Index: S

Pages 710-722

Calendar of Treasury Papers, Volume 4, 1708-1714. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1974.

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Sabine, Major-General, letters from; clxiii. 6, 18.

Sachems, the four Indian, of the five nations; cxxi. 43.

Sacheverell, Dr. Henry, riots at his trial, &c.; cxxvi. 45; cxlviii. 8.

Sagadahoc, the province; clxii. 15.

-, the river, in North America, land granted; clxii. 15.

St. Abbs head; cxlvi. 13.

St. Albans, Charles Duke of, (pension); cviii. 11.

-, Earl of, contract with; cxv. 31.

-, -, the trustees for; cxxiv. 9, 10, 11, 38; cxxxiii. 83.

St. Andrew, the priory of, in Fife, lands in, granted; clxi. 20.

-, University, grants to; cxxxi. 56.

-, -, rector, &c. of, memorial; cxxxi. 56.

St. Aubin's, Sir John, of Cornwall, his daughter married Mr. Martyn; cxxi. 16.

St. Christopher's; cxvi. 49; cxlvii. 63.

-, council and assembly of, address from; clxxv. 33.

-, French invasion, sufferers by; clxv. 37, 42; clxvii. 14.

-, French part of; cxxxvii. 53; cxxxix. 12; clxii. 25; clxxi. 26.

-, -, -, revenue of; clxxiv. 18.

-, -, -, settlement of; clxxiv. 18; clxxv. 33.

-, -, Protestants settled in, claim of; clxxiv. 18, 44; clxxv. 33.

-, half of, added to H.M. territories, clxxiv. 56.

-, lands in, won from the French; clxiii. 54.

-, people of, losses of; cxiii. 29.

-, resettlement of; clxii. 53.

-, the scheme of; clxxviii. 22.

St. David's, the Bishop of; clxxvi. 22.

St. George, parish and town of; cxvi. 34.

“St. George,” the, a privateer from Guernsey, captured the crews of two ships; cxliii. 36.

St. Giles-in-the-Fields, the parish of, in Middlesex; clxxiii. 18.

St. Hippolite, or St. Ippolite, Mons. de, or Col.; cxv. 39; cxxi. 38.

St. Jago de la Vega, in Jamaica; cxxii. 11.

St. James's and Kensington, the two Courts of, at variance; clxxix. 3.

-, conduits, &c.; cxxii. 24.

-, fields, ground in, granted to Earl of St. Alban's; cv. 31.

-, gallery at, enlarging of; clxxiii. 12.

-, guard rooms at; clix. 12.

-, H.M. books removed to Cotton House from; cxliv. 37.

-, manor or bailiwick of; cxxiv. 10, 11, 12; cxxxiii. 83; cxxxv. 33.

-, -, -, commission about; cxxxiii. 83; cxxxv. 33; cli. 6.

-, -, -, renewal of leases in; clxxviii. 47.

-, -, -, survey of; cli. 6.

-, palace of, arrears of assessment on the; cxxx. 38.

-, park; cv. 7.

-, -, works at; cvii. 3.

-, place, the Earl of Ranelagh's little house in; clx. 20.

-, quota of land tax for, raised; cxxiv. 47.

-, reader of prayers at; cxxxiv. 19.

-, square, house in, for two young Muscovite noblemen; cxiii. 3.

-, works at; cxxxiii. 85; cxxxv. 32 clxiv. 37.

St. John, H.; cv. 36; cxxvi. 26, 38; cxxix. 5; cxxxi. 38, 45; cxxxii. 18, 26, 27; cxxxiii. 11, 20, 39, 57; cxxxiv. 3, 17; cxxxv. 14, 21, 41, 47; cxxxvi. 50; cxxxviii. 8; cxl. 45; cxlv. 10; cxlvii. 53.

-, -, army clothing; cv. 17.

-, -, office of the general officers of the army; cv. 20.

-, -, report, clothing to Chelsea Hospital; cv. 39.

St. Lawrence River, the, four regiments shipwrecked in, petition of the colonels of the; cxlv. 37.

-, -, miscarriage of the fleet under Admiral Walker in; cxxxix. 24; cxl. 21; cxlvi. 6.

St. Lo, Capt., petition; cxxv. 8.

St. Malo; cxiii. 45.

-, privateers from; cxliii. 36.

St. Maries, port, prize goods; cx. 35.

St. Mary, Abchurch, Thames Street, the church of; clxxvi. 17.

-, le Rood, the church of; clxxvi. 17.

St. Mawes, garrison of; cxxxiv. 60; cxxxviii. 2.

-, ordnance at; cxxxvi. 53.

St. Michael, Crooked Lane, the church of; clxxvi. 17.

St. Nicholas Island, barracks at, firing for; cxxxvi. 52.

St. Olaves, Southwark, minister and churchwardens of, recommend William Ogden to mercy; cxlvii. 15.

St. Patrick, cathedral church of; cxii. 22.

St. Paul's church, the building of; cxl. 29.

-, -, -, commissioners for; cxvi. 40.

“St. Peter,” the, of Calais, seized by the Custom officers; clxiv. 10.

St. Philip's castle, of Port Mahon, commissary of provisions at; clxxi. 13.

-, -, ordnance and stores at; clxii. 38.

-, -, surrender of; clxxix. 21.

-, -, works at; clxxi. 14.

St. Rocha, five miles from Gibraltar; clxiv. 2.

St. Sebastian, wine imported from, into North Britain; cxxi. 13, 64.

-, gentleman to be placed at; cxvi. 4.

St. Stephen's Court; clxi. 4.

Salanave, Elizabeth, claims of, as to St. Christopher's; clxxv. 33.

Salem; cviii. 1.

Sales, Marquis de, envoy of the Republic of the Grisons; cxvi. 9.

Salford, Earl of; cxii. 7.

Salisbury, —, one of the Drury Lane rioters; clxxv. 6.

Salkeld, John, clerk, plantation in St. Christopher's, petition; clxiii. 54.

Sallee privateers, the; clxii. 24.

Salop, co. of; clv. 6.

-, -, distribution of stamps in; cxxxiii. 73.

-, -, receiver general of; clxxv. 55.

Salsey, the forest of, in the co. of Northampton; clxxix. 43.

Salt, duties on; cxii. 54; cxix. 35; cxxiii. 4; cxxxviii. 40; clxxii. 3; clxxv. 24.

-, commissioners for; cix. 18; cxiv. 50; cxix. 40; cxxvii. 14; cxxxi. 55; cxliii. 21; cl. 10; clx. 36; clxvi. 21; clxxii. 27, 46; clxxiii. 20; clxxvii. 27.

-, -, recommend Jos. Bentley as a commissioner of Customs for Scotland; cli. 43.

-, -, reports of, as to allowance for waste on shipments; cvi. 48.

-, -, -, on damage at salt works in London; cx. 52.

-, -, -, on decrease of duties on salt; cxii. 13.

-, -, -, on drawbacks for fish exported from North Britain; cxii. 54.

-, fats at Droitwich; cxv. 9.

-, foreign, amount used before the Union; cxv. 24; cxl. 22; cxliv. 56.

-, -, importation of; clxxiii. 20.

-, French; clxxiii. 31.

-, improvement of; cxiv. 50; clxv. 25; clxxiii. 20.

-, pans in Scotland, number of; clxxii. 3.

-, required for curing meat; cxvi. 3.

-, revenue of, debtors to; clxii. 17; clxxii. 55.

-, (Scotland), letters as to; clxxiii. 31.

-, -, to be under the commissioners of Excise there; clxxii. 27.

-, stores, H.M. yeoman of; cxxxiii. 103.

-, trade in, with foreign ports; cxiv. 50.

-, white, made in Scotland, duties on; clxxi. 28.

