Volume 255: January 4-December 31, 1726

Pages 391-422

Calendar of Treasury Papers, Volume 6, 1720-1728. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1889.

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January 4–December 31, 1726

1726. 1. A paper with the following titles:—
New Year's Gifts and other annual dues for the Lords.
New Year's Gifts paid and distributed by Mr Scrope.
New Year's Gifts, or other annual gratuities, for the Secretaries and for the clerks.
There is also a second paper of a similar nature. 4 pages.
[? About
4 Jan.]
2. “A caveat humbly layd before the Right Honoble the Lords Comrs of his Maties Treasury, by the Honoble Philip Bertie, Esq., Thomas Hayter & James Bengough, Gent., and their representatives; that noe lease or grant of certaine lands lyeing in Lincolnshire (called derelict lands) be made to any person or persons before the parties above named or their agent has notice thereof and be heard therein.”
On the back is:—“4th Janry 1725–6 caveat entred p[er] order of Mr Sec[reta]ry Scrope.” 1 page.
[? About
4 Jan.]
3. “Benjn Collier, Esq. Caviat v. Combes Savoy Lease. 4 Janry 1725–6. Caveat entred p[er] order of Mr Scrope.”
A paper thus docketed:—The premises situated in the Strand were mortgaged to Collier and were held of the Crown. 1 page.
5 Jan. 4. Report of the Comrs of Works to the Lords of the Treasury upon the question by what authority Mr Sympson, one of the Keepers in Hampton Court Park, has been many years employed to inspect the River that feeds the King's park and gardens there with water, their Lps having agreed that Thomas Guilliam, a servant of the Earl of Halifax, shall succeed to that business in case Mr Sympson (who lies dangerously ill) shall happen to die. Find that in 1701, when H.M. gardens were united to this office, Mr Sympson had 20l. per ann. for looking after and inspecting the River; and the allowance has ever since been continued to him for looking after the repairing and cleaning the River; and according to the best enquiry they can make he was appointed by the Superintendent of the Gardens. 1 page.
11 Jan. 5. Memorial of A. Cracherode to the Lords of the Treasury praying for half a year's salary for himself and clerks, and for 100l. for perusing and marking out the criminal passages in pamphlets and printed papers brought to him by the messenger of the press for that purpose during six months ending 18 Oct. last. 1 page.
[? After
15 Jan.]
6. “The Answer of the Governour & Court of Assistants of the York Buildings Company, purchasers of forfeited Estates in England & Scotland, to the memorial and complaint of Abraham Meure, James Peachy, and John Edwin, Esqrs, &c.,” addressed to the Rt Hon. Robert Walpole, Esq., and the rest of the Lords of the Treasury. The Memorialists are not the chief annuitants, nor could they prevail on any considerable number of the annuitants to join them; neither was their purchase money any considerable part of the price agreed for on purchasing the forfeited Estates. The whole body of the annuitants have been punctually paid. By the Act 6 & 7 [Geo. I.] the purchasers of forfeited Estates, being bodies corporate, may grant annuities for life thereon, but are not obliged that such annuities shall affect and charge the land: yet the complainants insist on this. The Respondents lay not any stress upon it that the annuities now possessed by the complainants chiefly arise on prize-tickets purchased by them at second hand ‘in the Alley’ after they had been depreciated; but that pursuant to the Acts the Governor and Company did grant annuities, and they and the original purchasers had the opinions and advice of Mr Serjt Pengelly & Mr Serjt Comyns, who settled the form of the Annuity Bond. Conceive they are not now to make a new bargain. The Governor and Court of Assistants agreed to a public declaration, which was read at their General Court, touching Annuity Bonds for Lottery Annuity Prizes (the terms of which are quoted); but notwithstanding this treaty was to promote a charitable purpose, yet the good intent is obstructed, and the stockholders discouraged and intimidated, &c. Pray that in consideration of the losses sustained by them by purchasing these Estates they may have their Lps favour in completing their purchase money and granting conveyances. And if to gratify the complainants, the respondents shall be debarred from making Lotteries, the Respondents also pray their Lps will permit, and the annuitants consent, that some part of the Estates may be sold again, for discharging the remainder of the purchase money, and for buying in at higher prices than they cost the complainants or others of the York Buildings Annuitants such of the Company's Annuities as they are willing to part with.”
Also the memorial of the complainants, which has the following minute on it:—“15th Jan. 1725. The York Buildings Compa to consider this memll & to return it with their answer.” 5 pages.
19 Jan. 7. J. Scrope to the Attorney and Solicitor General. Under a Royal Proclamation of 21 Jan. 1719, and on the reports of Mr Cracherode, the Lords of the Treasury have paid 5,000l. or thereabouts in rewards within these five years, and have great demands not yet satisfied. The offenders seem to increase rather than diminish. Their Lordships ask the Attorney and Solicitor General what can be done to relieve the King of this expense, as it appears from the enclosed list of the value of the things taken that the reward could never have been intended to be thus given. 19 Jan. 1725.
Also a printed copy of the proclamation, and the list referred to. 3 pages.
29 Jan. 8. Report of the Comrs for Taxes to the Lords of the Treasury, sending an account of the whole charge of the tax upon Papists,— the discharge by certificates and payments into the Exchequer,—how much there is in the receivers' hands,—and how much remains uncollected. Are of opinion that when all the certificates and insupers shall be returned the 3,507l. 19s. 10¾d., paid by the receivers into the Exchequer and the poundage to Commrs, clerks, collectors, and receivers deducted, no considerable sum can be expected out of the 7,879l. 8s. 7d. which remains uncollected.
Also the account referred to. 2 pages.
1 Feb. 9. The same to the same. Have caused an account of the net produce of the tax upon Papists to be laid before the House of Commons.
The account referred to. 2 pages.
9 Feb. 10. “Memorial and petition” of Hannah Penn, the widow of William Penn, Esq., deceased, “proprietor of Pennsylvania,” and of John, Thomas, Margaret, and Richard Penn, her children by the said Wm Penn, to the Lords of the Treasury. William Penn proposed to surrender to her late Majesty his powers of Government, and her Majesty agreed to accept the surrender, and to allow him 12,000l., to be paid in four years. Her Majesty on 9 Sept. 1712, directed 1,000l. to be paid to William Penn, but he was soon after incapacitate to complete the sale; but by his will before the sale he devised the same to Trustees to be sold to her Majesty. Petitioners exhibited their Bill in the Court of Exchequer against the heir-at-law to prove the will per testes, and have made the Attorney General a party in the suit, and the cause is to be tried after Hilary term; pray that the Attorney General may have instructions on his Majesty's part against the hearing of the cause. 1 page.
12 Feb. 11. Comrs of Revenue in Ireland to the Lord Lieut. of Ireland. In reply to an order from the Lords Justices, referring to them a report of the Attorney General and papers relating to a petition of Sir Laurence Esmond for reducing the quit-rents on the lands, and asking if they (the Comrs) had any objection, they enclose copies of (1) the Attorney General's report on the petition, (2) of a report of James Topham, Esq., late Clerk of the Quit-Rents thereon, and (3) copy of an opinion of his Majesty's Solicitor General on the reports of Mr Attorney General and Mr Topham. Custom House, Dublin, Feb. 12, 1725.
The lands referred to were mountainous lands in the county of Wicklow, containing 12,852 acres (Irish Plantation measure), other lands in the co. of Wexford containing 4,166 acres of like measure, lands in the co. of Catherlogh, containing 560 acres. The lands of Aghavanna are also referred to, consisting of 10,079 acres in the co. of Wicklow, besides 1,000 acres thereof granted to Sir Robert Booth. Also 1,288 acres in the same county, and lands of Tausinagh in the co. of Wexford, containing 4,166 acres, and lands of Killdavan and other lands in the co. of Catherlogh, containing 560 acres (probably those above referred to).
“Read 16 July 1727.” 11¼ pages.
12 Feb. 12. “A list or certificate of the accompts of the severall Surveyors of his Maties woods remaining in my office undeclared pursuant to the severall signe manuals and warrants hereafter mentioned with the respective summs of money remaining in their hands so far as the same appears to me, and likewise a state of the revenue of the Savoy Hospital to Micħas 1722 inclusive.”
It also relates to the auditing of the accounts of the Receiver General of the Savoy revenue.
Dated 12 Feb. 1725. 10 pages.
15 Feb. 13. Copy of report of the Barons of the Exchequer of Scotland to the Lords of the Treasury in England respecting the satisfying certain claims for salaries to the late Comrs and Trustees for the Forfeited Estates in Scotland by Sir Robert Sinclair, late Receiver General of the Forfeited Estates. When certain sums were paid there would be a balance of 6,032l. 15s. 25/12d. in the Receiver's hands. Advise that the late Receiver should have 3d in the pound on all the money he received. Edinburgh, 15 Feb. 1725–6. 2 pages.
16 Feb. 14. Representation of the Barons of the Exchequer in Scotland to the Lords of the Treasury. Upon the establishment of this Court they were allowed for their accommodation the house and rooms where the Exchequer and Treasury of Scotland met before the Union. The Court disposed of the places in the best manner that could be for the conveniency of the several offices and the records belonging to them. By the addition of some new offices and the multiplicity of vouchers and records there is an absolute necessity for some other rooms for the better disposing and securing of them. By the surveys of Mr McGil, an architect, it appears that there may be built a storey over that part of the Exchequer called the Exchequer Chamber, consisting of 40 feet in length and 21 in breadth, at an expense of 500l. Advise that the storey should be built. Edinburgh, Exchequer Chamber, 16 Feb. 1725–6.
Also copy of the same with four words additional. 4 pages.
