Index: W

Pages 637-643

Calendar of Treasury Papers, Volume 6, 1720-1728. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1889.

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W.C.C., the letters struck on silver sent for coinage by the Welsh Copper Company; ccxliii. 30.

Wace, Mr. John, first clerk of the Treasury; ccxxxii. 43; ccxlvi. 38; ccli. 6; cclii. 72.

Wade, General; ccliii. 19; ccliv. 5; cclv. 73.

Wager, Sir Charles; cclxiv. 20.

-, letters of; cclx. 6; cclxvi. 1; cclxvi. 8, 10.

Wagg Moor, in the parishes of Hueish and Ham, co. Somerset; ccxlviii. 15.

“Waird holding,” taxing of; ccxxviii. 27.

Walden, Richard; ccxliii. 59.

Walder, Jesse; ccxliii. 19.

Waldo, Mr.; cclv. 46.

Wales, Auditor of. See Godolphin, Sidney.

-, copper miners in, petitions of; ccxxxv. 30; ccxliii. 30.

-, Customs in; cclxix. 55.

-, land revenues in; cclxvi. 35.

-, loss of ships on the N.W. coast of; ccxliv. 23.

-, pre and post fines, &c. in North and South; cclviii. 8.

-, Prince of; ccxl. 65; ccxliv. 42; cclviii. 8.

-, Princess of; ccxl. 65; ccxliv. 42.

-, receiver of; ccxxxii. 29.

-, (North), taxes of; ccxxxiii. 20; ccxlvii. 37; cclviii. 6.

Walker, Dame Margaret, widow of Sir Hovenden Walker, case of; cclx. 12.

-, Mr. John, petition of; ccxlvii. 53.

-, Sir Hovenden, formerly Rear-Admiral of the White Squadron of the Fleet; cclx. 12.

Walkinshaw, Katherine, wife of John Walkinshaw, of Borrowfield; ccxxxix. 11.

-, -, petition of; ccxxxv. 68.

Waller, James, Lieut.-Governor of Charles Fort and Kinsale; cclv. 78.

Wallingford, co. Berks; ccxxxviii. 99; cclv. 35.

-, lands at; ccliii. 36.

-, Castle; ccliii. 36, 43.

-, House (Little) between Charing Cross and Westminster; ccxxxiv. 18.

Walnut Tree Walk in Hyde Park; ccliii. 37.

Walpole, Geoffrey, Esq., one of H.M.'s Postmasters-General; ccxlvi. 85.

-, -, report of; ccliv. 43.

-, Horatio, Esq., Surveyor and Auditor-General of H.M.'s revenues in America; ccxxxiv. 16; ccxxxv. 40.

-, -, H.M.'s Ambassador at Paris; ccxlviii. 29; ccliii. 42.

-, -, Secretary to the Treasury; ccxxxviii. 87; ccxxxix. 10; ccxl. 3, 81; ccxliii. 20.

-, -, letters of; ccxxviii. 39; ccxxxviii. 2; ccxliii. 48.

-, -, letters to; ccxxxix. 37, 59; ccxl. 31, 46, 58, 60; ccxlii. 80; ccxliii. 10, 46, 47; ccxlvi. 7, 8, 59, 66, 70.

-, -, memorials of; ccxxviii. 29, 30, 39; ccxxxv. 16.

-, -, report of; ccxxviii. 34.

-, J., formerly Auditor-General of the American Revenues; ccxxvii. 34.

-, Right Hon. Robert, afterwards Sir Robert, First Lord of the Treasury and Chancellor of the Exchequer; ccxxxiv. 44, 47; ccxxxv. 26, 43; ccxxxviii. 17, 43, 109; ccxlvi. 15, 36; ccxlvii. 23; ccli. 15; cclii. 5, 28, 47, 62; ccliii. 58, 78; ccliv. 35; cclvi. 8; cclix. 12, 15; cclx. 48; cclxv. 31, 43; cclxix. 3.

-, -, letters, petitions, &c. to; ccxxxv. 28; ccxxxviii. 33, 42, 64, 76; ccxl. 6, 27, 29; ccxlii. 33, 40, 47, 72; ccxliii. 12, 15, 26; ccxliv. 6, 46; ccxlvi. 11, 42, 75, 88, 119; ccxlvii. 12, 15; ccxlviii. 31, 40, 69; ccli. 69; cclii. 8, 11, 18, 35, 73; ccliii. 18; ccliv. 39, 54, 58; cclv. 6, 44, 57, 61, 80, 86; cclvii. 8, 44, 58; cclviii. 9; cclx. 6, 16; cclxiv. 59, 71, 72; cclxv. 55; cclxvi. 8, 12, 15, 19; cclxix. 31, 55, 61.

