Pages 565-575
Calendar of Treasury Papers, Volume 6, 1720-1728. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1889.
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Cabeçâ Terre Quarter, in the island of St. Christophers; cclvi. 8; cclxiii. 1.
Cadiz; cclix. 23.
Cadogan, Col. Charles, petition of; ccxlvi. 41.
-, the Rt. Hon. the Earl of; ccxxxv. 8; ccxlii. 59; ccliv. 17, 26.
-, -, governor of the isle of Wight; ccli. 15.
-, -, Master of the Robes, account of; ccxlvii. 50.
-, -, memorials of; ccxxxviii. 9, 29; ccxlix. 5; ccliv. 37; cclvii. 12.
Caerwedros, co. Cardigan, the King's manor of; ccxxxiv. 20.
Cæsar, Dr., late minister of the German Reformed Protestant Church in the Savoy; ccxl. 40.
Cæsar's Chapel in the Tower of London; ccxxxix. 49.
Cagnoni, Joseph, a native of Florence, merchant, petition of; ccxlviii. 58.
Cairnes, Alex., Bart., petitions of; cclxii. 2; cclxvii. 7.
Calais: ccxxxvi. 4; ccxl. 49; ccxlii. 29.
Calderwode, Mr.; ccxxxv. 18; ccxlvii. 44.
Calderwood, Sir William, of Poltoun, a Judge of Justiciary, Scotland; cclv. 39.
-, -, memorial of; ccxlviii. 62.
Calfsound, isle of Eday, N.B.; cclii. 32.
Calicoes printed, prohibition of the wearing of; ccxxxvi. 4.
Callender, John, of Craigforth, memorial of; cclv. 53.
Cambray, the Congress at, ccxxxii. 44; ccxliii. 40.
-, -, and treaty of; ccxlviii. 55.
-, H.M. ambassadors at; ccxlviii. 29.
Cambridge, University of; ccxxxiv. 2; ccli. 31.
Cameron, Elizth., widow of Major Darnel Cameron, son of Sir Evan Cameron of Lochiel, petition of; ccxliii. 17.
Camerons, the, affair of; ccxxxv. 79.
-, -, murders by; ccxxxv. 79.
Campbell, Colin, late Clerk of the Coquets, &c. in Scotland, petition of; ccxlvi. 57.
-, Col., Commander-in-Chief in Scotland; cclv. 73.
-, Daniel, Esq., M.P.; ccxxv. 1; ccxxxviii. 108.
-, -, -, memorials of; ccliii. 70; cclv. 83.
-, -, -, petition of; cclix. 25.
-, Mr. Daniel, of Shawfields; cclv. 37.
-, James, a commr. of salt; ccxxxv. 31.
-, John, a commr. of salt; ccxxxv. 31.
-, Mr. John; cclii. 19.
-, Lieut.-Col. Josias; cclxv. 39.
-, Lettice, widow, petition of; cclxv. 39.
-, Neil; cclv. 85.
-, Patrick, memorial of; cclx. 31.
-, Robert; cclxvii. 7.
Campbeltown, N.B.; ccxlix. 6.
Cample, Daniel, Esq., memorial of; ccxxxix. 11.
Camten, Scots privileges at; cclv. 89.
Canada, expedition to, accounts of; ccxxxv. 37.
Canceau, or Canso, the isle of, in America; ccxl. 8; ccxliv. 60.
Candler, Capt. Bartholomew; ccliii. 54.
Caner, Rev. Mr. Henry, A.B.; cclxii. 6.
Cannon's Row, Westminster; ccxlii. 17.
Canterbury; ccxlii. 7.
-, archbishop of (the late); ccxxxv. 42.
-, archbishop of (Dr. Tenison); ccxl. 14; ccxlviii. 36; cclviii. 25.
Cape of Good Hope, the; ccliii. 1, 76.
Capias utlagatum, writ of; ccxxxv. 15.
Capisterre, a division of the island of St. Christopher's; ccxxxix. 37; ccxl. 3.
Capon, Peter, memorial of; ccxlvii. 43.
Cardigan, county of; ccxxxv. 20.
Cards and Dice, searchers and surveyors of; ccliv. 27, 35.
Carea, Isaac, merchant, petition of; ccli. 32.
Carisbrook Castle, isle of Wight, repairs of; ccli. 15.
Carkesse, Charles (Customs), letters of; ccxxxii. 6; ccxxxv. 7; ccxxxviii. 106.
-, -, letter to; ccxlvi. 102.
Carleton, Alexander, letter of; ccxlii. 80.
-, -, petitions of; ccxlii. 81; ccxlvi. 113.
-, Capt. George, engineer in Spain; ccxli. 1.
Carlisle; ccxliv. 46; ccxlvii. 16; ccl. 9.
-, Rt. Hon. Charles, Earl of, governor of Windsor Castle; ccliii. 15.
-, -, -, -, report of; cclxv. 40.
-, -, -, late Constable of the Tower of London; ccxlv. 13.
-, -, -, letter of; ccxliv. 3.
Carll, E., bookseller, report as to prosecution of; ccxxx. 3.
Carmelite Church in Upper Basse-terre, St. Christopher's, the; cclvi. 8.
Carmichael, John, writer in Edinburgh; ccxxxiii. 25.
Carnarvon; ccliii. 9.
Carnwath, Robt. Dalyell, late Earl of, petition of; ccxxxix. 75.
Carolina, province of; ccxxxii. 42; ccxxxiv. 24; cclx. 40.
-, the lords proprietors of, list of, &c.; cclxvi. 32, 34.
-, representation as to rice in; ccxxxv. 21.
-, sale of, to the Crown by the lords proprietors; cclxvi. 34.
-, (North); ccxxxvi. 4; cclii. 44.
-, -, lands in; ccxliv. 59.
-, (South); ccxxxiii. 18; ccxxxv. 49; ccxl. 72; ccxliv. 19; ccxlviii. 59.
-, -, coast of, infested by pirates; ccxxvii. 25.
-, -, fortifications, &c. to be erected in; ccxl. 72.
Carpenter, Joseph, memorials of; ccxxxv. 57; ccxxxviii. 69.
-, Lord, governor of the island of Minorca; cclv. 57.
-, -, -, letters of; ccliii. 39; cclxix. 31.
-, -, -, representation of; cclxv. 16.
-, Mr.; cclii. 58.
Carr, Col. William, regiment of; ccxxxiii. 3.