16 Feb. 15. Report of the same to the same on the petition of James Cleland, Keeper of the Tolbooth Prison, in the city of Edinburgh. From the year 1689 to 1 Feb. 1707 the Keeper of the prison was paid, as well house dues, as for the necessary aliment of all indigent prisoners committed to his custody, for public crimes, extending to about 94l. per annum. In the absence of His Majesty's Advocate, the Solicitor General reports that he has no objection to the payment of that part of the account for alimenting poor criminals, who otherwise must have starved before being brought to justice or discharged. With respect to the house dues for poor criminals, it seems doubtful if the full dues paid by civil prisoners should be insisted on for public criminals. Upon the whole is of opinion in equity he ought to have relief on account of the burthen of prisoners for public crimes; and that it may not be unreasonable to settle an annual sum on the Keeper as an equivalent for such aliment and fees. The petitioner's fees for alimenting the poor prisoners and for the house dues from 24 June 1719 to this time amount to 395l. 17s. 4⅓d., being about 72l. per ann. In regard that the accounts were paid before the Union, that the Keeper of the prison gives good security for the faithful discharge of his office, is obliged to keep many servants, has no salary from the City for the same, or other perquisite, but what arises from the house dues and entering prisoners for civil debts, and that all prisoners of any note are brought from all parts of Scotland and committed to this gaol for trial, where the Court of Justiciary sits, they (the Barons) conceive it may be reasonable that the account should be paid. Beg leave to observe that by a clause in the Act of last Sessions for the more effectual disarming of the Highlands in Scotland, the freeholders of every shire, county, or district in Scotland shall at their meetings of the Head Courts yearly assess the several shires or “stewartries” to defray the charges of apprehending and subsisting criminals, &c. Cannot learn that any notice has been yet taken of this power, but are of opinion some such provision is very necessary to be enforced, that the Government may be eased of these expenses. 16 Feb. 1725–6.
Minuted:—“Rd: disagreed to.”
Also the petition referred to. 5½ pages.
21 Feb. 16. Report of the same to the same on the petition of Archibald Douglas, of Cavers. It appears by the Report of the Treasurer's Remembrancer that Mr Douglas as Sheriff of the county of Roxburgh is accountable to his Majesty for 579l. 0s.d. “as the Blench, Book, Castleward, and Retoured Duties due from the Term of Whitsuntide 1715 and to the said Term 1725.” His Majesty may, if he so please, grant his warrant to discharge the petitioner of the 579l. 0s.d. upon passing his accounts of the Sheriffship according to the course of the Exchequer. 21 Feb. 1725–6.
Also the petition.
Minuted:—“Agreed to.” 3 pages.
22 Feb. 17. Memorial of the South Sea Company to the Lords of the Treasury. In pursuance of the Act of the last Parliament for encouraging a British Greenland Fishery, by taking off the duties on whale fins, oil, and blubber of whales which are caught in Greenland seas in British ships, there is a prospect of success; but the Act takes no notice of seals and other creatures which abound in and upon those frozen seas; which therefore, tho' part of the product of those fishing voyages, are liable to duties subsisting before that Act passed. These amounted to a prohibition, from which they should be exempted. St David's Straits have always been understood to be part of the Greenland Seas, and the Dutch annually send many ships on the Fishery; but as the Straits are not expressly comprehended in the Act, the fins, oil, &c. imported into Great Britain still continue liable to the former high duties. Pray that their Lps would represent the matter to Parliament with expedition, that the necessary directions may be given as the Company's ships are to depart in March next, some to Greenland and others to St David's Straits if they are encouraged by Parliament. South Sea House, 22 Feb. 1725. (Signed.)
Minuted:—“23 February 1725. Read and my Lords are of opinion their request is reasonable, and that they should apply to Parliament to be releived therein.” 2 pages.
25 Feb. 18. The Lord Lieut. of Ireland (Carteret) to the Lords of the Treasury. Yesterday sent his Majesty's answers to the Addresses of both Houses, and the Commons agreed nemine contradicente to the enclosed address to which he gave the enclosed answer.
The address related to the arrears of half-pay officers.
There is only one enclosure on the same subject. 7 pages.
25 Feb.]
19. Petition to the Lords of the Treasury of the Chapel Wardens of the Chapel of St John the Baptist and other the inhabitants within the precinct of the Savoy in respect to a claim upon them from his Majesty's Exchequer of 51l. or thereabouts which Mr Tilson says they have received from the profits of the burial ground and tolling bell of the Chapel “before the death of his late Majesty's lease thereof to them.” Represent that in 1718 they preferred their petition to the Treasury, praying that certain repairs might be made by the Crown to their chapel and chapel yard, which was allowed; but the allowance being deficient, the chapel yard still remained in great desolation (more like a dunghill than a Christian burial place), and the tolling bell remained entirely useless; whereupon they preferred a second petition praying for a further allowance of 100l. to make good those repairs, or that they might retain the profits of the burial ground and tolling bell. The Surveyor General (Mr Pulteney) reported on this that the profits were worth 14l. yearly, and that by their Lordships' warrant they might retain for the repairs such sums as they expended up to 100l., or that petitioners might have an Exchequer lease thereof for 21 years at the rent of 4l. 13s. 4d. Mr Pultney made no allowance for extravagant expense of the lease. Petitioners were directed by their Solicitor, who is Mr Auditer Jett's Deputy, to retain the money due and to become due, which they did, and completed the repairs. Upon these assurances, petitioners laid out 150l. and other sums, besides 47l. 16s. 4d. for fees (for the lease, which was not finished till 25 Feb. 1725) to the Surveyor General and others. When the premises were of the value of 14l. per ann. they were made use of by the parish of St Mary-le-Strand, which had then no place for the burial of its dead: but before the lease passed the parish was provided with a burial place of its own, which reduced the income to 5l. 10s. ever since, so that counting the net produce of 5l. 10s. per ann. at 5l. per cent. for 21 years the real value is about 66l. Petitioners have taken up money at interest to complete the repairs and are not able to pay the money received: and besides “have a much greater quantity of poor to maintain” by his Majesty's Garrison being kept there than when there was none kept there. Petitioners hope that the re-assumption of their lease may be upon payment to them of the money expended, or for a warrant to retain in their hands the profits they and their predecessors have received before the passing the lease, to support them against the threats and menaces of the Deputy Receiver General of the Hospital revenues. (Signed.) 3 pages.
[? About Feb.
20. Petition of John Farquhar, land waiter at Burrowstonness, to the Lords of the Treasury. Petitioner in the month of Jan. 1723–4 secured in the King's warehouse a considerable parcel of goods, entered as ordinary tow, out of two ships from Rotterdam. Upon a reference to the Comrs the difference of the duty amounted to above 40l. sterling. The owners were so much incensed that they threatened to be revenged, and “they pitched on a Sabbath day to put their malicious design & threatning in execution, when some of their accomplices came to the petrs house in disguise, in time of divine worship, and there being no person in the house but the petitioner's wife, they immediately seized upon her, and after they had stopped her mouth with some of the said tow, which they had brought for that purpose, and blindfolding her, they threw her on a bed, barbarously tied her hands and feet, and then went and rifled the petitioner's house,” &c. “And then left her in that sad condition until the petr and the servant came from church and relieved her when near stifled, having no breath but what she drew by her nose, by which treatment and the fear she was put into, she had almost lost her life,” &c. The Collector represented to the Comrs the above barbarous usage, but as yet petitioner had had no relief: prays for relief.
Undated, but in the Minute Book, vol. 25, p. 216ƒ (30 Aug. 1726), is:—“Commrs customes in Scotland report of the 25th February last whereby 80li is proposed to be paid to John Farquehar, land waiter at Burrowstoness, for loss and damages he sustained by robbers, is read and agreed to.” 1 page.
3 Mar. 21. Report of the Surveyor General (Pulteney) to the Lords of the Treasury on the Memorial of the Governor and Company of Chelsea Waterworks, praying their Lordships to intercede with his Majesty that they may have leave to dig such a quantity of clay, in an old pit in Hyde Park, as may enable them to finish their reservoir which, by H. M. permission, they have begun. They (the Company) estimate that the quantity required would be 1,400 loads. The object was for a better supply of the Royal Palace at Kensington and the new buildings on the east side of the wall of the park with water. The pit they propose to take the clay from is the same from whence the Surveyors of the Highways within the parish of St. Martin-in-the-Fields were permitted some time since to take gravel, and is situate on the south side of a hill in the park, called Buck Barn Hill, in a very retired place, so that little or no damage can be done by what is proposed, either to the herbage or ornament of the park. Thinks that leave may be granted under certain restrictions; also suggests precautions for the safety of the deer in the park.
The memorial referred to. 4 pages.
10 Mar. 22. Robert Armstrong to Charles Burniston, Esq., Surveyor General of H.M. woods in North America. Respecting claims made by the inhabitants of Townships to cut trees in districts laid out as Townships. Says the townships are large, and are many miles square, and contain thousands of acres of wood land, where the timber most fit for the service of the Crown [is grown]; although the twentieth part thereof is not under any immediate improvement. The inhabitants of the province of Maine since the late Act passed (S Geo. I.) pretend that the whole of that tract is the property of the Township. Is of opinion that the trees whether standing or felled are the property of His Majesty. In the year 1722 seized 43 pine trees cut by one Lord O'Libbie without licence in the province of Massachusets Bay, from 24 to upwards of 30 inches in diameter, at 12 inches from the earth, which trees grew five miles from any tillage, fenced land, or inclosure, the Judges ruling that they lay within the township of Borwick. Has previously drawn attention to these matters in reports to which he refers. Forty more similar trees fit for masts and bowsprits have been cut without licence. And by the late Act the officer cannot stop the inhabitants as the latter pretend, &c. Has marked with the broad R, in the woods of the province of New Hampshire, about 300 trees from 24 to 34 inches diameter, and about 200 in the province of Maine. Boston, March 10th, 1725. 3 pages.
15 Mar. 23. A. Cracherode to the Lords of the Treasury. Has received orders from the Rt Hon. Viscount Townshend to assist Mons. Thom, resident here, from the Duke of Wolfenbuttel, to get his secretary, John Brown, discharged out of custody of the Sheriff's Officer of Middlesex, by whom he is detained at the suit of Edw. Dogan and several others. Has endeavoured to get Brown set at liberty, but fruitlessly. The further execution of the order by petitioning the Lord Chancellor and the two Chief Justices “according to the directions of the Act of Parliament for preserving the privileges of Ambassadors and other public ministers of Foreign Princes and States” will be attended with expense. Asks for their Lordships' commands. 15 Mar. 1725. 1 page.
