Pages 1-17
Two London Chronicles From the Collections of John Stow. Originally published by Camden Society, London, 1910.
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The notes folowynge wer copied out of Myst'. Lordynges boke.
Richard ye seconde
The iijde yere of his reygne ye galyottis of Spayne wt othar small shipps cam a land at Gravesende, & robbyd & brent ye moaste parte [of ye] towne.
The xviij. yere of Richard ye second ye heresies of John Wykclyffe began to spryng in England.
Henry ye fourthe
Ye xj. yere of his reygne began ye alaye of goulde: & ye kyngs sons betyn in ye Chepe.
Henry ye vij
The first yere of his reyne ye crosse in Chepe was new buylded, Hughe Bryce beyng mayre.
The xiij of his reygne ye wedercoke of Powlls was new made.
Henrie ye viij
This boke dothe accowmpte ye yere to begyn at November, but yt dothe not begyn tyll Aprill next foloynge, which is to be noted. (fn. 1)
Ye xv. yere of Henrie ye viij, Tomas Baldry beyng mayre, was ye lady Hungarford and hir man hangyd at Tyburne. (fn. 2)
The xvj. yere of his reyne ye castell of Grenewyche was buyldyd. Ye same yere, ye xviij daye of June, was creatyd at Brydewell Henrie, ye kyngis bastard, duke of Richemont & Somersete, & earle of Nothyngham, highe steward of Englande, warden of all ye marches agaynst Scotlande, hyghe admyrall of ye sea, highe Justice of all ye kyngs parkes, chaces, mayrynes, & forestis from Trent to Scotland, & hyghe steward to ye byshope of Yorke & Doram. (fn. 3)
The xvij. yere of his reygne, ye xj. day of februarie, beynge shroffe sondaye, v. men of ye Stilaard dyd penaunce, iij. of them bare fagotes at Powles, & ij. of them bare taperes. And an awsten fryar callyd doctor Barns of Cambryge bare a fagot at Powles ye same daye. The same yere ye vj. day of September was proclamyd of goulde ye frenche crowne iiij.s. vj.d., ye halffe noble iij.s. ix.d., ye angell noble vij.s. vj.d., and ye riall xj.s. iij.d., & so every pese affter yt valewe. (fn. 4)
The xviij. yere, Thomas Seamar mayre, of his reygne, ye iij. day of Julii, ye lorde cardenall rode thorowe Chepe, & so toward Fraunce (fn. 5); & ye xv. day of ye same monythe was one Harman drawyn from Newgate to Tyburn, & there hangyd for qwynynge of falce golde. (fn. 6) And in ye same yere in Julii & in August was ye slewcys made in Fynsbery fylde to convaye ye yll watars ovar ye towne dyche by pypes of lede in to ye Temes. (fn. 7) In ye same yere was great skarsnes of breade at London, & all England, yt many dyed for defaut therof: & ye bread cartes yt came from Stratford to London were mett by ye way at Myll ende by ye citisens of London, yt ye mayr and shrivis were fayne to goo & reskew them, & se them browght to ye markytis apoyntyd. (fn. 8)
The xix. yere, of his reygne, James Spencer mayre, ye first day of Novembar, my lord cardinall wt ye Ambasadours of Fraunce wer at Powles, & ther was proclaymyd a generall peace betwene kyng Henrie of England & Francys ye frenche kynge durynge theyr lyves, & a xij. monythe & a day afftar. (fn. 9)
The viij. day of Novembar iij. scolers of Cambryge, & one Fostar a gentyllman of ye cowrte bare ffagotts at Powlis for heresy. (fn. 10)
This yere was no watche at mydsomer. ye vij. of October cam to London a legat from Rome.
The v. day of January ye cardynall, & many byshopes, & abbotis, & priours, went a prossecion at Powles, & sange te deum for ye eskapynge of ye pope from ye emperour.