-, Elizth., relict of William Carr, Esq., late commr. of Excise; ccxxxv. 60.
Carrard, Mons.; ccxxxviii. 47.
Carribbee Islands, revenue in; ccxxxv. 40.
-, -, (the Leeward); ccxxvii. 34; ccxxxix. 37; cclvi. 8.
-, -, casual revenues in; ccxxviii. 30a; and see Leeward Islands.
-, -, (the Windward); ccxl. 98.
Carrick, Valentine; ccliii. 30.
Carrol, Daniel; ccliii. 30.
Carstairs, James, memorials of; ccxl. 7; ccliii. 4.
-, Robert; ccxxvii. 2.
Carter, Mr., deputy collector in Barbadoes; ccxxxiv. 10.
-, Richard, late Deputy Commissary of the Marine Forces, memorial of; cclii. 73.
-, Thomas, petitions of; ccxlvi. 50, 83.
Carteret, Edwd., Esq., one of H.M.'s Postmasters General; ccxlvi. 85; cclix. 5; cclxv. 42.
-, -, -, reports of; ccliv. 43; cclx. 24.
-, the Rt. Hon. Lord, one of H.M.'s principal Secretaries of State; ccxxxiv. 33, 35, 38, 45, 47; ccxliii. 40; ccxliv. 12; ccli. 79; ccliii. 42; cclvii. 31; cclxv. 2; cclxvi. 32.
-, -, ambassador to Sweden; ccxxxviii. 14, 20.
-, -, late Lord Lieut. of Ireland; cclix. 19.
-, -, letters of; ccxxxviii. 19, 21, 73, 85, 86, 89, 93, 100, 101; ccxxxix. 43, 47, 61, 62, 74, 77; ccxl. 8, 45, 53, 55, 68; ccxlii. 21, 45, 77; ccxliii. 35, 51, 53, 55, 56.
-, -, letter to; ccxlvi. 39.
-, -, report of; ccxlviii. 50.
Carthagena; cclx. 40.
Cary, W.; ccliii. 48.
-, report of; cclv. 68.
Caseo Bay, in the province of Maine, New England; ccxliii. 71; cclxvi. 28.
Cashel, Archbishop of; cclxii. 2.
Cashell, Lieut. Geo.; ccxl. 13.
Cashett Lights, the; cclxvi. 33.
Cass, Mr. Christopher, letter of; ccxliii. 26.
Castle Hill, co. Cornwall; cclx. 5.
-, Leod, N.B.; ccliii. 71.
-, Street, Dublin; ccxlvii. 8.
Castletown, isle of Man; ccliii. 73.
Castleward Duties (Scotland), the; cclv. 16.
Castro, Mons. de, envoy from the King of Portugal, letter from; ccxxxii. 44.
Casualty of marriage, a Scottish law term; ccxlviii. 7.
Caswell, George; cclxix. 14.
-, -, letter of; ccxxxix. 16.
-, John, memorandum as to appointment of, as Collector-General, &c. in Barbadoes, &c.; ccxxviii. 39.
Cathcart, Hon. Charles, Receiver-General of Crown rents, &c. in Scotland; cclxix. 35.
Catherine of Braganza, Queen of Charles II., and late Queen Dowager; ccxxvii. 15; ccxxix. 10; ccxxxiii. 24; ccxxxix. 39; ccxlvii. 61; cclii. 67; ccliii. 36; cclv. 35; cclxvi. 24.
-, -, demises, tolls, &c. of mills of Hitchin to Saml. Hemmings, gent.; ccxxvii. 30.
Catherlogh (Carlow), co. Ireland; cclv. 11.
Cattle (and oatmeal) importation of, from Ireland to W. shires of Scotland forbidden; ccxxxiii. 40.
Caulfield, William, Esq., one of the Judges of the Court of King's Bench in Ireland, petition of; ccxl. 22.
Causby, Col.; ccliii. 15.
Cavalier, Col.; cclv. 64.
Cavan, Richard, Earl of; cclvi. 6.
Cavendish, Philip, Esq., Treasurer of Greenwich Hospital; ccxlvi. 71.
-, -, -, memorials of; ccxlvi. 32; cclxiv. 63.
-, -, formerly commander of H.M.S. “Tiger;” cclix. 31.
Cavers, N.B.; cclv. 16; cclxiv. 66.
Cawood, co. York, manor of; cclxv. 37.
Cayley, Cornelius, a commissioner of Alienations; ccxxxviii. 83.
-, -, certificates of; ccli. 68; cclvii. 19.
-, -, petition of; ccxxxviii. 46.
-, William, gent.; ccxxxviii. 46.
-, -, H.M. Consul at Cadiz; cclix. 23.
Ceremonies, Marshall of the; ccli. 73.
-, Master of the; ccxlix. 3; and see Cotterell, Sir Clement.
Cesar, Charles, Esq.; ccxxviii. 15.
Chabanes, Mr. Vincent, commissary of provisions in Spain; ccxli. 1.
Chaffey, John, petition of; ccxxxiv. 57.
Chaloupe de Grave; ccliii. 2; cclviii. 24.
Chamber Keeper to the Treasury, the; ccxl. 32.
Chamber, H.M.'s, Treasurer of; ccxxxv. 64; ccxxxviii. 31; ccxli. 2; ccxlii. 28; ccxlvii. 58; ccxlix. 2; ccliv. 1; cclv. 25; cclviii. 26; cclxiv. 47; cclxv. 19; cclxvii. 1; cclxix. 6.
-, -, papers relating to affairs of; ccxxx. 2.
And see Hobart, Sir John; Stanhope, Charles, Esq.
Chamberlain, the Lord (Duke of Newcastle); ccxxxvii. 10; ccxlix. 3; ccli. 73 75, 84; cclii. 56; cclxi. 3; cclxvi. 26.
-, -, -, letters of; ccxxxvii. 61; ccxlviii. 36; ccli. 27; cclv. 41; cclxiv. 3, 67.
-, -, warrants, &c. of; ccliv. 2; cclxiv. 48.
-, -, of H.M.'s household. See Grafton, Duke of.
Chamberlanrie, Commission of; cclx. 45.
Chamber, Treasurer of the; cclxix. 2.
-, -, expenses of, accounts of; ccxxxv. 19; cclxiv. 43.
Chamber's Office, Treasurer of the; ccxxxv. 19, 51; ccxxxviii. 58; ccxlii. 46; ccxlv. 2; ccli. 72; cclx. 30.
