Index: F

Pages 582-585

Calendar of Treasury Papers, Volume 6, 1720-1728. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1889.

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Fabrice, Mons., letters of; ccxlvii. 23 (2).

“Fabrice,” letter signed; cclii. 28.

Faculties, the Lord Archbishop's Clerk of; cclviii. 25.

-, in Chancery, the King's Clerk of; cclviii. 22.

-, (Ireland), taxes of; cclviii. 22, 25.

Fairfax, Lord, Treasurer of the Chamber's Office; ccxxxv. 19; ccxxxviii. 58.

Fairney; ccxliv. 8.

Falconar, James; ccliii. 56.

Falkirk, N.B.; ccliv. 5.

Falkland Lord Visct., the late; ccxliv. 14.

Falmouth; cclxv. 27.

-, the collector of Customs at; ccxxxviii. 106.

-, Lord, letters of; ccxxxviii. 107.

-, packet boats, the; cclx. 24.

Fane, Mr. Councillor; cclv. 75.

-, Col. John, memorial; ccxxxviii. 11.

-, Mr.; cclviii. 12.

Fan Grove, in Windsor Forest; ccxxxix. 71.

Fanney, N.B.; cclii. 15.

Farewell, Phillips, wharfinger, petition of; cclxvi. 31.

Fariss, William, Esq.; ccxxvii. 10.

Farnaby, Sir Charles, report of; ccli. 77.

Farnborough, parish of; ccxxvii. 5.

Farquhar, John, land waiter at Burrowstonness, petition of; cclv. 20.

Farrer, Mr.; ccxxvii. 30.

“Fast prayer,” charges for; ccxxxix. 53.

Fauquier, J., letter of; ccxliv. 34.

-, F., report of; ccliii. 28.

-, T.; ccxxxviii. 97.

Fawcett, Joseph, letter of; cclii. 35.

Fea, James, jun., of Clestrain; cclii. 32.

“Feathers,” the sign struck on gold imported for the mine adventurers; ccxliii. 30.

Fearn, Mr.; ccxxxv. 42.

-, -, at the Custom House; ccxl. 14; and see Ferne.

Fearne, John, petition of; ccxl. 44.

Fee farm rents of Crown, copy of anonymous letter concerning; ccxxviii. 11.

-, trees in Sherwood Forest; ccxxxv. 5.

Fees due to heralds, &c.; ccxliii. 23.

Feilding, Hon. George, one of Queen Anne's Commissioners for the office of Master of the Horse; ccxxviii. 37; ccxxxii. 3; ccxxxviii. 5.

-, Col. George, memorial of; ccxxxviii. 26.

Felons, maintenance of; ccxliii. 25.

-, offer to transport from Newgate, &c.; ccxxxiv. 11; ccxliii. 37.

Fen country, the, conservation of; ccxl. 92.

-, Nicholas, Esq.; ccxxviii. 15.

Ferne, Mr., Receiver-General and Cashier of Customs; ccli. 42; and see Fearn.

-, Elizabeth, executrix of Henry Ferne, Esq., late Receiver-General of Customs, petition of; ccli. 59.

Ferrard, the Lord Baron; ccxliv. 37; cclx. 27.

Few duties (Scotland); ccxxxiv. 41, 54; ccxlvii. 16, 17.

-, in the isle of Lewis, Skye, &c.; cclii. 25.

-, and blench duties; ccxl. 9.

-, and teind duties; ccxxxiii. 28.

Field, George; cclix. 6.

Fielding, Col. George, memorial of; ccliv. 59.

Fife, co., N.B.; cclii. 24; ccliv. 5; cclv. 69.

-, and Strathern; ccxxxix. 3; ccxlvii. 20.

Fig Tree Court, Inner Temple; ccxlvii. 30.

Finch, William, Esq., H.M. Envoy and Plenipotentiary in Holland; ccxlviii. 29.

-, -, late envoy to the States General; cclxvi. 23.

Fincham, John; cclix. 11.

Fines in Cheshire, Chester, and Flint, lease of; ccxlvii. 52.

-, in North and South Wales; cclviii. 8.

Fingask, N.B., the estate of; ccxliv. 61; ccl. 3; cclviii. 12.

Finisterre, Cape; ccxxxv. 21.

Fiorelli, Signior Giacinto, secretary from Venice; cclxvii. 1.