The xiij. day of January was a great fyar at Andrewe Moreys key in Terns strete, & anothar key by it, wher was myche hurte done. The vij. day of Aprell ye lord master of ye Rodes cam to London, & lay at sent Johns in Smythfyld. The xvij day of June ye terem was aiournyd to myhellmas aftar, becaws of ye swetynge sykenes yt reygnyd at yt tym in London & in othar placis. (fn. 11) (fn. 12)
The xx. yere of his reygne, J. Rudstone mayre, ye xxix. of November ye parysshe prist of Hony lane & a yonge man, yt some tyme was vsshar of seynt Anthonys scole, bare fagottis at Powlis. And ij. othar men, one a duche man, ye othar an englyshe man, bare tapers of wax for sellyng of Martyn Leuthars bokes. (fn. 13)
The viij. daye of Maye a powche maker bare a fagote at Powles for heresye. The vj. day of September one John Skotte, wodmonger, dyd penaunce in Chepe and othar placis of ye citie, goynge in his shurte, bare leggyd & bare fottyd, and a proclamacion made at ye Standard, at Ledyn hall, & at Grace churche vpon misdemeanor agaynst ye mayre & ye aldermen wt ye shrives. (fn. 14)
The xviij. day of October was ye cardynall dyschargyd of his chauncelourshype, & ye kynge seasyd all his goods & his place at Westmystar: & ye xxv. day of ye same monythe he went from Yorke place to Ashehere (fn. 15) wt xxx. persones & no more, & ther to abyde tyll he knew furdar of ye kyngs pleasure. And the xxvj. day of Octobre was sir Thomas More made chauncelour of England, & sworne, & kepte his rome all one day. (fn. 16)
The xxj. yere of his reygne, Rauffe Dodmer mayre, ye viij. day of Decembre was one sir Thomas Bolyn, callyd lord of Rocheforde, was made earle of Ormonde & of Wylshere, & ye lorde ffughe Watars (fn. 17) was made earle of Sussex, & my lorde Hastynges was made earle of Huntyngton. (fn. 18) The xiij day of Janewarie was a great fyar in ye Vyntry, & myche hurte done. The xxiij. day of Janewarie was iij. men, one a Gaskone, & ij. eryche (fn. 19) men, drawne from Newgat to ye Towerhyll, and ther hangyd & quarteryd for countarfeytynge ye kyngs coyne. The xvj. day of Maye was a gebyt set vp in Fynsbery filde, & a man hangyd in chaynes for kyllynge of doctour Myles, vykar of sent Brydes. The v. day of Julii was one hangyd in chayns in Fynsbery fyld for kyllynge mastres knevytt's mayd in sente Auntolyns paryshe. (fn. 20)
The xxij. yere of his reygne, Thomas Pargetour mayre, ye xix. day of Novembar iiij. men, whose names were, Thomas Somar, John Pursar, Tyndall, & a prentys on London brydge, they rode from the Towre of London wt papars on theyr heades vnto ye crosse in Chepe, & ther was made a great fyar & theyr bokes brent. (fn. 21) The v. day of Aprylle was a coke boylyd in a cawdren of brasse in Smythefylde for ye poysonynge of ye byshope of Rochestars servant. (fn. 22) (fn. 23) At mydsomar ye constables rode in ye watche. The xiiij. day of Julii maystre Lacis servant was hangyd in Fynsbery fylde for ye morderynge of a mayde, & for ye robynge of this sayd mistar Lacie.