“Chancellary,” Scotland, H.M.'s; ccxlviii. 67.
Chancery, Court of; ccxliii. 45; ccli. 58; cclii. 21; cclvi. 10; cclx. 38.
-, -, decrees of; ccxxxiv. 8; ccxl. 92; ccliii. 34.
-, -, faculties in, clerk of the cclviii. 22.
-, -, masters of; ccxliii. 45; cclii. 21; ccliii. 55; cclx. 19.
-, -, accounts of; ccliv. 15.
-, -, order of; ccliv. 42.
-, -, state of the records of; ccxxxix. 49.
Chandler, Daniel, petition of; ccxxviii. 21.
-, Mr.; ccliii. 74.
Chandos, James, Duke of; ccxxviii. 4; cclxvi. 31.
-, -, memorial of; cclix. 16.
-, -, late Paymaster-General of the troops at Barcelona and Minorca; ccxli. 1.
Change Alley; ccxlvii. 57.
Chantilly; cclix. 15.
Chapel Royal, St. James's, the; ccxlvii. 42; cclxviii. 8.
Chapel wardens of the Savoy, the; cclx. 3.
Chapels, H.M.'s, expenses of, account of; cclxiv. 43.
Chapman, Sir William, sub-governor of the London Assurance Corporation; ccxxviii. 43.
Chappel, Mr., a verderer of Sherwood Forest; ccxl. 2.
Chapter House, Westminster, the; cclxv. 47.
-, -, records in; ccxlviii. 26.
Charibbee Islands. See Carribbee.
Charing Cross; ccxxxiv. 18; ccxxxv. 66; ccxlvii. 19; cclix. 35.
-, -, the “equestral” statue at; ccxli. 12.
-, -, mews at, report as to providing stables for the young princesses in; ccxxxi. 4.
Charlemont, Lord; ccxliv. 37.
Charles I., late King of England; ccxxxix. 49; ccxl. 100; ccxliv. 2.
-, patent of; cclii. 12.
Charles II., late King of England; ccxxix. 10; ccxxxi. 4; ccxxxiii. 24; ccxxxiv. 36, 56; ccxxxv. 28; ccxxxix. 47; ccxl. 100; ccxliv. 24, 27; ccliii. 31; cclxv. 50; cclxvi. 25, 26.
-, donations of, to Aberdeen University; ccxl. 23; cclv. 52.
-, his grant to the Duke of Monmouth of the manor of Spalding, &c.; ccxxvii. 15.
-, grant to the Earl of Sussex; cclxvi. 9.
-, -, of a lease of the manor and park of Marybone; ccxlvii. 61.
-, -, of a pension to Sir Francis Wyndham; ccxxxix. 37; ccxlvi. 26.
-, -, -, to Thomas King, Esq.; ccxliii. 44.
-, letters patent of; ccxxxix. 39; ccxlvii. 3.
-, wages due to the servants of; ccxlvii. 3.
-, writs of the reign of; ccxlviii. 26.
Charles III., late King of Spain; cclxv. 16.
Charles Fort, Ireland; cclv. 78.
Charlestown, Carolina; cclx. 40.
-, harbour of; ccxxvii. 25.
Charlton, Mr.; ccxxix. 14.
“Charter of apprysing” (Scotland); cclii. 38.
Charter intended to the Royal Exchange Assurance Corporation; ccxxxiii. 13.
-, intended to the Corporation of the London Assurance; ccxxxiii. 14.
Chase, James, Esq., Apothecary-in-Ordinary to Will. III. and Queen Anne, memorial of; ccxxxii. 33.
Chatham; ccliii. 6, 38.
-, chest at, letter relating to; ccxxxi. 1.
-, H.M.'s dockyard at; ccxliv. 38.
-, -, artificers working in, arrears of; ccxxx. 1.
-, -, fields purchased for; ccxxx. 1.
-, sickness at; cclxi. 1.
Chavigny, Mons., Envoy Extraordinary from France; ccxlix. 3, 5.
Cheadle, co. Stafford; cclxvi. 18.
Cheke, Thomas, Esq., Lieut. of the Tower of London; ccxliii. 14.
Chelsea; ccxli. 1.
-, College; ccxliii. 24.
-, Lane End; ccxliii. 24.
-, Hospital; ccxlii. 29; cclii. 48; ccliii. 30; ccliv. 9; cclxi. 6.
-, -, abuses in; ccxxxiii. 21.
-, -, commrs. of; ccxxxiii. 21; cclvii. 60.
-, -, -, memorial of; ccxxxix. 27.
-, -, out-pensioners of; cclxvii. 5.
-, -, -, charges of; ccxli. 9.
-, Waterworks Company, the; cclv. 24.
-, -, -, memorial of; cclv. 21.
-, -, -, petition of; ccliii. 11, 37.
Chertsea, co. Surrey; cclxv. 37.
Chesham Waters, the, a tributary of the river Colne in Herts; ccxlviii. 30.
Chesshyre, Jo.; cclxvi. 22.
Chest, the governors of the. See Army.
Chester; ccxxxiii. 20; ccxxxviii. 45; ccxliv. 23; ccxlvii. 52; cclviii. 6.
-, Bishop of; ccxxxix. 84.
-, Receiver - General of taxes at; ccxxxii. 29.
-, co.; ccxliii. 72; ccxlvii. 37, 52.
Chesterfield, Earl of, H.M.'s Ambassador in Holland; cclxvi. 37.
Chesworth Lodge, in Sussex; ccxliii. 19.
Chetwynd, Walter, Lord, Ranger of St. James's Park; ccxxxv. 54, 56.
-, -, Esq., Paymaster of H.M.'s pensions, &c.; ccxlvi. 9, 89; ccxlvii. 15; ccli. 43; ccliv. 12.
-, -, memorials of; ccxxxix. 66; ccxlviii. 63.
-, -, pensions payable in the office of; ccxxviii. 41; ccxxxiv. 6; ccxxxv. 20; ccxxxix. 63; ccxl. 48; ccxlii. 32; ccxliii. 34; ccxlvii. 15; ccli. 43.
-, -, reports of; ccxxxv. 79; ccxliii. 44; ccxlvii. 43.
Chevalier,—; cclviii. 14.
Chiffinch, Mr.; ccliv. 4.
China; ccxxxvi. 4.
Chirographer of the Court of Common Pleas, office of; ccxxxv. 75.
Cholmley, Hon. Col. John; ccxxxix. 35.