Saltash, the borough of, in Cornwall; cxlix. 15.

Salter, William, agent for H.M. Prize Office; clii. 20.

Saltpetre, kept for the security of the kingdom; clvi. 5.

-, for the board of ordnance; cxvii. 46.

Salvage money; cxxxi. 58; cxlvii. 6.

Sana, the island of; cvii. 15.

Sand, Mons. de, envoy extraordinary from the Duke of Mecklenburgh, diamond ring to; cxx. 26.

Sandwell, —, precedent referred to; cxii. 23.

Sankey, Major-General, his regiment of foot; cxvii. 43.

-, Capt. Henry, petition; cxxxiii. 99.

Sansom, John, an accountant and debtor to the Crown, petition; cxlviii. 20.

-, John, Esq., collector of Bristol; cviii. 46; cx. 19.

Santini & Co., Nicholas, proposal to remit; cxlii. 23; clxx. 3.

Santo Bueno, the Prince of, Viceroy of Peru; clxxviii. 19.

Saragossa, the battle of; cxlvii. 21; clxxv. 30.

Sargison, or Sergison, Mr., as to contract for canvas; cvi. 5.

Sartre, Francis, petition; cxxxiii. 100.

Sarum, Old, in the co. of Wilts; cxxxiii. 83.

Sattonstall, Gurdon, concerning the Canadian expedition; cxxxix. 24.

Sanghall, Great, the manor of, in the co. of Chester; clxxii. 45.

Sauli, Marquis, money lent by; clxiii. 53; clxxiii. 43.

Saunders, Joan, intruding on Queen's waste; cxiv. 61.

Savage, Mr., Chancellor of the Exchequer of Ireland, and Clerk of the Crown (Queen's Bench, Ireland); cxvii. 49.

-, Richard; cxiii. 48; cxvi. 5.

Savery, Capt., South Sea Stock; clv. 30.

-, Thomas, Esq., treasurer to sick and wounded seamen, &c.; cxxii. 35.

Savill, Robert, lieut. in Lord Mordaunt's regiment, petition; cxii. 11.

Savoy, artillery in; cxv. 26.

-, Court of H.M envoy at; cxi. 40.

-, Duke of; cix. 7, 21; cxi. 31; cxxi. 38, 40.

-, -, clothing for forces of; cvi. 6; cxxx. 31.

-, -, embassy to; clxi. 1.

-, -, envoy or resident of; cvi. 6; cxxx. 31.

-, -, finances of; cvii. 45.

-, -, French officers who served the; cvii. 61.

-, -, loan of, to Mr. Stanyan; cxi. 57.

-, -, powder for the use of; cliv. 2.

-, -, subsidy to; cxxiv. 2; cxxvii. 18; cxi. 40, 44.

-, Eugene Prince of; cxii. 17.

-, -, confederate army under; cxxi. 51.

-, -, levy money for German troops; cx. 24.

-, the, barracks for H.M. guards built in; clviii. 29; clix. 12; clxvi. 26.

-, the, Hospital of, master and chaplains of; cxvi. 18.

-, the, house called the White Lion in the Strand; clxxvii. 45.

-, houses in, granted to Jesuits and Lutheran Protestants; clxxviii. 31.

-, Master of the; cxxxi. 20.

-, original possessors of the property forming; cxv. 48.

-, prison and prisoners in; cxiii. 33; cxxiii. 43.

-, works at; cxlviii. 33; clxxiv. 20.

Saxe Gotha, Duke of, arrears due to his troops; clxxvi. 21.

-, -, forces, the, paymaster to; cxxxiv. 50.

Saxon troops, augmentation of; cxiv. 64.

Sayers, John, Esq., killed; clxi. 24.

Sayes Court, manor of; clxxv. 19.

Sayre, Johanna, daughter of Capt. John Coppin, petition; cxxx. 28.

Scarborough, C., receipt for plate; clix. 46.

-, Lord, his hunting in the Forest of Bere; cxv. 2.

Schmettau, Mr. Samuel, inventor, boiling salt; cxiv. 50.

Schomberg, Duke of, general of H.M. forces in Portugal, succeeded by Earl of Galway; cxxiv. 32.

-, -, pension of; clxvi. 20.

-, -, proclamation; cxxi. 19.

-, Frederick, late Duke of, in Ireland; clxi. 1.

-, Charles, Duke of, commander-in-chief of the forces in Piedmont; clxi. 1.

Schuyler, Abraham, of Albany (New York), interpreter to the four Indian sachems; cxxi. 43.

-, Col. Peter, disbursements by; cxxv. 41.

Scilly, or the Scilly Isles, governor of; clii. 41.

-, invalid soldiers for; cxxxiv. 24.

-, proposal to settle Palatines in; cxix. 1.

Scissan, Major-General, pressing demands of; cxxxviii. 19.

Scobell, Mr., repairing coinage halls, &c., Duchy of Cornwall; cxvi. 30.

-, -, his appointment (tin); clxi. 31.

Scot, Sir Edward, Lieut.-Governor to the Duke of Berwick, appropriated communion plate; cxxiv. 30.

-, Francis, of Horselichill, Esq., grant of the lands of Belford and Horselichill to; cxlv. 6.

Scotch juries, unwilling to convict of fraud and violence; cxxvii. 2.

-, measures and English, difference between; cxxvi. 11.

-, ships, at time of the Union; cxxii. 69.

Scoting, or Scotten, Mrs. Mary, daughter of William and Jane Woodcock; clxxvii. 45.

Scotland, accounting in, before the Union, course of; cxx. 44.

-, accounts in, passing of; clxiv. 38.

-, accounts of; cxiii. 4, 8.

-, Admiralty in, High Court of. See Admiralty.

-, advocate general in; cxiv. 41; cxxi. 67.

-, -, See also Dalrymple, Sir David.

-, -, deputy in; cxxiii. 11.

-, African and Indian Company in; cxiii. 39.

-, -, -, claims of William Paterson on; clix. 43.

-, and Ireland, packet boats; clxiv. 14.

-, arms of, altered on the Union; cv. 32.

-, bank of, governor and court of directors of, memorial; cxii. 14.

-, bishops' rents in; cxv. 19.

-, bullion in, receivers of, sums due from; cxxiv. 24.

-, “Burrow” rolls of; cxix. 14.

-, Church of, before the Union; cxxi. 24.

-, -, -, procurator, &c., salaries of; cxxi. 24.

-, church presentation in, mode of exercising Queen's right of; clvii. 5; clxi. 30.

-, Civil List of. See Civil List (Scotland).

-, clerks and episcopal ministers in; cxxx. 22.

-, coast trade of; cxxvii. 2.

-, coasts of; facilities for smuggling; cxvi. 4.

-, -, protection; cvi. 71.

-, -, the western, importation of oatmeal by small boats; cxxvii. 2.

-, coinage and recoinage in; cxii. 14; cxv. 17; cxxiii. 24.

-, controller general in; cxxxviii. 11; cxxxix. 29; clxxiii. 33.

-, Crown interests and affairs in; cviii. 31.

-, Crown patronages in, tithes belonging to; clx. 34; clxi. 30.

-, Customs in. See Customs, Scotland.

-, deputy judge advocate for. See Scotland, judge advocate, below.

-, elections for; cxxi. 59.

-, equivalent demanded for payment of English debts; cxix. 38.

-, equivalent in, auditors and commissioners of; clxxiii. 33.

-, establishment of; cxliv. 26.

-, Exchequer bills sent into, pay drawbacks; cxxiii. 27.

-, -, Court of. See Exchequer, Scotland.

-, Excise in; clxxv. 25; clxxix. 12.

-, -, commissioners of. See Excise, commissioners of, Scotland.

-, -, receiver general of; cxlii. 18.

