Index: F

Pages 656-660

Calendar of Treasury Papers, Volume 4, 1708-1714. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1974.

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Fabreque, de la, Colonel, commanded H.M. late regiment of French dragoons; cxliv. 29.

Fairborne, Sir Stafford, knight, commissioner for disbanding the marine regiments; clxiii. 39.

-, -, -, his half-pay as an admiral; clxvii. 18.

Fairfax, Lord, possessor of estate in Virginia, memorial; cxiii. 13.

Falkland, Lord, petitions for arrears of pension; clxxix. 18.

-, -, Treasurer of the Navy; cxvi. 13.

Falmouth; cix. 10; cxxxvi. 66.

-, agents for prizes at; clxxi. 25; clxxv. 39.

-, Custom House officers at; cxiii. 50; cxxiii. 33.

-, port of; cxxi. 69.

-, -, packet boats at; cv. 25; cxxiii. 45; cxxvii. 24; clxvi. 3.

-, station, seamen on the; cxliv. 3.

Fancourt, Richard, Custom House officer at Cowes, rescued ship seized by French privateer, petition; cxxi. 72.

-, William, junior, Esq., receiver general of land tax, &c. (Rutland), petition; clxxv. 54.

Faneuil, Mr., offers to remit money for the garrison of Annapolis; clxii. 42.

Fangrove, Chertsey, Surrey; cxxxiii. 41.

Fanshaw, Mr. Thomas, in a riot in Essex Street; clviii. 22; clix. 48.

Farrington, Major-General, establishment of his regiment; cv. 9.

Faubert, Major; cx. 12.

Fauchfold, the lands of, granted to Sir Francis Grant; cxlv. 5.

Fauconier, Mr., prosecuted; cviii. 6.

-, Peter, fulfilled the duties as collector and receiver general of H.M. revenues in New York; cxx. 25; cxxxii. 51.

-, -, action against; cxvi. 39.

Fauff, John, concerned in a conspiracy against K. Will. III.; clxxv. 6.

Fauquier, Mr. T.; cxxvii. 1; cxxxix. 2.

Fausset, or Fauset, William, Esq., receiver general for Kent, petition, &c.; cxv. 34; cxxxix. 45.

Faversham, the Right Hon. the late Earl of, Lord Chamberlain of Queen Katherine, plate delivered to; cxiv. 44.

Fayrae, Captain, of Colonel Dubourgay's regiment; cxxxiii. 16, 50.

Fazakerly, Sir William, knight, his account for the 4s. aid, &c.; clxxii. 22.

-, -, -, a trustee for taking in a loan, memorial; clxxiv. 12.

-, William, land tax and house duty; cxxxiv. 68.

Fearn, the Abbacy of, granted to Charles Ross of Balnagowan; clxvii. 10.

Fee-farm rents; cxv. 31.

Fees; cx. 6.

-, clerk of the Pells'; clix. 48.

-, Exchequer; cv. 46.

-, Pipe; clxxvi. 25.

-, Sheriffs'; cvi. 63.

-, Treasury; cxi. 6; cxxix. 1; cxxxi. 22; cxxxiii. 14. See also Treasury fees.

Feilding, George, Esq., commissioner for executing the office of Master of the Horse, memorials; cliii. 20; clvii. 30; clxii. 23; clxiii. 14.

Felton, the Right Hon. Sir Thomas, Controller of the Household; cix. 47.

-, Thomas, Esq.; cviii. 11.

Fenwick, Sir John, concerned in the assassination plot; clxxv. 6.

Fenwill, —, (Navy affairs); clxvi. 10.

Ferintosh, or Ferrintosh, lands of; cv. 5; clix. 15.

Fermanagh, the co. of, lands in; clxxii. 33.

Fermor, W., bread for Port Mahon; clviii. 38.

Ferne, Henry, 1/16 of the “Worcester” assigned to; cxxi. 82.

-, -, receiver general; cxxxviii. 30; cxxxix. 27; cxliv. 41; cxlviii. 12.