-, -, Paymaster-General; ccxxxvii. 3.

-, Mr. S., letter to; ccxlvi. 79.

Walsh, Ensign Hunt; cclvi. 6.

-, John; cclvi. 10.

Walsingham, Countess of; ccxlii. 23.

Walter, Jacob, chief of a gang of smugglers in Sussex; ccxxxv. 65; ccxxxix. 51.

-, Robert, a prisoner in Bucks county gaol; ccxliii. 25.

-, S.; cclii. 37.

Wapping, the French chapel at; ccxlii. 78.

War, Articles of; cclxiii. 8.

-, Office, document dated from; ccliii. 60.

-, H.M.'s Secretary at. See Pelham, H.

Warcope, Thomas, outlawed; ccxxxv. 15.

Ward, James, Esq.; cclxiii. 1; cclxviii. 6.

-, John; ccxxxiii. 32.

-, -, memorial of; ccxxxiii. 42.

-, Mr. John, master shipwright of Sheerness Dockyard; ccxliv. 38.

-, Mary; ccxxxix. 9.

-, Sir J.; ccxxxiv. 19.

-, Thomas, conviction of; ccxliv. 21.

Wardrobe, the Great, office of; ccxxxiii. 43; ccxli. 3; ccxlv. 3; ccliv. 59; cclvi. 2; cclvii. 48; cclxi. 4; cclxviii. 8.

-, debt due to tradesmen by; ccxxxii. 14; ccxlii. 65.

-, instructions for regulating; ccxxvii. 3.

-, Master of; ccxxxvii. 11; ccl. 7; cclxiii. 5; cclxvi. 26; cclxvii. 1.

-, -, representation of the state of; cclxvi. 25, 26.

Warford, Daniel, petition of; ccxxxix. 82.

Warminster; ccxliv. 4.

Warner, John, petition of; cclv. 40.

Warren, Ambrose, clerk to the Lords of the Treasury, petition of; ccxl. 14.

-, -, letter of; ccxxxv. 42.

-, Hugh, Surveyor of the Guards, estimate of; ccxlvi. 98.

-, Robert; ccxl. 73.

Warrington, the Earl of; ccxl. 25.

-, Earl of (the late); ccxliii. 72.

Warwick; cclv. 81.

-, co.; ccxlvii. 26; ccli. 24; cclv. 81.

-, Philip, Esq., Envoy to the Crown of Sweden; ccxxxviii. 45.

Waste committed by tenants of Crown lands; ccxliii. 66.

Water bailiff of the river Severn, office of; cclix. 2.

-, supply for London; ccxlviii. 30.

Waterworks at Hampstead; ccxlviii. 30.

-, at Windsor Castle; ccxxxix. 67.

-, See Chelsea and New River.

Watkins Brigadier; ccxxxix. 82.

-, William, Esq., surveyor of H.M.'s private roads; ccxxxv. 57; ccxliii. 24.

-, -, memorial of; ccxlvi. 25.

-, -, petition of; ccxxxviii. 54.

Watson, Anthony, petition of; ccxxxiv. 57.

Watts, Rev. Mr. Richard; cclxii. 6.

Wearg, Sir C., Solictor-General; ccliii. 50; and see Solicitor-General.

Weaver, Bridstock; cclviii. 19.

Webb, Roger, late Harbourer to the buckhounds; cclii. 68.

Webbe, Capt. John, a prisoner in the King's Bench; ccxl. 38.

Webster, John; cclxv. 32.

-, Mr.; ccxxxiii. 3.

-, Richard, petition of; cclxv. 32.

Weemyss, Robert, collector of Customs at Anstruther, petition of; ccxl. 34.

Welcomb, E., secretary of the South Sea Company; ccxxxiv. 52.

Welderen, Count, Ambassador Extraordinary from Holland; cclxvii. 1.

Wells, co. Somerset; ccxliv. 4.

-, Thomas, petition of; ccxl. 54.

-, William; cclvi. 8.

Wemys, David, Earl of; ccxlvii. 62.

-, -, copy of representation of; ccxxix. 12.

-, -, memorial of; cclii. 38.