The xix. day of August ye byshope of Norwyche brynt a master of Arte callyd Thomas Bylneye. The xxij. day of October Paytmer, a merchant & a glayssyar, bare fagotis at Powles. (fn. 24)
The xxiij. yere of his reygne, Nicholas Lambarde, mayre, ye v. day of November ij. men bare fagotis at Powles, one of them was Parnylls servant, a drapar. The xj. day of Novembar Harie Thomson was commyttyd to perpetuall pryson for eresye: the same Harie cam owt agayn by ye kyngs chartar: ye same day on Pattmer, a pryst, was commyttyd to pepetuall pryson for heresye. (fn. 25) The xxvij. day of November was a monke of Bery (fn. 26) burnt in Smythefylde for heresie. (fn. 27) The iiij. day of December was one Risse (fn. 28) Gryffyn, a gentylman of Wales, behedyd at ye Towre hyll, & his man hanged, drawne, & quarteryd at Tybourne for treason. The xx. day of Decembar was a pouchemaker brent in Smythefyld for heresie. (fn. 29) The xxvij. day of Janewarie, a douche man bare a fagot at Powles crosse for heresie. Ye xj. day of February one bare a fagot at Polls crosse. The xxj. day of August one bare a fagot at Powlys for heresye. (fn. 30) The laste day of Apryll was one Baynam brent in Smythefylde for herisye. The xxv. day of Maye was takyn between Grenewyche & London ij. greate fyshis callid herlpoles, both a male & a female. The iiij. day of June was dyscharged syr Thomas More of his chauncelourshipe, & for him was chosyn mistar Audleye, sergant of ye coyffe, & was made cheffe justice in ye chancerie, & cald by his offyce lorde brode seale. (fn. 31) The xv. day of June was v. men drawne from Newgate to ye Towr hyll, & then hangyd & quarteryd for qwynynge of sylvar & clypynge of gowld. (fn. 32) The xxviij. day of June was one othar man hangyd in chaynes in Fynsbery fylde for ye kylynge of mystris Lacis mayd. (fn. 33) The v. day of Julii was a pryst dwellynge at S. Andrews by syd ye wardrope drawne from Newgate to ye Towr hyll, & ther hangid & quarteryd for clypynge of gowlde. (fn. 34) Allso in Julii ye kynge put downe ye priour of Christchurche in London, all ye chanons of ye same place ye kyng sent to othar placis of ye same relygyon, for be caws ye same priour lyvyd vnthriftely & wt his vngracious rewle brought ye same house in debt, yt he was not able to kepe his housse and mayntayne it. (fn. 35) The xvij. day of Auguste ij. prestis of Allhallows in Bredstrete fell at variance, yt ye one prist drew blode on ye othar, wherfore ye same churche was supendyd & and no servys sayd nor songe in one monythe. (fn. 36) This yere in August & Septembar ye kynge repayryd ye Towr of London, & mad ther myche buyldynge. The fyrst of Septembar was the lady Anne Bullyn made marchionys of Penbroke at Wyndsore. The vij. day of October ye kynge went to Calys & to Bollyne, & came ovar agayn ye xiij. day of Novembar folowynge. (fn. 37) The xxv. day of Octobar ye ij. pristis of Allhallowne in Bredstrete wer joynyd in penaunce to go byfore ye generall prossecion wt bare feet, bare leggyd, & bare hedyd, before ye children, wt bedes & bokes in theyr hands, & so dyd theyr penaunce.