Ferries, Richard, Esq., his son a Queen's waiter in the port of London, memorial; clxxiv. 9.

Feu duties, &c.; cviii. 56.

Fez. See Morocco.

Field officers, penalty levied on, for absence; clxxix. 49.

Fielding, or Feilding, Col. Edmund, his regiment; cxxxix. 35; cxl. 35.

-, -, -, sergeant, corporals, &c. of, subsistence; cxlv. 2; cxlvi. 12.

-, -, -, to be placed on the establishment of Ireland; cxxxvi. 26; cxliv. 2, 65.

Fife, contraband trade in, prevention of; cxvi. 4.

-, Earl of Roseberry, Chamberlain of; cxix. 28; cl. 21.

-, rents of; clxxvi. 13.

“Fife” of Her Majesty's Household; cxvi. 31.

Fillard, part of the Earl of Clancarty's estate; cxxxviii. 50.

Financial papers; cv. 2.

Finch, Heneage, examined the books of the jewel office; clix. 14.

Findhorn, a creek belonging to the port of Inverness; clxxiv. 54.

Finedon; cxxi. 42.

Fire insurance; cix. 44; cx. 23; cxii. 25; clxxix. 45.

Firestone Bay, ship forced ashore in; cxxvi. 4.

First-fruits and tenths, the payments out of, to Queen Anne's bounty; clxxiv. 15.

Fish and flesh debentures; clxxv. 24.

Fisher, Mrs., relict of Thomas Fisher, treasurer of Heriot's hospital, memorial for; cl. 21.

Fisherraw, brandy run on the coast at; cvi. 70.

Fishery, encouragement of; cxiii. 21.

Fishmonger, H. M., house of, near Westminster Hall; cxxxiii. 103.

Fitch, W., appointed to superintend the payments, &c. for the two million lottery for 1711, memorial; cliv. 8.

Fitzgerald, Gerard, clerk of the House of Commons, petition; clxxiii. 42.

-, Capt. Michael, a Roman Catholic officer, came over to the Allies; cxli. 3; clxxviii. 33.

Fitzharding, Lord, teller of the Exchequer, offers his house for the lotteries; cli. 56.

-, -, Treasurer of the Chamber; clii. 45.

Flanders, alarms as to withdrawal of northern troops from; clxxvi. 7.

-, battalion of French deserters to be formed in; cxxxv. 23; cxxxvi. 3.

-, bills for; cxxvii. 33; clvi. 9.

-, establishment for; cxl. 50; cxli. 1; cl. 11; clii. 27; clvii. 32.

-, forces in; cvii. 23, 32; cxiii. 55; cxiv. 64; cxvii. 1, 23; cxxi. 51; cxxiii. 37, 52; cxxx. 16; cxxxi. 57; cxxxv. 2; cxi. 63; cxli. 1, 17, 21; cxlii. 16; cxlv. 4; cxlvi. 19; clvii. 9, 12; clxxviii. 6.

-, -, estimate of; clxxii. 1.

-, -, forage for; clv. 32.

-, -, mustering of; clxi. 25.

-, -, payment of; cxix. 25; cxxiii. 37, 52; cxxx. 4; cxxxiii. 11; clxi. 34; clxii. 52; clxv. 32; clxxvii. 39.

-, foreign forces in H.M. pay in; clxiv. 24.

-, garrisons in; cliii. 19.

-, general officers in; cxl. 36; cxliv. 20, 24; cxliv. 2.

-, guards in; cxxxi. 54; cxxxii. 41.

-, late great victory in; cviii. 22.

-, next campaign in, contracts for bread, &c.; cxxxi. 18.

-, ordnance in; clviii. 27.

-, provisions sent to; cxxxiv. 34.

-, Prussian troops in; cxxxii. 14.

-, sick soldiers discharged in; cxxxiv. 44.

-, the six battalions which marched into Dunkirk from; clxiv. 6.