-, falconer in, H.M.; cxxiii. 13.

-, fees and salaries in; cix. 12.

-, -, paymaster; cxxxiv. 69.

-, fir woods in, proprietors of, petition; clxxiv. 54.

-, fish exported from; cxii. 54.

-, fisheries of; clxiii. 33.

-, forage for forces in; cxxi. 46; cxxiv. 3; cxxxiii. 54, 77; cxliii. 19; cxlix. 11; clxix. 1.

-, forces in, commander-in-chief of; clxiii. 7.

-, -, officers of, memorial for arrears; cxii. 2, 3.

-, government in, expenses of; cxxi. 25.

-, -, imposed upon; cxxi. 84.

-, heavy demands for; cxii. 56.

-, H.M. bounties to indigent persons in; cxxxi. 40.

-, -, subjects of, ships of; cxxxiii. 12.

-, Highland clans in, sums paid to the; clxxiv. 59.

-, imports into; cvii. 43.

-, invalid soldiers in, provision for; cxxxiii. 91.

-, Irish victual imported into; clvii. 5; clxi. 30.

-, judge advocate, the deputy; cxxxi. 7.

-, justices in, favour the people; cv. 15.

-, leather duty in; cxlix. 4.

-, Lord Leven's proposal as to quarantine in; cxl. 31.

-, mint in. See Edinburgh, mint at.

-, musters in, commissary of; cxxxv. 22.

-, naval stores, bill for transportation of; cxlvi. 39.

-, north, thefts and depredations in, regiment to prevent; clii. 27.

-, ordnance in, master of, abolition of the office of; clxiii. 7.

-, Papists in, abolition of penal statutes against; cxxi. 63.

-, parliament of; cxii. 37; cxix. 7; cxxi. 25; cxxxv. 12.

-, -, Act of; cxx. 44.

-, people of, stand by one another; cv. 8.

-, ports and creeks of, commissioners for settling; clxxiv. 54.

-, ports in, reasons against the reduction of; cxxiii. 4.

-, posts in; cxxiv. 16.

-, Privy Council in, abolished; cxxi. 66.

-, privy seals for grants of non-entry duties, &c. in, method of passing; clxii. 19; clxiv. 38.

-, Queen's advocate in. See Scotland, advocate general, below.

-, remembrancer of. See Remembrancer, Scotland.

-, revenue in; cxvi. 36; cxxi. 24.

-, -, receiver general of; cxxi. 84; cxxiv. 24; cxxvii. 41; cxxxiv. 69; cxlvii. 34; clvi. 2; clxviii. 13.

-, revenues of, view of the yearly income from; cxi. 13.

-, Royal family of, “master households and carver” to; cxxiv. 34.

-, salt duties in; clxxi. 28; clxxv. 17; clxxviii. 7.

-, -, commissioner to manage; clxxii. 46.

-, salt in, letters as to; clxxiii. 31.

-, salt pans in, where situate; clxxii. 3.

-, salt remaining in the ports of; clx. 36; clxi. 28.

-, seal of, the great, keeper of; cxxiv. 53; cxli. 4.

-, seizures and compositions in, H.M.; cxxvi. 37.

-, smuggling of tobacco, &c. carried on in; cxv. 37; cxxi. 15; cxxxi. 6.

-, tacksmen of; cix. 12.

-, tallow chandlers in, number of; cxxi. 79.

-, trade in; cxxi. 39.

-, trade of coarse wool to be encouraged in; clxi. 30.

-, Treasury and Exchequer in, Lords of; cl. 21.

-, Treasury of, payments of, before the Union; cxiv. 39.

-, warehouses in, for uncustomed goods, broken open; clx. 35.

-, warehouses suitable for seized goods to be provided in; clxi. 30.

-, weights and measures sent to, prices of; cxvi. 36; cxxxiii. 72.

-, wine and ale in, sale of, no licences granted for; cxxxv. 12.

-, wine imported into, from St. Sebastian's and Bilbao; cxxi. 13.

-, works in, master of the; cxxxv. 10.

-, -, surveyor of the; cxxii. 69.

Scotland Yard; cxxii. 24.

Scots' privileges, the, conservator of, in the Netherlands; clxviii. 7.

Scott, Mr., H.M. envoy to King Augustus; cxxxv. 21.

Scrope, J., Baron of the Exchequer of Scotland; cx. 6; cxii. 59; cxx. 1; cxxi. 37; cxxxii. 4; cxxxvi. 20; cxlvii. 34; clx. 34, 35; clxi. 30; clxiii. 1, 52; clxxii. 46; clxxix. 29.

-, -, about to return to Scotland, salary of; cvii. 17.

-, -, affairs of Scotland; cviii. 31.

-, -, memorial; cxxxiii. 91.

-, -, reports; cxxiv. 24; cxxv. 18; cxxvii. 21; cxxxv. 12; cxl. 31; cxlix. 48.

-, -, representation of the case of the “Catherine”; cxxiv. 23.

Scudamore, Sir Barnabas, late collector of Liverpool, arrear, petition; cxlv. 49.

-, Lord, in favour of Simon Price's petition; cxlix. 25.

Sea captains, petition for half-pay; clxxviii. 1.

Seamen's tickets; cxxxvi. 57.

Sea service; clix. 8; clxv. 40; clxxi. 22; clxxv. 5.

-, -, sums for; cix. 24; cxii. 56; cxiv. 16, 26.

Sea store, captains, wine, &c. for, as to duty on; cxx. 35.

Seafield, the Earl of; cvi. 37; cxii. 42; cxiv. 53; cxv. 7; cxxii. 65.

Sealing wax, proposed duty on; clxxix. 19.

Searchers, patent officers; cxlviii. 23.

Secret service money; cxiv. 56; cxxi. 72; cxxvii. 8.

Secretaries of State; cxxx. 19; cxxxv. 11; cxxxvi. 11; cxliii. 15; clxxviii. 39.

-, -, letters of their office; cxix. 30.

Sedgwick, Robert, Jewel Office; cv. 31; cxiv. 44; cxxxiii. 31; clxiii. 10; clxxvii. 11.

Sedition; cv. 49.

Seizures, officer's proportion of; cxii. 19.

Semple, Mr., appointed to write and publish an ecclesiastical history of the Christian religion in Scotland, petition; cxiv. 40.

Sempill, Lord, Lieut.-Colonel, petition; clxxix. 49.

Serio, the river; clxxvi. 7.

Serjeant, —; clxxviii. 11.

Serjeants-at-arms; cxlviii. 15.

“Serra, Jeosuah Gomez,” subsidies to the King of Portugal; clii. 4.

Services, public. See Public services, the.

Session, courts of, charges for keeping; cxx. 47.

-, Lords of; cxii. 30; cxix. 7; cxx. 1; cxxii. 69.

Sevenoi, the, encouragement of; cxiv. 64.

Severn, the river; cvi. 48.

Sewell, Mr., lease from hospital of the Savoy, petition; cxvi. 18.

-, Mr. Joslas, late page of the removing wardrobe; cxxxi. 4.

-, Elizabeth, his widow, pension; cxxxi. 4.

Seymour, His Excellency Colonel; cvii. 8.

-, Lieut.-General, “trophy money,” memorial; clv. 18.

Shackerly, or Shakerley, Mr., or Peter; cxx. 29; clxii. 7.

Shadwell, Captain, petition; cxxxix. 23.

-, Dr., attended on His Royal Highness in his last sickness; cxxi. 23.

Shafton; cxvii. 28.

Shallet & Crow, Messrs., Barcelona; cvi. 3.

-, Arthur, merchant, duties on wine; cxlviii. 12.

Shannon, Richard, Lord Viscount, intended expedition under; cxxii. 25; cxxvi. 5.

