Pages 588-593
Calendar of Treasury Papers, Volume 6, 1720-1728. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1889.
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Hacket, Robert; ccxliv. 61.
Hackney coach licences; ccxxxviii. 109.
-, coaches and chairs, commissioners for licensing; ccxxxviii. 34.
-, -, -, memorial of; cclxv. 4.
-, -, -, petition of; ccxlviii. 45.
-, -, -, reports of; ccxlviii. 44, 46; cclxiv. 40.
-, -, -, representation of; ccxl. 85.
-, -, revenue derived from; ccxlviii. 45.
Haddington, N.B.; ccliv. 5; cclv. 82.
-, co.; cclx. 44.
Haddon, East and West, co. Northants; ccxlvii. 51.
Hag, Abdeleader Perez, ambassador from the Emperor of Morocco; ccxlix. 3.
Hague, the; ccxlix. 5; cclx. 34.
-, H.M.'s plenipotentiary at; ccxxvii. 4.
Hair, duties on; cclv. 76.
Halburys or Hallbarns, N.B., the lands and tithes of; ccxlvii. 17.
Haldane, James, Esq., petition of; cclxv. 32.
-, John, collector of Customs and salt duties at Preston Pans; ccxlvi. 109.
-, Pat., a Commissioner for Forfeitures; ccxxviii. 23.
Hale, parish of, in the New Forest; ccxlvii. 24.
Haley, Mr. Thos.; cclxvi. 28.
Halfhead, Capt.; ccxlvi. 83.
Halfhyde, George, petition of; ccxxviii. 21.
Halhed, Nathaniel, of Petersham, Surrey, gent., petition of; cclxix. 34.
Halifax, Lord; ccxxxix. 17.
-, George, Earl of, auditor of the receipt of the Exchequer; cclv. 4; cclxiv. 64.
-, -, certificates of; ccliii. 20; cclxix. 1.
-, -, representation of; cclii. 18.
-, -, Chief Ranger of Salsey Forest, Northampton, memorials of; cclii. 61.
-, -, Ranger of Bushey and Middle Parks, memorial of; ccli. 18.
Hall marking plate, &c., prices paid for, and regulations as to; ccliii. 10; and see Plate.
Hall, near Basingstoke, Hants; ccxxxv. 56.
Hall, the chronicler, temp. Hen. VIII. p. 509.
-, Mr. Edward, of Exeter, appointed Deputy Surveyor of Woods in New Hampshire; ccxlvi. 93.
-, Sir James; cclx. 44.
-, Thomas, sentenced to death for piracy in Virginia; ccxxxiii. 22.
-, William, controller of Customs, Milford, petition of; cclxiv. 58.
-, -, Esq., one of the Clerks of Session; ccxxxiii. 25.
Hallyeards, N.B., the lands and the tithes of; ccxlvii. 17.
Halsey, Mr.; cclii. 35.
Halstead, Capt., master of the ship “Phenice”; ccxlvi. 50.
Halton, Col. Thomas; cclxv. 34.
Ham, co. Somerset, parish of; ccxlviii. 15.
Hamburgh; ccxxxviii. 28; ccxliii. 70; ccxlvi. 55.
-, tin at; ccxxxviii. 66; ccxl. 43.
Hamet, Bashaw; cclxvi. 1, 8.
Hamilton, N.B.; ccliv. 5.
-, Alexander; cclii. 5.
-, Col. Archibald, memorial of; ccxxxii. 59.
-, Capt. William, petition of; ccxxix. 16.
-, General, Governor of Leeward Charibbee islands; ccxxviii. 30.
-, Gustavus, Esq.; ccxlvii. 45.
-, -, -, petition of; ccli. 56.
-, Henry, Esq., son of Viscount Boyn; ccxlii. 35.
-, Ja., letter of; ccxxix. 16.
-, Sir James; ccxliv. 61.
-, John, of Auchenreoch; cclxv. 53.
-, -, late head distributor of Stamp duties of N.B., petition of; ccxlvi. 62.
-, Mr.; ccxxxix. 11; cclxvi. 28.
-, Thomas; ccxlvii. 53.
-, Walter, Esq., late Governor of the Leeward islands; ccxxxix. 37; ccxl. 3.
-, William, H.M. Almoner in Scotland, memorials of; ccliv. 36; cclvii. 59.
-, -, -, petition of; ccxliii. 54.