2 April. 24. “Abstract of an agreement between the Dutchess of Buckinghamshire on behalf of her son Edmund, Duke of Buckinghamsħ, of the one part and George Prissick, Gent., of the other part. Dated 2 April, 1726.” Touching the delivery to the Duchess of such quantity of alum as should be agreed upon, at the alum works at Sunderland in the co. of York, at 9l. a ton, and touching a loan by the Duchess to George Prissick, &c.
Also another abstract of the same paper. 7 pages.
7 April. 25. “Report from the Board of Works relating to the supplyg His Majesty's Palaces of St James's & Whitehall with water from the Chelsea Company.”
Mr Deputy Surveyor has waited on the Board of Greencloth, and reports that there is no contract for water in that office; but the Board finds that there is a verbal contract in the Treasurer of the Chamber's Office with the New River Company, for serving the Palace & stables at St Jameses three times a week wth water at 36l. per ann. The Company have frequently complained of this contract, and have often insisted upon 60l. per ann. for this service. Have treated with the Chelsea Waterworks, who are willing to furnish his Majesty's palace & stables with a constant service day and night for 36l. per ann., whereby the palace will be better served & there will be a greater security against fire.
As to the palace of Whitehall, it has been supplied with so much of the Hyde Park water as could be spared from St Jameses. But the water is now designed for St Jameses only, and the New River Company having taken off the two inch main “from their Trees,” which Whitehall was constantly supplied with, the palace will be almost destitute of water. There are in and about Whitehall 104 houses or appartments and 2 in Spring Garden that used to be supplied with water, 29 of which are upon Exchequer leases. The Chelsea Company are willing to supply them with constant service at 100l. per ann., which is a reasonable allowance, &c. 2 pages.
9 April. 26. Report of the Comrs for Taxes to the Lords of the Treasury returning the names of the present Receivers of the Land Tax and Duties on Houses, with a state of their several accounts. Twelve of the Receivers have cleared their accounts, others are stating their accounts with the Auditor. Arrears of two others will be discharged by over-payments in previous years, and five others are under prosecution. Office for Taxes, 9 April 1726.
Also the list of the present receivers of the Land Tax and Duties on Houses. 2 pages.
16 April. 27. Representation of the Comrs of Excise (Scotland) to the Lords of the Treasury. Renew their former representation with regard to the difficulty that attends the management of the revenues of Excise, which they are of opinion requires a parliamentary remedy. [The difficulty relates to the 12 Scots gallons which were said by the 7th Article of the Union to amount to 34 gallons, English. See preface to Calendar of Treasury Papers, 1702–1707, p. ix.] Conclude that 36 gallons allowed by the Justices is too much notwithstanding the trial made by the English gallon pot; because that particular gallon pot proved to be erroneous. The Brewers have not failed all along to take the benefit of the Justices' sentence, by retaining so much of the duty charged upon them as might answer the difference between 36 gallons, fixed by the Justices, and 34 gallons charged by the Officers. This retention very much perplexes the accounts. Propose that, if it appears reasonable to their Lordships, the Brewers' retention amounting to 40,800l. should be allowed by a clause in an Act of Parliament; and that certain alterations should be made which would result in an impost of 2s. a barrel containing 34 English gallons. Excise Office, Edinburgh, 16 April 1726. 3 pages.
30 April. 28. Report of the Surveyor General (Pulteney) to the Lords of the Treasury on two anonymous papers relating to the manor of Winckfield, in Windsor forest, which was on sale. Was required by their Lordships to examine the title, and treat with the seller; but the indisposition of Mr Anthony Meek, the owner, had prevented his entering upon the treaty till the 9th inst. The owner claims to be seized in fee of eight undivided parts of the nine parts of the manor, &c., but he (the Surveyor) has not examined into the validity of Mr Meek's title, presuming their Lordships will think that matter more proper for the consideration of H.M. counsel learned in the law, when the terms of the purchase shall be agreed to. The other ninth part of the manor, Mr Meek says, is in Henry Grey, Esq. He says that the manor is of a very large extent, and a Court Leet and Court Baron belong to it; and within it is another manor, which pays quit-rents to Winkfield, that there are several freehold tenants, copyhold tenants of inheritance, and leasehold tenants, in all near one hundred. Every freehold tenant upon alienation or death pays a relief of a year's quit-rent, and every copyhold tenant upon a mortgage (for a longer term than a year and a day), as also on alienation or death, pays a fine, being a year's quit-rent and a sum certain in lieu of a herriot; all which appears by an ancient presentment of the homage made in the 13th year of James I. The quit-rents, he says, amount to 16l. 9s. 6d. per ann., and for his eight parts he demands forty years' purchase, amounting to 585l. 15s. 7d. For the profits and perquisites of courts he demands thirty years' purchase. Though Mr Meek may have a right to cut timber in the forest, presumes it must be according to forest law, that is, after a writ of ad quod dampnum. Mr Meek further says that there is a small farm or warren, within which are the seven water conduits mentioned in the paper annexed marked A, from which Windsor Castle was formerly, and may again be, supplied with very good water; there is also another small farm and several small tenements and other parcels of land. These he demanded 30 years' purchase for. There are several large sluice ponds stocked with carp, valued at 20s an acre, for which 30 years' purchase is claimed; also pits and places for digging and cutting peat and turbary; thirty years' purchase for the value of these was demanded. Observes that Mr Grey having an estate of a ninth part, he presumes it will not answer his Majesty's intention to purchase unless Mr Grey's part be likewise bought. Has perused a copy of an indenture of 10 April, 3 James I., between the then Lord and Lady of the Manor of the one part, and the Copyholders or Customary Tenants of the other part, by which the former grant to the latter very extensive privileges. The inducement for his Majesty to purchase the manor is to obtain power to inclose some parts of the Common within that part of the forest called Swinly Rail, for the better preserving the game: and Mr Meek admits he cannot sell his eight parts of the Common free and discharged from all manner of right which any tenant of the manor or other person whatsoever may lawfully claim of commoning or digging any sort of earth in any part of the waste or common. 30 April 1726.
The two papers referred to, and the reference of the matter to Mr Scope.
One of the documents commences:—“The mannor of Winkfield about 3 miles distant from Windsor of a very large extent takes in Winckfield Church, the Common Fields and the inclosures thereabouts and part of the Horse Race on Ashcott Heath reaches within a mile and half of Windsor Great Park & there adjoynes to a mannor belonging to the crown which goes into the said park and extends to the taking part of Bagshott park.” 8 pages.
5 May. 29. Estimate of the Surveyor of Woods (Wither) for the enlargement of the paddock in Hyde Park, and for the enclosing the same by a brick wall at the cost of 2,201l. 14s. 5d. 1 page.
5 May. 30. Report of the same to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of the Keepers of the Bailiwick of Surrey, who were appointed by Brigadier Munden, the late Out-Ranger of Windsor forest, and who had to keep horses and hounds to perform their duties in driving the deer back into Windsor forest when they strayed therefrom.
The report is in a very decayed condition, but seems to be in favour of the petitioners. 5 May 1726.
Accompanied by three petitions and a memorandum. 4 pages.
9 May.]
31. Petition of Ralph Astley, of Atherton, in the county of Lancaster, to the King. Petitioner (full of zeal for his Majesty and government when the rebels approached Lancashire in the year 1715) got together, with his neighbour Mr Wood, a great number of men (his workmen and others) to oppose and suppress that unnatural Rebellion, and marched with about 300 men, provided with the best arms, from Atherton to Ribble Bridge, about fifteen miles, and took possession of all the passes leading to it, which he kept for many days; so that no rebel could make his escape that way, and took about thirty prisoners whilst the Troops were subduing the rebels, who had taken refuge in the town of Preston. By this he incurred great expense as well as the displeasure of the disaffected gentlemen of the county by his zeal for his Majesty. Prays for speedy relief out of the privy purse to supply the pressing wants of his distressed numerous family, till his Majesty finds a proper opportunity to reward him for his zeal.
Also a certificate in corroboration of the petition.
On the back is:—“100g.” Also “Copie of ye original presented unto his Majesty & took into his closet Monday ye 9th of May 1726, my Lord Sussex then in waiting.”
In the Minute Book, vol. 25, p. 184c, 6 June 1726, is—“Prepare a sign manual for 105li bounty to Ralph Astley.” 1 page.
21 May.]
32. Four papers relating to pensions of Thomas Bludworth, Esq., and John Hampden, Esq., pages of honour to his Majesty. The salary of the former is mentioned as having been 260l. per ann. and that of the latter 156l. per ann., payable on the establishment of the stables. Both had been removed into the army and were losers by the transfer. One of the papers is a copy of a warrant granting to Thomas Bludworth a pension of 150l. per ann. till he shall be further provided for by some office or employment whereby his salary shall increase to 260l. per ann. at the least. Dated 21 May 1726.
In another of the papers of 28 April 1726, “His Majesty ordered that for the time to come the Master of the Horse shall not lay before his Majesty the name of any person to be placed upon the list of pentions on the Establishment of the Stables unless he be actually in his Majesty's service and become incapable of further service thro' age or misfortune.”
In the Minute Book, vol. 25, p. 217l, 30 Aug. 1726, is:—“Mr. Hampden, heretofore a page of Honour, and now on the Establishment of ½ pay as a Capt of Dragoons, is to have so much paid him p[er] ann. by the hands of Mr Negus as will make his ½ pay equall to the salary or allowances to a page untill he shall be better provided for.” 3½ pages.
23 May. 33. Report of Mr A. Cracherode to the Lords of the Treasury on the petition of Edward Woodward and three others, who claimed the reward of 40l. offered for the apprehension of William Gates, commonly called Vulcan, who was committed for an assault upon Henry Best, one of the keepers of Enfield Chace: in favour of the petitioners. [Gates was required to surrender within 40 days for shooting at the keepers and for killing deer; and not having surrendered was attainted of felony and was apprehended, sentenced to death, and hung.]
The petition, two certificates, and copy of the London Gazette. 7 pages.