-, -, his regiment of marines; cxlvi. 44.

-, -, regiments under, in the Isle of Wight; cxxxvii. 11.

Shannon, the; cxxii. 27.

Sharp, Lady Margaret, as to a favour to Sir William Sharp; cviii. 23.

Sharrett, William, collector of Excise in the Isle of Wight, now in prison, petitions; cxlv. 28; clxi. 7.

Shaw, Sir John, allowance for taking securities, &c.; cliv. 33.

-, -, case and petition of; cxxvii. 22.

-, -, removed the books and Custom House office to the town of Greenock; cl. 21.

-, John, keeper in Salsey Forest, petition; clxxix. 43.

Sheerness, Capt. Mowat's invalids at; cxxxvii. 29.

-, garrison at, extra parochial; cxxxvi. 18.

-, houses at, for the servants of the commanding officer of the garrison; cxxxvi. 18.

-, two companies quartered at; cxxxi. 51.

-, wages for workmen at; cxlix. 16.

Sheldon, Sir Joseph; cvi. 58.

Shene, Mr., recommended to be landwaiter; cxiii. 54.

Shepheard, Samuel, merchant in London, petition; cxvi. 42.

Sheriffs keep fines in their hands; cx. 16.

Sheriff's rolls, clerk of the; cxii. 42.

Sherman, John, and others, soft bread for Gibraltar, petition; clx. 25.

Sherwood Forest; clxxvii. 31; clxxix. 13.

-, -, timber felled in; clxii. 4.

-, -, the wood too old for building purposes; clxi. 3.

Sherwood, Mr., his house in Essex Street, near the Middle Temple, London; cxl. 18.

Shetland, cess of; cx. 40.

-, falcons and “jessells” from; cxxiii. 13.

-, French privateers very troublesome to; cviii. 24, 40.

-, justices there set the Customs' officer in the stocks; cvi. 60.

-, smuggling from; cxxxvii. 24.

-, pitiful condition of; cix. 43.

Shields, Robert, sergeant in the independent company at Newfoundland; clxxii. 52.

Shipping, British, duty on; clxxii. 2.

Ships, H.M., list of; clxiii. 2.

Shipwrights' Hall, rules for measuring ships; clix. 9.

Shoes, proposed duty on; cxx. 24.

Shoreham; clxxv. 21.

-, riding officer at; cxxxviii. 49.

Short, Mr., report of Commissioners of Customs (Scotland) on his claims; cxxiv. 56.

-, John, accountant general, proposed appointment of, North Britain; cx. 25.

-, -, -, petition, &c.; cxii. 62; clxxiii. 33.

Shovell, or Shovel, Sir Cloudesley, drowned; cxix. 7; cxxxii. 45.

-, -, expenses of his funeral; cv. 18.

-, -, his fight in the Mediterranean; clxxviii. 37.

-, -, lost his ship on the Scilly rocks; cxiv. 55.

-, -, seamen cast away with; cx. 49.

Shrewsbury, the Duke of; cxxxvi. 12; cxl. 52; cxlv. 11; cxlvi. 34.

-, -, Lord Chamberlain; cxxiii. 2; cxxxi. 4, 8; cliv. 40.

-, -, Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland, or Lord Chamberlain; clxv. 9; clxvi. 41, 42; clxvii. 4, 15, 22; clxxiv. 1, 39, 52; clxxv. 11; clxxvi. 16, 24, 29.

-, -, mills of, at Alveton, seized for rent; cviii. 22.

Shrider, Mr. Christopher, H.M. organ maker, new organ at Hampton Court; clxi. 23.

Shrimpton, Mrs., her husband Major-General, governor of Gibraltar, &c., memorial; cxxxv. 39.

Sibbitt, Mr., storekeeper at Berwick, as to Berwick Bridge; clxviii. 14.

Sibourg, Col., his regiment aboard the fleet; cxxiii. 32.

-, Major-General, regiment commanded by, claims English pay; clxxviii. 44.

Sicily and Naples, commerce between, prohibited; clxxvi. 4.

-, the King of; clxxvi. 4.

Sick and wounded, agent for; cxxxvi. 46.

-, commissioners for; cxxi. 16; cxxxiv. 66; cxxxv. 45; cxxxvi. 46; cxxxvii. 38; cxxxviii. 52; cxxxix. 52.

-, -, affairs of their office, necessities, &c.; cxi. 5; cxiii. 20; cxv. 27, 48; cxvii. 2; cxxv. 35; cxxvii. 23; cxxxiii. 64; cxxxiv. 12, 40; cxxxvi. 16, 17, 24, 45; cxxxviii. 15, 43; cxliv. 12; cxlvi. 5; cxlvii. 23, 24; cl. 16; cli. 33; clv. 58; clxx. 4; clxxiii. 35; clxxvi. 2, 4; clxxviii. 29.

-, -, accounts of; cix. 3.

-, -, marshals of; cxxv. 35.

-, -, Mr. Pearse's claims; cxxxii. 24.

-, -, the debt of their office; cxxxiv. 66; cxlviii. 30; cl. 8, 20; cli. 2; clv. 30; clxxii. 44.

-, -, bills; cxxxv. 17; cli. 3; cliii. 9; clviii. 53.

-, -, have to do only with seamen and naval officers; cxxxvii. 28.

-, -, claims of Mr. William Slaughter; cxl. 14; cxlv. 33; cli. 21.

-, -, officers employed under, memorial; cxl. 55.

-, -, on their agreement with Mr. Heysham; cxliv. 17.

-, -, new hospital built at Port Mahon; cl. 2; cli. 1.

-, -, the priory at Minorca used as a hospital; cli. 14.

-, -, exchange of English and French prisoners; cli. 20.

-, -, office at Jamaica, &c., had ceased; clv. 11.

-, -, payment of their creditors in South Sea Stock, without interest; clvi. 1.

-, -, claims of Capt. Clark on; clix. 45.

-, -, imprests; clxi. 14.

-, -, as to frauds committed; clxxiii. 44.

-, -, clerks, &c. belonging to the office of; clxxiv. 25.

-, -, as to petition of Peter Levermore; clxxiv. 34.

-, -, reports on petitions, &c.; cv. 34; cvii. 25, 34; cxx. 38; cxxxvi. 11; cxliii. 24; clviii. 53; clxxiv. 34.

-, -, salaries for travelling charges; cviii. 43.

-, -, treasurer of; cxxii. 35.

-, &c., the branch in the Mediterranean, inspection of; cxxxvi. 27.

Signet Office, the; cxlvi. 2.

-, Writer to the; clxiii. 22.

Silk, lustring and alamode, manufacture of, in England; cxxxiii. 95.

-, wrought, imports of, and the duties on; cxlvi. 24.

-, Turkey and Italian, importation of; clxii. 12.

Silks; cvi. 14.

-, &c., bill as to; clxxvi. 19.

Silvester, Mr. Thomas, smith to the mint and ordnance; cliii. 21.

Silvestre, P., office for sick and wounded; cxl. 2.

Silver, late coinage of, at Edinburgh; cxx. 44.

Sims, Cornet, money owed to Peter Davenport by; clii. 14.

Simson, Joseph, committed to Newgate wrongfully accused, petition; clvi. 4.

Skene, Robert, turned out of his living, &c., petition; clxiii. 52.

Skins, &c., duties on; cxxxiii. 22.

Skye, Isle of, inspectorship of; cxiv. 30.

Slane, Lord, his regiment; cxxxv. 35; clxv. 3.

Slather, or Slater, Edward, of Dover, a fit person to furnish packet boats; clx. 13.

Slaughter, William, marshal at Plymouth, to the commissioners for sick and wounded; cxxv. 35; cxxxv. 47; cxxxvi. 13; cxxxix. 6; cxl. 14; cxliii. 36; cxliv. 8, 32; cxlv. 33; cli. 21; clviii. 30.