-, and Brandon, James, Duke of, keeper of the Palace of Holyrood House, memorial of; cclxv. 3.
Hammond, Anthony, Esq., late Deputy to the Duke of Chandos; ccxli. 1.
-, Thomas, of London, merchant; cclxvii. 2.
-, -, -, petition of; cclxix. 13.
Hampden, John, page of honour to H.M.; cclv. 32.
-, Richard, Esq., Treasurer of the Navy; ccxxxix. 58; ccxlvi. 65, 106; ccliv. 25.
-, -, -, memorial of; ccli. 57.
Hampshire. See Hants, co.
-, New. See New Hampshire.
Hampstead waterworks and ponds, the; ccxxlviii. 30.
Hampton Court; ccxxxix. 36; ccxlvii. 55; cclii. 58; cclxiv. 62; cclxvi. 9; cclxviii. 10; cclxix. 18, 59.
-, Park; cclv. 4; cclxiv. 11; cclxviii. 9.
-, -, house and gardens of; cclxiii. 7.
-, -, and meadows at; cclii. 29.
-, plantations at; cclii. 58.
-, works at; cclxiii. 7.
-, John, petition of; ccliii. 21.
Hanaper, the; ccxlvi. 87.
-, clerk of the (Ireland); ccxxvii. 37.
Hanbury, Mr.; ccxxxv. 32.
Hancock, Joseph, agent to the garrison of the Isle of Wight, memorial; ccli. 15.
-, J., yeoman of the robes for the Earl of Cadogan, memorials of; ccxlii. 14, 59; ccli. 5; ccliv. 26, 47.
Handell (Handel), Mr., payment to; cclx. 10.
Hand in Hand Fire Office, the; ccxxxiii. 13.
Hanet, Mons. Jean, tutor to Prince Frederick, arrears of pension of; ccxxxiv. 44.
Hanover; ccxxxiv. 44; ccxxxix. 65; ccxlvi. 53, 92, 120; ccxlvii. 23; ccl. 8; cclii. 72; cclix. 19.
-, Dragoons, demand for forage delivered to; ccxxx. 4.
-, Elector of; ccxxvii. 20.
-, extraordinary expenses at; ccxlvi. 79.
-, House of; ccxxxiii. 15; ccxxxv. 28.
-, -, seditious libel on; ccxxxix. 64.
-, King of; ccli. 9.
-, Square Buildings; ccxliii. 58.
Hans Towns, the, H.M.'s resident with; ccxlviii. 29.
Hants, co., smuggling on the coast of; ccxli. 7; and see Southampton.
“Haratines”; cclxvi. 26.
Harbin; ccxl. 54.
Harbour island in New Providence; ccxxvii. 25.
Harcourt, Henry, late controller of the Classis Lottery of 1711, petitions of; ccliv. 18; cclxiv. 30.
Hardwick, co. Surrey; cclxv. 37.
Harleian Library, the; cclxv. 19.
Harley. See also Auditors of Imprests.
-, Edward, Esq., commonly called Lord; ccxxxiii. 42.
-, -, licence to fish for wrecks in the West Indies granted by Queen Anne to; ccxxix. 19; ccxxxiii. 32; ccxxxviii. 7.
-, Mr. Edward, Auditor of Imprests; ccxxvii. 29; cclxv. 24.
-, -, letter of; ccliv. 25.
-, -, reports, &c.; ccxxvii. 4; ccxxxiii. 11, 41, 46; ccxxxix. 29; ccxl. 87; ccli. 47; cclix. 1; cclxv. 21; cclxvi. 25.
-, Thomas, Esq.; ccxxxviii. 4.
Harley and Foley, Messrs., Auditors of Imprests, certificate of; ccxxix. 25; and see Imprests.
Harper, John; cclxiv. 8.
-, William; ccxxxii. 47.
-, -, printer, petition of; ccxxviii. 20.
Harpool Mills, co. Northants; ccxlvii. 51.
Harris, Richard, a prisoner in Bucks county gaol; ccxliii. 25.
Harrison, Charles, reports of; ccxxvii. 9; ccxxxiv. 1; ccliv. 10, 11; cclvii. 28.
-, Hon. Col. Thomas; ccxlv. 1; cclxv. 2.
-, E., Postmaster General; cclix. 5.
-, -, report of; cclx. 24.
