyn men of worshype; and at the cherche dore met her iiij byshopes, and the abbott, mytered, in copes, and sensyng (fn. 57) the body; and so she lay all nyght under the herse, and her grace was wachyd. [And there were an hundred poor men in good black gowns] bayryng longe torchys, with [hoods on their heads, and arms] on them; and a-bowt her the gard bayryng [staff-torches] in blake cottes; and all the way chandlers [having] torchys, to gyffe them that had ther torchys [burnt out].

The xiiij day of Desember [was] the quen('s) masse; and [all the lords] and lades, knyghtes and gentyll women, dyd offer. [And there was] a man of armes and horse offered; and her cotarmur, and sword, and targett, and baner of armes, and iij [standards]; and all the haroldes abowt her; and ther my lord bysshope of Wynchester mad the sermon; and ther was offered cloth of gold and welvet, holle pesses, (fn. 58) and odur thynges. [After the] masse all done, her grace was cared up [to the chapel] the kyng Henry the vij byldyd, with bysshopes [mitred;] and all the offesers whent to the grayffe, (fn. 59) and after [they] brake ther stayffes, and cast them in-to the grayffe; in the mayn tyme the pepull pluckt [down] the cloth, evere (fn. 60) man a pesse (fn. 59) that cold caycth (fn. 61) [it,] rond a-bowt the cherche, and the armes. And after[wards,] my lord bysshope of Yorke, after her grace was [buried,] he declaryd an colasyon, (fn. 62) and as sone as he had made an end, all the trumpetes bluw a blast, and so the cheyff morners and the lords and knyghtes, and the bysshopes, with [the] abbott, whent in-to the abbay to dener, and all the offesers of the quen('s) cott. (fn. 63)

The xvj day of December was cared in a charett from sant Baythelmuw the grett unto Essex to be bered, with baners and banerrolles abowt her, my lade Ryche, and so to the plasse wher she dwelyd.

The xviij day of Desember was [buried] my lade Ryche, the wyff of the lord Ryche, with a herse of v prynsepalles and a viij dosen penselles and a viij dosen skochyons and a grett baner of my lordes and my lades armes and iiij baner rolles, and iiij baner(s) of santtes; (fn. 64) and grett whytt branchys and vj dosen of torchys; and xxiiij pore men had gownes; and the morow masse and a grett dener, and ij haroldes and mony morners.

[The xxviij day of December the late bishop of Chichester (fn. 65) was buried at Christchurch, London,] . . . . skochyons, and torchys, and xviij stayffe . . . . . branche tapers, with iiij dosen penselles and iiij . . . . . . and a d' (fn. 66) of bokeram, and a grett baner of armes [of the see] of Chechastur, and ys own armes, and iiij baners of [saints]; master Clarenshus was the harold; and v bysshopes dyd offer [at] the masse, and iij songe masses that day, and after a grett [dinner,] and xviij pore men had rosett gownes of frys.

The xxiij day of Desember was the obseque at Westmynster[with the] sam herse that was for quen Mare, was for Charles the V., Emporowre of Rome, was durge, and the morow masse with . . mornars (fn. 66) and (blank) was the cheyff morner.


  • 1. dishes?
  • 2. commons.
  • 3. died.
  • 4. So in MS.
  • 5. George.
  • 6. George Dowdall, archbishop of Armagh.
  • 7. amices.
  • 8. Grey friar.
  • 9. high.
  • 10. high.
  • 11. This passage, when perfect, probably recorded the marriage of alderman John White with the widow of alderman Ralph Greenway: the christening of whose son occurs on the 25th May following (p. 198).
  • 12. Sir William Stamford, judge of the common pleas.
  • 13. meat.
  • 14. half.
  • 15. spice-bread.
  • 16. Cave.
  • 17. oil, wrought.
  • 18. poor men.
  • 19. brought.
  • 20. high.
  • 21. Thames street.
  • 22. died.
  • 23. month's mind.
  • 24. died.
  • 25. Bermondsey.
  • 26. justice of peace.
  • 27. priest.
  • 28. died.
  • 29. living.
  • 30. brewer.
  • 31. pillory.
  • 32. died.
  • 33. made merry.
  • 34. died.
  • 35. died.
  • 36. Maurice Griffith.
  • 37. In St. Paul's.
  • 38. half.
  • 39. The Charter-house.
  • 40. Lady Cobham, as explained by the postscript.
  • 41. mayor.
  • 42. a scarf. Fr.éscharpe.
  • 43. baron.
  • 44. saints.
  • 45. wrought.
  • 46. oil.
  • 47. Laurence Dalton.
  • 48. John Hollingworth.
  • 49. boar.
  • 50. Calais.
  • 51. A painted effigy.
  • 52. foremost.
  • 53. wrought.
  • 54. every.
  • 55. alight.
  • 56. ready.
  • 57. incensing.
  • 58. whole pieces.
  • 59. grave.
  • 60. piece.
  • 61. catch.
  • 62. qu?
  • 63. court.
  • 64. saints.
  • 65. John Christopherson.
  • 66. a half.