-, Surveyor-General; ccxliii. 7.
-, -, reports of; ccxxvii. 32; ccxxviii. 6.
-, Major-General; ccxxxv. 79.
-, Mr., formerly water-bailiff of the river Severn; cclix. 2.
Cholmondeley, Rt. Hon. George, Earl of, steward of the Manor of Richmond, alias West Sheen, account rendered by, cclvii. 14.
Chrisop, Mongoe, of N. Shields, prosecuted for collecting excessive land tax; ccxxxiii. 36.
Christ Church, co. Hants; ccxlix. 8.
Christian, Charles, engraver, memorial of; ccxlvi. 77.
Christian Knowledge, the Society for Propagating; ccxlviii. 33.
-, -, (Scotland); ccxlvii. 29.
Christie, Mr.; ccxlviii. 64.
Chubb, John, surveyor of the Port of Loo, Cornwall, petition of; cclxiv. 45.
Chudleigh, Col. John, Page of Honour to the late Prince George of Denmark, petition of; ccxlii. 22.
Church of England, the; ccxlvii. 11; cclx. 49.
-, of Ireland. See Ireland.
-, of Rome; cclii. 11.
-, of Scotland; ccxlvii. 29; and see Scotland.
Churches, Acts relating to funds for building; ccxxxiii. 45.
-, coal duty granted for building; ccxliv. 20.
-, in London and Westminster, commrs. for building 50 new; ccxliii. 16; cclx. 26.
-, -, memorial, &c. of; cclix. 28, 29.
-, -, minute of; ccxliii. 27.
Churchill, Col. Charles, regiment of Marines of; ccxli. 1.
-, Mr. Thomas, bookbinder; cclxix. 53.
Churnside, lands of, in Berwick, granted to William Hall, Esq., and erected into a barony; ccxxxiii. 25.
Cider, duties on, method of avoiding; ccxlix. 8.
-, and perry, drawback on; ccxxx. 3.
-, -, produce of duties on; ccxxxi. 5.
Circuit courts in Scotland, the; ccxlviii. 62.
Circuits, clerk of the, office of; ccliii. 42.
Civet cats, allowances for the charge of; cclix. 6.
Civil government, order for payment by Royal Exchange Insurance Office for debts, &c. of; ccxxix. 1.
-, list, H.M.'s; ccxxviii. 43; ccxxxiv. 16; ccxxxv. 54; ccxliv. 2; ccxlv. 4; ccxlvi. 45; ccxlix. 4, 8; ccli. 65; ccliv. 3, 29; cclvi. 5; cclx. 14, 22, 36; cclxvi. 15, 26, 39; cclxvii. 2.
-, -, Act, the; ccxl. 40; ccliii. 31, 43; cclix. 13.
-, -, debts of the; ccxxxviii. 38; ccxl. 95; ccxli. 8.
-, -, propositions for paying debts of; ccxxx. 6.
-, -, funds, produce of; ccliv. 4.
-, -, produce of the several branches of; ccxli. 7; cclxi. 7; cclxvii. 6.
-, -, revenues; ccxxxviii. 94; cclxi. 7; cclxii. 1; cclxiv. 23; cclxvii. 6.
-, -, -, account of; cclviii. 23.
-, -, -, income and issues of; ccxxxvii. 4.
-, -, (Scotland), the; cclxiv. 42; cclxv. 45; cclxvii. 4.
-, -, tax, the; cclxviii. 10.
Clackmannan, N.B., shire of; ccxlix. 6.
-, -, justices of, representation of; ccxlviii. 38.
Clacton, co. Essex; cclxvii. 2.
Claims, court of; cclxv. 19.
“Claim of Right” (Scotland), the; ccliii. 29.
Clare, Suffolk, manor of; ccliii. 66.
Clarendon, the Earl of; ccxlvi. 75.
Clarges, the Dowager Lady, widow of Sir William Clarges, Bart.; ccliii. 31.
-, -, petition of; ccxliv. 27.
-, Sir Walter; ccxliv. 27.
Clark, Dr.; ccxxxv. 37.
-, Mr., missionary of the Society for Propagation of the Gospel; ccxxxiii. 18.
-, Robt., late of Norwich, a distributor of stamped paper; ccxxxviii. 10.
-, Saml., Esq., petition of; ccxlviii. 15.
Clarke, Capt. Wm., adjutant to the 3rd Foot Guards, memorial of; ccxxxix. 65.
-, Mr. Geo., secretary of the Province of New York, &c.; ccxxxv. 37.
-, -, -, petition of; ccliii. 42.
-, Mr. James, late collector in Kilkenny, Ireland, petition of; cclii. 33.
-, James, Esq., petition of; cclx. 4.
Clay-pitt bottom, in the New Forest; ccxlvii. 24.
Clayton, Alexius, gent.; ccxlviii. 60.
-, Colonel; ccxxxv. 79.
-, Col.; cclxiv. 17.
-, John, letter of; ccxxxii. 5.
-, Mr.; ccxliv. 53.
-, Mr. Robt., Receiver-General of taxes for Herefordshire; ccxxxviii. 25.
-, the Rt. Hon. Wm., one of the Lords of the Treasury; cclx. 7.
-, -, letter to; cclxvi. 25.
-, -, representation by; cclxvi. 26.
Cleghorn, Hugh, one of the maltsters in Edinburgh; ccliii. 51.
Cleghorne, John; ccli. 67.
Cleland, James, keeper of the Tolbooth prison, Edinburgh, petition of; cclv. 15.
Clement, Simon, memorial of, in behalf of Mrs. Penn, widow of Wm. Penn, Esq., Governor of Pennsylvania; ccxxxviii. 18.
Clements, Theophilus, Esq.; cclxii. 2.
-, Thomas, letter of; ccliii. 49.
Clestrain, N.B.; ccliii. 32.
Clerk, Francis, Esq., Clerk of the Cheque; cclvii. 9.
-, Lord Justice (Scotland). See Cockburn.
-, Register of Scotland. See Scotland, Clerk Register.
Clerkenwell, new prison at; cclviii. 21.
Clerks of Imprests. See Imprests.
Cleverley, Mr.; cclv. 44.
Cliff, forest of; cclii. 9.
Cliffe, Loftus, memorial of; ccxlvi. 49.
Clifford, Mr. Andrew; cclix. 35.
-, Mr. Jeronomy, merchant, &c. of Surinam; ccxxxiii. 5; cclix. 35.
Clinton, barony of; cclxv. 19.
