Index: O

Pages 695-697

Calendar of Treasury Papers, Volume 4, 1708-1714. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1974.

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Oadham, Mr. Catesby, memorial, &c. in favour of; clxiii. 50.

Oakely Park (co. Salop); clxxiii. 14.

Oates, Constant, petition; cli. 34.

Obryan, Captain Morgan; cvii. 26; cx. 29.

Officers, board of general. See General officers.

-, H.M. prisoners in France, payments to; cxv. 43.

-, widows, allowances to; cxxxii. 6.

Ogden, William, fined and committed to the Marshalsea prison, petition; cxlvii 15.

Ogilby, Mr. John, late collector of Inverness, recommended to be a riding surveyor; cxiv. 30.

Ogilvie, surveyor, Kirkcaldie (Customs, Scotland); cv. 29.

-, Walter, as to being tidewaiter; cvi. 44.

Ogle, Mr., a commissioner of the revenue for Ireland, the Whigs are opposed to him; cxlix. 35.

Oglethorpe, or Oglethorp, Richard, gent., from Antigua, to give evidence against Mackinnen, &c., petition; clxv. 11; clxvi. 25; clxvii. 16; clxxii. 5.

O'Hara, Captain Patrick, a Roman Catholic officer, came over to the Allies; clxxviii. 33.

-, Charles; cvii. 26, 36.

-, Kean, Esq., his claim to the ground on which the Custom House of Dublin stands; clxxii. 47.

Okeley, Mr., clerk in the surveyor's office, Customs; cviii. 33.

Oneglia; cvi. 6.

Ongley, Sir Samuel, as to appointment of a ship's carpenter; clxv. 7.

Onslow, Mr., his attorney; cxxi. 18.

-, Denzell, victualling office, death of; cvii. 22.

-, Foot; cxv. 18.

Orange, the Prince of; clxxix. 25.

Orchell, once imported from Holland, proposed duty on; cxl. 58; cxliv. 22; clxxix. 19.

Orders in Council. See Council.

Ordnance, Board of; cv. 14; cxii. 39; cxiii. 23; cxiv. 35; cxvii. 12, 46; cxix. 5; cxxii. 22; cxxiii. 25; cxxiv. 30; cxxxii. 1; cxxxiii. 2, 23, 46, 76, 102; cxxxv. 24, 28; cxxxvii. 37, 52; cxliii. 28; cxlv. 8, 25, 26, 36, 37; cxlvi. 7, 28; cxlvii. 28; cli. 12; clvi. 5; clviii. 17, 23, 27; clix. 1; clxii. 3; clxiv 8; clxv. 33, 40; clxvii. 11; clxxii. 40; clxxv. 42; clxxvii. 22, 30.

-, Commissioners of, cxii. 53, 56; cxiii. 41; cxiv. 10, 16, 45; cxxxiii. 33; cxxxvii. 37; cxliii. 48; cxliv. 63; cxlvii. 18; cxlix. 49; cliv. 29, 43; clix. 8, 38; clx. 30; clxiii. 45; clxv. 13; clxvi. 5, 7; clxviii. 14; clxxii. 21; clxxiii. 25, 26; clxxiv. 19; clxxv. 43; clxxvi. 9; clxxvii. 26; clxxviii. 17.

-, -, as to defence of Portsmouth, Chatham, Edinburgh, Stirling, and Inverlochy; cvi. 46.

-, -, debt of their office; cvi. 69.

-, -, memorial, &c. for money to; cvi. 51, 62; cvii. 39.

-, -, stores for Lieut.-General Erle; cviii. 14.

-, Lieut.-General of; clxiii. 41; clxxv. 30.

-, Master - General of; cxxxi. 16; cxxxiii. 46; cliii. 14; cliv. 29; clxii. 31; clxxv. 13.

-, office; cxl. 45; cxliv. 5; cxlv. 13; clxxiv. 45.

-, -, debentures of; cxx. 6.

-, -, debt of the; cxxxix. 55; cxlv. 16; clix. 49.

-, -, estimate for; cxii. 1; cxxxi. 2; clxii. 22; clxxii. 21.

-, -, money wanted for; cx. 54; cxiv. 16, 45, 51; cxix. 37; cxliii. 1.

-, -, payments for; cxl. 23.

-, officers of the; cxii. 26, 39; cxvii. 27, 48, 55; cxx. 6, 34; cxxii. 25, 54; 67; cxxiii. 58; cxxvi. 36, 39; cxxvii. 11; cxxx. 39; cxxxiii. 21, 37, 79; cxxxiv. 22, 37; cxxxv. 24; cxxxvi. 4; cxxxvii. 27; cxxxviii. 7, 47; cxxxix. 9, 10; cxl. 8; cxliii. 39; cxliv. 14; cxlvi. 11; cli. 10, 26; clii. 7, 8; cliii. 21, 23; cliv. 12, 13; clv. 2, 5; clvi. 5; clxii. 14, 31; clxv. 13; clxvii. 11; clxxiii. 52; clxxiv. 51.

-, -, memorial, their arrears; cv. 26.