Fire Assurance. See Assurance.

-, “boot”; ccxxxiv. 17.

-, Charter of Royal Exchange Insurance Office; ccxxix. 1.

Firstdale, N.B.; ccliv. 5.

Fisheries, &c., report from committee to inquire into subscriptions for; ccxxxiii. 19.

First fruits and tenths; ccxxxv. 5.

“Fish,” the, an alehouse adjoining Somerset House; ccxlvii. 48.

Fisheries (Scotland); cclxv. 14.

-, improvement of; cclix. 8.

Fishery at Newfoundland, the, ships sent to guard; ccxlviii. 49.

-, in the Severn, the; cclix. 2.

Fitser, William; ccxlvi. 82.

Fitz-Gerald, Edmund; cclii. 56.

Fitz Gerald, Garret, of Rathrone, Ireland, petition of; ccliii. 22.

Fitzgerald, George, of London, merchant, petition of; cclxvi. 37.

-, Henry; cclii. 11; ccliii. 22; cclxvi. 17.

-, -, of Dublin; cclii. 11.

-, Mary; cclii. 11.

Fitz-Gerrald, Edward, petition of; cclii. 11.

-, Gerald, brother of Edwd.; cclii. 11.

-, -, petition of; cclvii. 34.

Fitz Harrey, Dame Ann, petition of; cclvii. 8.

Fitzharris, Lady, petition of; cclvii. 20.

Fitzwilliams, Mr., collector of Customs in the lower district of James River, Virginia; ccxxxvi. 4.

Flamstead, Mr. John, his Majesty's astronomer; ccxxvii. 23.

-, Margaret, petition of; ccxxvii. 23.

Flanders; ccxxxii. 51; ccxli. 1; cclx. 38.

Fleet Marston, co. Bucks; ccxxxix. 58.

-, Prison, the; ccxxxvi. 4; ccxxxviii. 104; ccxlviii. 10, 64; cclxvi. 18.

-, -, rebel prisoners brought from; ccxxvii. 8.

-, the river of, co. Galloway; ccxlvii. 16.

Fleming, Gilbert, Esq., receiver of moneys from French sales in St. Christopher's; cclvi. 8; cclxviii. 6; cclxix. 28.

-, -, letter of; cclxiii. 1.

Flemming, Helen, petition of; cclix. 19.

Fletcher William, alias Fellowes, a highwayman; ccxlii. 44.

Flint, co.; ccxliii. 72; ccxlvii. 52.

Florence; ccxlviii. 58.

Florida, Gulf of; cclv. 59.

Foley, T., Auditor of Imprests; ccxxvii. 29; ccxl. 61; cclxv. 24.

-, -, certificate of; ccxxix. 25.

Folkes, Mr.; ccxliv. 27.

Folkstone, Mayor and jurats of, petition of; ccxxxvi. 4.

Foot Guards, H.M. regiment of; ccxxxix. 65.

Forbes, Ed., Esq., woodward of the Bishopric of Winchester; cclv. 44.

-, Dun., Advocate-General for Scotland, reports of; cclix. 7, 9.

-, Lord, Governor, &c. of Minorca; ccxxxv. 3; ccxxxix. 59.

-, Sir Andrew, of Craigievar; cclv. 51.

-, Sir Arthur, of Craigyvar, Bart., petition of; ccxlviii. 7.

-, Sir John; cclv. 51.

-, Sir William; cclv. 51.

Fordyce, Thomas, principal clerk and register to the Lords Delegates of Scotland; ccxxxiii. 16.

Foreign Courts, list of, ministers employed at; cclxv. 18.

-, ministers, Custom House regulations as to; cclxvi. 12.

-, -, debt due to; ccxxviii. 42; ccxli. 8; ccxlviii. 29.

-, -, names and characters of; ccxlviii. 29.

-, Princes, demands made by; ccxxvii. 1.

Foreland, in the parish of Wingfield in Windsor Forest; cclv. 45.

-, North, armed sloops appointed to stop the traffic in brandy near; ccxxxiv. 14.

-, N. and S., the lighthouses at; cclxvi. 33.

-, -, estimated profits of; ccxxvii. 32.

Forests. See Woods.

Forfar, co., N.B.; cclx. 28.

-, Robina, Countess Dowager of; ccxlvii. 63.

