Volume 167: December 1-22, 1713

Pages 528-534

Calendar of Treasury Papers, Volume 4, 1708-1714. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1974.

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December 1–22, 1713

Dec 1. 1. Comrs of Customs, North Britain, to Thomas Harley, Esq. Had proposed that the master of the packet boats and the seamen between Port Patrick and Donaghadee should give bond and security not to import Irish victual, &c., but now thought it would answer the design if the master gave security for himself and the men. Dated Custom House, Edinburgh, 1 Dec. 1713.
Representation signed “George Main” to the above Comrs on the same subject.
Minuted:—“Directions sent to ye postmars accordly and to ye said Comrs.” 3 pages.
[? Dec. 1.] 2. Joannes Coolen, wine merchant, in Kuremond, to N. B. Borrows, clerk to Mr Carthred. Wanted some good advice about the money that was due to him by the Prussians for forage. Dated Hague, 12 Dec. 1713 [? N.S., i.e. 1 Dec.].
“R. Dec. 16.” 1 page.
Dec. 1. 3. Governor J. Dudley to the Lord High Treasuren General Nicholson arrived there about six weeks since. Had attended him every day to discover the frauds in the accounts sent home of the cleaning of ships, and of supplies to the fleet bound to Canada, and in other accounts. The persons brought by him were necessary besides Capt. Wade. The errors in the accounts amounted to some thousands of pounds, and were chargeable upon the captains of her Majesty's ships, and on the persons employed to purchase supplies. General Nicholson had come out of season to despatch her Majesty's affairs. He could neither go eastward to Newfoundland, nor to the southern governments till the spring, and could not then proceed in the “Adventure,” for want of depth of water, and had therefore sent Captain Wade home. The faults of the captains, &c. would be easily reformed when there was a proper officer “to judge and direct all repairs and cleaning of ships to muster their men on board.” Dated Boston, New England, 1 Dec. 1713.
“R. Janu. 15.” 2 pages, quarto.
Dec. 2. 4. Lord Lieut. of Ireland (Shrewsbury) to the Lord High Treasurer, on the memorial of Lord Santry, Lieut. Col. to the Earl of Wharton's late regiment of dragoons. Did not know that Lord Santry had any part of the grant of nine months' full pay of a regiment of dragoons as levy money, nor were his Lp and the cornets placed upon half-pay. Asked that their request should be laid before her Majesty. Dated Dublin Castle, 2 Dec. 1713. 2 pages.
Dec. 3. 5. Orders, Bye-laws, and Ordinances made for the good government of licensed hackney chairmen in the cities of London and Westminster and suburbs. Dated Office for Hackney Coaches and Chairs, in Surrey Street in the Strand, 3 Dec. 1713. 5 pages.
Dec. 4. 6. Comrs of the Navy to Thomas Harley, Esq., Secretary to the Lord High Treasurer. Return the petition of Sarah Dummer, widow, and Jane Dummer, daughter and only child of Edmund Dummer, Esq., late surveyor of the navy, for some support, in consideration of the services of the latter, and the distressed condition they were left in. Return also the reports from the Comrs of Trade and from the Postmasters General on their behalf. Mr Dummer was bred in the navy as a shipwright, served after the Revolution as assistant to Sir John Tippetts, surveyor of the navy, and succeeded him in that office. Dummer also projected and inspected the building of the new stone docks at Portsmouth and Plymouth, which had been and would always be of very great service to the navy; and weighed the ship “St David” which was overset in Portsmouth Harbour, by which the ship was saved and the harbour cleared, &c. Petitioners were left in a deplorable condition. The widows of several Comrs of the Navy had pensions of 300l. a year each. Propose that whatever her Majesty allowed should be divided between them. Dated Navy Office, 4 Dec. 1713.
The papers referred to, one of which is minuted thus:—Windsor, “Monday, Dec. 14, 1713. Read to ye Queen. Her Mat is pleased to order a pension. Care to be taken for the distribution to ye mother & daughter.” 6½ pages.
[? About
Dec. 4.]
7. Cecilia Presgrave to the Lord High Treasurer. Sets forth the distresses of her mother and self. It is wholly impossible for them to subsist on the charitable returns of the royal bounty to her mother only. Refers to her grandfather, Sir Wm Morton's, great sufferings for the Crown, and prays for some addition, and likewise to be admitted to the royal bounty.