2 June. 34. Memorial of Joseph Garton, Provost Marshal of the three Regiments of Guards, to His Majesty's Secretary-at-War (the Rt Hon. Henry Pelham, Esq.). When he (memorialist) was appointed Provost Marshal, the Adjutant-General was ordered to take possession of part of a house adjoining the prison in the Savoy, but he found the Rev. Mr Sing, Minister of Somerset House Chapel, lay dangerously ill and in possession of that part of the house, and the Secretary-at-War and Adjutant-General allowed him to continue for life, being a known well-affected person to the Government, and the prison was as safe with his being there as if he (the memorialist) had it in his possession. Has “had 36 prisoners at a time broke into the house & not one of them got away.” On the death of Mr Sing, memorialist took possession and put in a servant of Mr Sing's to take care of the same. On the 27th of May “instant” Sir Thomas Moore, a gentleman from the Temple, ordered the house to be clear by that day sevennight, for he was to have a warrant from the Treasury to come into it. Prays that the person in possession may be allowed to remain, and that the liberty of the yard may be continued for the health and preservation of the prisoners, the prison being very close, weak, and wanting repair. On the back is “2 June 1726.”
In the Minute Book, vol. 25, p. 181q, is:—“Sr Thomas Mores petic[i]on for a lease of a house in the Savoy, as also the Provost Marshall's petic[i]on desiring the same house for his habitation for the safety of his prisoners are read, and my Lords do not think fit to grant a lease thereof.” 1 page.
4 June.]
35. Petition of William Hucks, Esq., to the Lords of the Treasury. Her late Majesty Catherine, Queen Dowager, and her Trustees, by lease dated 28 March 1682, demised a meadow in Wallingford called North Eights, and other lands in the co. of Berks, to Mr John Arnold for 70 years, if his three sons, or either of them, so long live at a rent of 2l. 1s. per annum. Petitioner is entitled to the premises by purchase, and two of the lives are in being. Prays their Lordships (upon surrender of the two lives) to grant him a new lease for 31 years.
Referred on 4 June 1726 to the Surveyor General (Phillips Gybbon, Esq.) for his report thereon.
In the Minute Book, vol. 25, p. 202, 27 July 1726, is a minute that the Report of 23 July 1726 on Wm Hucks petition for a lease of certain lands at Wallingford was read and agreed to. 1 page.
[? About
13 June.]
36. Petition of John, Earl of Stair, to the Lords of the Treasury. The Bay of Loch Ryan, in the county of Galloway, lies very convenient for trade, and if a key or harbour were built there it would greatly contribute towards the improvement of the wealth and increase of the numbers of his Majesty's subjects; but the inhabitants are not in any condition to afford the expense, so that the improvement of the wool and other produce will continue to be neglected, unless some encouragement be given by his Majesty towards building a key or harbour in the said Bay: and as there is about sixty or seventy pounds yearly of the rents of the Bishopric of Galloway unappropriated to pious uses, petitioner prays their Lordships to obtain his Majesty's warrant, granting the sum of 60l. yearly, during the abolition of Episcopacy, out of the rents of the Bishopric, to be applied by him towards building and supporting a convenient harbour there. Referred 13 June 1726 to the Comrs of Customs, Scotland, to report thereon. 1 page.
13 June. 37. The magistrates of the town of Glasgow to —. Though the Legislature has thought fit to subject this Corporation to the payment of Mr Campbell, of Shawfields, damages, yet it affords some satisfaction to hear from the gentlemen commissioned to attend to their affairs at London during the dependence of the Bill before Parliament, that the person to whom the letter was addressed had signified that it was contrary to his inclination that the Corporation should be liable to these damages. Return their sincere and hearty thanks for these expressions of favour, and hope for his good offices to procure “an ease to this city of that sum, which indeed the Corporation is hardly able to pay.” Have the utmost abhorrence of the unlawful riots that happened, and nothing shall be wanting to preserve the peace and quiet of the town. Glasgow, 13 June 1726.
In the Minute Book, vol. 25, p. 182, 3 June 1726, is:—“Give notice to the Commrs of Excise in Scotland that the Excise belonging to the Town of Glasgow is vested in the King after the 24 June 1726 and put under their management until the 6080li given by Parliament to Daniel Campbell for losses and damages in the Riot at Glasgow shall be satisfied and the interest thereof.” 2 pages.
20 June. 38. Copy of the Orders and Instructions to the Board of Works, dated 20th June 1726. They consist of 39 items. 13 pages.
22 June. 39. Report of the Barons of the Exchequer in Scotland to the Lords of the Treasury. Have examined the warrant annexed prepared for H.M. signature for granting and conveying to William Calderwood of Poltoun, one of the senators of the College of Justice, “and the other heirs of Tailzie,” the lands of Poltoun and other lands lying within the Sheriffdom of Edinburgh. Find that this “signature” contains an erection of the lands into a barony, which gives a jurisdiction and some other privileges usually granted by the Crown to subjects, and no casualties are discharged by the same. Exchequer Chamber, Edinbr, 22 June 1726. 1 page.
[? About
24 June.]
40. Petition of John Warner and two others, executors and trustees of the will of Matthew Barton, Esq., deceased, to the Lords of the Treasury. By an instrument of 22 Feb. 1722, the deceased was constituted King's Clerk and Controller of the coinage of half pence and two pences, “for the service of his Maties Island of America;” which coinage was by letters patent granted by the King to William Wood, Esq., and by such letters patent William Wood granted to the King's Clerk and Controller 200l. per ann. as long as Matthew Barton continued to execute his office. The deceased discharged his duty until his death, and there was due to him 540l. 4s. 3d. The said William Wood pretends that he has been hindered in the execution of the powers granted to him, and that he cannot pay Matthew Barton's salary; and insists that if he is accountable for the same, it is to his Majesty and not to the petitioners: pray their Lordships to make an order thereon consistent with justice and equity.
Minuted:—“Read 24 June 1726. Write to Mr Wood to know if the coynage for the plantac[i]ons under the King's patent was ever proceeded on, if proceeded on, what quantity of metall was coyned, the place where, and whether the Comptroller by himself, clerks or others, was at any trouble charge or expence therein.” 3 pages.
25 June. 41. The Lord Chamberlain of the Household (Grafton) to the Lords of the Treasury. Signifies the King's pleasure that they should give orders for painting, whitewashing, &c. in Mrs Cressett's lodgings in Somerset House.
On the back is:—“The King in his instructions to ye Board of Works strictly prohibits and forbids that he be at any charge for repairing or altering any houses, apartments, or lodgings inhabited by persons of his Mats grace and favour; and directs that no allowce thereof be made in the accots of the works or otherwise. Cockpit, 25 June 1726. 1 page.
[? About
29 June.]
42. Petition of Robert Jones, Esq., to the King. Petitioner is the son and executor of Elizabeth Jones, widow of the late Bishop of St. Asaph, deceased, and has, at his own expense, “sped” a commission of enquiry, whereby the estate of Mount Kennedy, in the county of Wicklow, was found to be forfeited to the Crown, by the attainder of Sir William Kennedy, and to be of the value of 720l. per annum: and the sheriff in the month of June last seized the estate by a writ of seizure out of the Court of Exchequer; as appears by a certificate of the Remembrancer of that Court. Letters in 1714 and 1725 directed that, when the estate should be seized, a lease or custodiam thereof should be made to the petitioner for 99 years, reserving ¾ths of the clear yearly value to his Majesty. Petitioner applied for an order to the Court of Exchequer to have the lease or custodiam passed under the seal of the Court: but the Court declared it had no power to intermeddle. Inasmuch as his Majesty's title is only for the life of Sir William Kennedy, and the prosecution has been very expensive to petitioner, and there is a considerable arrear due to his Majesty from the intruders, prays for directions to be given to the Court of Exchequer that a lease or custodiam be passed to the petitioner for 99 years if the said Sir William Kennedy should so long live, reserving ¾ths of the yearly value of 720l. to his Majesty.
Also the certificate referred to, dated 29 June 1726. 2 pages.
7 July. 43. H. H. to —. Amongst several others had a design to purchase “those deemed French lands” on the Island of St Christophers, and being well acquainted with them could have made abundantly more of them than any other person. Finds some persons are commissioned to go over and sell them, and is willing to set the value of them in the true light. They may dispose of these lands by a lease or grant from the Crown of 32 years, perhaps, for two or three hundred thousand pounds. Is well assured that the Comrs are not gone because the wind has been contrary for them two months past: so that they might have unerring advantageous directions as to the sale. Is well assured that more than 150,000l. would have been laid down for them here. Proposes that he should have 1s. in the pound for his method, and asks, “Would not any person give 1s to have nineteen got for him?” July 7, 1726. 1 page.
10 July. 44. George Yeates to the Rt Hon. Sir Robert Walpole, M.P., “to be left at the Treasury Office.” There is a very great destruction of young timber made in the Bishopric of Winchester, not by the order of the Bishop, but by Ed Forbes, Esq., who is woodward of the Bishopric by patent for life; and by one Cleverley, employed as his deputy. They cut down vast numbers of timber trees, and those not decaying trees, which are the most proper to be cut; and they cut all the young growing trees, because they will strip. This they do for the sake of the bark, which the officer Forbes claims as his fee. They have cut a great number of very small young growing trees this spring, which would pay double interest of money for standing. They give the Bishop an account of what number of them they think fit, and the rest they dispose of without acquainting his Lordship. The officer claims and takes as his fee, besides all the bark, all the cordwood and faggots and all the timber from the second bough upwards; which in a vast many of the trees is half the timber. When they have made very large assignments to the tenants (perhaps a great deal more than twice as much as they have occasion for) then truly the said Cleverley takes a great part of the timber so assigned and sells it and the tenants and the two officers share the money, as the writer is told. Is informed that there is no year in which, if the Bishop raises 500l. for himself out of the woods, but the officer raises for himself 6l., 7l., or 800l. Is a tenant himself and fears there will, in a short time, be little or no timber left for any of the tenants except his honour interposes by laying these things before Parliament. 2 pages.