Cloburn; cclv. 89.
Close Roll, the; ccli. 40.
Cloyne, Henry, Lord Bishop of, memorial of; cclxvii. 7.
Clutterbuck, Thomas, letters of; cclxix. 33; ccliii. 64.
-, Mr. Secretary, letter to; cclviii. 11.
Coals, duties on; ccxlviii. 25; cclii. 3, 7; cclvii. 18.
-, (London); cclix. 28.
-, exported from Scotland; cclii. 38.
-, granted for building churches; ccxliv. 20.
-, loans on; ccxxxix. 17.
Cob, the, at Lyme Regis, repair of; ccxl. 6.
Cobbe, Wm., Receiver-General of taxes, Chester, petition of; ccxxxii. 29.
Cobham, Lord, expedition to Spain under; ccxxxii. 25.
-, letters of; ccxxxviii. 67; cclx. 13.
Cock, Mr. John, collector of Customs in Padstow; cclii. 60.
Cockburn, Adam, of Ormistoun, Lord Justice Clerk and Lord Delegate of Scotland, memorial of; ccxxxiii. 16.
-, James, memorial of; cclxix. 63.
-, William, Esq., Registrar of the Court of Admiralty in Jamaica, certificate of; ccliii. 54.
Cockermouth, merchants of; ccxxxix. 2.
Cockfield Colliery, co. Durham; cclix. 14.
Cockpit, Whitehall, the; ccxl. 77; ccxliv. 21; ccxlviii. 6; cclv. 41.
-, -, letter dated from; cclv. 57.
-, -, supply of water at; cclii. 64.
Cocksedge, Henry, Attorney-at-Law and agent of the Duke of Grafton; ccxxxv. 50.
Cockroft, Grace, a natural daughter of John Cockroft, late of Port St. George, in the East Indies, petition of; cclx. 19.
Codrington, Christopher, late governor of St. Christopher's; ccxxxix. 37.
Coffee, duty on; cclvi. 4.
Cofferer, of H.M.'s household, the; ccxxxviii. 71; cclx. 29.
-, to the Lords of the Treasury, memorial of; cclxv. 36.
Cofferer's office, the; ccxxxviii. 26; cclxv. 36.
Cogdall, John; cclviii. 16.
Coghill, Marmaduke, Judge of the Courts of Prerogative and Faculties in Ireland, petition of; cclviii. 22, 25.
-, Sir John; cclviii. 22, 25.
Coin, letters concerning state of gold and silver; ccxxxii. 18.
-, in Jersey and Guernsey, value of; cclviii. 15.
-, of the kingdom, tampered with; ccxlviii. 64.
Coinage Act, the; ccxxxv. 47.
-, of copper, directions as to; ccliii. 28.
-, for America, the; cclii. 10; cclv. 40.
-, -, patent granted to William Wood for; ccxliv. 49.
-, from 1714 to 1726, mem. of; cclvii. 46.
-, of halfpence and farthings for Ireland (W. Wood's patent); ccxl. 50; ccxlii. 51; ccxliv. 7, 13; ccxlvii. 36–39.
Coiners and clippers in the cos. of Chester, Flint, and Stafford; ccxliii. 72.
Coins, the different marks struck on; ccxliii. 30.
Coire, the city of; ccxliii. 35.
Coke, Mr., Vice-Chamberlain, letter of; ccxliii. 52.
Coldbrandspath, N.B., Bridge of; cclx. 44.
Cole, Christian, Esq.; ccliii. 17.
-, Christopher; cclxvi. 3.
-, Mr.; ccxxix. 1.
-, Richd., Lieut.-Col., memorial of; ccxxviii. 10.
Coleman, Thomas, Esq., H.M. Resident to the Grand Duke of Tuscany; ccxlviii. 29.
Coling, Mr. Benjamin; ccxxxv, 51.
Colladon —, annuity granted to; ccxliii. 14.
-, the Lady; ccliii. 31.
College of Justice, Edinburgh, the; cclv. 39.
Colleton, Sir John; cclxvi. 32.
Collett, Elizth., widow, petition of; ccxxv. 26.
Collier, Benjamin, Esq.; cclv. 3.
Colliery, of Ballycastle, co. Antrim; ccxxxix. 18.
Collingham; cclii. 63.
Collingwood, Barbara and Elizth., petition of; ccxxxv. 11.
Collins, Arthur, late of London, bookseller; ccxlii. 20.
Colne, the river, co. Herts; ccxlviii. 30.
Collyer, Mr., cashier to the trustees for circulating Exchequer Bills; ccxxxiv. 43.
Colomer, John, citizen of Barcelona, petition of; ccxxxiii. 33.
Colonies and islands in America, missionaries sent to; ccxxxiv. 36.
-, in the West Indies; ccxxxix. 37. See also America, Carolina, Jamaica, Pennsylvania, Virginia, &c.
Colstable Farm, co. Sussex; ccxliii. 19, 66.
Colt, John Dutton, Esq., late Paymaster of the Lottery of 1711; ccliv. 18; cclxiv. 30.
Columba, island of; cclv. 54.
Columbine, Capt. Edward; cclxii. 2.
-, Mr.; ccxliv. 62.
Combs, John; cclix. 6.
Combes, Mr.; cclv. 3.
Commander-in-Chief in Scotland. See Campbell, Col.
Commissary General of the Musters, office of; cclvii. 60.
Commissioners. See Accounts, Army, Chelsea Hospital, Churches, Customs, Forfeitures, Hackney Coaches, Hides, Navy, Revenue, Sick and Wounded, Stamp Duties, Taxes, Trade and Plantations, Victualling, Wine Licences, Works.
Commissions en seconde; ccxxxiii. 3.
Common Moor, land at Langport, Somerset, called; ccliii. 61.
Common Pleas, Court of; ccxxxv. 75.
-, Rolls of; ccxlviii. 26; cclxv. 47.
-, trial in; ccxl. 25.
-, (Ireland); cclii. 11.
-, -, Chief Justice of. See Forster, John.
Commons, the House of; ccxxix. 16; ccxxxiii. 18, 19; ccxxxiv. 31; ccxxxvii. 6; ccxl. 38; ccxli. 12; ccxliv. 54; cclii. 35, 50, 56; cclviii. 9, 11, 17; cclx. 35; cclxi. 1; cclxvi. 14; cclxix. 60.
-, -, addresses of; ccxliv. 29, 30 31; cclvi. 8.