On the back is:—“By the łre she seems to be daughter of Cecilia Newberry, who writes herself daughter of ye late Judge Morton. The said Mrs Newberry, at the instance of some of ye judges, about 6 or 7 years ago, obtained her Mat's bounty of 20li by the hands of Mr Compton, wch hath been continued to her half-yearly to this time.”
Minuted:—“4 Decr 1713. My Lord saies the bountys must be retrenchd but not increased.” 1½ pages, quarto.
Dec. 5. 8. J. Bridg[er] to John T[ay]lor, Esq. Had now execution against several persons for destroying two mast trees. The person offending forfeits 100l. for each offence, one half being to the informer. Prayed to have her Majesty's part. Had observed for the last 16 years that the people of Connecticut and New Hampshire Provinces had run into the woollen manufacture, and had considerable numbers of sheep. Every countryman was wholly clothed with his own “spinning linen,” as well as woollen. They always mixed cotton wool with their own wool and flax. Proposed for “the prevention of this evil,” or at least to stop its growth, to prohibit the export of all cotton wool from the West Indies to these colonies by an Act under penalties. Dated Boston, New England, Dec. 5, 1713. 1 page, faded.
Dec 5. 9. Francis Gwyn to the Secretaries of the Treasury. Sends a copy of Mr Blyke's letter, who was commissary of the stores of war in Spain, touching stores lately remaining in his custody, which had been seized by the city of Barcelona. Dated Whitehall, 5 Dec. 1713.
The copy referred to. 2 pages.
Dec. 7. 10. Report of the Barons of the Exchequer of Scotland to the Lord High Treasurer on a signature [or grant] prepared in favour of Charles Ross, of Balnagowan, Colonel General of dragoons. The property consisted of “the lands and barony of Balnagowan, the lands and tenendry of Kincardine, and part of the Abbacy of Fearn and others,” in the counties of Ross and Sutherland. Dated Edinr, 7 Decr 1713. 1 page.
Dec. 8. 11. Report of the Officers of Ordnance to the Lord High Treasurer on the condition of Berwick Bridge, and as to the expenditure of the money paid by Government or otherwise raised for the same. The bridge belonged to and ought to be repaired by the county. They were informed that money had been issued out of the Exchequer for that purpose. Dated Office of Ordnance, 8 Dec. 1713.
Minuted:—“To the Maior of Berwick to send an accot what sums have been recd for the bridg: how much hath been expended, & when & what remaynes in bank. Sett them a day for this. Dec. 9, 1713.”
In the Minute Book, Vol. XVIII., p. 154, is:—“Board of Ordnance called in * * * The Mayor of Berwick to send my Lord an accot of what has been expended of the 100li p[er] ann. allowed for ye support of Berwick Bridge, and how much thereof now remaines in bank.” 1 page.
Dec. 9.]
12. “Petition of her Majesty's servants, the King's Heralds and Pursuivants of Arms,” to the Lord High Treasurer. 451l. were due to them upon their allowance of 41l. per annum, for 11 years' attendance on her Majesty in their coats to her royal chapel. The sums mentioned were allowed by her Majesty's predecessors. There was also due to them 5l. for largess upon the creation of every nobleman, of whom there had been 46 since her Majesty's accession, the sum amounting to 230l. They also attended the Lords of the Privy Council, and prepared several schemes and draughts of the ensigns armorial for the funeral of H.R.H. Prince George of Denmark. They further attended on the removal of the body to Westminster, and at the interment, at considerable expense and personal service, and had received neither mourning nor recompense for the same, nor fee for their service, whereto they were entitled at all like solemnities. Prayed relief. Their signatures are appended.
A list of the 46 noblemen, and copies of seven documents in support of the heralds' claim.
“R. from Mr. Stebbing.” Dec. 9, 1713. 5 pages.
Dec. 9. 13. Comrs of the Navy to Secretary Harley, on “another memorial” of Mr Edmonds', about his bills of exchange. There was but very little in it but what had been answered in their former letters. Dated Navy Office, 9 Dec. 1713.
Minuted:—“31 Xber 1713. To Commrs Navy, whether any or wt part of Mr Edmonds' bills are reasonable to be accepted & paid.” 2 pages.