The xxiiij. yere of his reygne, Stephen Pekoke, mayre, ye xv. day of Decembar was a great fyar at ye byshop of Lyncolnes place in Holbourne, & myche hurt done. (fn. 38)
The xvij. day of Marche was chosyn Edward Hall, gentylman, of Greys In, to be comon sargaunte of ye citie of London. (fn. 39) The x. day of Aprill was a dole at sent Mary Overies in Sothewarke, & at ye same dole was so great preace of pore people yt ther was smoulderyd in ye strete iiij. men, ij. wemen, & a boye, starke deade. (fn. 40) The xij. day of Aprill was ye countes of Penbroke, lady Anne Bolyne, dowghter of syr Thomas Bolen, bacheylar knyght, but ye kynge made hym lorde of Rocheforde, & earl of Wylshire & Ormonde, on Estar eve ye xij. day of Aprill she was proclaymyd quen of England; & quene Katheryn was put downe, & hir dowghtar Mary, pryncis, was lykewyse put downe, beyng his owne dowghtar gotyn on quene Katheryn, whiche was xxiiij. yere his wyffe & quene of England, a blysyd lady & a good. (fn. 41) Ye xij. day of May Pavyar, ye towne clarke, honge hym selffe. The iiij. day of Julii was brent in Smythefyld John Frythe, a scolar of Oxforde, & a taylours servante, bothe together for heresye. (fn. 42) The vj. day of Julye was quen Katheryn proclaymyd princis Arthours Wydowe. (fn. 43) The xvij. day of Julii were ij. marchauntis slayne on ye watar toward Westmynstar by one Wolffe & his wyffe. The xxiij. day of August wear ij. women betton abowght the Chepe nakyd from ye waste vpwarde, wt roddes, & theyr eris naylyd to ye Standard for bycause they sayd quene Katheryn was ye treu quen of England, & not quene Ane: and one of ye wemen was byge wt childe: & whan thes ij. wemen had thus bene punyshed, they forteffyed theyr sayenge styll, to dy in ye quarell for quene Katheryns sake. (fn. 44) The v. day of Octobar was a great fyar at Baynards castell, & great hurt don.
The xxv. yere of his reygne, Christopher Askewe, mayre, ye xxiiij. day of Octobar was ther a skafolde set up at Powles crosse, & ther on stode a none namyd Anne (fn. 45) Barton, callyd ye holy mayd of Courtopstrete (fn. 46) bysyde Cauntourbury in Kent, & ij. monkes of Cauntourbery, ye one was doctor Boccynge, a devyn, & ij. obsarvant fryars, one was ye father of ye house of Richemount & ye othar was of Cauntourbery, & ye parson of Aldermary in London callyd Mst. Gowlde, & anothar priste confessor to ye same none, & ij. lay men, & at ye same crosse was a sermond made by ye byshope of Bangowre, callyd ye Abbot of Hyde, wher was shewyd all theyr offencis, & so they wer from thence removyd to ye Towr. (fn. 47)
The xxviij. day of Januarie was a great fyshe taken at Blake walle callyd a whall, & was brought up to Westminstar to ye kynge to see, so browght downe to Broken wharffe & ther cut out.
The fyrst day of Apryll wer Wolffe & his wyffe hangyd at ye turnynge tre in Lambethe marche, for ye deathe of ye ij. Lombardes afore namyd. The xx. day of Apryll were ij. monkes of Cantorbury, ij. observant fryars, ye person of Aldermarie in London, & a none callyd ye holy mayd of Courthopstrete in Kent bysyd Cauntourbery, all thes wer drawne from ye Tour of London vnto Tybourne & ther hangyd, qwarteryd, & theyr hedes set vpon London brydge, & at ye gate of ye citie of London. (fn. 48) The xx. day of Apryll all ye craftes & companyes in London were sworne to ye kynge & to quene Anne & theyr eyres. The xxv. day of Maye was a great fyar at ye Saltars hall in Bredstrete & moche harme done. The v. day of June wer all servants & prentisys of ye age of xx. yeres or above sworne to ye kynge, & quene Anne his wyffe, & to the issewe of them. The ix. day of Julii was ye lord Dacres of ye northe araynyd of treason, and acqwyted of ye same. (fn. 49)