Slaves, alleged escape of, on H.M. transports; clxxv. 49.

-, released from Venetian galleys, &c.; clxiv. 30.

Sleford, Thomas, damage at his salt work; cx. 52.

-, -, his proposal for raising money; cxx. 9.

Sligo, collector of; cxii. 15; cxv. 4.

-, governor of the town, &c. of; cxv. 47.

Slingar, Mons., subsisted H.M. subjects, who were prisoners; cxxv. 24.

Slingelandt, Mons., secretary to the Council of State in Holland; cxxxi. 18.

Sloan, Dr., attended on H.R.H. in his last sickness; cxxi. 23.

Sloop hire; clxxiii. 26.

Sloops, non-employment of, by Commissioners of Customs (Scotland); cxxvii. 37.

Sloper, William, Pay Office; cxxiii. 38; cxxv. 8; cxlv. 5; cxlvi. 20; cliv. 38; clx. 6; clxii. 41; clxiv. 6; clxv. 32; clxvi. 37; clxxiii. 29; clxxix. 10.

-, -, payments complained of by the King of Spain; cix. 26.

-, -, bills received by; cxx. 43.

Slyford, Thomas, of London, gent., invented new ways of making salt, petition; clxxiii. 20.

Small arms from Holland, remission of duty on; cxxvi. 30.

Smart, Anne, a widow who lost her husband at Londonderry, no impostor; cli. 58.

Smith, Capt., commander of the “Norfolk,” to proceed to Lisbon; cxxv. 13.

-, Mr., a teller of the Exchequer; clxi. 4.

-, Henry, prosecuted for the insurrection at Antigua; clxvii. 16.

-, Hercules, collector at Montrose; cxvi. 4.

-, J., as to Crown plate; cxlviii. 21.

-, James, surveyor of works in North Britain; cxxii. 69.

-, John, or Hon. John, Baron, or Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer (Scotland); cx. 6; cxii. 59; cxiii. 62; cxv. 7; cxvi. 47; cxx. 1, 2; cxxx. 22; cxxxiii. 91; cxlvii. 34; clx. 34, 35; clxxi. 16; clxxix. 29.

-, -, -, complains of the justices; cviii. 31.

-, the Hon. John, Esq., Chancellor of the Exchequer; cviii. 33; cxxii. 5.

-, John, coal and candles to H.M. guards; cxxii. 47.

-, -, deputy chamberlain for joining tallies in the Court of Exchequer; cvi. 59; cxiv. 5; cxvi. 27.

-, -, for six years muster master “depute” of the forces, petition; cxv. 8.

-, Lieut. Mark, arrears of half-pay due to, petition; cxvii. 36.

-, Thomas, frauds on the office for sick and wounded; clxxiii. 44.

Smithson, Henry, prosecuted coiners, memorial; clxxv. 28, 48.

Smollett, Sir James, services to the Queen in Parliament; cvi. 37.

Smyth, Alexander, ship carpenter, information against Thomas Masters; cxxxv. 31.

-, Trafford, Esq., verminer of New Forest, in Hampshire; clviii. 54.

Smythe, William, prays to surrender his office of paymaster; clxxvii. 14.

Snelgrove, Mr., building of sloops; cv. 29; cvi. 13.

Snuff, the duty on; cxxx. 6.

Soame, Edward, a prisoner in the Poultry Counter, petition; clxxvii. 27.

Soap, proposal to tax; clxxix. 36.

Softly coal mines, in the bishopric of Durham; cvii. 52.

Sohnius, Gerard, deputy paymaster to Jacob van der Esch, petition; cxxxiv. 50.

Soldiers, sick and wounded, subsisted on their way home by the civil magistrates; cliii. 17, 19.

Solicitor General; cvii. 46; cviii. 45; cxiv. 2, 15; cxvi. 6; cxxi. 7, 55; cxxv. 42; cxxvii. 22; cxxxiii. 5, 82; cxxxiv. 55; cxlix. 38; clii. 9; cliii. 7; cliv. 54; clxiv. 38; clxv. 37; clxxiv. 6; clxxvi. 12; clxxix. 9.

-, -, Mountague, reports on petitions, &c.; cvi. 21, 58; cviii. 45, 50; cix. 2.

-, -, -, reports on demands of the islanders of Portland on stone shipped; cvi. 40.

-, -, -, -, on papers relating to forfeited estate of Lord Griffin; cvi. 78.

-, -, -, -, on debentures made out to Col. Rice; cvii. 26.

-, -, and others to consider Her Majesty's right to prizes taken in America; cviii. 42.

-, -, usual salary of, in lieu of fees; cxv. 3.

-, -, Ireland, reports; cxxxvii. 59; cxl. 17; cxlviii. 13; clxxvi. 10.

Somer Islands, the. See Bermudas.

Somerset, co. of, receiver general for the; cxxii. 6; clxxvii. 2.

-, Duke of, master of the horse; cxxiv. 39.

-, House, buildings and alterations at; cliv. 51; clxiv. 37.

Somersham, soke of, in the co. of Huntingdon; cvii. 52.

Soromani, or Sormany, Major-General Count, came from King of Spain, present to; cxxiii. 2.

-, -, his troop in the Portuguese service; cxxi. 19.

Sorrell, Mr. Francis, clerk to the agents for taxes; cxxxvii. 42.

Soughton, in the co. of Flint; cxlix. 35.

Sound, the, British ships passing, certificates of; cxxxv. 54.

-, ships trading to, conditions imposed upon; cxxxvi. 37.

South Britain, wine carried into; cxv. 7.

-, Sea Act, the; clvii. 17.

-, -, Company, the; cxlvii. 65; clv. 5; clxii. 55; clxv. 41; clxvii. 14.

-, -, -, assignment of the “Assiento contract” to; clxxvi. 28.

-, -, -, committee of the, secretary to the; clv. 1.

-, -, -, debt owing to; clxxvii. 21; clxxix. 7.

-, -, -, directors of the; clii. 36; clv. 30; clxiii. 15; clxxix. 33.

-, -, -, -, court of, petition; cxlii. 12; cxlvii. 57.

-, -, -, under and deputy governors of, memorial; clxiii. 5; clxxix. 38.

-, -, -, inquiry by, into an attempted fraud; clxxviii. 19.

-, -, -, payments assigned to; cxxxviii. 7; cxli. 15; cxlvii. 57.

-, -, -, subscriptions for; clx. 8.

-, -, House; cxliii. 34.

-, -, stock; clvii. 7; clviii. 39; clix. 22, 23; clxi. 13; clxiii. 26; clxiv. 9; clxviii. 10; clxxi. 10; clxxii. 31, 44; clxxiii. 29; clxxiv. 12, 21, 34; clxxv. 12, 35; clxxvi. 25.

-, -, -, at a great discount; cxliii. 39; cl. 20; cli. 21.

-, -, -, in the hands of the treasurer of the navy; cxlix. 6; cli, 42; clvi. 1; clviii. 11.

-, -, -, money borrowed on, for the public; clviii. 26.

-, -, -, payments out of; cxxxviii. 9; cxl. 43, 55; cxli. 9; cxlvii. 60; cliii. 9; cliv. 6, 11.

-, -, -, subscriptions into the, commissioners for taking; clxv. 37.

-, -, trade, the fund of the; cxxxiv. 46; cxxxvi. 57.

-, Seas, the, &c., the governor and company of merchants trading to, abstract of the charter of; cxli. 11.

Southack, Capt.; cviii. 1.

Southampton, co. of, sheriff of; clvii. 35.

-, Thomas Earl of; cxvii. 19.

-, -, -, Lord High Treasurer of England, sheriffs' fees; cvi. 63.

