Index: R

Pages 619-622

Calendar of Treasury Papers, Volume 6, 1720-1728. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1889.

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Raby, manor of; cclix. 14.

Raingill, Henry, petition of; ccxlii. 56.

Raitt, Lieut. Alexander, of Brigadier Grant's late regiment of foot; ccxxxv. 42.

Rambour, Mr.; ccxli. 12.

Ramondon, Henrietta, daughter and executrix of Dr. Thomas Lawrance, petition of; ccli. 72.

Ramsay, Mr. Andrew, of Abbotshall, N.B.; cclv. 70.

-, John, late land carriage waiter at Glasgow town, petition of; ccliv. 5.

Ramsey, Isle of Man; ccliii. 73.

Randue, Theodore, Esq., late housekeeper of H.M. Palace of Windsor Castle, executors of, petition of; ccxlviii. 16.

Randyll, Morgan, grant of wrecks in West Indies to; ccxxxiii. 32.

Ranelagh, Richard, late Earl of, pension granted to; ccxxvii. 19.

-, -, house formerly belonging to; ccxxxiv. 18.

Ranger-in-Chief of the forests of Alice Holt and Wolmer, office of; ccxxix. 18.

Rangoni, the Marquis, Envoy Extraordinary from the Duke of Modena; cclxvii. 1.

Raquina, the siege of; ccxli. 1.

“Rates, book of”; cclv. 76.

Rathborne, John, of Dublin, merchant, petition of; ccxlvii. 8.

Rathrone, Ireland; ccliii. 22.

Raymond, Sir Robert, Attorney-General, letter of; ccxxviii. 40.

-, -, one of the justices of the King's Bench; ccxlvii. 27.

-, Lord Chief Justice; ccliii. 40.

Read, Sarah, petition of; ccxxxiv. 25.

Rebellion, the (of 1715), notices of; ccxxviii. 26, 38; ccxxxv. 18, 60; ccxxxix. 3; ccxl. 23, 34, 49; ccxliii. 17; ccxlvii. 11, 44; ccxlviii. 40; ccli. 20; cclii. 24, 25; ccliii. 45; cclv. 31, 53, 64; cclix. 7; cclx. 35, 43, 48.

-, -, (of 1688); cclii. 6, 11; ccliii. 22.

-, -, (of 1719); ccxliv. 39.

-, in Ireland. See Ireland.

Rebels, or disaffected persons; ccxliv. 46.

Rebow, Sir Is.; cclxvi. 33.

Receipt, Exchequer of; cclxii. 1; and see Exchequer.

“Receive officers,” the; ccxxxv. 64.

Receiver-General, the; ccxxix. 4, 8; ccxxxv. 27; ccxxxvi. 4.

-, (Scotland), moneys paid to, from rents of forfeited estates; ccxxviii. 32; and see Scotland.

Receivers-General of the Post Office; ccxxxix. 6.

Records in the Chapter House, Westminster; cclxv. 47.

-, of the Court of Chancery, state of the; ccxxxix. 49.

-, in the Exchequer. See Exchequer.

-, preservation of, measures to be taken for the; ccxlviii. 26.

-, Star Chamber; ccxlviii. 26.

-, Office in the Tower of London; ccxlv. 13.

-, right to search for, in office of Auditor-General; ccxxvii. 16.

Recusants, Popish, names of; ccxxvii. 6; and see Papists.

Red Sand, the, Turkey, ships burnt and sunk near; ccxxxvi. 1.

, Signior Claudio, secretary to the Duke of Parma; ccxxxii. 54.

Reed, Samuel, letters of; ccli. 64.

Reeve, Philip, executed for highway robbery; ccxxviii. 21.

-, Thomas; cclix. 33.

Reformation, the; cclxv. 9.

Reformed Protestant Church (German) in the Savoy; ccxl. 40.

Regnaut, Noah, petition of; ccxxxviii. 112.

Reichs or rycks thalere, an Imperial dollar; ccxxvii. 31.

Reith, Mr., director of the late manufactory at Versailles; ccxxxix. 13.

-, James, watchmaker, petition of; ccxxxiv. 45.

Relief duties (Scotland); ccxxxiv. 54.

Remembrancer of the City of London. See Preston, John, Esq.

-, the King's; ccxlii. 31; ccxliv. 7; cclviii. 6.

Remembrancers, Lord Treasurer's; ccxxxiv. 54; ccxliv. 10.

-, Office, the; cclii. 31.