Wentworth, Col., memorial of; ccxxxii. 59.

-, the Hon. John, Lieutenant-Governor of New Hampshire; ccxxxiv. 4.

-, -, proclamation of; ccxlvi. 93.

-, -, letter of; ccxliv. 16.

Wescomb, D., secretary to the South Sea Company, letter of; ccxliv. 15.

West, Mr., one of H.M.'s counsel; ccxxxviii. 96.

-, -, counsel to the Board of Trade; ccli. 61.

Westbury; ccxliv. 4.

Wester Duddingston, within the sheriffdom of Edinburgh; cclii. 19.

Western Ports, the; cclxix. 20, 25.

-, shires of Scotland, noblemen, gentlemen, &c. of, petition of; ccxxxiii. 40.

Westfaling, a controller of the army accounts; ccxlv. 1.

-, Herbert Rudhale, claim of; ccli. 87.

West India Company, the Dutch; ccxxxix. 37.

-, Indies, H.M.'s Colonies in; ccxxxv. 33; and see Indies.

Westmeath, Ireland; cclxvi. 17.

Westminster; ccxxxiv. 18; ccxl. 44, 56; ccxlii. 17; ccxlv. 12; ccxlviii. 6, 25, 30; ccliii. 20, 27; ccliv. 54; cclix. 28; cclxiii. 7; cclxv. 47; cclxix. 57.

-, Abbey; ccxxxiii. 45; ccxxxiv. 48; ccxxxv. 42; ccxliii. 26; cclxv. 47.

-, -, Dean and Chapter of; ccxliii. 26.

-, the election for; ccxxxviii. 78.

-, Court of Exchequer at; cclxiv. 56.

-, highway robberies in; cclv. 55.

-, manor of; ccxliii. 4.

-, Sessions, certificate from; ccxxxv. 8.

-, water supply of; ccliii. 11.

Westphalia; cclx. 42.

West Sheen, alias Richmond, manor of; cclvii. 14.

Wetherburne, Mr. Peter, advocate in the Exchequer Court, Scotland; ccxlix. 6.

Wexford, co.; ccxliii. 3; cclv. 11.

Whaplode, manor of, co. Lincoln; ccxxvii. 16; ccxxxiii. 24; ccxxxiv. 56.

-, -, sum due to the King out of, on the demise of Katherine, Queen Dowager; ccxxix. 10.

-, -, granted to the Duke of Monmouth by King Charles II.; ccxxvii. 15.

Wharton, Mr., Receiver of the revenue from hackney coaches, &c.; cclxiv. 40.

-, Mr. Edward, petition of; ccxlviii. 46.

-, Lord (the late); ccxlvii. 45; ccli. 56.

-, Sir Polycarpus, Bart., son of Sir George Wharton, petition of; ccxliv. 35.

Whetham, Major-General; ccxxx. 5.

-, Mr.; ccxli. 6.

Whichcote, John, Esq., secretary to the Duke of Grafton; ccxl. 21.

-, P., secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, letters of; ccxlii. 71; ccxlvi. 42.

Whichwood, co. Oxon, forest of; ccxliii. 28; cclii. 9; cclx. 37.

Whipplestone, or Hubbastone, a rock in the parish of Northan, in the river of Bideford, called; ccxli. 6.

Whiston, William, clerk, some time Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge, petition of; ccxxxiv. 2.

-, -, his attempt to discover the longitude at sea; ccxxxiv. 2.

Whitchurch, co. Hants, borough of; ccliii. 75.

White, Jonathan, petition of; ccxlvi. 37.

-, Robert, grandson and executor of Robert White, coroner of the verge, petition of; ccxxxviii. 105.

-, Rev. William, M.A.; cclxviii. 2.

-, Tower, the, in the Tower of London; ccxxxix. 49; and see Tower.

-, roses a mark of disaffection to H.M.'s Government; ccxxxix. 72.

Whitehall; ccxxxiii. 5, 47; ccxxxvii. 10; ccxl. 40; ccxlvi. 112; ccxlviii. 6; cclii. 34, 47, 64; cclix. 32; cclx. 18; cclxiii. 7; cclxv. 18; cclxvi. 31.

-, Court; ccxxxv. 32.

-, documents dated from; ccxliv. 39; ccliii. 46; cclv. 54.

-, H.M. palace of; ccxlviii. 30; cclxv. 5; cclxviii. 10.