The xj. day of August was all ye placis of ye obsarvant fryars, as Grenewyche, Cantorburie, Rychemonte, & Newarke, & Newcastell, put downe, & Austyn fryars put in ye same places, & ye same obsarvantis wer put in placys of graye fryars &c. The xiij. day of August was a great fyar at ye Temple barr, & myche hurt don & certayne persons byrnt. The xv. day of August ye kyngs place at Charynge crosse, callyd ye Mewse, was a fyre. (fn. 50) The xxj. day of Septembar doctor Taylor, mastar of ye Rolls was dyschargyd, & for hym Mst. Thomas Cromwell was made maystar of ye Rolls, & sworne ye ix. day of Octobar. (fn. 51)
The xxvj. yere of his reygne, John Champneys mayre, (fn. 52) ye xxix. day of Apryll ye prior of ye Charterhouse of London, the prior of Beuall, (fn. 53) the prior of Exsam, (fn. 54) & a brodar of ye same callyd mistar Raynolds, & a pryste callyd Mast. John Hayle, vicar of Thystylworthe (fn. 55) were all condemnyd of treason & judgyde at Westmystar to be drawne, hangyd, & quarteryd at Tybourne, who wer executyd at Tyborne ye iiij. day of May, & ther heds & quarters set at every gate of London, & at ye Chartarhous in London one quartar. The viij. day of May the kynge comaundyd all about his court to powl theyr hedes, & to gyve them ensample he dyd cawse his owne hed to be powllyd lykewyse. The xxv. day of May was a great examynacion of erytykes borne in Holand beyond ye see; ther was examynyd xix. men & vj. wemen of ye same country borne. (fn. 56) The ij. day of June mistar Hall was chosyn vndar shrive by ye mayre & comon counsell, who was before ye comon sargante of London. (fn. 57) The iiij. day of June a man & his wyffe borne in Bothe in Holand (fn. 58) wer byrnt in Smythefyld for heresye. (fn. 59) The xviij. day of June wer thre monkes of ye Chartarhouse, Exmew, Mydlemor, & Nydygate, drawn to Tyborne, & ther hangyd & quarteryd. The xxij. day of June was doctor Fyshar, byshope of Rochestar, behedyd at ye Towre hyll, (fn. 60) [his body buryed at Barkynge (fn. 61) ]. The xvj. day of Julii syr Thomas More was behedyd at Tour hyll (fn. 62) [then ye body of byshope of Rochestar was taken vp, & wt ye body of s. Thomas More buryd in ye Towre]. (fn. 63) In October ye kynge sent doctour Lee to vysyt ye abayes, priories, & nonryes in England, & to put out all relygious persons that wolde goo, & all them yt wer vndar ye age of xxiiij. yers, as nones, fryars, monkes, & chanons, ye were put of theyr housys, yt abot & pryor shulde gyve every one in ye stede of ther abbet a pristes gowne, & xl. s. of money, & ye nunes to have suche aparell as seculer wemen were, & to go wher they wyll. He toke out of monestaries & abbayes all theyr relikes & jewells (fn. 64)
Syr John Allyn, mayre, ye xxvij. (fn. 65) yere of ye kynge, ye xj. day of Novembar, beyng styll in ye xxvij. yere of Henrie ye viij., was a great procession at London by ye kyngis commandement: fyrst went ye wayts of ye citie all vj., (fn. 66) & nexte folowynge ye children of ye gramer scoll of sente Thomas of Acres wt ye schollmayster afftar them; (fn. 67) next aftar them came sent Anthonys scole & ye mastar & vshar aftar them: nexte came ye scholars of Powles schole wt theyr mastar & vshar aftar them: next came all