Diary: 1557 (Jan - June)

Pages 123-141

The Diary of Henry Machyn, Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of London, 1550-1563. Originally published by Camden Society, London, 1848.

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1557 (Jan - June)

The iiij day of January at nyght was serten feyres (fn. 1) [seen] in Fynsbere feyld and in More-feld at the wynd-mylle, and at the Doge-howse, and in gardens by mony men, and yt was sene at Damanes cler, (fn. 2) and mo plases.

The viij day of January dyd ryd in a care at Westmynster the wyff of the Grayhond, and the Abbott['s] servand was wypyd becaus that he toke her owt of the care, at the care-harse.

The x day of January was bered at sant Botollf without Althergatt on master Tayller a gold-fyner, (fn. 3) with ij fayre whytt branchys and a xij stayffes torchys, and iiij grett tapurs, and mony morners, and the compene of the Goldsmyth(s) in ther levery.

The xj day of January was bered my lade Challenger, (fn. 4) the wyff of ser Thomas Challenger, and was the wyff of ser Thomas Lee of Hogston, and bered at Shordyche chyrche, with ij whyt branchys, and ij dosen stayffes torchys and iiij grett tapurs, and a harold of armes, and iiij baners of emages and a viij dosen of skochyons of armes, and the strett hangyd with blake boythe the strett and the chyrche and armes.

[The xiij day of January, in alderman Draper's ward, called] Chordwenerstrett ward, a belle-man [went about] with a belle at evere lane end and at the ward [end, to] gyff warnyng of ffyre and candyll lyght, [and to help the] powre, and pray for the ded.

The xv day of January was bered at A[llhallows-] stannyng in Fanchyrche-strett on master Croker, w[ith a herse] and a dossen stayffes torchys and iiij grett tapers, and [arms] a-pone them, and armes a-bowt ys body and se . . . . . mornars and mony prestes and clarkes syngyng.

The xx day of January at Grenwyche parke the quen grace('s) pensyonars dyd mustur in bryth (fn. 5) [harness] and mony barbe horsses; and evere pensyonar had iij men in grene cottes gardyd with whytt; so thay rod a-bowt [the park,] iij in ranke apone grett horssys with spers in ther handes pentyd whyt and grene, and a-for rod trumpeters blohyng; and next a man of armes bayryng a standard of red and yelowe, in the standard a whytt hart, and on the thodur syd a blake eygyll with goldyd leges; and be-twyn ij and iij of the cloke thay cam downe and mustered a-for the Quen('s) grace a-for the parke gatt, for ther stod the Quen('s) grace on he, (fn. 6) and my lord cardenall, and my lord admerall, and my lord Montyguw, and dyvers odur lordes and lades; and so a-for the pensyoners rod many gentyll-men on genetes and lyght horsses, butt spesyalle (fn. 7) ther rod on (fn. 8) gentyll-man, ys nam ys master (blank), apon the lest mulle thatt evere I say; (fn. 9) and so thay rod to and fro a-for the Quyne; and ther cam a tumbeler, and playd mony prate fettes (fn. 10) a-for the Quen and my lord cardenalle, that her grace dyd layke (fn. 11) hartely; and so her grace dyd thanke them alle for ther peyne; and so after they partyd, for ther wher (fn. 12) of the pensyonars 1. and mo, besyd ther men of armes; and ther wher (fn. 12) of pepulle of men and vomen a-boyff x m. pepulle and mo.

[The xxvj day of January went to Cambridge, Watson bishop elect of Lincoln, Scot bishop of Chester, and Christopherson bishop elect of Chichester,] comyssyoners to the [lord cardinal, to the] chyrche of sant Mares, (fn. 13) and thay toke up on (fn. 14) Martin [Bucer] that was bered ther, and Paulus Phagius [was] taken up at Sant Myghelle cherche that was [buried there,] and after brentt boyth.

The xxv day of January was bered master[ess] Ogull, the wyff of master Ogull, in the parryche [church of] sant Gylles with-out Crepulgatt, with ij whytt branchys, and a dosen stayffe torchys, and iiij grett gylt candylstykes, and with iiij grett tapurs and armes apone them, and a ij dosen of skochyons of armes; and a blake frere dyd pryche at masse for here.

The xxviij day of January was bered at Powlles ser . . . Trekett, on of the keeper(s) of the westre, (fn. 15) the wyche he was worth a grett sum of money and gold.

The sam day cam thrugh London to (blank) a fayre (blank) cowe and a grett hynd and fat that ever that I have sene, to goo to-gether to (unfinished)

The xxviij day of January was had to the Towre my lorde Sturton for murder of ij gentyllmen, the father and the sune and ere, (fn. 16) master Argylles (fn. 17) and ys sune, the wyche was shamfully murdered in ys own plasse.