12 July. 45. Report of the Surveyor of the Woods (Ch. Wither) to the Lords of the Treasury concerning Forelands, lying in the parish of Wingfield, in Windsor Forest, which Henry Grey, Esq., has proposed to sell to the Crown. Has surveyed the lands, which lie contiguous to the inclosure called Swinley Rails, and are reputed to contain fifty acres and to be worth about 20l. per ann. As his Majesty has given directions for the increase and preservation of the game in that part of Windsor Forest, conceives that it would conduce very much to that end if the Crown were possessed of the lands, because they lie so near the inclosure of Swinley that the game is tempted to resort thither and is in danger of being destroyed by Mr Grey's tenant. 1 page.
20 July. 46. Robert Armstrong, Esq., to Charles Burniston, Esq., Surveyor General of His Majesty's Woods in America. Is surprised that nothing has been done for the preservation of H.M. timber, &c., refers to previous letters on this subject in which he had stated that in the province of New Hampshire forty trees, fit for masts and bowsprits, from 24 to 34 inches diameter, had been cut without licence. Messrs Baley and Hawes, merchants, for whom the trees were cut, take no notice of Mr Burniston as if there were no such man as Surveyor General of the King's woods, &c. A contract has come from the Navy Board to Mr Waldo for five years to supply the navy with two ship loads of masts every year. Is told that there is no mention of either his correspondent or himself in the licence. Is quite crazed, considering the care he has taken for the preservation of the King's timber, that he has had no suitable encouragement from home to support him. Has gone so far, that he is in danger of his life, as it is well known at home the barbarous treatment officers meet with that do their duty (Attested copy.)
“Red ye 11th of Octobr 1726. 2 pages.
21 July. 47. Report of the Surveyor General (Philip Gybbon) to the Lords of the Treasury on the petition of the Minister and Churchwardens of the Lutheran Church in the Savoy, who state that His Majesty by sign manual granted their congregation a chapel with a small piece of ground adjoining, but one James Dorsell had enclosed part of the ground and converted it into a timber yard, and they pray to be put into quiet possession thereof. Sets out the state of the case as shown in (1) the sign manual which granted to the congregation a chapel, a dwelling-house for the minister, a small piece of ground adjoining, and the vestry room and a small house upon it; and (2) the counter part of a lease dated 12 March 1685, from the master and chaplains perpetual of the Hospital of the Savoy to Caleb Hooke, gent., for 40 years, of a house there and a plot of ground, 49½ feet by 13 feet then expired. The report is in favour of the petitioners, and asks their Lordships to give such directions for the enforcing a due compliance with the sign manual and for the asserting his Majesty's right to the ground as they shall think proper. Mr Dorsell also keeps possession of the house without any apparent grant from the Crown or paying any rent for it.
Accompanied by the petition and a coloured plan. 6 pages.
22 July. 48. Report of the Comrs of Customs (Scotland) to the Lords of the Treasury on the petition of Mr Andrew Drummond, praying directions to be given to the Comrs to pay him 575l. ordered by their Lordships' warrant to be issued to David Graham, Esq., late collector of customs at Port Glasgow, the money having been advanced by petitioner; are of opinion that a balance due from Mr Graham of 440l. 2s.d. to the Crown should first be satisfied, together with a further sum of 31l. 17s. 6d.
The petition referred to.
In the Minute Book, vol. 25, p. 204m (2 Aug. 1726), is:— “Write to the Commrs acquainting them that my Lords are of opinion, if any means be, to recover the said balance, they shall not bring the warrant in to aid the same; for it will be an unreasonable hardship in case Mr Drummond's reimbursement be defeated by applying that warrant to Graham's balances.” 3 pages.
22 July. 49. Report of the Barons of the Exchequer (Scotland) to the Lords of the Treasury on the petition of Sir Harry Innes of Innes, Baronet. It appears by the Certificate of the Treasurer's Remembrancer that the petitioner is chargeable with the payment of 175l. sterling, “as the taxtward, relief and marriage duties, due to his Majesty upon his being infeoffed in the lands and barony of Innes: as heir to Sir Harry Innes, his father; in the year 1723.” Testify as to his loyalty and that of his predecessors. His Majesty may direct the petitioner to be discharged of the sum specified.
The representation referred to. 2 pages.
25 and 26
50. Comrs of Excise (Scotland) to the Lords of the Treasury. One Mr William Cumming, a merchant in Edinburgh, having obtained payment of a receipt for arms amounting to 85l., which they suspected to be forged, upon enquiry they found that not only that receipt but several others were forgeries. Suspicion is thrown on David Stewart, late collector at Inverness, of being concerned in the forgery, and measures are taken for his arrest. Another of the forged receipts being paid to one Alexander McCullck, they have the Justice Clerk's warrant to apprehend him likewise. Excise Office, Edinburgh, 25 July 1726.
P.S. David Steuart is secured, and in the Tolbooth of Inverness, and he is to be brought to Edinburgh for examination. 26 July 1726. 4 pages.
26 July. 51. Report of the Barons of the Exchequer (Scotland) to the Lords of the Treasury on a warrant for the Royal Signature granting to Sir Arthur Forbes, of Craigievar, the lands of Craigievar, Logiefintry, Oneilcorss Swalland and others lying within the Sheriffdom of Aberdeen, proceeding upon the resignations of Sir John and Sir William Forbes and others. “Find part of the said lands hold simple waird part few & part blench, and the signature contains a de novo damus of the whole lands,” but “do not find that there are any casualties or forfeitures by recognition or escheat affecting the said lands, or any few or blench duties payable out of the same, that will be discharged by the said de novo damus, &c. Such of the rents as are to be taxed are valued at 57l. 9s.d. yearly, &c.” 2 pages.
26 July. 52. Report of the same to the same on the petition of the Rector, Principals, and Professors in the University of St Andrews. Set out that King Charles II., for the advancement of learning in that University, by Charter of 1 Oct. 1668, “did mortify 200l. ster. per annum out of his rents and customs in Scotland, to be divided as therein set out. By the articles of the Union, the Universities and Colleges in Scotland are to continue for ever as then established: but there being no express saving in the articles of the grant, and the rents and customs of Scotland after the Union being thereby put upon a quite different footing, conceive the grant could not affect them, without the consent of the Crown. Her late Majesty, on 31 May, in the 11th year of her reign, granted to the Principals and Professors allowances amounting to 210l. in full satisfaction of all claims. His present Majesty on 19 Jan. 1718 approved of the distribution of the 210l. among the Principals and Professors. Are of opinion that these annual allowances must be understood to be in satisfaction of the said ‘mortification’ in 1668. The allowances to the Principals and Professors is small, and they in some measure merit his Majesty's royal favour. 26 July 1726.
The petition referred to. 5 pages.
26 July. 53. Report of the same to the same. Have considered that part of the annexed memorial of John Callender of Craigforth, which relates to his claim for a parcel of meal. It appears that Mr Callender had been used, by leave from the Governors of Stirling Castle, to lodge his meal in the girnells or storehouses of the Castle till a market offered for the sale thereof, and in August 1715 he had 400 bolls of good and sufficient meal in the said girnells. Having sold this meal, Major Holbourn, then Deputy Governor of the Castle, was required to allow it to be taken away, but he refused his assent, without a special order from the Government, as a Rebellion was likely to break out, and the garrison might have occasion for it. Mr Callender by such refusal understood the Government to be his debtor for the meal at the current price of 13s. 4d. per boll. The meal continued in the Castle till the beginning of 1717. By order of the Governor (the late Earl of Rothes) 224 bolls, two firlots, and one peck were sold for 93l. 11s. 4d., being much spoiled. The rest was spoiled and embezzled by the soldiers during the Rebellion. The value of the whole was 275l. sterling. Have directed Col. Blackader, the Deputy Governor, to pay the 93l. 11s. 4d., and are of opinion that provision should be made for satisfying the remainder.
In the Minute Book, vol. 25, p. 295 (10 May 1707), is:—“My Lords having no money in their power applicable to this service, they cannot comply with the opinion of the Barons concerning the same.”
Also the memorial. 4 pages.
27 July. 54. The Duke of Newcastle to the [Lords of the Treasury]. By his Majesty's command transmits a representation of the Comrs for Trade and Plantations, recommending the employment of Captain William Taverner to make a survey of the west and north-west parts of Newfoundland. It will be very much for the public service by greatly contributing to the increase of the cod fishery, and to the establishing of the salmon fishery; which has of late years been begun there and is daily improving. Asking their Lordships to consider the same and lay the matter before his Majesty. 27 July 1726.
The Minute Book, vol. 25, p. 211k (17 Aug. 1726), states that this letter and the report were read “and are again to be considered when my Lords shall be informed of a fund out of which the said charge may be defrayed.” 1 page much faded.
The above letter is accompanied by the representation referred to, which is hereafter fully described, together with the petition of Captain William Taverner, which has on it besides the minute above referred to, another of 18 Jan. 1727–8. “My Lords do not know of any fund out of which this charge may be defrayed.” Also copies of two memorials from merchants concerned in the Newfoundland fishery praying that the survey might be completed.”
Commissioners of the Board of Trade to the Duke of Newcastle. Have lately had under consideration the memorial from the mayor, merchants, &c. of the town and port of Poole, trading to, or concerned in, the fishery of Newfoundland. The memorial sets forth that there has been for many years a fishing trade carried on, on the eastern side of the Island, and that the town of Poole alone employed therein forty ships last year. The fishery on the west and north-west sides of the Island … the Crown of Great Britain by the French at the treaty of Utrecht is very good, and great plenty of fish might be taken there were it not for the dangers that attend the voyages; the west and north-west coast never having been surveyed. Therefore they pray that a proper person may be appointed to take soundings of the coast, and to form an exact survey thereof, that charts may be made for the use of all Her Majesty's subjects, to enable them to fish upon the west and north-west coast. Are of opinion that nothing will tend more to the public service than that a survey be made of the west and north-west of Newfoundland as proposed. Think this the more necessary, as it will be the means of establishing the salmon fishery, which has of late years been begun there. Her late Majesty granted a commission, dated 21 July 1713, to Captain William Taverner, constituting him her Surveyor of Newfoundland, at a salary of 20s. a day; and he surveyed the Islands of St Peters and Columba, as also that part of Newfoundland lying between Cape St Maries and Cape… He made a report of his proceedings, and several reports in relation to the trade, which together with the several drafts he has made of these bays, creeks, and harbours surveyed by him, are very distinct and have been of great use. Have received several memorials from the merchants of London and the outports, “in favour of him & his capacity of performing the said service.” Inform his Grace that he (Mr Taverner) is going thither with a small sloop of his own of about 50 tons burden, to erect a salmon fishery there; and considering he is willing to undertake the survey, and is in every way capable of this important piece of service, ask his grace to recommend to his Majesty the advantage of the survey… [Send his Grace] an account of what the late survey of part of this Island cost the Crown, that he may judge how far Captain Taverner's proposals are reasonable. Whitehall, March 30, 1726. 8 pages (the first two documents injured and much faded).