-, Mr. Francis, Surveyor of Customs at New York, letter of; ccxxxiv. 32.
Harrow-on-the Hill, co. Middlesex; ccxli. 6; ccxlviii. 10; ccxlix. 5.
Hart, General John, Governor of St. Christopher's and the Leeward Islands; ccxxxix. 37; cclvi. 8; cclix. 32; cclxiii. 1, 2; cclxviii. 6.
-, -, -, letters of; cclxiii. 2.
-, -, -, report of; ccxl. 3.
-, Mr.; cclxv. 52.
Hartop, Peter, merchant, petition of; ccxxxiii. 31.
Harvey, General; ccxl. 89.
-, William; cclviii. 16.
Harwich Lights, the; cclxvi. 33.
Hathaway, George, letter of; cclvii. 58,
Hats, duties on; cclv. 76.
Hawes, Francis, Esq., Receiver-General and Cashier of the Customs; ccxxxvi. 4; ccxli. 6; ccxlvi. 27.
Hawkers, pedlars, &c., commissioners for licensing; cclxv. 29; cclxvi. 16.
-, -, -, memorial of; cclvii. 7.
-, -, -, salary bill for; ccli. 10.
-, -, -, reports of; ccxliv. 45. 52.
-, -, duties on; ccli. 4; cclxiv. 37.
-, -, produce of duties from licences of; cclxii. 1.
-, -, secretary for licensing; ccxlvii. 57.
-, office; ccxliv. 45, 52.
Hawkings; ccxliii. 52.
Hawkins, Mrs. Anne; ccliii. 31.
-, William, Esq., Ulster King-of-Arms; ccxlvii. 25.
-, -, -, petition of; ccxlvii. 2.
Hawkshaw, Dr., Judge of the Admiralty in Ireland, claim of; ccxl. 60.
Hawley, Col. Henry, Equerry to the late Prince Geo. of Denmark, petition of; ccxlii. 22.
Hawly, Mr. Vernon, Major of the Royal Hospital; ccxl. 63.
Hay, Lord; ccliv. 5.
Haye, James, tailor to the Great Wardrobe, petition of; cclvii. 48.
Hayes, Maurice, of the Kingdom of Ireland, petition of; ccxlvi. 119.
-, Mr., Receiver-General of co. Berks; cclxiv. 35.
Haymarket, the, assault and robbery in; ccxxxiv. 25.
-, -, opera house in; ccxxxix. 21.
Haynes, John, gentleman, petition of; ccxxxiii. 20.
-, Mr. Hopton; ccxlvi. 10.
Hays, Richard, Esq., a J.P. for Sussex; ccxxxix. 51.
Hayter, Thomas; cclv. 2.
Hayward, Sir William; ccliii. 50.
Hearth money in Ireland; cclii. 55.
Heathcote, Sir Gilbert, Governor of the Bank of England; ccxlv. 11.
-, letter of; ccxlvi. 95.
Hebburn, Robert, committed to Newgate for high treason; ccxxviii. 21.
Heckford, Samuel, letter of; ccxliv. 18.
Hedges, Richard; cclviii. 4.
Heldens, Mr.; cclxv. 52.
Hemingford Abbots, estate at; ccxli. 6.
-, Greys, estate at; ccxli. 6.
Hemming, Samuel, gentleman, tolls, &c., of mills of Hitchin demised by Catherine, late Queen dowager, to; ccxxvii. 30.
Hemp in province of New Hampshire, advantage of raising; ccxxix. 30.
Hempton Priory, Norfolk; ccli. 74.
Heninnock, co. Cardigan, the King's Manor of; ccxxxiv. 20.
Henley, Mr. H. Holt, letter of; ccxl. 6.
Henning, Casper Fredk., Esq.; ccxxxv. 66.
-, Mr.; ccxlvi. 33.
Henry IV., V., and VI., late Kings of England; ccxlviii. 26; cclxv. 19.
-, V., founder of the Hospital of the Savoy; ccxl. 40.
-, VII., late King of England; ccxlviii. 26; ccliii. 10; cclxv. 19.
-, VIII., late King of England; cclxv. 19.
Henshaw, Nicholas, a highway robber; ccxxxii. 38.
Heralds and Pursuivants-of-arms, the; ccxliv. 54.
-, -, memorial of; cclxv. 19.
-, largesses, &c. due to the; ccxliii. 23.