The xxxj day of January my lord tresorer('s) lord of mysrulle cam to my lord mare, and bad my lord to dener, and ther cam a grett cumpene of my lord tresorer('s) men with portesans, (fn. 18) and a grett mene (fn. 19) of musysyonars and dyssegyssyd, and with trumpets and drumes, and with ys consellers and dyver odur offesers, and ther was a dullvyll (fn. 20) shuting of fyre, and won was lyke Deth with a dart in hand.

[The vijth day of February master Offley, the lord mayor, and divers aldermen, taking their barge, went to Greenwich to the Queen's] grace, and ther she mad ym [knight, he] behyng mayre, and master William Chester, altherman, mayd hym knyght the sam tyme and day.

The sam day was a santhuary man of W[estminster] wypyd a-for the crosse for murder.

The x day of Feybruary was bered at sant Dunstones in the West ser Wylliam Portman, cheyffe justice of Englande, with a harold of armes, and a standard of armes, and pennon, and a cott armur, and a targett, a helmett, and the crest a leberd-hed gold, with ij snakes [coming] out of ys mowthe, with a crosse peyche (fn. 21) gulles; a [herse], and sword, and the mantylles of blake velvett, and ij grett wytt branchys fayre with shochyons of armes, and ij dosen of torchys, and the powre men had go . . . gownes, and iiij grett gylt candylstykes, with iiij p . . . garnyshed with angelles, and armes, and penselles, and mo[ny] morners; and after came vj juges and vij sergantes of [the coif], and after all the ynes of the cowrte, ij and ij together; and the morow iij goodly masses songe, and a sermon mad.

The x day of Feybruary was slayne in Nugatt market, on Robartt Lentall, odur-wyse callyd Robart (blank), servant unto my lord tresorer the marques of Wynchester, by a servand unto the duke of Norffoke, and ys fottman, the wyche was ys on sekyng. (fn. 22)

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . and iij women.

The xvij day of Feybruary was my lord Sturton cam from the Towre, and one of ys men, unto Westmynster a-for the consell and juges, and ther the evydens was declared a-for ys owne face that he cold nott deny ytt.

The xvij day of Feybruary ded (fn. 23) in Chanell-rowe the good yerle of Sussex at Westmynster.

The xviij day of Feybruary cam from the Towre unto my lord of Preve-selle a-for serten of the consell, iiij of my lord Sturtun('s) servandes, and ther thay where examynyd of the deth of master Argyll and ys sune; and after they wher cared bake a-gayne by iiij of the gard unto the (Tower).

The xxvj day of Feybruary was rayned at Westmynster halle my lord Sturton, and for (fn. 24) the juges and dyvers of the consell, as lord justes Broke, and the lord stuard, and my lord tresorer, and dyvers odur lordes and knyghtes; and longe yt wher (fn. 25) or he wold answer, and so at last my lord justes stod up and declaryd to my lord and (fn. 26) he wold nott answer to the artyculles that was led (fn. 27) to hym, that he shuld be prast (fn. 28) to deth by the law of the rayme (fn. 29); and after he dyd answer, and so he was cast by ys owne wordes to be hangyd, and ys iiij men, and so to be cared to the Towre a-gayne tyll thay have a furder commondement from the consell.

[The same day was buried the earl of Sussex . . . . . of] England at sant Lauruns [Pountney . . . . ], and the chyrche hangyd with blake, and ys armes . . borne, and ij goodly whytt branchys, and ij . .; and ij haroldes of armes, and a baner of ys armes, [and iiij] banars of emages, and a x dosen of skochyons . . . . dosen of penselles, and a cote armur, target, [sword,] the elmett, crest, and mantylles of blake velvett.

The xxvij day of Feybruary cam toward London out of Skottland a duke of Muskovea, as [ambassador,] and dyvers of the marchandes of England, as we[ll as others] of all nassyons, and so they mett him be [yond] Sordyche in cottes of velvett and cottes of fyne cloth gardyd with velvett, and with frynge of sylke [and] chenys (fn. 30) of gold; and after comys my lord Montycutte and dyvers lordes and knyghtes and [gentlemen, in] gorgyus aparelle; and after comys my lord mayre and althermen in skarlett, and the enbassedur ys garment of tyssuw brodered with perlles and stones; and ys [men in] corsse cloth of gold downe to the calffe of the leg, lyke gownes, and he copyng capes, (fn. 31), and so to master Dymmokes plasse in Fanchyrche street, the marchand; and ys cape and ys nyght cape sett with perles and stones.

The ij day of Marche rod from the Towre my lord Sturtun with ser Robart Oxinbryge the leyff-tenantt, and iiij of my lordes servandes, and with serten of the gard, thrugh London, and so to Honsley, (fn. 32) and ther thay lay alle nyght at the seyne (fn. 33) of the Angell, and the morow after to Staynes, and so to Bassyng-stoke, and so to Sturtun, to sufer deth, and ys iiij men; and to (fn. 34) more men for robyng of a ryche farmer in that contrey, to be hangyd, for ther was layd by the sam farmer a-for the consell that a knyght and ys men dyd rob him, and the knyght was layd in the Flett tylle yt plessyd God that the theyff was taken; the knyght ys nam ys callyd ser [blank] Wrothun knyght.