-, train of artillery in; cxii. 56; cxli. 19; cxliv. 4; cli. 12; cliii. 23; clv. 2; clxii. 1.

-, -, officers of; cxliii. 39; clxiii. 41; clxv. 14.

-, troops ordered to Ireland and Britain from; clxiii. 3.

-, war in; cxv. 26; cxxxiv. 51; cxxxv. 43; cxxxvii. 14; cxliv. 46; cxlv. 10; clii. 35; clvii. 14.

-, -, charges of the; clix. 27.

-, -, extraordinaries of, inspector of; cxlvii. 53.

-, widows of soldiers killed in, fund for; cxxiv. 31; cxxx. 16; cli. 38.

Flax, unwrought, importation of; clxii. 12.

Fleet, the islands of, brandy run at; cx. 7.

Fleet, the, expedition of, to reduce Canada and other places in America; cxiv. 8.

-, heavy expenses of; cxii. 56.

-, prison; cxiv. 31.

-, -, warden of; cvii. 46.

Fleetwood, John, consul at Naples, disbursements for English captured seamen; clxxvi. 4.

-, Miles, merchant, consul at Grand Cairo in Egypt, severe usage of; cv. 24.

Fleming, Count, the King of Poland's first minister, ill-treatment of Mr. McKenzie by; cxxxvii. 7.

Fletcher, Col., late governor of the province of New York, the extravagant grants of; cvii. 10.

-, Richard, smith's work at the Mint in England; cliii. 21.

Flintshire, receiver general of; cxxxi. 15; clxxviii. 3.

-, -, land tax for; clxxiv. 11.

Flournois, M., Lord Sunderland's preceptor; cxlix. 30.

Flushing, station for Lisbon packet boats; cv. 25.

Foley, Auditor; clxxiii. 9; clxxv. 50.

-, Thomas, of Stoke Court, Esq., cord wood in Dean Forest; cxxxvi. 58; cxliii. 38.

Foot soldier, a, clothing of; cxi. 16.

Forage, contracts for; cxxv. 6, 25.

-, payment for; cxi. 7.

Forbes, Lord; cxxxvii. 36; cxliv. 23; cxlvi. 43.

-, William Lord, cause of, v. Robert Forbes, Bart.; cxxxiv. 14.

-, -, two Genoese ships seized by; clxiii. 53.

-, Sir Robert, Bart., Judge of the High Court of Admiralty in Scotland; cxii. 27; cxix. 27; cxxii. 69.

-, -, owes money to William Lord Forbes; cxxxiv. 14.

-, Mr. John, of Culleden, his lands of Ferintosh; cv. 5; clix. 15.

Forces, H.M., paymaster of. See Paymaster.

-, H.M., debt for transporting; cxxiii. 40.

-, -, deficiencies of; clxxi. 6.

-, -, estimate of all; cxxxi. 3; clv. 27; clx. 18; clxxix. 17.

-, -, land; clvii. 10, 11.

-, -, pay of; clxviii. 3, 8; clxxi. 9.

Foreign coin, to be imported for home-bred commodities; cxiv. 50.

-, forces, subsidies and pay to; cxvi. 35.

-, ministers, sums issued to, since H.M. accession; cxxiv. 61.

-, Princes and states, subsidies to; cxxiv. 5; clxxiv. 49.

-, services, officers of regiments ordered on, memorial for arrears; cxxxi. 20.

-, troops in H.M. pay, arrears due to; clxxiv. 49.

-, -, -, in low countries; cxl. 27.

Forest, rights of, the Queen's; cxiv. 61.

Forfar, the Earl of, his father a Lord of the Treasury of Scotland, petition for arrears of his own and his father's pension; clxxii. 42.

Forfeitures, cash account of; cxliv. 21.

-, English trustees of; clxxix. 3.

Fort Louis, bedding, &c. for; cliv. 1.

Fort William, repairs at; cxliii. 28.

-, (Newfoundland), capture of; cxix. 24.

-, (Scotland); cxiv. 30.

-, -, revenue officers of; clxxiv. 54.