1 Aug. 55. Report of the Attorney and Solicitor General to the Lords of the Treasury. Received from Mr Scrope their Lordships' commands with a printed copy of his Majesty's proclamation of 21 Jan. 1719, promising rewards for discovering and apprehending persons guilty of robberies in the streets or highways in London and Westminster, or within five miles round the same, and a list of rewards paid pursuant thereto. Mr Scrope informs them that their Lordships have referred the case of persons applying for such rewards to Mr Cracherode, and have been induced by his reports to pay 5,000l., or thereabouts, for such rewards within these five years. Great sums are still demanded for like rewards, and the offenders increase. Are asked what is proper to be done to ease his Majesty from this great expense, it seeming to their Lordships that the rewards are paid for the crafts and doings of pickpockets, &c., for detecting which practices their Lordships conceived the rewards were never intended. Mr Cracherode has assured them (the Attorney and Solicitor General) that he never reported any person was entitled to such rewards unless the Judge or Justices before whom the criminal had been tried and convicted had first certified to the Sheriff that such conviction was a conviction for a robbery upon the highway, and had therefore ordered the Sheriff to pay the reward of 40l. given by the Act of 4 & 5 Will. and Mar., and that he always annexed to his report an attested copy of the certificate and order of the Judge or Justices, to the end their Lordships might see his opinion as to the crime, &c. It appears to them that by the proclamation whosoever shall discover and apprehend any person guilty of that offence, which the laws deem a robbery within the limits described in the proclamation, will upon conviction of the offender be entitled to receive 100l. without regard to the value of the thing taken. As to what is suggested about pickpockets that cannot have happened after Mr Cracherode's reports. What may be proper to be done to ease the King from the burden is a question of prudence rather than law, for whilst the proclamation continues in force any person performing the service will be entitled to the reward; but his Majesty can determine the force of the proclamation whenever he thinks fit by publishing a new one. Whether such repeal may be advisable, or may not rather be taken as an encouragement to the committing of such crimes, seems to deserve great consideration. 6 pages.
4 Aug. 56. Comrs of Excise (Scotland) to the Lords of the Treasury, in respect to a representation and petition of David Steuart, lately a collector of Excise and his securities. The petitioner (Steuart) being since detected or suspected of divers frauds and forgeries in his office, has been taken into custody at Inverness, and they presume is (under a strong guard) on his way to Edinburgh to be examined: pray that the consideration of the petition and report may be suspended till further examination is made in the case. Excise Office, Edinburgh, 4 Aug. 1726. 1 page.
16 Aug. 57. Memorial of Joseph Gascoigne to the Lords of the Treasury. The Lord Carpenter, Governor of the Island of Minorca, having represented to their Lordships the extreme necessity for benches or bedsteads for the soldiers in garrison in that Island to preserve their health, as they are lying some on uneven pieces of wood, some on the ground, and many on stones, and as his Lordship thinks it absolutely necessary to issue out 1,048 new beds, it is his opinion that these benches or bedsteads will be of such service as to make the bedding last three or four years longer. Is willing to make that number of benches or bedsteads at 18s. each, and to receive payment out of the revenues late of the Bishopric and chapter of Majorca. Treasury Chambers, 16 Aug. 1726.
“Read and agreed to.” See Minute Book, vol. 25, p. 210e. 3 pages.
23 Aug. 57a. George Gray to Sir Robert Walpole, First Comr of the Treasury. Apprehends that no report has been made from the Comrs of Customs to the Treasury in relation to the informations the writer delivered them concerning the frauds in the customs and trade of South and North America. Asks for an opportunity to convince Sir Robert of the truth of what he had advanced, in respect to the methods used in accomplishing the frauds, the deficiency of the officers in their duty, and the proportion of them liable to corruption. Cock Pit, Aug. 23, 1726.
Also another paper on the subject of the frauds. 7 pages.
24 Aug. 58. Contract entered into by Joseph Gascoigne, of St Martin's in the Fields, with the Lords of the Treasury for the supply of 1,048 benches for the soldiers in the Island of Minorca. Dated 24 Aug. 1726.
Also a bond entered into for performance of the contract. 2 pages.
[? About
30 Aug.]
59. Representation of John Sydenham to the Lords of the Treasury. Was appointed agent to take care of his Majesty's part (1/10) of the wrecks granted to Captain Jacob Rowe, between 10 & 53 degrees of North Latitude. Proceeded to the Isle of May on 6 Jan. 1720 and took up treasure, whereof his Majesty's share was 1,940l., since which he has been on several expensive expeditions, particularly one in the Gulf of Florida, &c., where he suffered great hardships without success. Their Lordships on 14 June 1725 ordered him 250l., to make up his expenses out of money due to H. M. on account of wrecks; prays that the same may be paid.
Minuted:—(30 Aug. 1726) “John Sydenham's petic[i]on for 250li to be paid as the King's Agent upon Rows diveing Engine for wrecks is read, and he attending, was called in and my Lords reject his request of being paid in any other manner than is menc[i]oned in the Minute of the 14 June 1725, and require him to desist any further applicac[i]on unless there be effects of that kind for his satisfaction which he is at liberty to see after.” 2 pages.
1 Sept. 60. “From the Commrs to Mr Scrope abt laws necessary to be passed there.” [St Christophers.] Have by letter of yesterday's date troubled their Lordships, but in addition address several articles to him (Mr Scrope) to be recommended for his Majesty's service immediately, as regards calling general assemblies of freeholders or planters; ask that the Chief Governor should have an additional instruction requiring him to issue writs with all speed, summoning the freeholders and such as shall have accepted from & signed contracts (for lands of ten acres or more) with the Comrs for sale of French lands, to meet and choose a number of representatives, equal to the number now chosen for the English part of the Island; the French part being the full half of the Island, and better cultivated; and that such representatives be directed to meet the representatives of the English part of the Island, and with them form one Assembly or House of Representatives, jointly to enact laws for the public weal, &c., and “at their first meeting the following laws be recommended to them & Council,” viz.:—
An Act declaring such Election legal, and appointing all assemblies hereafter to be in like manner elected.
An Act to unite the two parts of this Island & make the whole subject to the following laws, viz.:—
To the Law now in force giving to his Majesty the duty of four and half p[er] cent.
To the Law now in force for regulating the Militia.
To the Law now in force establishing Courts of King's Bench & Common Pleas.
To the Law now in force for better government of slaves.
To the Law now in force for better government of white servants.
And to such other laws now in force as shall be judged fit to remain in force in the whole Island.
The Comrs also propose a new law to be enacted to divide the French part of the Island into three parishes, &c. St Christophers, 1 Sept. 1726. 4 pages.
6 Sept. 61. Petition of John Yates to the Rt Hon. Sir Robert Walpole. Has found out that Sir Charles Yates's estates [of Buckland] in Berkshire and elsewhere, were always entailed upon the heirs male, with the reversion in the Crown; and having laid before Mr Attorney General the first case annexed, he put the annexed queries to petitioner, who begs assistance for the production of the records and papers required.
Accompanied by the “Case,” which states that Sir Charles Yates before the outlawry of his son John, went to France and died possessed of estates worth 8,000l. per ann. His son John raised a troop of horse and opposed King William and was outlawed for high treason and died in France about 1701, so eight years' profit to the Crown is 64,000l. Sir Robert Frogmorton, a papist, also marrying his sister (daughter of Sir Charles) got into possession of the estates and made great waste, and his wife dying, left one son, who fled to France. The estates were entailed upon the heirs male, and the said John Yates is next protestant heir-at-law.
Also Queries of the Attorney General put to Mr Yates, and his answers. 3½ pages.
10 Sept. 62. Comrs of Excise (Scotland) to the Lords of the Treasury. Upon the examination of David Stewart, late Collector of Excise at Inverness, who was charged with making false precepts for arms, he throws all the guilt upon one John Monro, of Navarre, near Inverness, as shown by the copy of a paper enclosed. Have obtained a warrant for Monro's apprehension, and presume he is either skulking in some part of the North or gone beyond the seas, which evidences his guilt, as he is a person of considerable substance. Have in custody one James McCulloch, who they believe to be an amanuensis to Mr Monro in forging the precepts. Have sent to the commander of the troops at Inverness to assist in securing him. Hope to penetrate to the bottom of this villany.
The paper referred to is headed:—“Information. David Stewart, late Collector of Excise at Inverness, against John Monro, of Navarre, of his being guilty of the frauds found out in the precepts of arms in the county of Ross.” 7 pages.
14 Sept. 63. Board of Trade to the Lords of the Treasury. The Governor (Captain Pheney) and Council of the Bahama Islands have desired them to beg their Lordships to intercede with his Majesty, that certain bills may be returned to them and applied to discharge the public debts of the Islands, contracted chiefly for the fortifications; are of opinion that it will be of great service to that infant settlement.
Enclose copy of their receipts and payments for the last year.
Minuted:—“20 Septr 1726. Read and agreed to.” 4 pages.
17 Sept. 64. Copy of report indorsed:—“The Report of the General Officers on the Petition of Captain Lewis Armand to the Lords of the Treasuy”; but it is addressed “to their Excellencies the Lords Justices Genl and Genl Govrs of Ireland.” Captain Armand prayed to be placed for half pay on the Military Establishment of Ireland at 4s. 9d. per day, instead of his present pension of 3s. on the Civil Establishment. In regard that the petitioner never had a commission of captain, nor ever served as such, and does not appear to have distinguished himself for his Majesty's service in the time of the Rebellion, as set forth in his petition, any otherwise than by a certificate from Colonel Cavalier, which seems of so extraordinary a nature that they have annexed it for consideration, are of opinion that petitioner is not entitled to half pay. Dated 17 Sept. 1726.