[The v day of March was buried in Northamptonshire sir Edward Montagu, late lord chief justice of England; with] cott armur, and targett, and sword, helmett, and man[tylls of] velvett, and iiij dosen of stayffes, ij whyt branchys . . . . dosen of skochyons, and iiij dosen of penselles, and with . . . . harold of armes and a hersse of wax.

The vj day of Marche was bered in Huntyngtun[shire sir] Olever Leyder knyght, with a harold of armes, a standard and penon of armes, a cott armur, a targett, and sword, elmett, . . . . mantylles of velvett, and vj dosen of skochyons, and iiij dosen of torchys, and a hersse of wax.

The sam day was hangyd at Salysbere in the markett plasse the lord Sturtun for the deth of old master Argylle and yong Argyll ys sune; the wyche they wher shamfully murdered by the lord, and dyvers of ys servandes; the wyche he mad grett lamentasyon at ys deth for that wyllfull ded that was done, and sayd as he was on the ladder (unfinished).

The viij day of Marche was bered master (blank) with armes and ij whyt branchys and viij storchys and iiij gret tapurs, in sant Androws in Holborne, with prestes and clarkes.

The xvij day of Marche cam rydyng from kyng Phelype from be-yond the see unto the court at Grenwyche, to owre quen, with letters in post, my lord Robart Dudley, and after master Kemp of the preve chambur, that the kyng wold com to Cales the xvij day of Marche; and the sam day dyd pryche a-for the quen the nuwe bysshope of Lynckolne doctur Watsun.

The xviij day of Marche was the monyth myn (fn. 35) of the yerle of Sussex, and the hersse bornyng and standyng tyll durge, and masse done on the morow after yt was taken downe; and master Garter was ther to se ys standard and ys elmet, targat, cott, and banars sett up over hym, with alle thyng longyng therto.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . man shuld where no . . .

The xx day of Marche the Kyng cam from be-yond the see, and cam at v to Grenwyche; at the sam tyme ther cam a shype up by the tyde, [and as] he cam agaynst the courte gatt, he shott a xvj [pieces] of twys, (fn. 36) the wyche wher vere (fn. 37) grett pesses, and [cried,] God save the Kyng and the Quen.

The xxj day of Marche the Kyng and the Quen [went] thrugh the galere unto ther closett, and ther thay [heard mass]; and ther was ij swordes borne a-for them, on by lord Cobham, and the thodur (by) my lord admerall; [and from] ther closett bake to dener, boyth the Kyng and the Quen together, and ther my lord chanseler was ther and dyvers [other lords.]

The sam day at after-non cam downe that evere (fn. 38) chyrche shuld in London syng Te Deum laudamus by the commondement of my lord bysshope of London, and rynggyng alle that whylle, to ryng with grett presse (fn. 39) to God; and ther cam iij huwysse (fn. 40) of Spaneards the sam day to London.

The xxiij day of Marche was a commondement cam that the Kyng and the Quen wold ryd from the Towre-warff thrugh London with the nobuls of the rayme, (fn. 41) boyth lordes and lades; and at the Towre-warff my lord mayre mett ther gracys boyth, and thrugh London my masters the althermen and the shreyffes and alle the crafftes of London in ther leveres, and ther standynges set up of evere craft of tymbur, and the strett and the trumpettes blohyng with odur enstrementtes with grett joye and plesur, and grett shutyng of gones at the Towre, and the waytes plahyng on sant Peter's ledes (fn. 42) in Chepe; and my lord mayre bare the septer a-for the Kyng and the Quen.

[The xxv of March] the duke of Muskovea whent to [court, with] a x althermen and a grett compene of [merchants, which] be fre of Muskovea; (fn. 43) and the lord toke ys ba[rge at the] iij Cranes in the Vyntre; and ys garment was of cloth of tyssuw, and ys hatt and ys nyght-cape was sett with grett perlles and ryche stones, as evere I say, (fn. 44) and ys men in cloth of gold and red damaske in syd gownes; and so he dy. (unfinished).

The xx day of Marche was taken up at Westmynster agayn with a hondered lyghtes kyng Edward the confessor in the sam plasse wher ys shryne was, and ytt shalle be sett up agayne as fast as my lord abbott can have ytt don, for yt was a godly shyte (fn. 45) to have seen yt, how reverently he was cared from the plasse that he was taken up wher he was led (fn. 46) when that the abbay was spowlyd and robyd (fn. 47); and so he was cared, and goodly syngyng and senssyng as has bene sene, and masse song.