Forfeited estates in Great Britain and Ireland; ccxliii. 21; cclv. 6.

-, -, of the Duke of Ormond; ccxxxix. 79; ccxl. 15.

-, -, produce of the sale of; ccli. 16.

-, -, given to Popish and superstitious uses; ccxl. 25; ccliii. 17.

-, -, (Ireland); cclviii. 4; cclix. 19.

-, -, -, in 1688; cclii. 6; ccliii. 22; cclv. 42.

-, -, (Scotland); ccxxviii. 23, 28; ccxxxii. 34, 36; ccxxxiii. 19; ccxxxvii. 5; ccxxxix. 25; ccxl. 7; ccxliii. 18; ccliii. 26; ccliv. 6; cclv. 14, 75; cclviii. 12, 24; cclix. 7.

-, -, -, account of money arising from the sale of; ccxxix. 8; ccxliv. 36; ccxlv. 10; ccl. 2; ccliv. 7.

-, -, -, Commissioners and trustees for the sale of; ccxlvii. 22; ccli. 76; cclii. 17, 43; ccliii. 69; cclviii. 12; cclix. 17.

-, -, -, reports, letter, &c. of; ccxlviii. 12; cclii. 50; cclix. 7, 10.

-, -, -, salaries of; ccxxxix. 81; ccxlii. 42.

-, -, -, sold by Commissioners and trustees of; ccxxviii. 32; ccxxix. 2; ccxliv. 61; ccxlv. 10; ccxlvii. 18; ccl. 3; ccli. 7; cclii. 25, 52; cclv. 79.

Forfeitures, Commissioners for; ccxxviii. 23; ccxxix. 2, 3, 7, 8, 55; ccxxxii. 57; ccxl. 17; ccxliii. 15; ccxlvi. 29; ccxlvii. 11; ccli. 40; ccliii. 17, 45; cclx. 35.

-, -, certificate of; ccxxix. 3.

-, -, reports, memorials, &c. of; ccxxxix. 25; ccxl. 15; ccxlii. 69, 70; ccxliii. 15; ccxlvi. 6, 63; ccxlvii. 30; ccxlviii. 51, 53, 56, 57; ccli. 16; cclxvi. 3.

-, -, sale of estates by; ccxliii. 15.

-, -, (in England), balance sheet of; ccxxxii. 28; ccxxxviii. 24.

Forglan, Sir Alexander Ogilvie of, Bart., Lord Delegate of Scotland, memorial of; ccxxxiii. 16.

Forrest, John, merchant of Edinburgh, grant of lands to; ccxxvii. 11.

Forrester, James, Lord; ccxliv. 2.

Forster, John, Esq., Recorder of Dublin, afterwards Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas; cclii. 33; cclx. 4.

Fortescue, Sir John, letter of; cclxv. 43.

Fort George, in New England; ccxliii. 71; ccli. 13.

-, Monjuick, in Spain, attack on; ccxxxv. 28.

-, St. George, in the East Indies; cclx. 19.

-, William, N.B.; ccxxxv. 73; ccxliv. 39; ccxlviii. 33.

-, -, and Mary, at New Castle in New Hampshire; ccxliv. 16.

Forth and Brantford, Patrick, Earl of, a general under Gustavus Adolphus, &c.; ccxliv. 2.

Forward, Jonathan, of London, merchant; ccxxxv. 22; ccxliii. 25, 37; cclx. 9.

-, -, -, representation of; ccxxxiv. 11.

Foster, Thomas; ccxxxix. 55.

Foulness Lights; cclxvi. 33.

Fountayn, Sir Andrew; cclxv. 20.

Fowey, mayor of; cclvii. 52.

-, port of; ccxxviii. 38; cclvii. 52.

Fowle, Humphrey, Esq, a J.P. for Sussex; ccxxxix. 51.

Fowler, Peter, of Dublin, tobacconist, affidavit of; cclxiv. 13.

Fox, John, Esq., late an officer of the Board of Green Cloth; ccli. 49.

-, Mr., late paymaster of the forces in Flanders; cclx. 38.

-, Sir Stephen, Knt.; ccxxvii. 15; ccxxix. 10.

Foy, port of. See Fowey.

Frampton, Charles, Esq., Lieut.-Col. in the first regiment of Foot Guards; ccxlvii. 6.