Dec. 10. 14. The case of the sufferers of the Islands of Nevis and St Christopher. Dated 10 Dec. 1713.
Minuted:—“11 X~ber 1713. S. Sea Company to hasten their report.” 2 pages.
Dec. 12. 15. Lord Lieut. of Ireland (Shrewsbury) to the Lord High Treasurer. The charge of the persons employed to take care of quarantine in that kingdom, amounted nearly to 1,000l. per ann. The Government had no funds but the concordatum to pay the same, which was particularly appointed for other uses. Desired that the Comrs of Revenue might be instructed to take the management of the same, and to pay it out of the incidents. Dated Dublin Castle, 12 Dec. 1713.
Minuted:—“Wt signed.” 1 page.
Dec. 14. 16. Report of Mr Wm Borrett to the Lord High Treasurer on the petitions of Walter Bunbury and Jane Roseingrave, the widow and executrix of Daniel Roseingrave, deceased, and of George French and Richard Oglethorpe. As to the allowance due to Daniel Roseingrave, deceased, a witness for her Majesty against Thomas Kirby and others, respecting the insurrection in Antigua, and the murder of Col. Parke. Gilbert Pepper, Esq., subsisted the witness for 16 months before his death and made a claim on the allowance. He also had ordered the petitioner Bunbury to receive what should be paid, to retain 25l. for his own use, and give the remainder to the petitioners French and Oglethorpe, two other witnesses in the same case. Had already reported on the case, and thought 20s. a week reasonable, and the Attorney General also concurred with that report. The petitioner, Jane Roseingrave, produced the will of her husband, naming her sole executrix. He (Mr Borrett) annexed two certificates of her marriage.
As to the petitioners French and Oglethorpe, they had received nothing but 20l., which was from him (Mr Borrett).
At the close of the last term Henry Smith, Daniel Mackinnen, and Samuel Watkins, prosecuted in the insurrection at Antigua, pleaded her Majesty's pardon, and pleaded not guilty to the treason. The matter could not be determined till Easter term, and French and Oglethorpe were witnesses, and could not subsist without some allowance. Dated 14 Dec. 1713.
Minuted:—“5 Janry 1713/1714. Wt signed on this report.”
Accompanied by the Attorney General's report, the memorial of Gilbert Pepper, the previous report of Mr Borrett, petition and affidavit of Daniel Roseingrave, gent., the memorial of Geo. French and Richard Oglethorpe, affidavit of French, another petition from French and Oglethorpe, the two marriage certificates above referred to (one being from “the Fleet”), the petition of Jane Roseingrave, and the petition of Walter Bunbury. 20 pages or parts of pages.
Dec. 14. 17. Memorial of Francis Gwyn to the Lord High Treasurer, relating to the demands of the magistrates of Dunkirk, on account of her Majesty's forces in garrison there, viz., for bedding, firing, and other things furnished by them for field and staff officers and soldiers. Dated 14 Dec. 1713. 2 pages.
Dec. 14. 18. Presentment of Sir Stafford Fairborne to the Lord High Treasurer, of the state of his case, viz., as to his half-pay as an admiral of the fleet. Dated 14 Dec. 1713.
Minuted:—“Read 8 Janry 1713. My Lord will inform himselfe of this case from Tr[asur]er of ye Navy, at his next attendance.” 1 page.
Dec. 15. 19. Memorial of the Rt. Hon. John Lord Delawarr, Treasurer of the Chamber, to the Lord High Treasurer, showing what he had paid away out of the 10,503l. 8s. 4d. imprested to him, and that there was still an arrear of 6,474l. 10s.d. Dated 15 Dec. 1713. 1 page.
Dec. 16. 20. Memorial of the four Tellers of the Receipt of her Majesty's Exchequer to the Lord High Treasurer, praying that the warrants to Mr Compton might specify how much was issued for pensions, so that they might receive their fee of 30s. in 100l. Dated Exchequer, 16 Dec. 1713.
Minuted:—“16th December 1713. Send to Mr Godfrey to certify what fees are paid at ye Excheqr for the moneys which are from time to time issued upon the orders in the names of Mr Compton or Mr Nicholas, and how the same are apportioned amongst the officers at ye Excheqr.” 1 page.
[? About
Dec. 18.]