The xxxj day of Marche the duke of Muskovea rod to dener unto my lord mayre, and v knyghtes althermen and v other althermen, and mony notabull marchandes men, all they fre of Muskovea. The duke rod in a gowne of tyssuw ryche, and ys under garmentt in purpull velvett in brodere, the gard and ys hatt and the border of ys nyght-cape sett with owtchys of perlles and stones, and ys horse trapyd in cremesun velvett in-brodere of gold, and the brydylle gorgyusly be-senne; and a vii of ys men in gownes of cremesun damaske and cloth of gold; and after dener to ys logyng to master Demmoke('s) plasse, with the althermen and marchandes.

[The iij day of April five persons, out of Essex, were condemned for] herese, iij men and ij women, [one woman with a staff in her hand,] to be bornyd in Smyth-feld.

The iij day of Aprell dyd pryche doctur Wattsun bysshope of Lynckolne at Allallows the Mor (fn. 48) in . . . at after-non, wher was grett audyens of pepull.

The sam day dyd pryche docthur Perryn the master of the blake frers in sant Bartholomuw in Smyth-feld, at Bowe in Chepesyd dyd pryche . . . .

The v day of Aprell, the wyche was Passon [Sunday,] at Westmynster my lord abbott dyd pryche, and mad [a goodly] ser mon as has bene hard in owre tyme.

The vj day of Aprell hangyd at Tyborne viij f . . . .

The vj day of Aprell was bornyd in Smythfeld v, iij men and ij women, for herese; on was a barber dwellyng in Lym-strett; and on woman was the wyff of the Crane at the Crussyd-frers be-syd the Towre-hylle, kepyng of a in (fn. 49) ther.

The vj day of Aprell was hangyd at the low-water marke at Wapyng be-yond santt Katheryns vij for robyng on the see.

The . . day of Aprell was slayn in Flestrete a man (blank) . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The xvj day of Aprell dyd pryche at Powlles Crosse (blank) Murryn, (fn. 50) that was Good Fryday, and mad a godly sermon, and ther was grett audyens.

The xix day of Aprell dyd pryche a' sant Mare spyttell docthur Pendyltun, and mad a goodly sermon; ther was my lord mare and xxiij althermen besyd my lord mayre, and iij juges, and alle the masters of the hospetall with grenstayffes in ther handes, and alle the chylderyn of the hospetall in bluw garmenttes boyth men chylderyn and women chylderyn, that be kept with serten landes and the cherete of the nobull cette of London, and aboyff xx M. pepull of old and yonge, to her the sermon of old custom, and my lade mares and the (unfinished).

The xx day of Aprell dyd pryche docthur Yonge at santt Mare spyttylle; and ther was my lord mare and xxv althermen, none lackyng butt master Wodderoff, the wyche makyth the full nom bur of xxvj; and my lord Broke the cheff justes, and my lord justes Browne, and my ser John Baker, and ser Roger Chamley, and mony nobull gentyllmen, with the holl cete (fn. 51) boythe old and yonge, boythe men and women.

The xix day of Aprell was a wager shott in Fynsbere feld of the parryche of the Trenete the lytyll, of vj men agaynst vj men, and one parte had xv for iij and lost the game; and after shott and lost a-nodur game.

The sam owre master parsun and entryd in-to helle and ther ded at the barle breyke with alle the wyffe of the sam parryche; and ever was master parsun in the fyre, ser Thomas Chambur; and after they whent and dronke at Hogston vijs in bred and bere, butt ij quarttes of claret, alle, and after they cam to the Swane in Wyttyngtun college to on master Fulmer a vetelar, ther they mad good chere, and payd for yt. (fn. 52)

[The same day went to Westminster to hear mass, and to the lord abbot's to dinner, the] duke of Muskovea, and after dener [came into the monastery, and went] up to se sant Edward shryne nuw set up, [and there saw] alle the plasse thrugh; and after toke ys leyff of [my lord abbot], and ther mett hym dyvers althermen and mony [merchants]; and so rod in-to the parke, and so to London.

The xxij of Aprell dyd pryche at sant Mare speytyll [doctor] Watsun nuw-choyssen bysshope of Lynckolne a godly sermon.

The sam day the Kyng and the Quen removyd from Grenwyche unto Westmynster, a-ganst sant [George's day.]

The xxiij day of Aprell was sant Gorge('s) day [the King's] grace whent a pressessyon in ys robes of the garter; lord Talbott bare the sword a-for the Kyng, and master (blank) bare the rod; and doctur (blank) bare the boke of the record; and the bysshope of Wynchaster ware ys myter, and song masse that day; and x knyghtes of the Garter be-syd the Kyng; and secretere Peter ware a robe of cremesun velvett with the Garter; and after the Kyng and odur lordes and knyghtes of the garter whent to evyngsong; and ther was the duke of Muskovea was in chapell at evyngsong, and after he whent and toke ys barge and whent to London, and after wher iij knyghtes of the garter chossen, furst my lord F(itz)uater, my lord Gray of Wylton, and ser Robart Rochaster; thes iij wher mad of the order.