-, -, -, memorial of; ccxxix. 18.

-, -, -, petition of; ccxxxiv. 17.

France; cclviii. 27; cclix. 19; cclx. 13; cclxvi. 39.

-, ambassadors of; cclxvi. 9.

-, Court of; ccxxxiii. 27; ccxliii. 56.

-, -, embassy of the Earl of Stair to the; ccxliv. 6; cclix. 15.

-, -, envoy from the; ccxlix. 3, 5.

-, -, Sir Robert Sutton, H.M. Minister at; ccxxxiv. 45.

-, H.M. embassy in; cclix. 15.

-, island of St. Christopher ceded to Great Britain by; cclviii. 2; cclix. 33.

-, King of; cclix. 33.

-, merchant of, murder of; ccxliv. 12.

-, poor artificers seduced into, memorial of; ccxxxiv. 33.

-, poor manufacturers brought from; ccxxxiv. 7.

-, Sir Robert Sutton, Ambassador to; ccxlii. 4.

-, war with, the late; cclx. 49.

Frank Pledge, view of, &c. in the manor of Richmond, Surrey; cxxxix. 33.

Franke, Col.; ccxlv. 1.

Frankland, Sir Thomas, Bart., petition of; cclix. 4.

Franks, Col.; ccxlvi. 73.

Fraser, Lovit William, merchant and baily of Inverness; ccxliii. 65.

Fraserburgh; ccxl. 45.

Frazerdale; ccxliii. 65.

Frecker, Mr. M., one of the clerks of the Treasury; ccxxviii. 19; cclviii. 23.

Frederick, Prince; ccxxxiv. 44.

Freebairne, James, late collector of Excise of Perthshire; ccxxvii. 12.

“Freeholders' Journal,” a seditious libel entitled the; ccxxxix. 64.

Freeman, Lieut.-Col. Saml.; ccxliv. 29; ccxlvii. 45.

Fremington (and Grinton), co. York, lead mines in, demised by Will. III. to Geo. Tushingham; ccxxviii. 16.

French, the, attempt to gain the islands of St. Lucia and St. Vincent; ccxxxix. 69; ccxl. 98.

-, Bank bills; ccxxxv. 43.

-, brandies, excessive smuggling of, in Scotland; ccxxix. 24; ccxxxiii. 40.

-, -, letter from distillers at Bristol as to; ccxxvii. 18.

-, committee, the; ccxliv. 1.

-, endeavour to gain over the Indians in New York; ccxxxix. 10.

-, islands in the West Indies; ccxxxix. 37.

-, King, the; ccxliv. 6.

-, lands in St. Christopher's formerly belonging to; ccxxxix. 37; ccxl. 3; ccxliv. 58.

-, poor, starving condition of; ccxliv. 1.

-, prisoners in Ireland; cclv. 78.

-, Protestants in St. Christopher's; ccxl. 3; cclvi. 8.

-, -, pensions payable to; ccxlviii. 63.

-, sent ministers to the Dey of Algier; ccxxviii. 33.

-, trade of, in the West India islands; ccxl. 3.

-, Mr., agent in England for the Comrs. of Revenue, Ireland; ccxl. 50; cclxvi. 33.

-, William, Esq.; ccxlvi. 85.

-, -, petitions of; ccxliv. 23; ccxlviii. 5.

Frere, Elizth., widow and administratrix of John Frere, Esq., deceased, petition of; ccxxxviii. 92.

-, John, Esq.; ccxxxviii. 35.

Frogmore House; cclii. 71.

-, Windsor, land at, leased by Will. III.; ccxlviii. 47.

-, -, H.M. lands in; cclii. 71.

Frogmorton. See Throckmorton.

Froome; ccxliv. 4.

Fry, Samuel, merchant and joint owner of ship “Callabar-Merchant,” of Bristol; ccxxxiii. 47.

Fulham, H.M. private road leading to; ccxxxviii. 69; ccxliii. 24.

-, Road, the; ccxxxv. 57.

Furnell, James; ccxlvi. 104.

Furness Abbey, co. Lancaster; cclvii. 24.

-, -, lease of; ccliii. 75.

Furnesse, Henry; ccxlv. 9.

Fury, Nicholas, convicted of highway robbery; ccxxxv. 61.

Fusiliers, the Royal; ccxl. 83.