-, men, the, money due to; cxl. 2.

Southesk and Penmore, the Earl of, wrecks in the district of; cvi. 60.

Southwark, the borough, &c. of; cxx. 33; cxxv. 40; clxxvii. 34.

-, the Sun and Anchor in; clxii. 20.

Southwell, Mr. or Edward, (Irish affairs); cxiv. 37; cxxxvii. 46.

-, -, cxl. 35; cxliii. 22; cxliv. 2; cxlviii. 9; cxlix. 14, 43; cli. 37, 58; clxi. 17.

-, church, timber for the repair of; clxi. 3.

Southwick, the prior of, charters granted to; cxv. 44.

Spain, accounts for, very imperfect; cliii. 23.

-, affairs of; cvi. 15, 55.

-, arms lost in, claim on regiments for; cxiii. 42.

-, army and hospital in, contingencies of; cxlvi. 43.

-, articles shipped from the American plantations for; clxii. 24.

-, artillery in; cvi. 11; cxiv. 10; cxix. 15; cxxxvii. 37; cxli. 19; cxliii. 39, 48; cxlv. 8, 16, 25, 36; cxlvii. 28; cliii. 23; clv. 2; clvii. 29; clxiii. 41; clxv. 14; clxxv. 30, 42.

-, bills from; cxxxii. 8.

-, corn sent to; cxxxviii. 5.

-, council of, contract for transport of goods; cix. 45.

-, dragoons in; cxxxiii. 63.

-, establishment for; cxv. 32; cxxxviii. 53.

-, -, H.M. forces upon the; cxi. 25; cxxxi. 1; cxl. 50; cxlvii. 1; cl. 11.

-, expedition into; cxiii. 41.

-, extraordinary expenses in cxii.; 36.

-, forces in; cvii. 32; cxiii. 55; cxvii. 25; cxix. 13, 18; cxxii. 46; cxxvi. 29, 40; cxxx. 25, 36; cxxxi. 1, 9; cxxxv. 2; cxlii. 16; cxliv. 10; cxlix. 27.

-, -, clothing for; cxl. 28; clii. 26, 28; clxxvii. 39.

-, -, forage, &c. for; cxlv. 3.

-, -, general and commander-in-chief of; cxxxviii. 12.

-, -, lieut.-general of; cxliv. 43.

-, -, paymaster-general of, or his deputy; cxxxiii. 69; cxxxiv. 26; cxxxv. 37; cxliii. 14; cliv. 22; clvii. 28; clviii. 52.

-, -, treasurer of; cxxxvii. 19.

-, German and Italian troops in H.M. pay in; cxxxii. 18.

-, guards lately in; cvi. 33; cxxxii. 45; cxxxvii. 31; cxxxviii. 29.

-, -, -, captains and officers of, memorial; cxxi. 53.

-, hospitals in; clxxvii. 18.

-, -, director of the; clviii. 36.

-, imperial forces in; clxxvii. 18.

-, judges in, proverb respecting; cxiii. 44.

-, King of; cv. 55, 56; cvi. 10; cvii. 23, 67; cix. 26; cxi. 10; cxxiii. 2; cxxxi. 12.

-, -, ambassador or resident to; cxxxi. 12; clxxiii. 15.

-, -, ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary to; cli. 46.

-, -, and Her Majesty, assiento contract between; clxxvi. 28; clxxviii. 20.

-, -, transport of wheat for; cxi. 4.

-, loss of a battle in; cxxvii. 35.

-, officers killed in, widows of; cxv. 26; cxvii. 9.

-, Palatine troops to be sent to; cvi. 3.

-, persons to be sent to, to examine the agent victuallers' accounts; cxxxiv. 39.

-, Portuguese troops in; cxxxiv. 26; clviii. 13.

-, prisoners from, to be carried to Ireland; clii. 38.

-, prisoners in; cxxv. 19; cxxvii. 5; cxxxii. 54; cxlix. 3; cli. 37.

-, -, subsistence of; cxxxviii. 23; cxl. 26; cxlvii. 4; clxii. 8.

-, provisions or stores in, commissaries of; cxv. 32; cxxxiii. 71; clxi. 8; clxxii. 17.

-, regiments in, colonels of, clothing, &c., cxl. 5.

-, regiments returned from; cxli. 20.

-, remittances for; cxiii. 9; cxxxiv. 35; cxlv. 13.

-, stores supplied to; cxii. 56; cxiii. 41; clviii. 23.

-, trade very dead; cxxi. 13.

-, war in; cxxxiii. 70, 89; cxxxvii. 5; cxliii. 27, 42; cxliv. 5; cxlix. 22; clix. 9.

-, -, charges of the; cxxix. 8; cxxxvii. 33; cxl. 10, 33, 51; cxli. 12, 13, 14, 17; cxlii. 4; cxliv. 1; cli. 30; cliii. 18; clv. 28; clix. 27; clxxiv. 4.

-, -, commissioners for inspecting the public affairs relating to; cxxxviii. 33.

Spaniards, the, hem in the garrison of Gibraltar; clxiv. 2.

-, subsisted by Lord Gallway; cx. 63.

Spanish and Irish deserters, regiments formed out of; cxxxi. 17; cxxxii. 53.

-, estimate, the; cxxxii. 53.

-, expedition, accounts of the; cxiii. 30.

-, Low Countries, the, H.M. subjects in, the trade of; clxxii. 36.

-, -, -, treaty of commerce; clxxii. 36; clxxviii. 32.

-, money assayed at the Goldsmiths' Hall; clviii. 15.

-, officers, means of satisfying; cxxxi. 47.

-, regiment formed from deserters; cxlv. 24.

-, salt; cxxi. 58.

-, ship with Canary wine, seizure of a; cxxxii. 37.

-, troops, cannot be relied on; cxliv. 23.

-, West Indies of America, negroes; clxxvi. 28.

-, wine; cxv. 7; cxx. 35; cxxi. 13; cxxxiv. 4.

-, -, duty on; cxv. 7; cxx. 1, 2.

Spanish river; cxlix. 26.

Spanish town; cxxi. 18.

Sparrow, George, a misdemeanant; cvi. 22.

Speke, Hugh, Esq.; cxxxv. 6.

-, -, in the Fleet prison, petition; clxvii. 24.

-, Mary, wife of, petition; cxxxv. 6.

Spencer, Mr.; cix. 11.

Spices, Act for garbling referred to; cv. 27.

-, the course of trade in, had altered; cv. 27.

Spirits perfectly made, duty on; cxiii. 56.

Spitalfields, number of weavers there, employed by the Royal Lustring Company; cxxxiii. 95.

Spithead; cxiii. 33; cxxv. 13.

Spooner, Walter, a servant of Baron Smith's, made inspector of seizures, North Britain; cviii. 31; cix. 17.

Spotswood, Col., lieut.-governor of Virginia, memorial, &c.; cxxi. 6; clxxii. 11.

-, Sir Robert, conveyed the lands and barony of New Abbey to the Bishop of Edinburgh; cl. 21.

-, Mr. John, advocate, petition; cl. 21.

Spring Gardens; cxiv. 37.

Springett, Anthony, a receiver general for Sussex; cviii. 32.

Squib, or Squibb, Robert, engaged in a riot in Essex Street; clviii. 22; clix. 48.

-, Lieut. William, of the regiment of marines; cvi. 47.

Squire, William, master apothecary of the English hospitals in Spain, &c., petition; clxxvii. 18.

Stables, Edward, clerk assistant to the House of Commons, petition; cxlii. 20.

-, H.M., extraordinary expense of; clxii. 23.

Stafford, the co. of, receiver general for; cxxvi. 33; cliv. 18.

Stage coaches, proposal to raise 200,000l. on; cxxx. 34.