The xxiij day of Aprell cam rydyng from the Towre the kynges kynswoman the duches of (blank)

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . armes and a cott armur, targett, sword, helmett.

The xxx day of Aprell was bered at sant Mare Overes master Frances Browne('s) wyff with iiij branchys [and iiij] tapurs apon iiij gylt candyllstykes and with armes and penons; [the church hung a]bowt with blake cloth and armes, and ij whyt branchys and xx . . . . stayffe torchys; and the powre men had blake gownes; and mony mornars; and a iij dosen of skochyons, and a grett dolle of money.

The iij day of May was bered my lord Shandowes, (fn. 53) odur-wys callyd ser John of Bryges, with ij haroldes of armes, and a herse of wax, and ij whyt branchys, and a iiij dosen of torchys, and a standard and a baner of armes and a targett, and iiij baners of emages, and elmett, mantylles, and viij dosen of skochyons and iiij baner-rolles of [arms], and viij dosen of penselles mad in the contrey; and money mornars; and ther was a grett dolle of money, and mett (fn. 54) and drynke grett plente as has bene sene of shyche (fn. 55) a man in the contrey.

The xxx day of Aprell was master Perse (fn. 56) was mad knyght and baroun.

The furst day of May was creatyd at Whytt-halle master Perse the yerle of Northumberland, with viij haroldes and a dosen of trumpeters thrugh the quen('s) chambur, and thrugh the hall, and a-for hym my lord of Penbroke and my lord Montyguw and then my lord of Arundell and my lord of Rutland, and hym-self whent in the myddes, alle in cremesun welvett in ther parlement robes, and whyt (fn. 57) a hatt of velvett and cronet of gold on ys hed.

Item the sam day a-bowt non ther wher sarten Spaneardes fowyth (fn. 58) at the cowrt-gate a-gaynst one Spaneard, and one of them frust (fn. 59) hym thrugh with ys raper, and ded contenent (fn. 60); and ij of the Spaneardes that kyld hym was browt in-to the cowrt by on of the gard, and he delevered them to the knyght marshall('s) servandes to have them (to) the Marshellsay.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . serten skochyons.

The xxiij day of Aprell was sant George('s) day [the King's] grace whent a pressessyon at Whyt-halle [through the hall] and rond abowt the court hard by the halle; and so [certain of] the knyghts of the garter as they whent in ther [robes] of the garter; the bysshope of Wynchaster dyd exsecute the masse with ys myter; the furst as they whe[nt the lord] Montyguw, my lord admerall, ser Antony Sely[ger, the] lord Cobham, the lord Darce, ser Thomas Chenne, [the lord] Pagett, the lord of Penbroke, the lord of Arundel, [the] lord tressorer, and secretore Peter in a robe of cremesun velvett with the garter brodered on ys shuder, (fn. 61) and [one bare] a rod of blake, and a docthur bare a boke; and [then went all] the harodes, and then my lord Talbott bare the sword, then sergant(s) of armes, and the Kyng('s) grace [came next], and Quen('s) grace lokyng owt of a wyndow [beside] the cowrt on the garden syde.

The sam after-non was chossen iij knyghtes of the garter, my lord Fuwwater depute of Yrland, my lord Gray depute of Gynes, and ser Robart Rochaster comtroller of the quen('s) howsse the iij. And after cam the duwcke of Muskovea cam thrugh the halle, and the gard stod in a-ray in ther ryche cottes with halbardes, and so up to the quen('s) chambur, and dyvers althermen and marchandes; and after cam downe a-gayne to the chapell to evyngsong, and contenent (fn. 62) cam the Kyng and the knyghtes of the garter to evyngsong; and when that evyngsong was down (fn. 63) cam the Kyng and the knyghtes up to the chambur of presens; and after cam the duke of Muskovea, and toke ys barge to London, and that tyme my lord Strange bare the sword to evyngsong.

The ij day of May dyd pryche at Powlles crosse dyd pryche docthur Chadsay, and mad a godly sermon, and ther he declaryd that serten trayturs that was taken at Skarborow castyll, the wyche they fled over the see a-for . . . . . . . . . . . . .

[The iij day of May came five persons to the Tower, the chief of those that had taken the] castylle of Skarborow in Yorke-shyre, [viz. Stafford, Saund]urs, Seywelle, and Prowtter, and a Frenche man.

The iiij day of May dyd ryd a-for the Kyng and Quen in her grace('s) preve garden ser James Garnado, and so the bridle bytt dyd breke, and so the horsse rane aganst the wall, and so he brake ys neke, for ys horsse thruw ym agane the wall and hys brauns (fn. 64) rane owtt.