Also copy of the certificate, the petition, and copy of a warrant.
The petition is minuted:—“13 Dec. 1726. Rept agst him.” 6 pages.
28 Sept. 65. Representation by the Comrs for Taxes to the Lords of the Treasury as to the Insupers standing out upon the accounts of the several Receivers General of Taxes. Are informed, and are very well assured, that great sums are now due and in arrear upon the land revenue and fee-farm rents. Ask for warrants and directions to the King's Remembrancer, the Clerk of the Pipe, and the Auditors of the Land Revenue to make out and deliver a list of such collectors, &c., and of the annual sums wherewith they stand charged, as well as of their arrears, that they (the Comrs) may prosecute and recover the same. 2 pages.
30 Sept. 66. The Duke of Newcastle to the Lords of the Treasury. Sends a report of the Comrs for Trade and Plantations upon the petition of William Toshach, merchant, praying satisfaction for the loss of his house in Placentia, the same having been taken up for his Majesty's use, and comprehended within the New Fortifications there. The King desires their Lordships to do what seems reasonable therein. Sept. 30, 1726.
Also a copy of the letter.
The report is not with the paper. 2 pages.
[? About
4 Oct.]
67. Petition of Thomas Kemp to the Lords of the Treasury. Has an assignment of the late Brigadier Munden's salary as outranger of Windsor Forest, and received the same until Christmas 1724. The Brigadier died on 19 Sept. 1725 in petitioner's debt 1,700l. over and above “the appointmt made to him of the said salary.” The underkeepers have obtained a warrant for payment of their wages out of the arrears due to the Brigadier, which excludes petitioner from the benefit of his assignment. Prays their Lordships to direct the payment of the Brigadier's salary to him.
There is also another paper containing some further particulars as to the salary and proposals for the distribution of it.
Minuted:—“Read 4th October 1726. My Lords having already orderd the Under Keepers to be paid their arrears out of the salary granted for Munden and them, which arrears amot to 391li, they are content that the vacant pay between Munden's death & Mr King's succeeding to that office be paid the said Kemp towards his great debt from Munden. So prepare a proper wt accordingly.” 2 pages.
18 Oct. 68. Report signed “W. Cary” to the Lords of the Treasury. Is of opinion that Evan Williams is guilty of felony in paying two shillings counterfeit money to Edward Davis, contrary to the 8 & 9 W. 3 cap. 25 ss. 7, &c. The evidence of high treason for coining and for having and hiding coining tools is so loose, that he is doubtful if any jury will convict., &c. Half pence are not the lawful coin nor is the counterfeiting of them a capital offence; but conceives the counterfeiting them is a misdemeanour against the common law of England. The prosecution in this case is not barred, for Williams was apprehended within three months after he committed the offence. A bill of indictment ought to be preferred at the very first assizes or sessions of gaol delivery after the offender is apprehended, or else he has a right to be discharged or bailed by the rules of practice in the Crown Laws. Mint Office, 18 Oct. 1726. 1 page.
18 Nov. 69. Comrs of Excise (Scotland) to the Lords of the Treasury. Lay before their Lordships the copy of a decree or ordnance made at the quarter sessions for the peace in the county of Fife, which appears to have been made upon the application of the tanners and other traders in leather without any intimation to the Officers of Excise. The decree is in direct opposition to the laws for securing the duty. The quarter sessions consisted of three gentlemen who did not defer the consideration of the matter for a larger attendance of the justices nor enquire into the truth of the allegations in the petition. Communicated the affair to the Earl of Ilay before he set out for London, who expressed a high resentment against their proceedings, and directed the laying them before their Lordships. Can now acquaint their Lordships with the setting aside of that judgment by a numerous meeting of the justices. In order that as little harm might be done to the revenue as possible they despatched the orders contained in a letter to their collector, subjoined.
Besides the letter referred to there are the decree and the subsequent one setting it aside. The first sets out that the petitioners, &c. “are extremely prejudged and damnaged by the practice of the Officers of Excise appointed to survey & stamp ye leather qch [which] will plainly appear to their honours in ye parl~rs following, viz., the saids officers of Excise oblidge their petitioners to draw their hydes and dry the same in order to be stamped before ye hydes are fully lickered; qch takes away the natural substance of the leather & renders ye same so ‘friesh’ that it does not near half so well as if it were fully lickered, dressed & curried, before drying & stamping: & this is not only an evident damnadge to ye leidges in general, but likewise occasions a great uneasiness to their petitioners, from the outery and calumny of ye country, yt they make their shoes of rotten leather.” 7 pages.
24 Nov. 70. Report of the Barons of the Exchequer of Scotland to the Lords of the Treasury. Have examined the warrant for granting “to Coll. John Arnott all and haill the lands and Barony of Abbotshall, &c. which pertained before to the deceased, Mr Andrew Ramsay of Abbotshall, and proceeds upon a decreit of sale from the Lords of Session in favour of the said John Arnott as the highest offerer for those lands at a public roup.” The signature contains a de novo damus and erection of the lands into a barony which gives him a jurisdiction and some other privileges, &c. 1 page.
7 Dec. 71. Copies of report, petition, and other papers connected with the application of Marianne de Courteille, widow of Abraham de Courteille, sometime a captain in Col. de la Meloniere's regiment, for the continuance of the pension (2s. 6d. a day) of her late husband. The report dated 7 Dec. 1726. 8 pages.
15 Dec. 72. Memorial of the Comrs of Customs (Scotland) to the Lords of the Treasury, representing the inconvenience and detriment arising to the revenue “from the member ports of Greenock, Kirkudbright & Port Patrick continuing on the foot they now are; for by the returns to the Comrs issued out of the Court of Exchequer here, for those places to be members of the Ports of Port Glasgow, Dumfries & Stranraer, it has hitherto been the practice to make the collector of each of those head ports answerable for the receipts of his respective member port”: the accounts have to be included and are thereby perplexed. It seems an absurdity to join two collections, which can have no connexion with each other. It causes uneasiness to the officers, and was probably the reason that the Ports of Kirkaldy & Anstruther, and also Barrowstoness and Alloa (formerly united), were some years ago separated. Propose that they (the Comrs) may be authorised to issue their deputations to the respective persons, now acting as Deputy Collectors and Deputy Controllers, to be Collectors and Controllers, in order to their accounting with the Controller General and remitting their receipts to the Receiver General directly, without being answerable to the officers at the head ports. Their Lordships in 1723 directed that the Collector & Controller of Port Glasgow shall appoint deputies to execute the offices of Collector & Controller at the Port of Greenock, to be paid out of their salaries (additions being made to that end). Suggest that 50l. out of the 200l. inserted on the establishment for the Collector of Glasgow be allowed to the Collector of Greenock, and of the 100l. on the establishment to the Controller of Port Glasgow 25l. be allowed to the Controller of Greenock, &c. 3 pages.
17 Dec. 73. Comrs of Excise (Scotland) to the Lords of the Treasury. Previously acquainted their Lordships of the detection of abuses by fictitious precepts or receipts for arms. David Steuart's information, against John Monro, of Navarr, has been confirmed before the Lord Advocate, by Jonathan Thompson. Give an account of the arrest of Monro (which was effected by John Steuart, a private gentleman in the regiment of Scotch Grays) and of his escape at a Ferry, in the dark. The whole of this ill-conduct has been communicated to Col. Campbell, the present Commander-in-Chief, who has laid the same before General Wade to have his directions, as all the persons concerned are military men. Have a brother of Monro's in custody, one Hugh Monro, for the like practices in other parts of the country, whose trial will soon come on, but the proof is not so clear againt him. 3 pages.
20 Dec. 74. Memorial and petition of Sir Bibye Lake, Bart., to the Lords of the Treasury, praying that Charles Mason, Esq., Receiver and Paymaster of the Transport Office, may be directed forthwith to clear and pass his account or produce the tallies mentioned in his memorial to the Auditor; and that petitioner may have liberty to pay into the Receipt of the Exchequer, what shall appear to be due to the Crown from Mr Mason to clear the account; and that thereupon, his extended estate may be granted and assigned to petitioner, to reimburse him what he shall pay on account thereof. 2 pages.
5 & 22 Dec. 75. A paper indorsed:—“Case of ye York buildings Compa with respect to allowances claimed upon the ballance of their accounts with the Public. With the Solicitor Generall & Councellr Fanes opinion upon ye same.”
Headed:—“1726, 26 Octr. Some cases and queries between the Honble Comissrs of the Forfeited Estates in Scotland & the Govr & Compa of Undertakers for raising the Thames Water in York Buildings, with respect to the estates purchased by the Company, the method of accounting for the same in stating of Interest & the claims, teinds, fews & other deductions chargeable thereon.”
The answers to the queries are signed by “Fran. Fane on 5 Decr 1726” and by “C. Talbot, 22 December 1726.”
In the Minute Book, vol. 25p, 299c (19 May 1727), is:—“Write to the York Buildings Company to know what progress they have made in settling the ballances to be paid the Crown for the Estates they purchased of the Commrs for Forfeitures and to advise the hastening and paying in the said ballances to avoid the measures that must be taken in case this affair is further neglected or delayed.” 9 pages.
13–29 Dec. 76. Various papers relating to proposals made by Samuel Power for duties to be laid on hats, skins, hair, and glue. They contain many particulars as to conies and cony skins, the places where they were bred and from whence they were transported, as well as the manner of dressing the skins. One of the papers is a catalogue or list of furs and skins as charged in the “Book of Rates.” Samuel Power proposes that if the Lords of the Treasury approve of the laying on these duties, or any of them, he may be appointed one of the managers. The first is dated 13 Dec. and the last 29 Dec. 1726. 12 pages.
31 Dec. 77. Report of Messrs Singleton, Rogerson, and Marlay to the Lords Justices General and General Governors of Ireland. Are required to prepare a draft in form of a letter for the Royal signature to secure the purchasers of Mr Pratt's estate from any claim of the Crown, on that estate. Have prepared the annexed draft.