-, -, land tax paid for; ccxl. 30.

-, preachers, the; ccli. 54.

-, the Privy Garden in; ccxliii. 68.

-, water supply of; cclv. 24.

-, Mr. Lane (Customs); ccxl. 39.

-, -, commissioner of the Royal George yacht, petition of; ccxxxix. 12.

Whitehaven, the port of; ccxlii. 66.

-, collector of; cclxvi. 22.

-, the merchants of; ccxxxix. 2.

Whitfield, —; ccliii. 34.

Whither, or Wither, Charles. See Wither.

Whitley, Morgan, formerly Receiver-General of Taxes of Cheshire and North Wales; ccxxxiii. 20; ccxlvii. 37; cclviii. 6.

Whittingham, Christopher; ccli. 53.

Whitworth, Charles, Lord, H.M. Ambassador Plenipotentiary at the Congress in Cambray; ccxliii. 40; ccxlviii. 29.

-, -, H.M. late Ambassador at Berlin; ccxl. 5.

-, Mr., H.M. Plenipotentiary at the Hague; ccxxvii. 4.

Whytell, Charles, proposition of; cclx. 49.

Wich, Ciryl, Esq.; ccxxxii. 2.

Wicker, John; ccxliv. 61.

Wickham, co. Durham, common fields of; cclix. 13.

Wicklow, co.; cclv. 11, 42.

Widdington; cclviii. 24.

Widrington, the late Lord; ccxlviii. 53.

-, -, estate of, in Northumberland; ccxxxix. 25; ccliii. 17; cclix. 17; cclxiv. 12; cclxvi. 3.

Wight, the isle of; ccxxxviii. 9; ccli. 15.

-, -, armed sloops appointed to stop the traffic in brandy near; ccxxxiv. 14.

-, Joseph, under clerk of the House of Lords, petition of; ccliii. 8.

Wightman, Elizabeth, daughter of the late Major-General Joseph Wightman, petition of; ccxlvi. 40.

-, Major-General Joseph; ccxxxv. 36, 79; ccxlv. 1.

Wild, Jonathan, the late; ccxlvi. 86.

Wilderness at Hampton Court, the Lower; cclii. 58.

Wilkins, J., letter of; ccxxxv. 43.

-, Mr.; cclv. 88.

Wilkinson, Mr.; cclxvi. 21.

-, -, jun.; cclxv. 49.

Willes, J., report, &c. of; cclvii. 53.

Willett, John, of St. Christopher's, Esq.; cclvi. 8; cclxiii. 2; cclxv. 52.

-, -, depositions of; cclxiii. 2.

-, -, memorial of; cclxviii. 6.

William III., late King of England; ccxxviii. 16; ccxxxiv. 18, 36, 39; ccxxxv. 28, 51; ccxl. 5; ccxliii. 72; ccxlvi. 49; ccxlviii. 1; ccli. 49; cclii. 11, 13, 29, 37; cclv. 78; cclvii. 11; cclx. 46; cclxv. 4, 19.

-, arrears of; ccxxxii. 33; ccxlvi. 88; cclxi. 7.

-, debts of; ccxxxix. 38.

-, demise of land at Frogmore by; ccxlviii. 47.

-, donations of, to Aberdeen University; ccxl. 23.

-, erection of a school at Fort William authorised by; ccxxxv. 73.

-, establishment of; cclii. 73.

-, grant of lands in Suffolk by; ccliii. 66.

-, -, pension to the late Earl of Ranelagh; ccxxvii. 19.

-, his expedition to England; cclx. 34.

-, offices, pensions, rewards, &c. granted by; ccxxix. 18; ccxxxiii. 28; ccxl. 33.

-, plot to assassinate; ccxlviii. 66.

-, and Queen Mary assign a salary for a schoolmaster at Fort William; ccxlviii. 33.

-, estates in Ireland vested in; cclviii. 4.

-, grant of annuity by; ccxliii. 14.

-, -, of land by; ccxlvii. 48; cclxvi. 24.

-, -, of a patent for coinage of copper halfpence and farthings in 1694; ccxlii. 30; ccxliv. 7.

Williams, Evan; cclv. 68.

-, Mr.; ccxl. 19.

-, Rice, petition of; ccliv. 54.

-, Sir John, Sub-Governor of the Royal Exchange Insurance Office; ccxxix. 1, 11.

-, William, of North Shields, prosecuted for collecting excessive land tax; ccxxxiii. 36.