Forth, the Firth of, building of a dock in; cxxi. 71.

-, -, survey of; cxv. 33.

Fortifications and buildings, H.M., engineer and surveyor general of; cxxv. 17.

-, sums expended on; cxiv. 16.

Foster, Mr.; cxiii. 11.

-, Stephen, servant of Capt. Robert Mowberry, affidavit; cxii. 41.

Foulerton, Thomas; cxiv. 53.

Foulkes, Thomas, Esq., executor of Lady Mary Jermyn, petition; clxxvi. 20.

Fownes, Sir William, Knight, security for a collector at Dundalk, petition; cxxxv. 34.

Fox, Charles, Esq., paymaster of the forces abroad; cxv. 40; cxvi. 35; cxvii. 39; cxxiv. 32.

-, Sir Stephen, a Lord of the Treasury; clxxvi. 17.

-, -, -, on behalf of Mr. Wharton; cxlv. 48.

Foxall, Mr., fees and charges of, petition; clv. 35.

Fraise, Catharine, French refugee, petition; clxxi. 26.

France and England, commissaries for settling as to commerce between; clxxv. 3; clxxvii. 32.

-, -, exports and imports between, inquiry; clxvii. 29.

-, -, treaty between the two post offices of; clxxiv. 50.

-, -, vessels for state correspondence; clxxvii. 4.

-, and Germany, peace proclaimed between; clxxvi. 4.

-, and Holland, course of exchange between; clii. 44.

-, clandestine trade between Norway, Scotland, and; cxv. 37.

-, credit of, abroad compared with that of England; cxxiii. 28.

-, descent upon; clxxviii. 37.

-, Duke of Savoy's army in; cxxx. 31.

-, engrosses the trade of Tunis; cxxiii. 28.

-, fraudulent trade with; cvi. 42.

-, H.M. officers prisoners in; cxv. 43.

-, land in St. Christopher's won from; clxiii. 54.

-, officers going to, difficulty in paying; cxxv. 35.

-, Postmaster General in; clxxiv. 50.

-, project in, for burning English fleet at Portsmouth and Chatham; clxxviii. 45.

-, reformed churches in, deputy general of; cxxiii. 9.

-, trade with; cix. 10; cxii. 16.

-, war with; cxxiii. 17; clxi. 39; clxiii. 54.

Francklin, Mr., to serve the fleet with ticking, waistcoats, &c.; cxvi. 25.

Frankfort; cxiii. 16.

Frankland, Sir Tho., Postmaster General; cv. 23; cxx. 10; cxxi. 34; cxxiii. 45; cxxvi. 14; cxxxix. 30; cxliii. 44; clix. 39; cli. 24; clxii. 11, 47; clxvi. 3, 35; clxxiv. 50; clxxvii. 4.

Franquefort, Peter, captain in the marines, petition; cxxxiii. 7.

Franks, or Francks,—,his regiment, sergeants, corporals, &c. of, as to subsistence; cxlv. 2.

-, -, -, to be on the establishment of Ireland; cxliv. 2, 65.

-, Col., court-martial on, in Portugal; cxliv. 35.

Frecker, M., accounts examined by; clix. 34.

Free, Mr., tin consigned to; cxxxvi. 61.

Freeman, Mr., officer for the stamps in Suffolk; cxlvi. 42.

Freke, Brigadier, memorial; cxl. 36.

French, George, came from Antigua, to give evidence, petition; clxv. 11; clxvi. 25; clxvii. 16; clxxii. 5.

French ambassador, complaint as to seizure of French vessels; clxiv. 10, 11, 18, 21; clxvi. 17.

-, and English prisoners, rate of exchange of; cli. 20.

-, committee, the, the work of Lords Sunderland and Gallway; cxlix. 30.

-, consuls, the; cxxiii. 28.

-, deserters, battalion to be formed of, in Flanders; cxxxv. 23; cxxxvi. 3.

-, dragoons, H.M. late regiment of; cxliv. 29.