-, -, clerk of. See Joddrell, Paul.
-, -, clerk assistant of. See Aiskew, Michael.
-, -, journals of; ccxlviii. 39.
-, -, minutes of, writers of the; ccxliv. 21.
-, -, printers to, petition of; cclxvi. 14.
-, -, resolutions of; ccxxxv. 39; ccxxxix. 18, 19; ccli. 56; cclxvii. 7.
-, -, Speaker of; ccxxxiii. 19; cclxvi. 14.
-, -, -, report of; ccxlviii. 39.
-, -, votes of; ccl. 4.
-, -, (Ireland); ccxxxv. 17, 70; and see Ireland.
-, -, -, addresses of; ccxliv. 32.
Compton, S.; ccxlv. 9; cclxii. 5.
Comptroller General, the; cclii. 4.
Comptrollers. See Army Comptrollers.
Comyns, John, proposal of; cclvii. 44.
-, Mr. Serjeant; cclv. 6.
Concealed rents and arrears, discoverer of; ccxxxiv. 56.
Concordatum, the; cclxix. 15.
-, overdrawings on the; ccli. 80.
-, warrants of (Ireland); ccxlviii. 22.
Conduit, John, Esq., master and worker of the Mint; cclxv. 10.
-, memorial of; cclx. 21.
-, report of; cclxv. 48.
Connecticut, Province of; cclxii. 6.
Conolly, William, Esq., Speaker of the House of Commons in Ireland; ccxlii. 24.
Constats; ccxxxv. 74.
Consuls, H.M.'s, list of; ccxlviii. 29.
Contractors for bread and forage for army of the High Allies in Spain, petition of; ccxxxiii. 33.
Controller's Office, the; cclxiv. 39.
Convention made at Paris; ccxxxii. 11.
Conyers, —, annuity granted to; ccxliii. 14.
Cook, Mr. George; ccxxxviii. 61.
Cooke, Bernard, gent., petition of; ccxl. 73.
-, letter of; ccxlvi. 4.
-, James, petition of; ccxlviii. 44.
Cookham, co. Berks, manor of; ccliii. 50.
Cooper, Edwd.; ccxlvi. 81.
Cope, Sir Jonathan, Bart.; ccxxxix. 22.
Copper and brass, manufacture of; ccxxxviii. 106.
Copper coinage, the; ccxlii. 30, 68; ccliii. 28.
-, (Ireland); ccxlviii. 13, 17; ccli. 62.
-, -, amount to be coined by Wood; ccxlviii, 13; and see Coinage.
-, for coinage of halfpence, &c., tender for; cclxix. 14.
-, imported from Barbary; cclxi. 5; cclxiv. 24.
-, miners in Wales, governor and company of, petitions of; ccxxxv. 30; ccxliii. 30.
-, practice of shipping, from New Jersey to Holland; ccxxxiv. 32.
Coquets, clerk of the (Scotland); ccxlvi. 57.
-, granted by Custom House officers; cclii. 38.
Corbett, William; cclxii. 4.
-, -, letter of; ccliv. 22.
Corbin, Thomas, late Virginia merchant, petition of; ccxl. 97.
Corbittstown, co. Westmeath; cclii. 11.
Cork, the barracks of; ccxliii. 50.
-, co.; cclxvii. 7.
Corke Hill, Dublin; ccxlvii. 8.
Corkyse, Charles, letter of; cclxvi. 12.
Corles Croft; ccxxxix. 55.
Corn, duties on; cclxvi. 22.
-, importation of, to Scotland from Ireland; ccxlviii. 38.
-, malted, proposed duty on; ccliii. 78.
-, used for distilling, duty on; cclxix. 60.
Cornbury, Edward, Lord; ccliii. 70; cclv. 83; cclix. 25.
Corner, Captain; ccxxxii. 11.
Cornwall, co.; ccxxviii. 38; ccxxxvi. 4.; cclx. 5; cclxiv. 45.
-, the Earl of, a prisoner in the Tower; ccxliii. 21.
Cornwallis, Lord; ccxl. 31.
-, Thomas, memorials of; ccxxxiv. 12; ccxl. 24; cclxiv. 43.
Coronation of George II., the; cclix. 36; cclx. 21.
Coronations, fees to Heralds at; cclxv. 19.
Corso, Captain John, a subject of the King of Spain; ccxlii. 21.
Cortizes, Joseph, memorial; ccxxxv. 58.
Corunna; cclix. 5.
Cosnan, John, formerly Surveyor-General of salt duties in Scotland; ccxxxv. 31.
Cossum Choja, the Tripoli ambassador; cclxvi. 19.
Costilloe, Stephen, gent., petition of; ccxxxv. 70; ccxxxix. 18.
Cotford, Suffolk, hundred of; ccliii. 66.
Cotterell, Sir Clement, Master of the Ceremonies; ccxlix. 3; cclxiv. 67.
Cotton, Anthony; ccliii. 20.
-, John, Esq.; ccxlviii. 60.
-, Mr.; ccxl. 15; ccxliv. 53.
-, Library, the; cclxiii. 7; cclxv. 19.
-, -, Essex house leased for; ccxliii. 43.
Council, the, or Privy Council; cclxv. 10; cclxix. 5.
-, -, books of the Prince of Wales; cclxiv. 78.
-, Chamber, the; ccxl. 21; ccli. 2; cclviii. 15.
-, -, -, (Dublin); cclxv. 25.
-, -, clerks of, salaries of; ccxxxviii. 42.
-, -, committee of; ccxxxix. 45; cclxvi. 32.
-, the King in; ccxl. 58.
-, -, letter, &c. of; ccli. 2.
-, -, minutes of; ccli. 13.
-, -, orders in or of; ccxxviii. 26; ccxxxiv. 10, 13, 14, 23, 29, 46; ccxxxv. 11, 33, 34; ccxxxviii. 45; ccxxxix. 26, 45, 54; ccxl. 74, 101; ccxli. 5; ccxliii. 30, 31; ccxlvi. 13; ccxlvii. 9; ccxlviii. 13; ccxlix. 6; cclii. 30; ccliii. 1, 54, 59; cclvii. 4; cclviii. 4, 19; cclix. 35, 36; cclx. 7, 12, 32; cclxvi. 13, 32.
-, -, [in Ireland], clerk of; ccxlvii. 46.
-, chamber in Ireland, usher of, fees to; ccxlvii. 46.
Counterfeit money; ccxliv. 7.