21. Petition of William Pyke, Joseph Boult, and James Pyke, for themselves and others, to the Lord High Treasurer. Were concerned in bringing over a certain leaf of the palmetto tree, the product of the Isle of Bermudas and other places in the West Indies, and proposed having it manufactured here. One Zebella Masters was soliciting a patent to monopolise the trade. Prayed that no patent might be granted, but that the intended trade might be free.
Minuted:—“18 Dec. 1713. To be considered when any thing relating to the palmetto leaf comes before my Lord.” 1 page.
[? About
Dec. 18.]
22. Memorial of Henry, Lord Baron Barry, of Santry, to the Lord Lieut. of Ireland (Shrewsbury). Was appointed Lieut.-Col. to the Earl of Wharton's regiment of dragoons; was at great expense in raising the troop; received no levy money, and only nine months' pay when the regiment was broken. All the other officers received half-pay except himself and the cornets. Prayed for consideration and relief.
“R. Dec. 18, 1713.” 1 page.
Dec. 18. 23. W. Blathwayt to —. Had lately received several accounts of her Majesty's revenues arising in the plantations. Enclosed abstracts of the same [viz., for Jamaica and Virginia]. Dated Whitehall, 18 Dec. 1713. 4 pages.
Dec. 18. 24. Hugh Speke to the Lord High Treasurer. If he could not obtain his Lp's favour in ordering him relief, must content himself with God's will and his Lordship's pleasure in ending his days there (the Fleet) in the last degree of misery. There was not a parallel hard case with his in all her Majesty's kingdoms. Had received but 35l. by his Lp's order since his troubles for these six months. Dated “Fleet Prison, Fryday, Decr ye 18th, 1713.”
Minuted:—“40li to release him & his daughter & 20li to carry him to Ireland.” 1 page, quarto.
Dec. 19.]
25. Petition of Captain Stephen Downes, of her Majesty's regiment of foot under the command of the Hon. Brigadier Windsor to the Lord High Treasurer, praying for removal of respits.
Also certificate of the truth of the allegations. Dated 19 Dec. 1713. Signed A. Windsor. 1¼ pages.
Dec. 19. 26. Certificates of moneys arising by the sale of tin, and payments therefrom, from 16 July to 19 Dec. 1713. Signed “John Anstis.” Numbered from 24 to 48 (two missing).
Dec. 21. 27. Comrs for Victualling to Mr Lowndes. Send a list of bills of exchange drawn on them from foreign parts remaining unpaid, amounting to 59,543l. 5s. 11d. Dated Victualling Office, 21 Dec. 1713.
The list. 4 pages.
Dec. 22. 28. Charles Medlycott to —. The stores which he has received orders to sell are not vendable in this country, nor would he have advised delivering them to the King of Portugal if they could have been sold. None of the tradesmen of this city will buy them. They are poor miserable dogs that have not 5l. in the world, and only work from hand to mouth. Offered them to the English and Dutch merchants. Many of them have quantities of their own to sell, that have lain by for 11 years. Offered them to the Secretary of State as the “properest” man to buy them for the King, who said he would consider of it. Has left no stone unturned to sell them for 12 months past. There is but one way left, viz., to put the stores up to auction, and if that does not succeed, suggests that they shall be sent to England, where as long as her Majesty keeps soldiers, arms and accoutrements will be useful. Dated Lisbon, Jan. 2, N.S. 1714, i.e., 22 Dec. 1713.
Docquetted:—“For Ld Bolingbroke. A copy to be taken.” 1½ pages.
Dec. 22. 29. Report of Thomas Andrews and Nicholas Terrell to the Lord High Treasurer. Had already made a report of the state of certain of the port books in the Remembrancer's office, and had now made an examination into the state of the books for London and the outports for the same years at the Custom House, London, in order to make up the deficiency of those at the former office. The books for importation of wines and other goods in the port of London for the years required were wholly wanting. The books for the outports from 1662 to 1663 were almost complete, but from 1665 to 1666 only one quarter of a year was found; so that it was not possible to make a true extract of the exports and imports between England and France as required. Dated Custom House, London, 22 Dec. 1713.
A schedule of the books found and of those that were wanting.
Minuted:—“15 Janry 1713/1714. Whether some recourse may not be had to books wch the farmers kept.” 4 large pages.