The v day of May a-for non was bered my lade Chamburlayne, the wyff of ser Lenard Chamburlayne of Oxffordshyre, with ij whyt branchys and a fayr [herse] of wax, and v dosen penselles and skochyons and ij dosen of [staff-torches]; xxiiij powre men and women dyd bere them, and they [had] gownes of fyne brode cottun of blake; and iiij baners borne abowte her; and with prestes and clarkes, a grett compene of mornars; and ther dyd pryche att the masse docthur Chadsay, and he mad a godly sermon; and after a grett dener; and master Longkaster was the harold; and ther was a grett dolle of money at the cherche.

The vj day of May was bered in sant Donstones in the est ser James Garnado knyght, with ij whytt branchys and xij stayffe torchys and iiij grett tapurs and a ij dosen of skochyons.

Item, the xij day was bered master Tadeley haburdassher at sant Mangnus parryche, with ij whytt branchys and xij stayff torchys, and iiij grett tapurs, and xvj pore men bare them, and they had xvj blake cassokes and nuw capes, (fn. 65) and xvj payre of blake stokes; (fn. 66) and he was one of the masturs of the hospetall; with a dosen of skcohyons and d. (fn. 67)

The xiiij day of May was bornyd in Chepe-syd and odur places in Lundon serten melle (fn. 68) that was nott swett; and thay sayd that hey (fn. 69) had putt in lyme and sand to deseyffe the pepull, and he was had to the conter.

The xxvij day of May at after-none was a woman grett with chyld was slayne gohyng in Fynsbere feld with her hosband with a narow (fn. 70) shott in the neke, the wyche she was a puterer('s) wyff.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . masteres sumtyme the wyff of . . . . . . . kynges bakehowsse and after the wyff of master . . . . clarke of the grencloth boyth sqwyrers, (fn. 71) and d

The xxij day of May cam owt of the Towre . . . . vj presonars, on Thomas Stafford, and captayn Sanders, Seywell and Prowther, and a Frencheman, and one othur; wher cast v, and so cared to the Towre agayn [through] London by land, the wyche thay cam from . . .

The xxij day of May was bered master Doge . . . . gren cloth at sant Martens in the feld be-syd Charyng-crose, with ij whytt branchys and . . . . and ij dosen of skochyons and dyver mornars.

The xxiij day of May dyd pryche the bysshope of Wynchaster doctur Whytt at sant Mare Overes in Sowthwarke, and ther was a heretyke ther for to here the sermon.

The xxv day of May was raynyd at Westmynster one, a Frenche man, that was taken at Skarborow when that Thomas Stafford was taken with ys adherentes, and cast to dee, and so cared to the Towre agayn.

The sam day was hangyd at Tyburne xvij; on was a nold (fn. 72) voman of lx yere, the trongyest (fn. 73) cut-purs a voman that has ben herd off; and a lad a cut-purs, for ys tyme he be-gane welle.

The xxvij day of May, the wyche was the Assensyon day, the Kynges and the Quen('s) grace rod unto Westmynster with all the lords and knyghtes and gentyllmen, and ther ther graces whent a prossessyon abowt the clowster, and so thay hard masse.

[The xxviij day of May Thomas Stafford was beheaded on Tower hill, by nine of the clock, master Wode being his] gostly father; and after ther wher iij more [drawn from the To] wre, and thrugh London unto Tyburne, and ther [they were] hangyd and quartered; and the morow after was master [Stafford] quartered, and hangyd on a care, and so to Nuwgatt to [boil.]

The sam mornyng was bornyd be-yond sant George's parryche iij men for heresee, a dyssyd (fn. 74) Nuwhyngtun.

The sam for-non was bered masteres Gattes wedow, and she [gave] vij fyne blake gowens, and xiiij for pore men of bro . ., with ij whytt branchys and x stayffes torchys and iiij grett tapurs, and after masse a grett dener.

The xxix day of May was the iiij heds sett upon London bryge, and ther xvj quarters sett up, iij and ij, on evere gatt of London; the sam mornyng was Thomas Stafford('s) body quartered.

The xxx day of May was a goly (fn. 75) May-gam in Fanch-chyrchestrett with drumes and gunes and pykes, and ix wordes (fn. 76) dyd ryd; and thay had speches evere man, and the morris dansse and the sauden, (fn. 77) and a elevant with the castyll, and the sauden and yonge morens (fn. 78) with targattes and darttes, and the lord and the lade of the Maye.

The v day of Junj was bered in sant Peters in Chepe master Tylworth goldsmyth, with mony mornars, and with ij whytt branchys and xij stayffes torchys, and the xij pore men had gownes of mantyll frysse, and iiij grett tapurs; and ys mas was kefth. (fn. 79) . . . on Wyssunmonday, and after ther was a grett deener.