Coupar, N.B., borough of; ccliii. 67; cclxvi. 35.
-, lordship of; ccxl. 9.
Coupland, Mr. Jno., memorial of; ccxliv. 14.
Courand, or Couraud, Mr. John; ccxlvi. 38; ccli. 6.
Court of Common Pleas. See Common Pleas.
-, of King's Bench. See King's Bench.
-, of Directors of South Sea Company. See South Sea Company.
-, of Requests. See Requests.
Covent Garden; ccliii. 46.
-, Gutt, St. Christopher's; p. 425.
Coventry, city of; ccli. 24.
-, the Earl of; ccxxix. 14; ccxxxiv. 47.
-, Mr.; ccxxix. 14.
Cowley stream, a branch of the river Colne; ccxlviii. 30.
Cowper, lordship of; ccliii. 68.
-, Mr. Justice; cclxv. 43.
-, Mr. William, clerk of the Parliament, letter of; ccxliv. 40.
Cox, Charles, memorial of; ccxxxviii. 35.
-, Sir Charles, petition of; ccxlvii. 41.
-, Daniel, gent., late Under Sheriff for Warwickshire, petition of; ccxlvii. 26.
-, Mary, wife of Charles Cox, Esq., petition of; ccliii. 50.
-, Saml., President of the Council and Commander-in-Chief of Barbadoes; ccxxxviii. 35; ccxlvii. 41.
Crabb, Thomas, jun.; ccxlv. 6.
Cracherode, Anthony, Esq., H.M.'s solicitor for the Treasury; ccxxvii. 17, and passim.
-, -, accounts of; cclix. 21.
-, -, memorials of; ccxxvii. 17; ccxlvi. 100; ccli. 61; cclii. 27; ccliv. 28; cclx. 20; cclxvi. 27; cclxix. 22, 32, 52.
-, -, reports, &c. of; ccxxviii. 9; ccxliv. 19; ccxlvii. 26; ccxlviii. 42; cclii. 42; ccliii. 6, 30, 45; cclvii. 23, 30, 32, 36; cclviii. 16, 21; cclix. 11, 26; cclx. 19; cclxv. 22, 46; cclxix. 37.
Craegend, Sir Hugh Cunynghame of; ccxxxiv. 55.
Craggs, James, letters of; ccxxvii. 10; ccxxviii. 11; ccxxxii. 18, 55.
-, Mr., estates of, at Lewisham and Greenwich; ccxxxv. 71.
-, Mr. Secretary; ccxxvii. 28; ccxxxv. 35; ccxxxviii. 40; ccxxxix. 13; ccliii. 32.
-, -, letters of; ccxxxii. 25, 54.
-, -, letter to; ccxxxiii. 47.
-, -, order from; ccxxvii. 17.
Craigforth, N.B.; cclv. 53.
Craigie Miln, lands of, co. Perth; ccxliii. 18.
Craigievar, N.B.; ccxlviii. 7.
-, lands of; cclv. 51.
Cranborne Chase, under-keepers of, complaint of; ccliii. 15.
Crauford, John, Surveyor-General of the duties on salt in Scotland; ccxxxv. 31.
Craufurd, M., the late secretary to Lord Stairs' embassy; cclix. 15.
Crawcroft, Captain, pilot; ccxxxiii. 42.
Crawfield, near Irvine, N.B.; ccliii. 19.
Crawford, Lindsay, family of; cclii. 38.
-, Earl of; cclii. 38.
Crawfurd, Thomas, Esq., H.M. Resident at the Court of France; ccxliii. 56; ccxlviii. 29.
Craven, Mr., late governor of Carolina; cclx. 40.
-, Rt. Hon. Lord; cclxvi. 32.
Creagh, Sir Michael, attainted of treason; cclii. 6.
Creary, —, prosecution of; cclii. 27.
Creation fees, to Heralds; ccxliii. 23.
Creichton, Brigadier. See Crichton.
Creighton, Col. Abraham, regiment of, in Ireland; ccxl. 13.
Cressett, Mrs.; cclv. 41.
Crichton, Brigadier-General David; ccxl. 63; ccxlvii. 45.
-, Captain; ccxxvii. 2.
Crohare, Mr. Daniel, sums due to; ccxxxviii. 32.
Croker, Mr., chief engraver at the Mint; cclxv. 48.
Cromarty, the roads of; ccxxxix. 35.
Cromertie, Lady, petition of; ccliii. 71.
Crooke, Col., Receiver of the Casual Revenue in the Leeward islands; ccxxxix. 37.
Crow, Barbara, body laundress to the Princess of Wales, letter of; ccxliv. 42.
Crowe, Mr., H.M. Consul at Barcelona; ccxxxv. 3.
Crown, the, claims upon; ccxlviii. 16.
-, concealed rents of; cclxiv. 15.
-, conquered countries taxed by the authority of; ccxlvii. 54.
-, Corporation of Dunwich, claims to rent from; ccxxxix. 39.
-, debts due from; ccxliii. 44; ccxlvii. 53; cclvii. 8.
-, debts due to; ccxli. 6; ccxlviii. 10, 11, 34; cclv. 83.
-, deductions from wages, &c. derived from; ccxxxv. 67.
-, duties in Scotland, method of recovering; ccxliii. 46.
-, Earl of Seaforth's estate in the possession of; cclii. 25.
-, forfeiture of the estate of Strowan to; ccxliv. 11.
-, land tax paid to; ccxxxiii. 36.
-, lands belonging to; cxxxix. 8.
-, -, procedure in applications for leases of; ccxliii. 66.
-, -, holding over by tenants of; ccxlviii. 20.
-, -, in Oxfordshire, lease of; cclxvi. 24.
-, -, in Yorkshire, leases of; ccxlviii. 20.
-, -, Surveyor-General of. See Pulteney, John.
-, lease of pre and post fines, in Cheshire, Chester, and Flint; ccxlvii. 52.
-, prosecutions in Scotland; ccxxxiii. 39.
-, quit rents in Ireland belonging to; ccxliii. 14.
-, rents in the manor of St. James's; cclii. 67.
-, rents in Scotland. See Scotland.
-, supplied with timber from America; ccxxxv. 48.
-, tithes vested in; ccxlviii. 41.
-, vassals of, in Scotland, dues, &c. payable by; cclx. 48,
Croxhall, Randal, Esq., late High Sheriff for Warwickshire; ccxlvii. 26.
Croythyn, co. Cardigan, King's manor of; ccxxxiv. 20.