-, petition of, for their largesses for creation of peers, &c.; ccxxviii. 17.
-, Office, the; cclxv. 19.
Herbert, Sir Edward, chief justice for the co. of Chester; ccxliii. 72.
-, Mr. Humphrey: cclviii. 14.
Hereditary, Excise. See Excise.
-, Revenue in Ireland, the; cclii. 55; and see Revenue.
Hereford, co.; ccxxxviii. 25; ccxl. 25, 103.
Heritors, in Scotland. See Scotland.
Herne, Sir Joseph, knt.; ccxlii. 30.
-, -, contract with, for coining copper; ccxliv. 7.
Heron, Mr.; cclxiv. 65.
Herring, Edward, petition of; ccxlvi. 86.
Herrings, the Royal fishery of; ccxliii. 44.
Hertford, co.; ccxxxiv. 21; ccxl. 28; ccxlvii. 28; ccli. 45; cclxv. 20.
-, Gaol; cclx. 9.
-, the millers of; ccxlviii. 30.
Hesse Cassell, the Landgrave of; cclxvii. 5.
Hessian troops, the; cclxix. 64.
Hetherington, Humphrey, Esq.; ccliii. 50.
Heun, the Count de, a German gentleman; ccxlvii. 15.
Hewett, Sir Thomas, knt., Surveyor-General of H.M.'s works; ccxxxiii. 37; ccxxxviii. 54.
-, -, -, memorial of; ccxliii. 20; and see Works.
Hewit, Mr. Robert, late Receiver-General of land revenue in the cos. of Worcester, Hereford, Salop, and Stafford; ccxl. 103.
Hewitt, Robert, claims of; ccxxvii. 16.
-, -, memorial of; ccxxix. 10.
-, -, petition of; ccxxxiv. 56.
Hexham, co. Northumberland; ccxl. 17.
Hicks, a coiner, apprehended at Timsbury, near Bristol; ccxlviii. 5.
Hide, Mr. Isaac; ccxlv. 6.
Hides, commissioners for duties on, papers, &c. relating to auditing the accounts of; ccxxx. 5; ccxxxvi. 6; ccxlv. 6.
-, Excise regulations as to; cclv. 69.
High Allies in Spain, petition of contractors for forage, &c. for army of; ccxxxiii. 33.
Highgate; ccxxxix. 72; ccxliii. 26.
Highlands of Scotland, the, Act for disarming; cclv. 15.
-, reformation of the; ccxlviii. 33.
-, (the North); ccxxxiv. 39; ccxl. 23; and see Scotland.
High Treasurer, the; cclx. 41.
Highway robberies in London and Westminster; cclv. 55.
Hilden, Mr. John, collector of Customs in St. Christopher's; ccxxx. 3.
-, Mr.; cclvi. 8.
Hilhouse, James, letter of; ccxxxviii. 108.
Hill, Captain Thomas; ccxxxix. 24.
-, John, assignee in bankruptcy of Robert Peters, petition of; ccxl. 28.
Hindford, the Earl of; ccxliii. 17.
Historia Cælestis, by John Flamstead, his Majesty's astronomer; ccxxvii. 23.
Hitchin, co. Herts; ccxxvii. 30.
Hoar, Mr., of London, goldsmith; ccxliii. 19.
Hobart, Sir John, Bart., Treasurer of H.M.'s Chamber, account of; cclxix. 6.
-, -, -, memorials of; cclx. 29; cclxix. 2.
Hodgson, Samuel; cclviii. 5.
Hoghton, W., a commissioner for forfeitures; ccxxviii. 23.
Holbech, J., letter of; ccxlviii. 6.
-, co. Lincoln, manor of, granted to Duke of Monmouth by King Charles II., &c.; ccxxvii. 15; ccxxix. 10.
Holborn; ccxlii. 53.
Holbourn, Major, late Deputy Governor of Stirling Castle; cclv. 53.
Holdip, Thomas; ccxxxviii. 51.
“Hole Town,” Barbadoes, the; cclviii. 28.
Holford, co. Somerset; cclxv. 42.
Holland; ccxxvii. 4; ccxxxii. 44; ccxxxiv. 16, 32; ccxl. 5; cclii. 24, 28; cclvii. 15; cclix. 30; cclx. 34; cclxvi. 37.
-, ambassadors from; ccxlvii. 15; cclxvii. 1.