Williamson, —; ccxliii. 46.

-, Col. Adam, memorial of; ccxxxix. 9.

-, Richard, petition of; cclxvi. 14.

Williamstadt; ccxxvii. 4.

Wills, Lieut.-General; ccxxxiv. 21; cclxviii. 3.

-, -, claim of; ccxli. 1.

-, Mr.; ccxxix. 6.

Wilmington, Lord, warrant to; cclxix. 26.

Wilson, —, prosecuted for riot; cclii. 27.

-, John, one of the land carriage men for the Port of London, petition of; ccxlvi. 114.

Wilts, co.; ccxliv. 4; cclx. 38; cclxix. 51.

Wimberley, Bartholomew, petition of; ccliii. 31.

Winchester; cclvi. 3; cclxiii. 7.

-, Bishopric of; cclv. 44.

Winde, William, petition of; cclxiv. 79.

Windsor; ccxlvii. 42; ccxlviii. 47; ccli. 70, 71; cclii. 71; cclxvi. 20.

-, Castle; ccxlviii. 16; cclv. 28; cclix. 20; cclxiii. 7; cclxv. 40.

-, -, alterations at; ccl. 8.

-, -, Clerk of the Works at (Mr. Thomas Rowland); ccxxxiii. 37.

-, -, governor of. See Carlisle, Earl of.

-, -, hill in; ccxliii. 52.

-, -, water supply of, report as to; ccxxxiii. 37.

-, -, waterworks at; ccxxxix. 67.

-, dean and canons of; ccxlviii. 47.

-, Forest; ccxxxv. 46; ccxxxix. 71; ccxliv. 3, 63; ccxlviii. 47; ccliii. 5, 15; cclv. 28, 30, 45, 67; cclix. 20; cclxiv. 28.

-, -, outranger of; ccliv. 53: cclv. 67.

-, -, Swainemote Court of; ccxxxviii. 67.

-, garden house at; ccxliii. 52.

-, gardens at; cclxiii. 7.

-, H.M.'s Home Park at; cclxix. 61.

-, knight of, memorial of a; ccxxxviii. 59.

-, mews at; cclxiii. 7.

-, Mote Park at; cclvii. 63; cclxiv. 69.

-, New, Borough of; cclix. 20.

-, palace of, carvings in the; ccxxxi. 4.

-, Park (Great); cclv. 28; cclvii. 63; cclix. 12, 20; cclxiv. 69.

-, -, (Little); cclv. 84; cclxv. 37.

Windward Islands. See Charibbee Islands.

Wine Act, the; ccxxxvi. 4.

-, impost in the City of London; ccxlvii. 59.

-, licences, the; ccxlviii. 68; cclxiii. 6.

-, duty on; ccxlii. 50.

-, -, commissioners for; ccxlii. 73; ccliii. 40.

-, -, account, &c. of; ccli. 65; cclxix. 41, 49.

-, -, certificates of; cclxix. 8.

-, -, regulations as to; ccliii. 40.

-, Office, the; cclix. 3.

-, -, document dated from; ccliii. 40.

-, -, frauds in the; ccxl. 54.

-, -, salaries in the; ccxxxviii. 56.

Wines, duties on; cclviii. 1.

-, frauds practised in importing, &c.; ccl. 9.

Wingfield, parish of, in Windsor Forest; cclv. 45.

Wingham, co. Kent, the manor of; ccxlvi. 107.

Winkfield, manor of, in Windsor Forest. cclv. 28.

Winkley, Mr. Edward, of Bannister Hall, co. Lancaster; ccliii. 45.

Winne, John, captain of the ship “Bristol Merchant;” ccxxxiv. 46.

-, -, petition of; ccxxxiv. 5.

Winniatt, Mr. Robert, General Surveyor of house duty for London; ccxlv. 12.

Winnington, Mr., Queen Anne's Attorney for Chester and Flint, afterwards Puisne Judge of Chester; ccxliii. 72.

Winslowe, co. Bucks; cclxv. 22.

Winter, Mr. Thomas, appointed steward of the manor of Wingham, Kent; ccxlvi. 107.

Winton, N.B., the estate of; ccxliv. 61; cclviii. 12, 24; cclix. 7; cclxv. 9.

Wintoun, the Earl of; cclii. 52; cclviii. 12; cclxv. 9.

Wirtemberg, Duke of; cclxiv. 67.