Renda or Randa, Sarah, widow and relict of Thomas Renda, Esq.; ccliii. 36.

-, -, petition of; ccliii. 43.

Renfrew, N.B.; ccliv. 5.

Rentone, Dr. Thomas, invention of, for curing ruptures; ccxxxix. 27.

Rents and arrears concealed from the Crown, claim of Robert Hewitt for compensation as a discoverer of; ccxxvii. 16.

-, report as to discovery of; ccxxix. 10.

Requests, Court of, at Westminster; ccxli. 12; cclii. 56; cclxiii. 7.

Reservoir to be dug in St. James's Park; ccxxxix. 66.

Residents in foreign towns, H.M.'s list of; ccxlviii. 29.

Resolution of House of Commons as to redemption of annuities; ccxxvii. 27.

Reston, East, N.B., the estate of; ccxliv. 61; cclviii. 24; cclix. 7.

Restoration, the; ccxlviii. 41.

“Retour duties,” the; ccliii. 24.

Retoured duties (Scotland), the; cclv. 16.

Revell, Mr. Thomas; cclx. 6.

Revels and masks in Ireland, the Master of the; ccxl. 53.

Revenue; ccxliii. 38. See also Land, Duties, Customs, Excise, Post Office, Fines.

-, Act, the, in Jamaica; ccxlvii. 54.

-, casual, in the Leeward Islands; ccxxxv. 27; ccxxxix. 37.

-, -, in Barbadoes; ccxxxviii. 2; ccxliv. 26.

-, Civil List; ccxxxviii. 68; cclviii. 23; cclxiv. 23; cclxvii. 6; and see Civil List, the.

-, Commissioners of; cclii. 41; cclxii. 2.

-, frauds in the; ccxl. 81.

-, from hackney coaches; ccxlviii. 45; cclxiv. 40.

-, gross and net produce of; ccxli. 6.

-, in Jamaica; ccxxxix. 47; ccxlvii. 54; ccxlviii. 4.

-, in the Leeward Charibbee islands; ccxxviii. 30.

-, of the Isle of Providence; ccxlvi. 108.

-, on salt; ccxlii. 36.

-, Post Office. See Post Office.

-, produce of the, account of; ccxlix. 5.

-, settled on the Princess of Wales; ccxl. 65.

-, (Ireland); ccxxxix. 30; ccxliv. 53; cclii. 55.

-, Commissioners of; ccxxxiii. 15; ccxl. 50; ccxliii. 3, 62; ccxlvi. 58, 60; ccxlvii. 5; ccxlviii. 17; cclii. 6, 11, 33; ccliii. 35, 44; cclv. 11; cclxvi. 17.

-, -, -, letter of; ccxxviii. 2.

-, -, amount of; cclii. 55.

-, -, deficiency in; cclii. 55.

-, -, hereditary, the; cclii. 55.

-, -, of the Post Office in; ccxxxv. 17.

-, -, payments out of; ccxl. 53; ccxlviii. 50; cclv. 87; cclvii. 56.

-, produce of; ccxli. 8; ccxlvi. 111; ccl. 1; ccliv. 56.

-, (Scotland) from Customs, frauds on the; ccxl. 45; and see Customs.

-, -, money payable out of the; ccliii. 13.

-, -, officers of; ccxlviii. 8; cclxv. 54; cclxvi. 40.

Revenues (American), Auditor-General of; ccxxxiv. 28.

Revolution of 1688, the; ccxxxv. 60; ccxl. 1, 25; ccxliii. 72; cclxvi. 26.

“Rex v. Langherne,” case of; cclvii. 52.

Reynolds, Anna, petition of; cclxv. 2.

Rhenen in Westphalia; cclx. 42.

Rhett, Col. Wm., appointed as commander of two sloops fitted out to take pirates who infested the coast of S. Carolina; ccxxvii. 25.

-, William, jun., merchant, petition of; ccxliv. 19.

Rhinfield, enclosure in the New Forest called; cclxvi. 2.

Rhode Island, New York; ccxlvii. 9; cclii. 42.

-, -, Admiralty Court of; ccxlvii. 9.

Rhodes, Mr. Christopher, a manager of lotteries; ccxxxviii. 53; ccli. 41.

-, -, memorial of; ccxl. 24.

-, Jane, widow of Henry Rhodes; ccliv. 42.

-, -, petition of; ccliii. 77.

-, William; ccliv. 42.

Ribble Bridge, co. Lancaster; cclv. 31.