Staines road; cvii. 4.

Stair, Earl of; cxxxvii. 7.

-, -, H.M. envoy extraordinary to the King of Poland; cxxxii. 46.

-, -, houses of, searched for brandy; cx. 38.

-, -, pay to, as lieut.-general; clxv. 32.

-, -, payment for dry forage; cxlv. 9.

-, -, regiment of dragoons; cxix. 7.

Stamp duties, commissioners of; cxii. 32; cxiv. 13; cxv. 9; cxvi. 6; cxxii. 13; cxxv. 3; cxxxiii. 73; cxxxiv. 48, 55, 63; cxxxv. 12, 30; cxxxvi. 14; cxxxvii. 3; cxxxviii. 20, 45; cxliii. 13; cxlviii. 18; cxlix. 42; cl. 23; cli. 55; clvii. 24; clix. 16; clxxi. 20; clxxiii. 11, 40; clxxvii. 25.

-, -, new; clxi. 21.

-, office, Lincoln's Inn; cxxi. 63; cxxvii. 17.

-, revenue; cvi. 2; cxvi. 6; cxxix. 4; cxxx. 23.

-, -, proposal to increase; cxxix. 4.

Stamped vellum, receivers of duties on; clxvi. 27.

Standgate Creek; cxxxi. 51.

Stanford, Mrs., memorial as to stores furnished to H.M. ships at Jamaica; cxxxvi. 4.

Stanhope, Capt., takes prizes; cx. 21.

-, General or Lieut.-General; cxxii. 22; cxxxvii. 1, 8; cxliv. 25.

-, -, in Spain; cxxii. 46; cxxx. 25; cxxxi. 9, 11; cxxxii. 54; cxxxiii. 86.

-, -, money advanced to, for H.M. service in Spain; cxxxvii. 32.

Stanian, or Stanyan, Mr., as to his allowance as plenipotentiary; cxxxix. 33, 34; cxl. 39, 57.

-, -, had accepted a loan from the Duke of Savoy; cxl. 57.

Stanley, Charles, gent., memorial to be appointed a riding surveyor in Kent, Devonshire, or Cornwall; cxli. 16.

-, J.; cxiii. 20.

Stannaries, the; cxxiii. 50; cxxxi. 43.

Stanraer [contraband trade in], horses and oxen; cxxxvii. 24.

Stanstead, H.M. private road between Hockerell and; cxxxix. 40.

Stanwix, Brigadier, as to fortifications of Gibraltar; cxxxiii. 38, 81.

-, -, his regiment, arms of, detained on board ship; cxxxvii. 20.

-, -, his regiment reduced and placed on the establishment of Ireland; cxxxvi. 26.

-, Colonel; cxii. 36.

-, -, his regiment, sergeants, corporals, &c., as to their subsistence; cxlv. 2.

-, -, -, to be placed on the establishment of Ireland; cxliv. 2, 65.

-, Mr., the need of the garrison of Gibraltar of provisions; clxiii. 44.

Starch, duty on; cxliv. 22; clix. 4; clxxix. 19.

Staremberg, Count, commander of the imperial forces in Spain; clxxvii. 18.

-, -, loan from Spanish merchants; cliv. 16.

State, the Secretary of. See Secretaries of State.

States General; cxvi. 8.

-, -, allies of Her Majesty; cxlv. 16.

-, -, ambassador or envoy extraordinary from; cxiii. 7; cxxi. 55; cxxiv. 23; cxl. 52.

-, -, ambassador to; cxxxiii. 31.

-, -, and Emperor of Germany, agreement between; clxxvii. 37.

-, -, claims of, for Dutch regiments; cxxvi. 26.

-, -, expense of, for troops shared by Her Majesty; cxv. 38; cxxxi. 1.

-, -, forces in Flanders supplied by; cxli. 21.

-, -, forces in H.M. pay, and in the pay of the; cxii. 5; cxliii. 1; clvii. 36.

-, -, foreign troops in the pay of; cxl. 27.

-, -, irritated with Mons. Walef; clxv. 6.

-, -, men-of-war, of, bringing over prohibited goods; cxii. 61.

-, -, money owing from; cxii. 28; cxl. 47, 53.

-, -, obligations to Portugal; cxxvi. 41.

-, -, resolutions of, as to forage, &c.; cix. 35; cxxxiv. 17; cxxxv. 14.

-, -, ships of the, provisions; cliv. 5.

-, -, to be at the expense of troops; cvi. 3.

-, -, See also Holland.

Stebbing, Mr.; clxvii. 12.

Steele, Mr., Richard, stamp office commission; clxiii. 27.

Steeping tubs (private) for sweets, penalty; cxxvi. 24.

Stephens, Sir John, Governor of the Castle of Dublin; cxx. 4.

-, Lady, widow of Sir John Stephens, pension; cxx. 4.

-, Mr., to report on the case of Caleb Wade; cxlvi. 35.

-, Robert, solicitor to the Commissioners of Customs; clxiv. 10; clxxii. 37.

Stephenson, Capt. William, French part of St. Christopher's, petition; clxxv. 33.

Sterling, Capt., came express from General Stanhope in Spain; cxxii. 46; cxxx. 25.

Stevens, Giles; cxxxiii. 63.

-, Henry, Deputy Remembrancer of the Exchequer; cvi. 63; cvii. 49; cx. 32.

-, Dr. Richard, an eminent physician of Dublin, bequeaths an estate for a hospital there; clv. 19.

Steward, or Stuart, Sir Simeon, had cut down trees at Binswood, in Holt Forest; cxlvii. 26.

-, -, his title to Binswood; clxxvi. 21.

Steward, the Lord; clxxiii. 27.

Stewart, Steuart, or Stuard, Sir James, the Lord Advocate, suggested to be made a judge of the Exchequer; cv. 8.

-, -, -, the profits of the late tacksmen (Scotland), judges circuits, &c.; cx. 46.

-, -, -, the month's cess, &c.; cx. 55.

-, -, -, recoinage in Scotland; cxii. 14.

-, -, -, salary of; cxii. 38.

-, -, -, opinion as to a quorum of the Commissioners of Customs of North Britain; cxiv. 15.

-, -, late Lord Advocate, pension to cxvii. 3.

-, -, petition of; cxxi. 67.

-, James; cxii. 41.

-, General or Lieut.-General, memorial; cxxxvi. 44.

-, -, regiment of; cxvi. 32; cliii. 3.

-, -, -, major and others of, petition; cxliv. 58.

-, Major, petitions for half-pay on the Irish establishment; cxlv. 51.

-, Walter, petition as to discharge of a ship without airing; cxxxix. 42.

-, Capt. William, losses of, at Almanza; cix. 11.

-, William, of Inchbreck, remission of duties to; clxiii. 19.

Still, General, expedition under; cxxxii. 21.

Stirling Castle; cv. 6; cl. 21.

-, -, three months provisions for; cxxxii. 61.

-, defence of; cvi. 46, 79.

-, importation of arms and ammunition into; clxviii. 22.

Stirling, Earl of, conveyed a tract of land in America to the Duke of York; cxlvii. 47.

Stockholm, H.M., commissary at; clxxii. 14.

-, H.M. resident at; clxxii. 14.

Stockings, proposal of a duty on; cxvii. 28.

Stoke Court, in the co. of Hereford; cxxxvi. 58.

Stone Court, Fetter Lane, London; clix. 51.

Stoner, David, of the Island of St. Christopher, petition; cxvi. 49.

Stores of war; cviii. 25; cxii. 26; cxix. 5.

-, in Spain, commissary for; cxv. 32.

Storm, the dreadful, money collected for the sufferers from; cxx. 14.

Straban, Ireland; cxxxi. 6.