The draft referred to. The lands are not specified, but the office of Constable of the Castle of Dublin with the fees and profits appear to have formed part of the estate. 2½ pages.
[? End of
78. “The Case of Captn Lewis Armand.” He prayed to be put on a level with the other Captains in half pay in Ireland at 4s. 9d. per diem.
A good many of the particulars of his case are previously set out in this calendar. See 17 Sept. 1726. Vol. CCLV., No. 64.
Also “the case of Charles Hooper of London Gent. & Philip Martin wido & executrix of John Martin Esqre.” During the Rebellion in Ireland James Waller, Lieut.-Governor of Charles Fort and Kinsale expended 2,000l in King William's service towards subsisting and transporting French prisoners. His Majesty, by letter of 17 Apr. 1700, directed a yearly pension of 200l to be inserted on the Establishment of Ireland, and paid to Mr Waller and his assigns, until the 2,000l should be paid in one entire payment. The pension was, by direction of Mr Waller's widow, sold to John Asgill, Esq., for 1,500l, who sold it to James Hooper, Esq., whose executor received it till 1715, and assigned it to John Martin, Esq., in trust for the payment of James Hooper's debts. After the assignment the pension was omitted in the Establishment. The matter was afterwards referred to the Solicitor General, who was of opinion that the pension was granted in satisfaction of money expended for the public service, and that James Hooper was a purchaser thereof for a valuable consideration; but the original charge being created only by a letter under his Majesty's sign manual, the petitioners can have no relief but by his Majesty's grace and favour. Undated. 3 pages.
[There are other papers on the same subject arranged with the classified under the Letters of the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland.]
1726. 79. “Abstract of the accompt of forfeitures, 1726.” Showing the names of the Estates, apparently all in Scotland, and the amounts realised for them, amounting to 295,385l. 16s. 22/12d. 2 pages.
[? 1726.] 80. Petition of Don Joseph de Mellis to the Rt Hon Sir Robert Walpole. Was in hopes that by the late peace between the Courts of Vienna and Madrid he might have disposed of his “State” [? estate] in Valencia in the same manner as those that followed the Emperor into Germany who are unwilling to return to Spain: but has had no other answer to his demands at the Court of Madrid, than that he has taken up arms with the English in the late Expedition of Vigo, and that he is a heretic. Applied to the Emperor to be recommended to the Court of Madrid; but was told “that he must not expect any favour from that ungrateful Court of Vienna, as long as he continues a Protestant and in England.” Petitioner went in the late expedition with Sir John Jennings, and at Santona when the Spaniards fired at the fleet, petitioner was sent by the Admiral ashore with a flag of truce, where he got intelligence and did all the services at the hazard of his life, if he had been discovered. Is “sensible afflicted” to be obliged to trouble his Excellency, who in so distinguished a manner, so lately relieved him: but as he is ready at all times to sacrifice his person for his Majesty's government, hopes his Excellency will continue his protection to him, and recommend him to his Majesty for some small matter upon the compassionate list. Undated, but probably 1726, the peace between Vienna and Madrid is referred to under the year 1725 in Hume and Smollett's History of England, Vol. VIII., p. 275 (published 1854). 1 page.
[? 1726.] 81. Petition of William Newsham of Warwick, Esq., to the Lords of the Treasury. Petitioner and his father before him were Receivers General of the Land-tax for the county of Warwick, “from whence returns of money are not to be had, by reason ye intercourse of trade with Londo is very small.” In consideration whereof the Lords of the Treasury made petitioner's father allowances in his accounts of what he expended for the carriage and conduct of money. In 1718 Mitchener, a clerk of petitioner's father, misapplied a considerable sum of the public money, and petitioner's father was unable to make up the yearly balance, without which he could not petition for the yearly allowances. Petitioner accepted the office and took the debt of his father, and made the payments to the satisfaction of the Comrs of Taxes; but was told he could not have any allowances for his own or his father's accounts until the year 1718 should be cleared. Prosecuted an extent in aid for many years against Mitchener's estate, for the recovery of the public money so misapplied, but could not obtain the same until July last. Is ready to clear all accounts for the last eight years, which could not be settled for the above reason Prays to be allowed the sums expended by him. 1 page.
[There is an entry in the Minute Book, vol. 25, p. 344, 12 Aug. 1730, on the subject of these claims.]
1726. 82. “Dissent of the representative of the Burgh of Haddington to the resolution of the Honble the Convention of Royal Burrows that no clause shall be added to the proposals that are to be laid before his Matie from them for applying the monies appropriated by act of parliament for encouraging the manufactories, fishing, &c. in Scotland, humbly representing the inability of this part of the Kingdom to sustain the burden of a duty upon malt as it is at present imposed by the last Act of parliat made on that behalf.” 1726. 3 pages.
[? 1726.] 83. Memorial of Daniel Campbell, Esq., to the Lords of the Treasury. There is payable to the Crown out of the lands and Island of Islay in Scotland, a yearly few duty, or quitrent, of 500l. sterling. This duty has for several years been granted by the Crown to the family of Lenox and Richmond in Scotland, and their descendants. Queen Anne by charter, dated 28 February 1707, ratified by parliament, granted the same to Edward Hyde, eldest lawful son of Edward, Lord Cornbury, nephew of Charles, late Duke of Lennox, and Lady Catherine Steuart alias Obrain, the said Duke's sister, and to his heirs and “assigneys,” and to Henry, Lord Hyde, eldest son of Lawrence, Earl of Rochester, as his trustee “for the space of three nineteen years” from Whitsuntide 1701, the said Edward Hyde being obliged to pay to her Majesty for tack duty 41l. 13s. 4d. sterling. Memorialist being proprietor of the lands and Island of Islay, out of which the few duty of 500l. per ann. is payable, petitioned and prayed for a lease or grant of the reserved rent or tack duty of 41l. 13s. 4d. sterling, payable by those claiming under the lease. The Barons of the Exchequer, to whom the matter was referred, reported on 26th July 1725 that the grant or lease determined by the demise of her Majesty, but that his Majesty might renew the same, and grant the reserved rent of 41l. 13s. 4d. to memorialist during his Majesty's life, and the arrears since 1706. The memorialist's sufferings and losses by the late affair at Glasgow “are too nottour to be mentioned.” Prays to have the grant in accordance with the report. [The late affair at Glasgow mentioned, arose out of the riots at Glasgow, where the house of Daniel Campbell, Esq. (who was a member of Parliament), was rifled. See Hume and Smollett's Hist. of England, Vol. VIII., p. 278 (Edition 1854).]
Also copy of the grant of Queen Anne to Edward Hyde. 5 pages.
1726. 84. Memorial of Francis, Earl of Godolphin to the Lords of the Treasury, praying payment of the arrears of 65l. per ann., being the allowance of the Deputy Ranger of Windsor Little Park, which was unpaid for five years from Midsummer 1721. Also that the rails, gates, and fences might be repaired. 1 page.
1723–1726. 85. “An account of the ordinary revenue of the University of Glasgow for the crops and years 1723, 1724, 1725 and 1726; including the hundred pound sterling granted to supply the deficiency of the revenue: together with the annual expences of the said University, for these four years; with which the said revenue is burdened, humbly presented to the Right Honourable the Lords of His Majesty's Treasury, according to the directions given by the late Majesty Queen Ann, under the great seal dated at Windsor, the 16th day of December 1713, whereby Her Majesty appropriats one hundred pounds for the supplying the deficiency of the said revenue.” Signed: “Neil Campbell, Principal. 1 double page.
[1726 or
86. Petition of Ensign James Anderson, formerly a quarter master in Count Nassau's, since Lord Stanhope's regiment of dragoons, to the Rt Hon. Sir Robert Walpole, K.G., Chancellor of the Exchequer and First Lord of H.M. Treasury. Served as quartermaster in 1706, until taken prisoner in the retreat of the army from Madrie [? Madrid], and so continued with many hundreds till 1709. Whilst in confinement his post was given to one Talbott, who was advanced to be a Cornet and then a Lieutenant, which was petitioner's due. Was ordered 122l. 2s. as the balance of his subsistence, and soon after made Ensign in Col. Munden's regiment of foot. Served till 1712. Arrears of 80l. 1s. 2d. are still due. Armfield his agent had neglected to press for the arrears, which petitioner now prays for. ? 1726 or later, Sir Robert Walpole knighted in that year.
Also a balance sheet of petitioner's pay. 1 page.
[? 1726 or
87. “Memorandum relating to the pension of 800l. per ann. granted to the late Duke of St Albans for life out of the revenue of Ireland.”
The present duke had agreed that the pension of 800l. per ann. granted to his father should be regranted in trust for Ld Henry, Ld Sidney, Ld George, Ld James, and Ld Aubry Beauclerk, the younger sons of the late Duke unprovided for. [? 1726 or 1727 from the death of the late Duke.] 1 page.
[1726 or
88. An opinion (unsigned) respecting the conduct of Mr Wilkins, who was in partnership with Messrs Toovey, Peele, and Woodward as proprietors of the “London Journal,” and who concealed from them the profits he made of the paper. The paper came into the Government service in Sept. 1722, and Lord Townshend ordered 650 of the papers to be weekly sent to the Post Office to be dispersed in the country. These seem afterwards to have increased to 2,200 a week, for which Mr Wilkins received 2d each, and only accounted for three halfpence to his partners. The paper states that the stamp was put on papers in 1725, and that there was an allowance of one in 25 of such papers to all retailers. Mr Wilkins owns that the paper sank in value by being taken into the Government service. 2 pages.
[? 1726.] 89. Petition to the King of Archibald McAulay, His Majesty's “Conservator of the Scots privileges at Camten, and of Beatrix, Ann, and Mary Kennedy lawful daughters to the deceased Sir Andrew Kennedy, of Cloburn,” praying for a warrant for 200l. [a year] to pay the salary of the said Archibald McAulay, who had been appointed to succeed Andrew Kennedy, deceased, in the above office on condition that he paid regularly 100l. to the other petitioners to liquidate their father's debts and relieve their distress. 2 pages.