Rice, in Carolina, representation as to; ccxxxv. 21.

-, William, a poor Knight of Windsor, memorial of; ccxxxviii. 59.

Rich, Nath., petition of; ccxlii. 9.

Richard II., late King of England; cclxv. 19.

Richardson, John, affidavit of; ccxxxvi. 4.

-, Mr. Joseph, clerk of the Treasury; cclii. 72.

Richaussee, Peter Voyer, petition of; ccxxxviii. 43.

Richmond, Surrey, alias West Sheen, manor of; ccxxviii. 22; ccxxxix. 33; cclvii. 14.

-, and Lennox, Duke of, memorials of; ccxliii. 68; cclxviii. 10.

-, New Park; ccxliii. 28; cclxiv. 38.

-, Palace; cclxiv. 62.

Rickmansworth, Herts; ccxlviii. 30.

Rigby, Richard, Esq., memorial of; ccxxxi. 6.

-, Sir Alexander; ccxxxix. 46.

-, Capt. Edward, outlawed; ccxxxix. 46.

Ringsend (Port of Dublin); petition of tidewaters, &c. at; ccxliii. 49.

Ripley, Thomas, Esq., Controller of the Works; cclvii. 60.

Risbridge, co. Suffolk, hundred of; ccliii. 66.

Rivers, the late Earl of; ccxliii. 72.

Rix dollar, the; ccxxvii. 31.

Roads, H.M.'s private; ccxxxviii. 54.

Rob Roy, sale of forfeited estate of; ccxxix. 2.

Robe, Thomas, Esq., petition of; cclxiv. 75.

Roberts, John, of Preston, co, Lancaster, petition of; ccliii. 45.

Robertson, Mrs. Margaret, visits to Alexander Robertson, late of Strowan; ccxliv. 11.

Robes, Clerk of the; cclxvi. 25, 26.

-, Master of the. See Cadogan, Wm., Earl of.

-, messenger of the; ccli. 12.

-, officers of the; ccli. 5; ccliv. 47; cclxi. 4.

-, yeoman of the; ccxxlii. 59; ccliv. 26.

Robethon, Mons. de; ccxliii. 70.

Robinson, John, searcher in the Port of London, memorial of; cclxiv. 24.

-, Joseph, proposition of; cclx. 49.

-, Thomas; cclix. 6.

-, Sir William, deputy Vice-Treasurer-General of Ireland; ccxliv. 43; ccxlvii. 45.

-, -, letter of; cclix. 15.

Robson, Jane, of North Shields; petition of; ccxxxiii. 36.

Roca, Don Domingo, a Spaniard; ccxxxix. 43.

-, demand of, for arrears in Minorca due to the King of Spain; ccxxxix. 50.

Roche, Philip, committed to Newgate for piracy; ccxliv. 12, 18.

Rochester, Francis, Bishop of; ccxliii. 26; ccli. 82.

-, -, -, letter of; ccxxxiv. 48.

-, -, -, trial of; ccxlvi. 50.

-, Gaol; ccxxvii. 5.

-, Lawrence, Earl of; cclv. 83.

-, -, -, chief keeper, &c. of Richmond Park and Whichwood Forest, memorial of; ccxliii. 28.

Rock, Mr.; cclviii. 8.

Rogers, Woodes, Esq., Captain-General, Governor, &c. of the Bahama Islands; ccxxvii. 25; ccxxviii. 24.

-, -, -, petition of; ccxxxv. 49.

-, Mr.; ccxlix. 5.

Rogerson, Mr., report of; cclv. 77.

Roig, Anthony, citizen of Barcelona, petition of; ccxxxiii. 33.

Rolls Chapel, the; ccxlii. 30.

-, of the King's Bench and Common Pleas, the; cclxv. 47.

“Romansh” tongue, translation of the Bible into; ccxliii. 35.

Rome; ccxliii. 51.

-, Church of. See Church of Rome.

-, Court of; cclxv. 55.

Roos, John, Esq., late engraver of His Majesty's seals; ccxxviii. 19.

-, Katherine, relict and administratrix of John Roos, case of; ccxxviii. 19.

Roscommon, Earl of; cclvi. 6.

Roscow, James; ccxlii. 27.

Rose, Mr., the Receiver of Lincolnshire; ccxxvii. 16.

-, George; ccxlvii. 45.

-, -, petitions of; ccxliv. 43; ccxlvii. 13.

-, Rev. Mr. Patric, A.M.; cclxii. 6.