The vij day of Juin was a proclamassyon in London by the quen('s) grace, of the latt duke of Northumberland was supported and furdered by Henry the Frenche kyng and ys menysters, and by the heddes of Dudley, Asheton, and by the consperacy of Wyatt and ys trayturs (fn. 80) band; and the sayd kynges mynysters dyd secretly practysse and gyff, and they favorabulle; with trumpeters blohyng, and a x harroldes of armes, and with my lord mayre and the althermen; and by the lat Stafford and with odur rebelles whom he had interteynyd in ys rayme, (fn. 81) and dyver odur mo, the wyche be ther yett on-taken.

[The same day was the Fishmongers' procession. The mass kept at saint Peter's, in Cornhill; three] crosses borne and a C. prestes in [copes; and clerks] syngyng Salve festa dies; and then cam the [parish with] whyt rodes, and then the craft of Fysmongers; [and after] my lord mayre and the althermen, and alle the offesers with whyt rodes in ther handes; and so to Polles, and ther offered at the he (fn. 82) auter, and after to dener to the Fysmongers hall to dener.

The sam day be-gane a stage play at the Grey freers of the Passyon of Cryst.

The viij day of Juinj cam a goodly prossessyon unto Powlles, and dyd oblassyon at the he (fn. 83) auter, sant Clementes parryche with-out Tempylle-bare, with [iiijxx] baners and stremars, and the whettes (fn. 84) of the cete (fn. 85) playing; and a iijxx copes, and prestes and clarkes, and dyver of the ennes (fn. 86) of the cowrt whent next the prestes; and then cam the parryche with whytt rodes in ther handes, and so bake agayne with the whettes playing, and prestes and clarkes syngyng, home-warde.

The x day of Junij the Kyng and the Quen toke ther jorney toward Hamtun courte for to hunt and to kyll a grett hartt, with serten of the consell; and so the howswold tared at the Whytthalle, tylle the Saterday folowhyng they cam a-gayne to Whytthalle.

The xvj day of June my yong duke of Norfoke rod abrod, and at Stamford-hylle my lord havying a dage hangyng on ys sadylle bow, and by mysse-fortune dyd shutt (fn. 87) yt, and yt on (fn. 88) of ys men that ryd a-for, and so by mysse-forten ys horse dyd flyng, and so he hangyd by on of ys sterope(s), and so thatt the horse knokyd ys brayns owt with flyngyng owt with ys leges.

[The xvij day of June, being Corpus Christi day, the King and Queen went in procession at Whitehall] thrughe the halle and the grett cowrtt-gate; [attended with as goodly] synging as ever was hard; and my (unfinished)

The xviij day of Junj was ij cared to be bornyd beyonde sant Gorgeus, almost at Nuwhyngtun, for herese and odur matters.

The xix day of June was bered in the parryche of sant Benettsheyroge old masteres Halle, the mother of master Edward Halle, of Gray('s) in, the wyche he sett forthe the cronnacle the wyche hes (fn. 89) callyd master Halle('s) cronnaculle; and she dyd give serten good gownes boyth for men and vomen a xx; and ij feyre whytt branchys and x stayffes torches; and master Garrett and my lade behyng secturs (fn. 90), and my lade War . . and master Mossear and ys wyff and dyver odur had blake gownes.

The x day of June dyd on of the chantere prest, (fn. 91) dyd hang hym-selff with ys gyrdylle in ys chambur; ys name was ser John.

The xiiij day of June was cared to the Towre serten gentyllmen, blyndfeld and muffelyd.

The xx day of Junj dyd pryche my lord abbott of Westmyn ster at Powlles Crosse, and mad a godly sermon of Dyves and Lazarus, and the crossear holdyng the stayffe at ys prechyng; and ther wher grett audyense, boyth the mayre and juges and althermen, and mony worshepfulle.

The xxi day of Junj was the Sextens' prossessyon, with standards and stremars a xxx and ode, with good syngyng and the westes (fn. 92) playing, and the canepe borne, with iij qwerers (fn. 93) songe, thrughe Nuwgatt and Old-bayle, and thrugh Ludgatt, and so to Powlles chyrche-yerde and in-to Chepe a-longe to the Cowper(s') halle to dener.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Westmynster abbay, at afternone, and the . . xij of the cloke.

The x[vij] day of Junj was the store-howsse at Port[smouth] bornyd, and a gentyll-mansse howsse next unto hytt, and [both were] borntt, and all maner of thynges for war and vetelle. (fn. 94)

The xxiij day of Junj was bered master Byrd, cow[per, at] sant Martens in the vyntere, with ij whytt branchys and viij grett stayffe torchys; and he gayff vare (fn. 95) good gownes to the pore men and women; and money mornares gownes, and the powre had blake gownes; and iiij grett tapurs . . . clarkes, and after to drynke spysse-bred and wyne; and the morowe masse and a sarman, and after a grett dener and a dolle, for he dyd gyffe (unfinished)

The sam day at sant Martens, the santuare lane e[nd, was a] pelere (fn. 96) sett ther, and ther was a gold-smyth sett on for [making] conterfett rynges, and causyd them for to be sold for g[old, and] bolles (fn. 97) lyke sylver and gold; and a woman sett up, for she was the broker, and theseller of the rynges.