-, fishing boats captured; cxxii. 38, 39.

-, fleet, a, taken by Admiral Dilks; cxxxv. 52.

-, -, the, in consternation; cvi. 60.

-, gentlewomen at the Hague, society of; clv. 16.

-, goods imported into Ireland, duties on; clxxv. 3.

-, -, prohibitions on, in England; cxii. 19; cxxxix. 15; clx. 29.

-, king, the, transport of goods to West Indies; cix. 45.

-, men-of-war on north-east coast; cxiii. 40.

-, pensioners, H.M.; cxv. 28; clxxviii. 38.

-, pensioners in Ireland; cxxxiii. 16.

-, picaroons; cxiii. 18.

-, privateer captured by merchant ships; cviii. 44.

-, privateers; cix. 45; cxiv. 9; cxx. 11; cxxi. 18, 72.

-, Protestant refugees, asylum for; cxlix. 30.

-, -, -, manufacture of silk perfected by; cxxxiii. 95.

-, -, -, money for; cxlix. 30.

-, salt; cxiv. 50; cxxi. 58.

-, ship incapable of going to sea; cxxi. 18.

-, ships wrecked; cxii. 49; cxiii. 6.

-, silks and lace, importation of; cxxx. 32.

-, the, familiar with coast of Scotland, &c.; cvii. 60.

-, -, owe England a number of prisoners; cxxxiv. 66; cxxxvi. 24.

-, -, seize three ships belonging to David Lindsey; cxxi. 17.

-, -, seized the fort at Pemaquid, &c.; clxii. 15.

-, -, still style North Britain “le royaume d'Ecosse”; cvii. 33.

-, -, trouble with, in America; cxiii. 10.

-, -, corn exportable at Algiers; cxxxv. 25.

-, vessels seized by Custom officers; clxiv. 11, 18, 21; clxvi. 17.

-, wines; cx. 33; cxii. 16.

-, -, duties on; cvii. 53; cxxi. 13.

-, -, seizure of; cvii. 16; cxiii. 44; cxv. 6; cxvi. 47; cxxii. 56.

Freschville, or Fretchville, Lady, her garden; cxvii. 29.

-, -, timber for her house at Windsor; cxlviii. 5.

“Friendly Society,” the, fire insurance office, terms of; cxii. 25.

Frowd, Mr., Governor of the Post Office, salary of; cxxxix. 30.

Frowlesworth, in Leicestershire; cxii. 59.

Fulham; cxxxvii. 65.

-, H.M. private road to; cxxxiii. 67; cxxxv. 48; cxlix. 34.

Fullartoun, Robert, his account of the running brandy, &c.; cx. 7.

Fuller, —, a “remarkable distiller”; clviii. 44.

Funds, the; cvi. 43.

-, the public, condition of; cxx. 46; cxxiii. 64; cxxxiv. 56; cliv. 35.

-, -, grant of, by Parliament; cxl. 59; cxliii. 2; cxlix. 22; clxiv. 34.

-, -, incumbrances, &c. on; cxxxi. 45.

-, -, payments out of; cix. 25; cxxi. 54; cxxvi. 17; cxxviii. 2; cxxxii. 32, 64; cxxxiv. 5, 7, 57; cxxxvii. 66; cxxxix. 22; cxl. 10; cxli. 12, 13, 17; cxlii. 2; cxlviii. 24; cli. 57; clii. 43.

Furbelow scarves, duty on; cxx. 24.

Furnese, Furness, or Furnesse, Sir Henry, Knight and Bart., bills, &c. of; cvi. 15, 45, 72; cvii. 23; cviii. 21; cxiii. 55; cxvii. 23; cxx. 43; cxxiii. 37, 38, 52; cxxvi. 2; cxxx. 4; cxlii. 9, 23.

Furness (Lancashire), the late monastery of; clxxviii. 35.

Fusileers, Royal, in Minorca; clv. 25.

Fytche, William, Esq., controller of the two million lottery for 1711; cxlix. 47.