-, Richard, receiver; ccxxix. 10.

Rosedale, co. York, manor of; cclxv. 37.

“Roses and Feathers,” the sign struck on silver coin; ccxliii. 30.

Ross, co., N.B.; cclv. 62.

-, Alexander, deputy clerk to the Court of Justiciary (Scotland); cclix. 10.

-, -, petition of; ccxxviii. 31.

-, the Bishop of; ccxliii. 65.

-, bishopric of; ccxxxv. 73.

-, Castle, Ireland; cclvii. 37; cclviii. 4.

-, town and island of, Ireland; ccxliii. 36; cclviii. 4.

-, the port of; ccxlvi. 49.

-, granted to Lord Sutherland; ccxxxv. 62.

-, office of Chamberlain of; ccxxxv. 62.

-, Robert; ccxliv. 61.

-, William; ccxliv. 61.

-, -, of Tayn, N.B., petition of; ccliii. 69.

Rotherfield, co. Sussex; ccxxxix. 51.

Rotherham, John, of Barnet, Herts, petition of; cclxv. 20.

Rothes, John, Earl of, Chamberlain of Fife and Strathern; ccxlvii. 20.

-, -, -, letter of; ccxxxix. 3.

-, -, (the late), Governor of Stirling Castle; cclv. 53.

-, Duke of; cclxvi. 36.

-, earls of; cclxvi. 36.

Rotterdam; cclv. 20; cclx. 34; cclxiv. 34; cclxvi. 37; cclxvii. 2.

Rowe, Captain Jacob; ccxxxv. 52; ccxxxviii. 7; ccxlviii. 11; cclv. 59.

-, -, diving engine of; ccxxxiii. 32.

-, -, patent granted to, for fishing on wrecks; ccxxxv. 66; ccxxxix. 41.

Rowley, Mr. John, maker of the engine to supply water at Windsor Castle; ccxxxiii. 37.

-, -, master of the mechanics to H.M., petition of; ccxliii. 69.

Rowland, Mr. Thomas, clerk of the works at Windsor; ccxxxiii. 37.

Roxborough, the Duke of, principal Secretary of State; ccxxxiv. 26; ccxxxv. 79; ccxliii. 47; ccxliv. 46.

-, co.; cclv. 16; cclx. 26.

Royal Academy of Music; ccxlvi. 56.

-, -, memorials of; ccxxxix. 21; ccxlii. 39; and see Music.

-, boroughs (Scotland); ccxlviii. 31.

-, -, convention of; cclv. 82.

-, -, and merchants in Scotland; representation of; ccxxxiii. 7.

-, Chapel, the. See Chapel Royal.

-, Exchange Assurance Corporation, charter to be granted to; ccxxviii. 40; ccxxxiii. 13.

-, -, memorials of; ccxxxiv. 49; ccxxxv. 44.

-, -, Office; ccxxix. 1, 11.

-, palaces, works at; ccl. 8.

-, Proclamation, a; cclv. 7.

-, warrant; cclxvi. 30.

Roystoun, N.B.; ccxlviii. 62.

Ruardean Lodge, in the Forest of Dean; cclii. 39.

Russell, Consul John; cclx. 6; cclxv. 23; cclxvi. 1, 8, 10.

-, Eccles.; cclxv. 46.

-, John, writer to the Signet; cclii. 15.

-, John, Esq.; cclxiv. 11.

-, Lady Letitia; ccxliii. 14; cclii. 4.

-, Thomas, of St. James's Market, butcher, memorial of the widow and administratrix of; ccxlvi. 78.

Rutherfoords, Robert and James; cclviii. 20.

Ruthven, Lady Jean, daughter of the Earl of Forth; ccxliv. 2.

Ruxley hundred, in the parish of Farnborough; ccxxvii. 5.

Rycaut, Catherine, daughter of Captain Rycaut, petition of; ccxxxv. 28.

-, Charlotte, mother of Catherine Rycaut, pension granted to; ccxxxv. 28.

-, Sir Paul; ccxxxv. 28.

Rycroft, Richd., of Christ Church, Barbadoes, gentleman; ccli. 51.

Ryder, Sir Barnham, memorial of; ccl. 4.

-, Mr., brother of Sir Barnham Ryder; ccl. 4.

Rymer's Fœdera, mem. showing number of, remaining at the Treasury; ccxxvii. 23.

-, proposed new edition of; ccxlvii. 21.

Ryswick, peace of; cclii. 13, 73; cclix. 33.