-, -, to; ccliv. 37; cclxvi. 37.
-, capture of ships of, engaged in smuggling; cclii. 18a.
-, colony of Surinam in America belonging to; cclix. 35.
-, counterfeit money exported from; ccxlviii. 17.
-, H.M. Envoy and Plenipotentiary in; ccxlviii. 29.
-, importation of tea from; cclii. 16.
-, tapestry from; ccxlix. 5.
-, tin affairs in; ccxlii. 8. And see United Provinces and States General.
Hollanders, the; ccxxxix. 37; and see Dutch.
Hollinglie, N.B., lands of; cclviii. 20.
Holmes, Mr.; cclxviii. 6.
-, Sir Robert, house formerly belonging to; ccxxxiv. 18.
Holyhead, Anglesea; ccxliv. 23; ccxlvi. 85; cclx. 39.
Holy Island, sea walls to be erected in; ccxxxv. 11.
Holyrood House, Abbey of; cclxv. 9.
-, Palace; cclii. 37; cclxv. 3.
-, -, repairs to; ccxxxiii. 26.
Holzendorff, Mr. Charles, Secretary to H.M.'s ambassador in Spain; ccxxxiv. 35; ccxlviii. 29.
Home, George, representative of Sir George Ho…, late of Kello; ccxxxiv. 55.
-, -, late of Kimmergham; ccxxxiv. 55.
-, Sir John, of Blackadder, representative of Sir John Home, Bart.; ccxxxiv. 55.
Honywood, Philip, Esq., Brigadier-General; ccxxxv. 36.
Hood, William; cclii. 63.
Hooke, Caleb, gentleman; cclv. 47.
Hooper, Charles; cclv. 78.
-, -, case of; cclvi. 6.
-, James, Esq.; cclv. 78.
Hope, Sir William, memorials of; ccxl. 84; ccxlviii. 35.
Hopkins, E., Esq., Master of the Revels and Masks in Ireland; ccxl. 53.
-, Mr., Deputy Controller of the copper coinage for Ireland; ccli. 62.
-, Mr. Secretary; ccxl. 31.
Hopps, Thomas, petition of; ccxxxiv. 57.
Hops exported to Ireland, drawback on account of; ccxxx. 5.
-, produce of duty on, in N.B.; ccli. 17.
Hopton, Elizabeth, widow, petition of; ccxxxix. 14.
Horneck, Mr. William; cclviii. 14.
Horning, letters of; ccliii. 51.
Hornsey, Middlesex, highway robbery at; ccxlvi. 86.
Horse Guards, the; ccxxxvii. 3; ccxl. 31; ccxlii. 34; ccxlv. 9; ccxlviii. 6.
-, -, officers of the four troops of, memorial of; ccxlvi. 96.
-, -, surveyor of; ccxlvi. 96; and see Lane, John.
-, -, repairs to; ccxlvi. 98.
-, Master of the; ccxlii. 63; cclv. 32; cclx. 38; and see Scarborough, Earl of.
-, -, Commissioners for executing the office of; ccxxxviii. 80.
Horses, clandestine trade in; cclxix. 62.
Horsey, Major; cclxvi. 34.
Horsham, Sussex, H.M. gaol at; ccliii. 7.
-, -, smugglers at; ccxxxviii. 82, 88.
Horsley, Henry; cclix. 18.
Horton, Mr. Joseph, A.B.; cclxviii. 2.
Hotham, Sir Charles; ccxli. 1.
Houghton, Sir Henry, J.P.; ccxxxv. 18.
Hounslow Heath; cclxv. 21.
-, -, powder mills at; ccxlviii. 30.
“House boot”; ccxxxiv. 17.
House duty; ccxlii. 38.
-, arrears of; cclxix. 23.
-, receivers of; cclv. 26.
-, surveyor of; ccxlv. 12.
Household, H.M.'s; ccxlix. 3.; ccli. 73, 75, 84; cclxiv. 26, 75.
-, -, cofferer of. See Cofferer.
-, -, expenses, &c. of; cclvii. 45, 49; cclxv. 36.
-, -, account of; cclxiv. 43.
-, -, estimate of; ccxlii. 61.
-, Lord Chamberlain of; cclxi. 3; cclxvii. 1.
-, -, warrant of; cclvi. 2; and see Chamberlain, the Lord; Newcastle, Duke of; Grafton, Duke of.