ye mynstrells of London in theyr best apayrell, & ye mastar of ye sayd mynstrells wt his gyrdyll abought hem as he doth were on myd lent sondaye: (fn. 68) nexte aftar them com ye crwchyd fryers, & every fryer had a coppe and theyr crosse: nexte aftar them com ye fryars Austyns wt theyr crosse & every fryar a cope: next came ye white friars wt theyr crosse & every friar a cope: next came ye graye fryars & theyr crosse & every fryar a cope: next came ye blake fryars wt theyr crosse & every fryar a cope, syngynge ye letany wt faburdyn: (fn. 69) next cam ye chanons of sent Marie Overyes, (fn. 70) ye chanons of sent Barthelmewis, wt ye chanons of Esynge (fn. 71) spityll, & ye chanons of sent Mary spitill, wt ye priours of ye same howsys wt theyr crosses & candelstykes and theyr vergirers before them, & every chanon & priour in a cope: next aftar them came ye clarkes of London, & every one of them a cope: aftar them ye prystis of London, & everie one in a cope: aftar them cam ye monkes of Newe abbeye, & ye monkes of Barmondsey, wt ye monkes of Westmystar, syngynge, wt theyr crossys & vergerers & sensars, wt candylstyks, & every monke a cope, ye Abotis of thes placis in copes, myteryd. (fn. 72) Aftar them cam Powles quere, every priste & clerke had a cope wt all theyr residentaris in copes, syngynge the letany wt faburden; aftar them cam ye Abotes & priors, yt was myteryd men, in theyr pontefycallibus: than cam ij. mynstrells before ye byshope of London, who come vndar a canypie wt a cope on his bake, berynge betwen his hands a crosse wt ye ost therin, & othar relykes, & abowghte hym was borne by ye byshopis servantis xij. torch prikes of wax brenynge lyght: (fn. 73) aftar them come ye bachilars of ye company of my lorde mayr in theyr aparell (fn. 74) wt theyr hoods as they dyd whan ye mayr toke his othe. Aftar them come my lorde mayre in a gowne of blake velvyt wt a hode of velvyt of ye same. Aftar hym com xix. (fn. 75) aldarmen in theyr gownes of skarlet: & aftar them ye craftis of London in theyr degres. Ye nombar of copys that ware worne in this prossessyon was vij. hundred & xviij. (fn. 76)
The last day of Decembar my lord mayre gave comaundement to all paryshes in London to brynge in before hym ye names of all ye chantries wt theyr paryshis, & who was ye gyvars of them. (fn. 77)
Ye xxix. day of June, on sent Petar day, ye kynge made a justynge at Westmynstar; & ther wer ordaynyd ij. lytars, made lyke ij. shipps, to fight on ye watar, & ye one of them braste in ye mydes, & a sarvant (fn. 78) of mstar. Knevytis in his harnys lepynge betwen bothe shypes was drownyd: & in ye othar shippe a gonne brast hir chambar & maymyd ij. of ye marynars. (fn. 79)
Sir Rauffe Warryn, mayre. The xij. day of Novembar sir Thomas Newman bare a fagot at Powles crosse, for yt he song mas wt good alle. The xiij. day of Novembar Mst. Packenton was slayne wt a gone in Chepe as he went to S. Thomas of Acres to here masse. (fn. 80) The of Novembar Myryll, a tylar, dwellynge in sent Pulkers (fn. 81) paryshe, bare a fagot at Poles crosse for heresye. The x. day of Decembar ye parson of Sansted bysyd Hoddon (fn. 82) bare a fagot at Poles crosse for heresye. (fn. 83)
The xxix. day of Marche, beynge maundy Thursdaye, wer xij. men of Lyncolne drawne from Newgate to Tyborne, & ther hangyd & quarteryd: v. wer prystis, & vij. wer laye men, one was doctor Makeryll (fn. 84), a whit canon, another was ye vycar of Lowthe (fn. 85) in Lyncolnshire.