-, -, remission of taxes; cvii. 12.

-, stores; cviii. 25, 26; cxiii. 23; cxiv. 45; cxxvi. 39; clxii. 38.

-, surveyor general of. See Bridges, William.

-, Treasurer of; cxiv. 26; cxxiii. 58; cxxvi. 35; cxxx. 26; cxxxiii. 17, 34; cxxxvi. 4; cxxxvii. 15; cxlvi. 45; clvii. 34; clix. 22, 38, 39; clxiii. 45; clxxii. 16.

-, -, the Deputy; cxiv. 26.

Orford, Earl of; cxii. 34.

-, -, application to Commissioners of Chelsea Hospital for a lease; cvi. 8.

-, -, his salary as Treasurer of the Navy; cvi. 29, 73.

Orkney, Earl of; clviii. 35.

-, -, Lieut.-General of H.M. forces; cxxxi. 35.

-, -, royal foot regiment, commanded by; cxlix. 29.

-, cess of; cx. 40.

-, brandy siezed at; cxlvi. 33.

-, falcons and “jessells” from; cxxiii. 13.

-, inspectorship of; cxiv. 30.

-, salt pans in; clxxii. 3.

“Orkney,” the sloop, captured by the French in Cromarty Bay; cxiii. 43.

Ormistoun; cxxi. 67.

Ormonde, or Ormond, James Duke of, in Spain; cxvi. 31.

-, -, memorial of; cxv. 13; cxxv. 14.

-, -, regiment of; cvii. 13.

-, -, report of; cxxvi. 28.

-, -, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland; cxxx. 8; cxxxii. 16, 33, 34, 35, 40; cxxxiii. 6, 7, 8, 29, 30, 36, 49, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101; cxxxvi. 47; cxxxvii. 44, 46, 57, 59; cxxxviii.50; cxxxix. 54; cxliii. 40, 43; cxliv. 11, 14, 15, 24, 29, 53, 57, 59; cxlv. 2, 15, 17, 21, 40, 51; cxlvi. 9, 18; cxlvii. 43; cxlix. 14.

-, -, captain general of the land forces, commander-in-chief in the low countries or Lord Lieutenant of Ireland; cxlv. 22, 27; cxlvi. 4; cxlvii. 61; cl. 28; cli. 19; clii. 19, 23, 39; cliii. 5, 12, 26; cliv. 38, 63, 65; clv. 19, 32, 33; clvii. 14; clviii. 7, 14, 21; clxi. 17, 25, 27, 33; clxii. 6. 41, 45, 51, 52; clxiii. 3, 5, 6; clxiv. 6, 15, 16, 17, 22, 23, 24, 25.

-, -, (? still commander-in-chief); clxv. 2, 6, 32; clxvi. 41; clxxiii. 13, 36; clxxiv. 30; clxxv. 22; clxxviii. 41, 49; clxxix. 3.

-, -, cashiered, Lord Wharton's regiment of dragoons; cxxxii. 28.

-, -, Commissioner of Chelsea Hospital; clxv. 35.

-, -, pension to; clxiii. 32.

Ormeston, or Ormston, Joseph, of London, merchant, memorial; clxxv. 53.

-, -, prosecution by, of Morgan Whitley; cxlix. 38; cl. 25.

-, -, his complaint against George Sussingham; cliv. 27.

Orrill, Capt. Edward, citizen of London, evidence against Daniel Damare, petition; cxxi. 75, 76.

-, Edward, petitions for reward for apprehending rioters; cxxvi. 45.

O. S., a letter so signed, as to frauds in the navy, &c. at New York; clxxvii. 38.

Osborne, Charles, proposal as to duties on cards; clxxiii. 11.

Ostend; cxxv. 23.

-, consul at; cxlix. 24.

-, packet boats; cxv. 16; clx. 13; clxii. 11, 47.

-, postillions between Lisle and; cxv. 16.

-, soldiers from; cxi. 4.

Oswald, Dr. George, son and heir of Sir James Oswald of Fingleton, petition; clxxiii. 1.

-, Sir James, of Fingleton, claims on; clxxiii. 1.

Otger, Abraham, and Peter, gents., petition as to Mrs. Atkins' money; cxxiii. 15.

Ottingen, the Prince of, the battalion of troops of; cl. 28.

Oudenarde; cxlix. 37.

-, the siege of; cxxx. 7.

Outports, books for the, in the Custom House, London, state of; clxvii. 29.

-, collectors of the; cxiii. 35; cxx. 15.

Overing, Mr., dismissed from the Hartshorn Brewery; cxxxv. 1.

Owen, Capt. Hugh, petition; cxxvi. 28.

-, John, “chirugeon” general of the Carbineer Islands, in Newfoundland, brought letters on taking of Fort William, petition; cxix. 24.

Oxford, the Earl of, Lord High Treasurer; passim from cxxxiv. 1.—end.

-, co. of; cxx. 5.

-, -, receiver of land tax for; cxxxvi. 6.

Oxnamside, in the co. of Roxburgh, the lands of; cxxxv. 15.