Wisbeach in the isle of Ely, hundred of; ccxl. 92.

-, river of; ccxl. 92.

Wise, Mr.; cclii. 58.

Wither, Charles, Esq., Surveyor-General of H.M.'s Woods; ccxxix. 18; ccxxxiii. 34; ccxxxix. 71, 76; ccxl. 2; ccxlvii. 24; ccxlviii. 18; cclxvi. 4.

-, -, -, a Commissioner of Works; cclvii. 13.

-, -, -, memorials of; ccxxxix. 23; cclxiv. 38.

Wogan, Charles, committed to Newgate for high treason; ccxxviii. 21.

Wokingham, co. Berks; ccxlii. 80.

Wolfenbuttel, Duke of; cclv. 23.

Wolseley, the late Brigadier; ccxliv. 31; ccxlvii. 45.

Wonnocott, Mrs. Judith; ccxli. 6.

Wood and timber, nurseries of; ccxxxix. 23.

-, William, Esq., patentee of the copper coinage for Ireland; ccxliv. 13; ccxlvii. 39; ccxlviii. 13, 17; ccli. 62; cclv. 31; cclxvi. 13.

-, -, -, copper coinage of, disorders in Ireland on account of; ccxlviii. 17.

-, -, -, memorials of; ccxlii. 51; ccxliv. 7, 49.

-, -, -, patent for copper coinage in America granted to; cclii. 10; cclv. 40.

-, -, -, petition of; ccxliv. 13.

Woodburn, James, Pratique Master in the Port of Belfast, petition of; ccxlvi. 58.

Woodcock, —, keeper of H.M.'s goal for the co. of Bucks, petition of; ccxliii. 25.

-, Francis; ccxliii. 37.

Woodeson, Leonard, clerk to the Board of Works, petition of; ccxliii. 43.

Woodfidly, enclosure in the New Forest called; cclxvi. 2.

Woodropp, Mr.; cclvi. 8.

Woods, H.M.'s Surveyor - General of; ccxxxiii. 34; ccxxxv. 29, 54; ccxxxix. 71, 76; ccxliv. 16; ccxlvii. 32, 51, 61; ccliii. 15; cclxvi. 4; cclxviii. 9; and see Wither.

-, -, -, reports, &c. of; ccxxix. 18; ccxxxiii. 34; ccxxxv. 5, 56 ccxxxix. 23, 71, 76; ccxl. 2, 80, 88; ccxliii. 28, 66; ccxlvii. 24; ccxlviii. 18; cclii. 9, 39, 57, 61; ccliii. 5; cclv. 12, 29, 30, 45; cclix. 12; cclxiv. 38; cclxv. 37; cclxvi. 2.

-, sales in; cclii. 57.

-, wood spoilers in; ccxxxiii. 34.

-, waste committed in the bishopric of Winchester; cclv. 44.

-, in America; ccxxix. 20; ccxxxv. 48; ccxxxviii. 30; cclxv. 44; cclxvi. 28; and see Burniston, Armstrong, Dunbar.

-, -, letters, &c., as to abuses in cutting and spoiling; ccxxviii. 35b; ccxxx. 1; ccxxxiv. 4; ccxxxix. 56, 57; ccxl. 16, 87; ccxliv. 16; cclv. 22, 46; cclvii. 43; cclx. 18; cclxi. 1; cclxvi. 28; cclxviii. 7.

-, in New England; ccxxxix. 62.

-, -, Surveyor General of, residing in England; ccxxxix. 57.

-, in New Hampshire; ccxliv. 16; ccxlvi. 93.

Woodside, James, late minister of the Gospel at Brunswick in New England, memorial, &c. of; ccxliii. 71.

Woodward, Mr.; cclv. 88.

-, Edward, petition of; cclv. 33.

-, Mr. George, clerk of the Treasury; cclii. 72.

Wool, licences for exporting from Ireland; ccxxxviii. 36; ccxxxix. 30; ccliv. 30.

-, deficiency of; ccxxviii. 7.

-, produce of, abstract of; ccxxviii. 7.

-, bought in Ireland by agents from France; ccxxviii. 2.

-, exported from Ireland to Great Britain; cclxii. 2.

-, smuggling of; ccxliii. 3.

-, -, in Kent and Sussex; ccxxxiv. 10.

Woolaston, Richard, Esq.; cclvii. 24.

-, -, memorial of; ccliii. 75.

Wooldeson, Leonard, letter of; ccxlvi. 28.