The xxiiij day of June was goodly serves (fn. 98) kept at the Frere Austens by the marchandes strangers as has bene sene.

The xxix day of June, was sent Peters day, was a smalle fare (fn. 99) keft (fn. 100) in sant Margatt cherche-yerde, as wolle (fn. 101) and odur smalle thynges, as tornars and odur: and the sam day was a godly prossessyon, the wyche my lord abbott whent with ys myter and ys crosse and a grett nomber of copes of cloth of gold, and the wergers (fn. 102), and mony worshephull gentyll-men and women at Westmynster, went a prossessyon.

The sam day at after-non was the ij-yere myne (fn. 103) of good master Lewyn, yrmonger, and at ys durge was alle the leverey; the furst master altherman Draper; and after to her plasse, (fn. 104) and they had a kake and a bone a pesse, (fn. 105) be-syd the parryche and all comers, and wyne he-nowgh for all comers.

[The last day of June, saint Paul's day, was a goodly procession at saint Paul's. There was a priest of every] parryche of the dyosses of Londun, [with a cope, and the bishop] of Londun wayreng ys myter; and after cam [a fat buck,] and ys hed with the hornes borne a-pone a baner [-pole, and] xl hornes blohyng a-for the boke and be-hynd.

The sam day was the Marchandes-tayllers' fest, [where] was master of the compene master George Eytune; and thay [had] lx bokes (fn. 106) at the fest, and he gayffe to ys one (fn. 107) parryche [two] bokes to make mere (fn. 108); and ther dynyd at the fest [the lord] mayre and the shreyffes, and dyver worshephulle men, and my lord mayre dyd chusse master Malere altherman shreyff for the kyng for thys yere folohyng.

The sam day the Kyng('s) grace rod on untyng (fn. 109) in-to the forest, and kyllyd a grett stage (fn. 110) with gones.


  • 1. fires.
  • 2. Dame Agnes Clare.
  • 3. refiner.
  • 4. Chaloner
  • 5. bright.
  • 6. high.
  • 7. especially.
  • 8. one.
  • 9. ever I saw.
  • 10. pretty feats.
  • 11. laugh.
  • 12. were.
  • 13. Mary's.
  • 14. one.
  • 15. vestry.
  • 16. heir.
  • 17. The name was Hartgill.
  • 18. partisans.
  • 19. meyne, i. e. company.
  • 20. devil.
  • 21. fitchy.
  • 22. his own seeking.
  • 23. died.
  • 24. before.
  • 25. were.
  • 26. if.
  • 27. laid.
  • 28. pressed.
  • 29. realm.
  • 30. chains.
  • 31. high coping caps.
  • 32. Hounslow.
  • 33. sign.
  • 34. two.
  • 35. month's mind.
  • 36. off twice.
  • 37. very.
  • 38. every.
  • 39. praise.
  • 40. hoys.
  • 41. realm
  • 42. leads, i. e. roof.
  • 43. i. e. members of the Muscovy company.
  • 44. ever I saw.
  • 45. sight.
  • 46. laid.
  • 47. spoiled and robbed.
  • 48. i. e. the Great.
  • 49. an inn (the Crane).
  • 50. Morwen.
  • 51. whole city.
  • 52. This paragraph, which is clearly written as here printed, seems to commemorate some wild merry-making of the diarist's parish.
  • 53. Chandos.
  • 54. meat.
  • 55. such.
  • 56. Percy.
  • 57. with.
  • 58. fought.
  • 59. thrust.
  • 60. he died incontinently (immediately).
  • 61. shoulder.
  • 62. incontinently.
  • 63. done.
  • 64. brains.
  • 65. caps.
  • 66. stockings.
  • 67. a half.
  • 68. meal.
  • 69. he, i. e. the seller.
  • 70. an arrow.
  • 71. esquires.
  • 72. an old.
  • 73. strongest?
  • 74. at this side.
  • 75. go[od]ly, or jolly.
  • 76. The Nine Worthies.
  • 77. sowdan, or sultan.
  • 78. moors.
  • 79. kept.
  • 80. traiterous.
  • 81. his realm.
  • 82. high.
  • 83. high.
  • 84. waits.
  • 85. city.
  • 86. inns.
  • 87. shoot.
  • 88. hit one.
  • 89. is.
  • 90. executors.
  • 91. one of the chantry priests.
  • 92. waits.
  • 93. quires?
  • 94. victual.
  • 95. very.
  • 96. pillory.
  • 97. bowls.
  • 98. service.
  • 99. fair.
  • 100. kept.
  • 101. wool.
  • 102. virgers.
  • 103. two years' mind.
  • 104. their place—the Drapers' hall.
  • 105. a cake and a bun apiece.
  • 106. bucks.
  • 107. his own.
  • 108. merry.
  • 109. hunting.
  • 110. stag.