-, chamber, &c. of her late Majesty, account of ordinary and extraordinary expense of; ccxxvii. 13.
House of Commons. See Commons, House of.
-, of Hanover. See Hanover, House of.
-, of Lords. See Lords.
-, -, (Ireland). See Ireland.
Houston, Mr. James, minister at Kirkliston; N.B., memorial of; ccxlvii. 17.
How, Lord Viscount; ccliv. 4.
Howard, Charles, keeper of the Duke of Somerset; cclxiv. 11.
-, Lieut.-Col. George, petition of; ccliii. 66.
-, Mr. John, joiner, of the Privy Chamber, warrant for payment of money to; ccxxviii. 15.
-, -, Thomas; ccliv. 17.
-, Richd., petition of; ccxxxv. 61.
Howarth, Sir Humphrey; cclxiv. 78.
-, Henry, Esq., receiver of the Savoy rents; cclx. 3.
Howe, Emmanuel, Esq., office of Ranger in Chief of the Forests of Alice Holt and Woolmer, granted to; ccxxix. 18.
-, Ruperta, widow, relict and executrix of Emmanuel Scroop Howe, Esq.; ccxlvii. 32.
-, -, petition of; ccxlvii. 6.
-, -, entitled to “house boot” and “fire boot”; ccxxxiv. 17.
-, -, Chief Rangeress of Alice Holt and Woolmer Forests, Hants, memorials of; ccxliv. 48; cclxvi. 4.
Howell, Philip, late tidesman of Aberdeen, information of; ccxl. 45.
Hucks, William, Esq.; ccliii. 43.
-, -, petitions of; ccliii. 36; cclv. 35.
Hudson, Charles, Esq., H.M. Consul, at Algier; ccxxviii. 33; ccxlviii. 29.
-, Roger, letter of; ccli. 55.
Hueish, co. Somerset, parish of; ccxlviii. 15.
Huggins, John, Esq.; ccxlvii. 35.
-, Mr., warden of the Fleet Prison; ccxlviii. 10.
Hughes, Edwd., Esq., Judge Advocate-General; ccxli. 4.
-, Hugh, gent., petition of; ccxlii. 83.
-, Mr.; cclxix. 55.
Hughs, Mr.; ccliv. 28.
Hume, Capt., of H.M.S. “Scarborough”; ccxxxiv. 10.
-, Mr. James, advocate; ccxxxiii. 25.
-, Sir Andrew, of Kimmergham, Knt., Lord Delegate of Scotland, memorial of; ccxxxiii. 16.
Hungerford; ccxl. 10; ccxliv. 4.
Hunter, Honourable Brigadier, late Governor of New York; ccliii. 42; cclx. 14; cclxv. 30.
-, Robert, Governor of Jamaica, letter of; cclxv. 51.
-, -, memorial of; ccxxxv. 37.
-, Nathaniel, of Dublin, pilot, petition of; ccxlvi. 60.
Hurst, Rupert; cclxvi. 18.
Husband, Rev. Mr. Henry, A.M.; cclxii. 6.
Husk, Col. John; ccxxvii. 4.
Hutcheson, Archibald, Esq.; ccxlviii. 60.
-, -, -, letters, &c. of; ccxliv. 53; cclx. 7.
Hutchinson, Archibald; cclxvi. 32.
-, Lieut. Charles, of Col. E. Stanhope's late regiment of foot; ccxli. 1.
Hyde, Alicia, memorial of; cclxiv. 59.
-, Edward; cclv. 83.
-, -, eldest son of Edward Lord Cornbury; ccliii. 70; cclix. 25.
-, Elizabeth; cclx. 34.
-, Henry, Lord; cclv. 83.
-, Mrs. Anne, memorial of; ccxlii. 5.
-, Thomas; cclx. 34.
-, -, petition of; cclx. 34.
Hyde Park; ccxxxv. 57; ccl. 8; ccliii. 37; cclv. 21, 25; cclix. 4.
-, the bridge in; cclvii. 13.
-, the camp in; ccxliv. 21.
-, Corner, bad state of road leading from Lord Cadogan's house to; ccxxxv. 8.
-, paddock in; cclv. 29.
-, road made to the wall of; ccxliii. 58.
-, ranger of; ccxliii. 58.
-, Road; ccliii. 11.
-, springs in; cclii. 64.