Wooley, Thomas, secretary to the East India Company; ccxxxix. 42; ccxl. 78; cclii. 16.

-, -, -, letter of; ccxlvi. 70.

Woollen yarn, duties on; cclxv. 25.

Woolmer, Forest of, co. Hants; ccxxix. 18; ccxliv. 48; ccxlvii. 6, 32; cclxvi. 4.

Wooton, Captain Matthew, claim of; ccxxviii. 24.

Worcester, city of; ccliii. 40.

-, battle of; ccxxxix. 38; ccxvi. 26.

-, rebellious mobs in; ccxxviii. 9.

-, co.; ccxl. 103; cclix. 2.

Works, Board of; ccxliii. 20; ccxlvi. 75; cclii. 56; cclv. 38, 41; cclvii. 62.

-, -, list of palaces, &c. to be maintained by; cclxiii. 7.

-, -, memorials, reports, &c. of; ccxxxi. 4; ccxxxiii. 37; ccxxxv. 40; ccxxxvii. 10; ccxxxviii. 59; ccxxxix. 49; ccxl. 4; ccxli. 12; ccxlv. 13; cclii. 56; ccliii. 46; cclv. 4, 25; cclvii. 13; cclx. 8; cclxiii. 7; cclxviii. 10.

-, clerk of; ccl. 8.

-, -, for the Savoy; ccxxxv. 13.

-, controller of (Thomas Ripley); cclvii. 60.

-, office of; ccxxxiv. 40; ccxxxix. 36; ccxliii. 24; ccl. 8; cclx. 8; cclxiii. 7.

-, officers of; ccxliii. 43.

-, -, reports, &c. of; ccxxxii. 49; cclii. 18.

-, paymaster of; ccxxxix: 65, 66; ccxl. 61; ccxliii. 43; ccxlvi. 28; and see Dartiquenave, Charles, Esq.

-, surveyor of; ccxxxviii. 54; ccxliii. 20; cclvii. 62; and see Hewett, Sir Thomas. Arundell, Hon Richard. and Wren, Sir Christopher.

-, at Westminster Abbey, the clerk of; ccxliii. 26.

-, at Windsor, Mr. Thomas Rowland, clerk of the; ccxxxiii. 37.

World's End, the, on the Fulham Road; ccxliii. 24.

Worseley, Henry, Esq., late Governor of Barbadoes; cclxv. 1.

-, -, -, letter of; ccxliv. 26.

Wreck goods, proceeds of; ccxlviii. 11.

Wrecks, grant for fishing upon; ccxxxiii. 42.

-, grant of; cclv. 59.

-, in West Indies, vessels fitted out to fish for; ccxxxiii. 31.

-, expeditions on; ccxlviii. 54.

Wren, Sir Christopher, late surveyor of Works; ccxlviii. 47.

-, -, report of; ccliii. 53.

Wrexham, James, petition of; cclix. 26.

Wright, the Lord Keeper; ccxl. 40.

Writ of ad quod damnum; cclv. 28.

-, capias utlagatum; ccxxxv. 15.

-, vendicioni exponas; ccxxxv. 15.

Wroth, Major-General, memorial of; cclxiv. 81.

Wyat, Mr., solicitor; cclxix. 20.

Wych, Cyril, Esq., H.M.'s Resident with the Hanse Towns; ccxliii. 70; ccxlviii. 29.

Wyndham, Ann, wife of Sir Francis Wyndham, Bart.; ccxxxix. 38.

-, Frances, daughter of Sir Francis Wyndham, Bart., and Ann his wife, petitions of; ccxxxix. 38; ccxl. 76; ccxlvi. 26.

-, Sir Francis, Bart., pension granted to; ccxxxix. 37; ccxlvi. 26.

-, Captain James, vessels taken by; ccxxxvi. 4.

-, Rachel, sister of Frances Wyndham, and bedchamber woman to Queen Mary; ccxxxix. 38; ccxlvi. 26.

-, -, petition of; ccxxxix. 38.

Wynn, Edward, steward to Richard Norton, of Southwick House, Southampton, Esq., petition of; ccxlvi. 99.

-, or Wynne, Major-General; ccxxxv. 6.

-, -, petition of; ccxxviii. 3.

Wynne, Dr. Owen; ccliii. 9.

-, William; petition of; ccliii. 9.

Wyth, Thomas, gentleman, petition of; ccxlii. 27.