Ye xxviij. yere of his reygne, ye xv. day of Maye, my lord Darcie & my lorde Hussaye wer had from ye Towr of London vnto Westmystar, & thar condemnyd. (fn. 86) The xviij. day of Septembar was a grete fyar at sent Antholyns, & myche hurt done. (fn. 87)
Richard Greshame, mayre, ye xxix. yere of ye kings reygne. (fn. 88) The xviij. day of Januarie a saltar of London was set on ye pilorie in Chepe for pakynge & sellynge of rotton herrynge, & vsynge of fals waytes. The xxv. day of Januarie one stond on ye pelory in Chepe, & his eres cut of & nayllyd to ye pyllorye for raylynge on ye kyngs councell. (fn. 89) The of Februarie a sarvant of my lady Pargiters (fn. 90) was drawne, hangyd, & quarteryd for clypping of golde. The xxv. day of February sir Allyn, a pryst, & a gentyllman (fn. 91) were bothe drawne to Tyborne, & ther hangyd, & quarteryd for treson. The xxj. day of Marche Hary Harssam, customar of Plomouthe, (fn. 92) was drawne from Newgate to Tyborne, & ther hangyd, & quarteryd for treson: & one Thomas Ewell (fn. 93) lykewyse hangyd & quarteryd. (fn. 94) Ye xxvij. of May was ye fyar in Rode lane. Ye first day of Septembar ye hangman was hongyd at ye wrestlyng place. (fn. 95)
Wylyam Ferman. (fn. 96) mayre, ye 30 yer of ye kynges reygne. (fn. 97) Ye xvj. day of Novembar was ye blake fryars in London put downe, & ye next day ye whiht fryers put downe. Ye neste day ye gray fryars, & ye monkes of ye Chartarhosse put downe. (fn. 98) The xxij. day of Novembar was Lambart (fn. 99) byrnt in Smythe fylde. The xxiiij. day of Novembar was iij. buchars, & a woman bare fagotts at Poles. The viij. day of Decembar a priste of sent Margaretis in Frydaye strete bare a fagot at Poles for heresye. (fn. 100) The xxij. day of Decembar a pryste, & a bryke layar called Harie Daunce, (fn. 101) & an organe makar bare fagotis at Poles crosse. (fn. 102) The iij. day of Marche syr Nycholas Carrow, knyght & mastar of ye horsse, was hedyd at ye Towr hyll. (fn. 103) The viij. day of Maye was ye great mustar in London. (fn. 104)
Ye viij. day of Julii ye vycar of Wandworthe, (fn. 105) his chapleyne, & his servante, & fryar Way re wer all four drawne frome ye Marshalcy vnto sent Thomas Wateryng, & ther hangyd & quarteryd for treson. (fn. 106)
Ye xxxj. yere of ye kynge, Mastar Holyes, mayre. The x. day of June ye lorde Cromewell was sent to ye Towre of London. This Cromwell his fathar was an Irysheman borne, & a smythe by his occupacion, & aftar that he kepte a brewe howse at Wandworthe, & ther was this Cromwell borne, & at ye last comynge in favour wt ye kynge Henry ye eyght, he made hym knyght, & lorde privy seale, & then vycegerent, & aftar lord chamberleyne, & then yearle of Essyxe, & thus he browght hym vp of noghte. The xxviij. day of Julii was the lord Cromewell, (fn. 107) & ye lorde Hongarforde behedyd at ye Towr hyll for treson.
The of August wer drawne from ye Towre to Tyborne vj. persons, & one led betwen ij. sargantis, & ther hangyd & quarteryd: one of them was ye prior of Dancastor, a monke of ye Chartarhouse of London, Gyles Herne a monke of Westmystar, one Fylpot, & one Carrow, & a fryar: all were put to death for treason. (fn. 108) This yere ye dychys abowt London wer new cast.
Syr Wylyam Roche, mayre, in ye 32 yere ye kyngs reygne.
The xxxiij. yere of his reygne.
Michaell Dormer, mayre, in ye 33 of Henrie ye viij.
The xxxiiij. yere of ye kyngs reygne.
John Cotes, mayre. The xxiij. day of Novembar wer ij. men hangyd in Holborne fylde for kyllynge a woman (fn. 109).
The xxxv. yere of his reygne.
Sir Wyllyam Boyere, mayre, in ye 35 yere of Henrie ye viij.
The xxxvj. yere of his reygne.
Syr Wylyam Laxton, mayre, in ye 36 yere of Henrie ye viij.
The xxij. of Aprill ye xxxvij. of his reygne.
Sir Martin Bowes, mayre, ye 37 of Henry ye 8.
The xxij. of Aprill ye xxxviij. yere of his reygne.
Henri Hubarthorn, mayre, ye xxviij. of Novembar (fn. 110) in ye 38 of Henrie 8.