Stracey, Mr. Edward, proposal, candle duties; cxxii. 45.

Strafford, His Excellency the Earl of; cxlix. 24; clxxvi. 17.

-, -, Ambassador in Holland, complaint against Commissioners of Customs; clviii. 31.

-, -, at the Hague; cl. 28.

-, the Earl of, creation of; cxli. 8.

-, -, his regiment, to be raised in Britain; cli. 36.

-, -, pension for the postmaster of the Briel; clxxviii. 39.

-, -, presented with the garter, various services of, memorial; clxxiii. 10.

Strahan, Alexander, agent to the four independent companies of foot at New York; cli. 49.

Straits, the; cxxxii. 52.

Strand, the, houses in; cxvi. 18.

Stratford, Mr.; clxxviii. 22.

-, -, tin consigned to; cxxxvi. 61.

-, Francis, subsidies to the King of Denmark; cxxvi. 25.

Strathearn, or Strathern, the chamberlain of; cl. 21; clxxvi. 13.

Strathmore and Kinghorn, John late Earl of, and his infant heir; clxi. 10.

-, John, Earl of; clxxiii. 2.

Strathnaver, Lord, regiment of; cix. 40.

Strickland, Sir Roger, outlawed; clxxviii. 8.

-, Thomas, Esq., transfer master, succeeded Thomas Neale; clxv. 24.

Strode, William, officer of Customs (North Britain); cxxii. 56; cxxvii. 21.

Strong, Robert, detained to give evidence; cxxiv. 26.

-, Ann, wife of Robert, petition; cxxiv. 26.

Strong waters, duty on retailers of; cxix. 10.

Strood; cxxxi. 25.

Stuart, —, representation from; clxxvi. 2.

-, Mr., the executor of; cvii. 14.

-, Daniel, collector of bullion at Edinburgh, dead; cvi. 54.

-, Edward, petition; cxiv. 13.

-, Walter, petition as to lustrings, &c.; cvi. 53; cvii. 43.

Stubbridge, a grove so called at Chertsey, Surrey; cxxxiii. 41.

Studholme, Capt., or Michael, road making, &c.; cvii. 4, 37; cxv. 35; cxxxix. 40; clxv. 19; clxvi. 18.

-, -, memorials, as to repairing Fulham Road; cxxxiii. 67; cxxxv. 48; cxlix. 34.

Subsidies; cviii. 32; cxi. 9; cxiii. 55; cxv. 45; cxvi. 2, 35; cxix. 21; cxxi. 19; cxxiii. 56; cxxiv. 2; cxxvi. 25, 41; cxxvii. 18, 22; cxxx. 10, 12; cxxxiii. 66; cxxxiv. 26; cxxxv. 14; cxxxvii. 30; cxl. 40, 44; cxli. 17; cxlii. 3; cxlvi. 16; clii. 4; clvii. 12, 26; clviii. 52; clix. 35; clxxiv. 43, 49, 55; clxxv. 31; clxxvii. 37.

Subsistence money; cxxi. 19; cxxiii. 36, 44; cxxiv. 5; cxxv. 19, 35, 37; cxxxi. 54; cxxxii. 7, 42; cxxxiii. 27, 89; cxxxviii. 19; cxlvi. 20.

-, -, English and Irish, difference between; clxxvi. 29.

Suffolk, brandy, wine, &c. on the coast of; cxiv. 34; cxxii. 10.

-, collector in; clxxiii. 49.

-, officer for the stamps in; cxlvi. 42.

-, receiver general of; cxiv. 32, 60.

Summerdike, Mons., his daughter married Alexander Earl of Kincarden; cxix. 7.

Sunderland chaldron, size of; cxxi. 14.

Sunderland, the late Earl of, Lord Chamberlain of King William's household, plate delivered to; cxiv. 44.

-, Earl of, Principal Secretary of State; cvi. 52; cvii. 6, 7, 40, 46, 66; cviii. 45; cix. 22; cxii. 56, 58; cxiii. 4, 9, 23, 61; cxiv. 47, 51; cxv. 23, 28; cxvi. 11, 12; cxvii. 9; cxix. 24; cxx. 14, 17; cxxi. 38, 71, 75.

-, -, -, as to Dr. Newton's bills; cv. 51.

-, -, -, as to French committee; cxlix. 30.

-, -, -, letters to, from Spain; cviii. 9.

Sundram, land and baronies of, conveyed to Allan, Lord Cathcart; cli. 8.

Supply, Committee of; cxliii. 2.

-, -, vote of; clxxviii. 14.

-, for 1711, propositions for; cxxvii. 39.

Supplies, for 1712, sums issued to Mr. Brydges out of; cl. 7.

Surrey, receivers general of the duties on marriages, &c. for, petition; cxxxvi. 51.

-, Street, office for hackney coaches in; cxlv. 47.

Survey, expenses of a; clxxiv. 37.

Surveyor general, reports, &c.; cv. 7; cvii. 54; cxii. 39, 53; cxiv. 7; cxv. 48; cxvi. 18, 50; cxvii. 29; cxx. 5; cxxi. 77; cxxii. 49; cxxiv. 9, 10, 11, 12, 38, 57; cxxxi. 20, 43; cxxxiii. 1, 32, 67, 83, 103; cxxxiv. 29, 65; cxxxv. 33; cxxxviii. 4; cxlix. 42, 44, 50; cli. 6; clix. 29; clxi. 29; clxv. 31; clxxii. 45; clxxvii. 45; clxxviii. 31, 46; clxxix. 4.

-, -, of woods, north of Trent, report; clxxvii. 31.

-, -, -, south of Trent, reports; clxxvii. 1, 7.

Sussex, receiver general for; cxxii. 1; cxliv. 49.

-, ship cast away on coast of; cxiv. 3.

Sussingham, George, clerk in the Exchequer Court, refuses to deliver writs; cliv. 27.

Sutherland, Countess Dowager of, her jointure, &c.; cvii. 59.

Sutherland, Owen, general purveyor of H.M. navy for Portsmouth; clviii. 5.

Sutton, Brigadier, his regiment; cxlvii. 30.

-, Col., his regiment; cxvi. 32.

-, Gen., his regiment of foot; clxxix. 49.

-, Lieut.; clxxix. 49.

-, Mr. John, a planter in Jamaica, his barbarous murder of his servant; cxxii. 11.

Sutton's hospital founded in the Charter House; cxxiii. 23.

Swaine, James, messenger; cix. 8.

“Swallow,” H.M.S., prize, struck on a rock; cxxxvii. 5.

Swallow Fields; cxxiv. 9, 11.

-, Street; cxxiv. 12.

Swanton, Capt., sale of prize ship; cix. 27.

Sweden, arrival of two ships from; cxvi. 5.

-, King of; cxxi. 32.

-, H.M. envoy, or envoy extraordinary in; clviii. 31; clxxii. 14.

Sweet, Benjamin; cxii. 28; cxiii. 55; cxiv. 64; cxxiv. 35; cxxvii. 36; cxxxiii. 11; cxxxv. 18; cxxxviii. 19; cxlvi. 23; cxlviii. 11; clv. 9.

Swift, A., petition on behalf of the marine regiments; cxxxix. 44; clxv. 41.

Swinton, Mrs. Janet, petition; cxxxi. 50.

Swiss, the, H.M. picture presented to; cxxi. 23.

-, cantons, envoy extraordinary to the; cxxiv. 21.

Switzerland, wines from; cxiv. 38.

Swymmer, Mr., prays for an escheated estate; clxxii. 56.

Swynfen, John, clerk; cix. 42.

Sydenham, Mr. Thomas, in a riot in Essex Street; clviii. 22; clix. 48.

Synge, Dean, chanter in the cathedral of St. Patrick; cxii. 22.