Cudworth, co. York; ccxlvii. 51.
Cuenca, the siege of; ccxli. 1.
Cullen, Sir Francis Grant of, Bart., Lord Delegate of Scotland, memorial of; ccxxxiii. 16.
Cullodon, N.B.; ccliv. 5.
Cumberland, H.R.H. William Augustus, Duke of, his fees for Knighthood of the Bath; ccliii. 72.
Cummings, Mr. William, a merchant in Edinburgh; cclv. 50.
Cuningham, Henry, Esq., memorial of; ccxlvi. 118.
-, Mr.; cclix. 10.
-, Mr. Robert; cclvi. 8.
-, Major James, Deputy Governor of Fort William, N.B., memorial of; ccxliv. 39.
-, petition of; ccxxxv. 79.
-, Robert, Esq.; cclxiii. 2.
-, William, Esq.; cclxv. 46.
Cunyngham, Mr.; cclx. 7.
Cunynghame, Alex., Esq., representative of Sir Hugh Cunynghame, of Craegend; ccxxxiv. 55.
Custom House (Dublin); ccxl. 50; ccxliii. 3; cclii. 6; cclv. 11; cclvi. 9.
-, -, (Edinburgh); ccxxxv. 59; ccxl. 39, 45; ccxliii. 39; ccxliv. 47; ccliii. 19; cclxvi. 7.
-, -, (London); ccxxxv. 7, 24, 42; ccxxxix. 22; ccxl. 5, 14; ccxli. 6; ccxliii. 38; ccxlvii. 59; ccliv. 3; cclxvi. 12; cclxix. 24.
-, -, -, books of, the; cclx. 43.
-, -, -, holidays taken at the; ccxlvii. 31.
-, -, oaths; ccl. 9.
-, -, officers; ccxxxii. 8; ccxxxix. 35, 37; ccxl. 78, 81; ccxliv. 26; ccxlv. 5; ccxlvi. 64, 102, 114; ccxlix. 5; cclvii. 52; cclix. 37; cclx. 17, 25; cclxi. 5; cclxix. 11, 34.
-, -, -, corresponding with pirates abroad; ccxxxii. 22.
-, -, -, outrage committed on; ccxxxv. 7.
-, -, -, repayment of land tax to; ccxli. 6.
Customs; ccxxxiv. 34; ccxlvi. 83; ccxlvii. 40; cclvi. 3.
-, in America (North and South), frauds in; cclv. 57.
-, in Barbadoes; ccxxviii. 39; ccxxxv. 50.
-, in the Isle of Man; ccliii. 73.
-, -, fraudulent practices as to; cclx. 49.
-, at Milford; cclxiv. 58.
-, New York, Mr. Francis Harrison, surveyor of; ccxxxiv. 32.
-, at Southwold; cclvii. 57.
-, in Wales; cclxix. 55.
-, Board of; ccxlvi. 47; cclii. 60.
-, collectors of; ccxxix. 20.
-, -, in Barbadoes; ccxxxv. 16, 40; cclviii. 28.
-, -, in North Carolina; ccxxxvi. 4.
-, -, at Penzance; ccxxxix. 61.
-, -, -, petition of; ccxxxv. 24.
-, -, in Virginia; ccxxxvi. 4.
-, commissioners of; ccxxxii. 4; ccxxxiii. 35; ccxxxiv. 32, 45; ccxxxv. 33, 34, 40, 55; ccxxxviii. 79, 84; ccxxxix. 2, 37, 51, 61; ccxl. 20, 81; ccxlvi. 37; ccxlvii. 31; ccli. 59; cclii. 38; cclv. 57; cclvii. 27, 42; cclviii. 28; cclix. 37; cclxvi. 38.
-, -, reports, &c. of; ccxxx. 3; ccxxxiii. 7; ccxxxiv. 13, 14, 29; ccxxxvi. 4; ccxl. 5; ccxli. 6; ccxlv. 5, 6; ccxlviii. 10; ccxlix. 5; ccliv. 3; cclvi. 3; cclix. 34; cclxi. 5; cclxvi. 12; cclxvii. 2.
-, Controller-General of; ccxxxv. 40.
-, duties. See also Stamps.
-, -, of 4½ per cent. in Barbadoes, mem. as to collectors of; ccxxviii. 39.
-, -, on coal exported from Scotland; cclii. 38.
-, -, on salt; ccxlvi. 118; ccxlviii. 14.
-, -, wine impost in the City of London; ccxlvii. 59; cclviii. 1.
-, frauds in the; cclviii. 3.
-, general accounts of; cclxix. 40.
-, Receiver-General and cashier of; ccxxxvi. 4; ccxli. 6; ccli. 42, 59.
-, solicitor of the; ccliv. 3.
-, vexatious suits against officers of; ccxxx. 3.
-, (Ireland); ccxliii. 49.
-, -, commissioners of; ccxlviii. 17.
-, -, -, letter of; ccli. 62.
-, -, and excise, frauds in; cclxv. 25.
-, -, frauds in tobacco trade in; cclviii. 2.
-, -, tidewaiters at Dublin, memorial of; ccxlvii. 4.
-, (Scotland); ccxxxiv. 55; ccxlvi. 57; cclii. 38, 49.
-, -, commissioners of; ccxxxiii. 7; ccxxxiv. 26; ccxl. 34; ccxliii. 46; ccxlviii. 8, 38; ccli. 19; cclii. 38; ccliii. 21; cclv. 20, 36; cclvii. 42.
-, -, -, reports, &c. of; ccxxvii. 23; ccxxxii. 20; ccxxxv. 59; ccxxxix. 12; ccxl. 39, 45, 91; ccxlii. 76; ccxliii. 39, 46, 48; ccxlvi. 3, 20, 66, 109; ccxlix. 5, 6; ccl. 9; cclii. 70; ccliii. 19; cclv. 48, 72; cclxvi. 7.
-, -, fees, proposed scale of; ccl. 9.
-, -, lessees of; ccxxxiv. 55.
-, -, officers of; cclxv. 54.
-, -, -, at Aberdeen; ccxliii. 13.
-, -, -, reports of; cclv. 48, 72.
-, -, -, salaries of; ccxxxix. 12; ccxlix. 6.
-, -, Receiver-General of; ccliii. 25.
-, -, sugar houses, exemption claimed by; ccxxxv. 1.
Custos Brevium, office of the; ccxlviii. 26.
Cyprus; ccxxxiv. 29.